Gaia's Champion Ch. 20


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"We promise, no judgement," Phalmina told him.

"OK. I'm assuming you the basics of the tale?" Bert wondered.

"Yeah. Sophia told us what she could, but also mentioned there was a lot that was missing from the tale. Mostly the specifics of what happened and what led to the land being cursed," Sheena replied.

"Back during the initial arrival of the whites, there were some who wished to barter and trade with us, seeing us as equals. But as you know, those relations didn't last, and it wasn't long before the whites started hostilities with us," Bert began.

"Because of their firearms, weapons we didn't have, they had an advantage against us in our battles. It wasn't until they saw the full scope of loss that the Shaman got directly involved. With them empowering our warriors and giving the resilience needed to withstand bullets, we turned the tide. We were driving them back, and we were winning," Bert went on.

"When it became obvious that they couldn't win against us, the whites then offered us a truce. One which would cease all the bloodshed between us. After we adjusted the terms, we accepted it, believing that they were sincere in their desire for peace. What we didn't know was that it was just a part of their insidious plan."

"Not long after we established the truce was when we started seeing an influx of trade with the whites. Because of this constant contact, our relations went from neutral to friendly, which was a welcome change in our eyes. Some had even asked about learning the ways of the Great Spirit, thinking she had much to teach them. Because we were so happy with the whites changing their attitude towards us, we did not see the deception of it," Bert sighed.

"I would guess that it directly involved your ancestor?" Sheena queried, seeing the defeat in Bert's eyes.

"Yes, he was. It was because of him that the whites were allowed to see the sacred grove where we could commune with the Great Spirit. Only the Shaman could grant them passage, and after much convincing, a select group of whites were allowed entry. One of which was a woman whom my ancestor was hopelessly in love with. A love that would doom our tribe," Bert continued, pushing on despite the shame.

"They saw the grove, and many of the whites were in awe of the beauty they witnessed. The woman whom my ancestor loved, though, wasn't impressed. She was disgusted with what she'd seen and wished nothing more than to end the advantage that we had. In an earthenware jar she brought with her was a dark and corruptive power, which she poured into the wellspring at the center of the grove."

"The Shaman tried to stop her, but it was too late. The waters were corrupted, and poison gas flooded the grove. Many of the shaman and acolytes got out, but some were taken by the gas, becoming insane with rage as they attacked their friends. Some whites who were truly interested in our way, were also turned into these... monsters. The gas hung over the grove until it had become fully corrupted, weakening the magic of the Shaman," Bert told them.

"What happened to the woman?" Jason asked. "Please tell me she died in the grove!"

"That is what some believe, but my ancestor saw her outside the grove that day. She smiled at him, proud of what she'd done, and from that day onward, they never saw her again. She had done what she set out to do and had no further reason to be there anymore. After it was known that the shaman were weakened, the whites went to war with us again. This time, it was a fight they would win."

"The tribe knew that fighting back was not possible, not with the Shaman weakened as they were. The only thing we could do was to survive, and the only we could do that was to defeat the evil that had taken root in our most sacred of places. Instead of focusing their energies on fighting the whites, they instead focused on fighting the evil that had spread from the grove."

"Groups of scouts, with Shaman going with them, went to the forest, hoping to find some answers as to what lay there. Many such parties were sent, but only one warrior returned and he was gravely injured. Before he died, he spoke of the creatures of the grove who were once allies and friends, were now corrupted and vicious. They attacked each scouting group, killing everyone they found," Bert said.

"How did the one warrior get away?" Phalmina asked.

"He was very lucky. One of the Shaman gave her life to save his, even if only for a short time. She empowered him with whatever magic she could, just so he could get back and tell the others of what waited there. Of a woman of the forest, who now embraced a darkness that would end all life."

"A woman of the forest? A woman that was both flesh and plant?" Phalmina asked.

"Yes. That is how she was described. Once she aided us in our most complex rituals. Now, she had become a monster, obsessed with ending our kind," Bert replied.

"A Nymph! I thought they were all destroyed! Maybe that was what the girls and I saw that day!" Phalmina mused.

"Wait, you saw what??" Sheena asked, eyes widening. Phalmina explained what it was they found and saw, thinking that whatever had created the cruel and twisted caricatures of children was watching them.

