Fucking Mom, Sister and Neighbor Ch. 05

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Meredith and kids continue their passion for each other.
11.7k words

Part 5 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 02/23/2016
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[Mini's friend Meghan, who has seen the photos of Max's cock, wants to sample his wares and arranges to surprise Max by hiding in Mini's closet. The sex between them is hot. Max also experiences a DP with Nadia and her husband, Dan.]


When Max's alarm went off the next morning, he punched it off. He lay back on his bed and thought about yesterday. He had been embarrassed by Mini's girlfriend, Meghan at lunch in the cafeteria at school only to fuck her senseless later in the afternoon in Mini's bedroom. The sex with Mom and Mini and fucking Nadia as her husband Dan fucked her ass was a new experience that he wasn't sure if he liked or not.

It had been a whirlwind several days. No one came into his room last night for sex so he figured that things were settling down. This was good. He had started to worry that he couldn't keep up the frenetic pace.

Max got out of bed and stretched. He had slept well last night and he needed it. He hadn't had a full night's sleep in several days. He was aware of his morning woody and he stroked his cock several times as it poked out through the slot in the front of his boxer shorts. He didn't even try to put it away before he opened his bedroom door. He was heading for the bathroom to start the shower, but he noticed that Mini's bedroom door was open several inches.

He stopped and pushed her door open all the way and Mini wasn't in her bed. The bathroom door was open and the light was off. He stood there for several moments. He turned around and went to his mother's bedroom door, turned the knob and quietly pushed the door open. Mini and Mom were sound asleep entwined in each other's arms.

Max slowly and quietly closed her door and went in the bathroom and shut the door. He locked it and after hesitating a moment, he unlocked it again and went to the sink after turning on the shower. While letting the water come up to temperature, Max did his sink and toilet stuff and then dropped his shorts and stepped into the shower.

As Max shampooed his hair he knew that the jealousy he was feeling was stupid. In his rational mind he knew that Mom and Mini were available to him at any appropriate moment. The same was true for all of them. So, if Mini needed some attention from Mom last night, so what. He could have gone in and joined them if he wanted. He thought all this but he still felt a little left out.

As he was finishing up his shower he had put the jealousy away. His thoughts turned to today at school. He expected he would be the butt of many jokes from the yesterday's disaster in the cafeteria. There wouldn't be a single person that hadn't heard all about it. In fact he was sure it would be embellished many times over. If they only knew what happened later, he would be everyone's hero. He had the pictures to prove it. But he couldn't tell anyone so he would just have to suck it up. The jokes would die down.

Max had turned off the water and pulled the curtain back and was stepping out of the shower when the door flew open and Mom rushed by forcing Max back into the shower. She was naked and she was in a hurry. "Sorry Max. Coming through."

Max watched her go by and then put one foot out of the shower only to be nearly run over by Mini. She was naked too and she didn't even attempt to wait for Mom. She just turned on the sink faucet and hoisted her ass up into the sink again. He yelled out, "Mom. The sink isn't Mini's private toilet. Tell her to stop doing that."

Mom looked up at Mini and said, "Mini, Honey. That's nasty. No more. OK?" Mini just nodded and launched herself from the sink. She left the faucet going. Max was disgusted with Mini's antics and he took the towel with him to his room to dry off. His foul mood was back.

Max could hear the squeals of Mom and Mini in the shower. There were no sounds of moaning or anything sexual. They sounded like they were just having fun together. The green-eyed monster of jealousy poked its head up again.

He finished dressing and headed for the kitchen. He opened the bathroom door on the way by and angrily yelled, "Mini. Get your ass in gear. We'll be late." The only noise in the shower now was the water cascading down. Max slammed the door.

Max heard his mother say, "Well, he's in a pissy mood this morning."

Mini added, "Yeah. What bug crawled up his ass?"

Mini didn't get what bug it was, but Mom knew right away what was going on with Max. She knew she had to have a talk with both of her kids and soon.

Max sat down at the table with a bowl of cereal in front of him and dropped his forehead into his hands. There were no more sounds coming from the bathroom. He knew his outburst was stupid. He felt like he was just fucking up everything, everywhere and with everyone.

Mom appeared dressed in her robe. She was a mess and was running her hands through her hair to improve her appearance as much as possible without time in front of the mirror. She poured a cup of coffee and sat down beside Max at the table. He was still sitting there with his head in his hands. His cereal bowl sat in front of him untouched.

Mom put her hand on Max's shoulder and looked up into his lowered face. He saw her with his peripheral vision but wouldn't look at her. She rubbed her hand along his shoulder. She didn't say anything to him.

After many moments of silence between them, Max said, "I'm sorry Mom. I don't know what I'm doing. Everything seems to be flying apart. I'm a disaster."

Mom lifted Max's chin and made him look at her. He had tears in his eyes. She said, "Max. Your life has changed considerably over the past few days. We talked about it on the first day. You said you were ready. I knew then that you probably didn't understand the full measure of what you thought you were ready for. Mini and I are going through the same thing. Your reaction in the bathroom was because you're jealous that Mini and I slept together last night and we were grab-assing in the shower and you felt left out."

Max flashed a look at her and slowly nodded his head. She continued, "Max. You've had sex with me without Mini. You've had sex with Mini without me. I love you both the same and I enjoy sex with the both of you. If you wanted to join us last night all you had to do was join us. No invitation is necessary for any of us. There will be times when one or more of us might not be interested and that's fine too."

She leaned in and tenderly kissed Max on the lips. He kissed her back and then smiled. "Thanks Mom. I guess I needed that." He leaned toward her and kissed her again. Mini came out of her room and fumbled around in the cupboards to pour a bowl of cereal.

Mom's face was still close to Max's and she whispered, "Are you ok? Do you need a blowjob or something?"

Max looked up at her and she had a smile on her face. Max said, "Are you serious?"

"Of course I'm serious. In fact I want to. OK?" she said.

Mini couldn't resist piping in, "Oh for Christ's sake Max. Let her suck you cock. Will ya? Maybe that will get you out of your foul mood." Mom glared at her as if to say, 'You're not helping'.

Max's cock had already started to harden with anticipation. Mom took a sip of her coffee and slid off the chair to her knees. She pulled Max's chair around so she could move between his legs. She smiled up at him as he looked down. She unzipped his pants and tried to pull his cock out but it had already grown too hard. He knew she wasn't going to get it out, so he stood up and dropped his pants to the floor. His cock was down his leg so it didn't pop free until his pants were nearly to his knees.

Mom anticipated it would spring free and she grabbed it before it slapped her in the face. Still looking Max right in the eyes, she rubbed his hard cock all over her face and kissed the shaft as it went past her mouth. Then she licked his balls and kissed her way up the shaft and stretched her lips over the knob. Max groaned out loudly as she pushed further down the shaft. His head rocked back on his shoulders as he broke eye contact.

He looked over at Mini, who was standing a few feet away leaning against the counter shoveling cereal into her mouth. She set her bowl down on the table beside Max's bowl and knelt to the floor beside her mother who was bobbing her head up and down on Max's cock. Mom was still looking up at Max's face but she knew Mini was kneeling right beside her watching intently.

Mom slowed her pace and pulled her mouth off and offered it to Mini who smiled and stretched her lips around the knob and flicked her tongue on his glans. She pushed her mouth down his shaft as far as she could and then pulled back off.

Mom had not relinquished control with her hands and she pulled his cock back to her lips and pushed it back in her mouth and descended all the way down the shaft until her nose was in his pubic hair. Mini watched as it pushed into her throat and she could actually see it move down.

Mom held it there for several seconds and then pulled all the way off and gasped for air. Tears were welling up in her eyes. Mini looked up at Max and smiled, "She pretty good, isn't she?" Max groaned and nodded.

Mom flailed her tongue around the shaft and sucked one of his balls into her mouth and tongued it all around. She giggled at his testicle moving around on its own. She lathed her tongue up along the underside of his cock and slipped the head back into her mouth.

Mom began furiously bobbing her head up and down Max's cock and it wasn't long before he groaned, "UUUNNNGGGHH," and his hips flew forward trying to push more cock into his mother's face.