"The warrior said that she had cruel, yellow eyes, which glowed," Bert went on, resuming his story. "Shortly after he spoke of it, he became one with the Great Spirit. It was right after that, the Shaman gathered everyone who would fight, Shaman and warriors, to go and combat this evil. In a week, they left the tribe, heading to the forest, ready to end this evil force."

"What greeted them when they arrived was a small army of creatures. Some were alive, but many were not, as they charged my people. The warriors and Shaman fought bravely, but knew that they would fall soon. If they didn't find a way to end this threat, it would spread beyond the forest. It would find the tribe, the whites, everyone taking them into darkness, until they consumed the entire world."

"The Shaman didn't have the strength to fight and defeat it. With their power hampered by the corruption of the grove, there was only so much they could do. They did figure out a way to at least stop the spread and invoked a powerful chant to contain it. The ritual required the utmost concentration and the five most powerful Shaman enacted it. The remaining warriors and Shaman gave their lives to ensure the ritual worked," Bert told them.

"It did as they had hoped, but the ritual would only hold the evil back for a certain amount of time. With enough time, the evil would break through and the... Nymph would be free to wreak havoc on the living. Her and the unnatural creatures she commanded. The Shaman then did the only thing they could think of to give the ritual enough power to contain the evil indefinitely; they gave their very souls to power the ritual."

"Their sacrifice contained the evil that had dominated the forest and halted its spread. One warrior, the son of the lead Shaman and my ancestor, was the only one who remained. Knowing he would not be welcomed back to the tribe, because of his sin, he made his home in the place where the Shaman gave their lives. It was consecrated ground, which the evil could not go into, so he lived the rest of his days there, as the guardian of the forest," Bert went on.

"So, the woman who owned the land, she is related to you?" Sheena asked.

"A few generations removed, but yes, she is. Those of us who were of my ancestors were eventually welcomed back into the tribe, but even so, it was hardly a warm welcome. We were only welcomed back because of what has happened to us over the years, and our numbers were dwindling. That is the story of what happened there," Bert finished.

"Thank you for telling us! This gives us so much more to go on!" Phalmina smiled, her wings fluttering.

"I am curious, though, why you wish to fight what is there. The evil has been contained for nearly two centuries, with no sign of it getting out or spreading," Bert queried.

"That's not the case anymore, Bert," Sheena told him. "When we first got there to see what all the fuss was about, we sensed the magic of the Shaman, but it was weak. Weak enough to where the protection of the Shaman had faded considerably. The Nymph and her little army, seems to have only grown stronger over the years."


That is where chapter 20 will be leaving off before the story picks up again in chapter 21! The Gaians have learned so much history and knowledge behind the dark powers of the forest. But will it be enough? Will they know enough to defeat the Dark Nymph and her children? Will they find the wraith-child and end its existence? Or will it find them and end theirs? Stay tuned for the release of chapter 21 for answers!

Anyway, thank you for taking the time to read my work and I hope that you've enjoyed it! I'm open to constructive criticism and will seriously consider any suggestions made about various story arcs. Please feel free to rate and comment on my work down below. If you like what I write, don't be afraid to follow and share, though your views, ratings and comments are enough for me.

In the meantime, this is C.H. Darkstrider, signing off to grab a beer and some quality time with the wife! ;) You will attain whatever you most desire, as long as you believe in yourself. Cheers!

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Jimsbro64Jimsbro64about 1 year ago

You are an amazing storyteller and I just want to say Thank You for the Story. I will try to support you as much as I can. Thanks again.

lrdhawkwindlrdhawkwindover 2 years ago

As always love the story hate the wait between chapters

Fuzzy_KbearFuzzy_Kbearover 2 years ago

Always looking forward to the continuation of this great story. Your a great teller of the arcane and erotic. I don't know if you know of her work but Annabelle Hawthorne is another great teller of this type. you should look her up and maybe collaborate. Home for horny monsters is her long running series. you to could do a spin-off of both your series I bet it would be a best-seller... so to speak. Thanks for sharing and I look forward to Ch. 21!!!

laughdruidlaughdruidover 2 years ago

I love this story, characters and always looking for the next chapter.

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