Before the first stream of creamy hot jizz could fire up the shaft of Max's cock, Mini pulled his it from her mouth with one hand and grabbed her cereal bowl with the other. Mom was confused with what Mini was doing but it became clear immediately. Max launched rope after rope of creamy, white jizz into Mini's cereal bowl. Mom sat back to watch. Mini milked every single drop of cum onto her cereal and then stood up and leaned back against the counter again and nonchalantly began shoveling her cum soaked cereal into her mouth.

Mom started laughing and said, "Holy shit Mini." Max sat there completely satiated and watched, with fascination, as Mini licked the bowl when she was done. She simply walked to the sink and placed her bowl and spoon in the sink.

Mini turned and said, "Come on Max, get that snake back in your pants. We have to go." That broke the spell and Mom pushed herself back in her chair so Max could stand up. He bent and pulled up his boxer shorts, pushing his semi-erect cock down the leg. The head stuck out the bottom. He bent again and pulled up his pants and zipped them up.

Max bent down and kissed his mother and said, "Thanks Mom." He hesitated a moment and kissed her again and said, "And thanks Mom." He was buckling his pants as he went out the door behind Mini.

Max expressed his angst about the ribbing he was sure to encounter at school as they drove the two miles to school. Mini offered support with her friends and she said she would make sure Meghan didn't say anything about yesterday afternoon or join in on the fun of teasing him about the cafeteria scene.

Mini had a plan that might just squelch the teasing all together. She didn't say anything to Max because she had to set it up first.

After the morning classes, Max considered not even going to the cafeteria, but he knew he had to face the music. He took his food tray to the same table he always used. The table was vacant and he sat down and began eating. Mini and Meghan and the others were at their usual table. None of them looked at Max and he noticed that they were kind of solemn.

Others went by and made comments to Max like, "Hey Max, I heard about yesterday. You're a douche," or "Hey Max, did you cum in your pants when Meghan sat down beside you. Is that why you ran out so fast?"

Max just took their abuse and continued eating without responding to any of them. Then all the ribbing stopped when Meghan appeared beside him and said, "Max, may I sit down?" Max looked up and his face went red again. She noticed and said, "Max, I don't want to tease you. I want to sit and talk to you if you'll let me. Is it OK?"

Max pushed his tray toward one end of the table and scooched over to make room for her. Meghan could have sat at the other end of the table but she didn't. She sat down in the middle right beside Max who was getting nervous about having her sit so close with everyone in the room gawking at them.

Meghan leaned even closer and whispered to him, 'Max. I want to thank you for yesterday after school. It was wonderful. I'm so sorry for yesterday at lunch. It wasn't my intention to embarrass you. Mini showed me pictures on her phone and I couldn't believe it. I just had to find out for myself. Don't be mad at me. I like you. Can we be friends?"

Max's heart was pounding in his chest and he could barely hear her from the blood surging through his ears. Meghan reached a hand over and placed it on Max's hand. She then leaned in closer and kissed Max gently on the lips.

The entire cafeteria inhaled at the same time. Max's head was swimming as though everyone had at that instant sucked all the oxygen out of the air. Meghan lingered on his lips a little longer to make a point. She pulled back from the kiss and Max noted that her eyes had been shut. Her face was flushed and her breathing had ramped up. She pulled her hand off his and lowered it to his left thigh again.

Max's cock had gone hard the moment Meghan sat down and it was raging hard when she kissed him. He stopped breathing when she put her hand on it and left it there for several seconds before pulling it back to her lap. Max felt like he was in free-fall. There wasn't a sound in the cafeteria as everyone watched with slack jaws.

Mini sat there slack-jaw along with everyone else. She had a plan to make things better for Max but she never got the chance during morning classes. 'Jesus,' she thought. 'Way to go Max.' She pulled her jaw up and when she noticed Max looking at her she burst out in a huge smile which eliciting a smile from him.

Meghan and Max talked quietly for a while. It was mostly about yesterday afternoon and how great it was, but that was all they had in common at the moment. Max was content that he could even have a conversation with one of the hottest girls in school. No one else in the room made a sound as they talked.

Max had totally forgot about his lunch and Meghan had left hers back at the table with Mini. Neither of them cared. When the bell rang indicating the end of lunch period and the start of afternoon classes, Meghan, very discretely, placed a note in Max's hand and stood up and walked away. Max just sat there as people filed out with their trays in tow. Some walked by and said, "Nice going Max" or "Holy shit Max". He stood up and shoved the unread note in his pocket and grabbed his tray and joined the exodus.

Mini had waited behind and walked out beside her brother. Max said, "Did you set that up?"

Mini responded, "No. I didn't. I planned to but I never got the chance. Holy shit Max. Meghan shut down everyone's teasing in a heartbeat." She looked at him and again said, "Holy Shit." She punched him playfully on the arm and hurried off to catch up to her friends.

Max went into the men's room and found an empty stall. He pulled Meghan's note and opened it. He could barely breathe. It read simply, 'Meet me at the Cafeteria ladies room at 3:00 today'. It was signed 'I'm wet'. Max's heart jumped up in his throat. His mind was going a million miles an hour. He sat there on the toilet for ten minutes trying to gather himself. He stood up and tossed the note in the water and flushed it down.

He was late for his class, but he didn't care. He walked into the class mid-period and everyone watched as he sauntered to his seat. The teacher said, "Nice of you to join us Max." Max knew her comment was an admonition but he said, "Thank you." The whole class burst out laughing.

The afternoon classes dragged on as Max looked at his watch every few minutes. By 1:45, in his next to last class of the day, his cock was hard as a steel pipe and it was lifting his pant leg up. He was careful not to let any of his classmates notice. What he hadn't planned for was the teacher noticing.

He was scanning his classmates so that if any of them glanced his way he had his hand down to cover up the bulge on his thigh. The teacher was walking up and down the aisles as her students were writing short stories about anything they wanted. Max's mind was at the cafeteria ladies room at 3:00 and he hadn't written more than one sentence. The teacher, Miss Anders, was coming up his aisle from behind. She had noticed Max's bulging thigh during one of her earlier transits down an aisle and now she wanted to get a better look. She was staring at Max's thigh when she stopped at his desk and said, "Max. You haven't written anything." She bent down to Max's face and as she stared at the huge bulge in his pants, she whispered, "Just think of something that you've experienced recently and write about it."

Max thought about what she said and thought, 'Fuck. If I write about my recent experiences, I'd be kicked out of school and probably arrested.'

Miss. Anders stood up and scanned the room from her position beside Max and then returned her gaze to Max's lap. She was discrete and moved on down the aisle. Max never suspected that she had been looking at his cock struggling under his pant leg.

When the bell rang for the last class of the day, Max literally couldn't stand up. His cock just didn't bend that way when it was as hard as it was right then. The other students filed out past Miss Anders. Max just sat in his seat trying to get his hard-on to go down. This wasn't the first time this had happened. In fact, this had happened many times before and it was becoming more frequent lately as his mind daydreamed in class about his mother and Mini and Nadia and now Meghan.

Miss Anders came down the aisle to Max's desk and said, "Max. You're going to be late for your next class. Is something wrong?" She knew perfectly well what was wrong. Max's face went beet red as she approached.

Miss Anders had graduated from this same high school and took a job here at the start of this school year. She was twenty-two and she was smoking hot. She was average height. Max often heard other guys groan if she bent down to pick something up off the floor. Her ass in a tight skirt was spectacular. Her tits were perfect for her size. She had all the curves in all the right places and Max had had boners in her class all year.

All year she had heard the groans around the room and she purposely egged them on. She would always bend over at the waist instead of her knees. She knew this accentuated her ass. She always faced away from the class when she did it. It excited her and made her wet to have all these viral young men ogling her and she played it to the hilt. Many more guys than Max couldn't get out of their desks at the end of her class and she knew exactly why.

Miss Anders had never acted on any of her impulses before. Some of the guys would flirt with her as they came into her class or left it. She flirted back, but never overtly, until now.

She bent down by Max's desk and sat her ass down on her high heeled feet. Max couldn't look at her. He was praying for his cock to go down but it just got harder again. She saw it jump up on his thigh pulling his pants up with it. She moved her face so he had to look at her and she said, "Max. I know what's wrong. You have an erection and you can't stand up without it hurting." She looked down at his lap again. She continued, "It looks painful enough to be trapped down your leg like that while you're sitting down."