Gardening Wild Ch. 11

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Lisa agrees to become Fred's whore and Ben his sex slave.
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To recap, Lisa and Fred have devised a competition to see who can have more sex. They agree that the loser becomes the winner's whore. Fred and his mates have been giving Lisa the sex she has wanted. No she has to decide if she wants one more round or if she wants to give in.

There was a pause as Lisa considered the options. Have one more round of sex and win the competition. Or given to see her husband suck another man's cock and become Fred's whore. "Well, just knowing that Ben would have to suck off your friend is pleasure enough. I'll give into you and become your whore by saying UNCLE."

From that moment, I knew we would be forced to be the local sex nest for them. There was great cheering as Fred motioned for me to go down on my knees. I obeyed and finished off the visit for them in grand style. "Well, I make that six months you owe us."

"No complaints from me," cooed Lisa. I just stood there stunned. Fred motioned for the others to leave the room as he untied her. "I leave you to take care of your husband." And with that they all left.

Lisa had a good laugh when she saw me. I felt two inches tall. I started to talk but she shut me up. "Don't say a word. Otherwise no more work or rewards. What I do for the next six months is for me to worry about not you." I just nodded.

"Okay, but I don't want that to include... what just happened to me."

"Just say it, sucking cock. And if I want that to happen to then it will. Otherwise,"

"No more work or rewards," I finished for her. She just smiled and left me to clean up.

We didn't hear anything from Fred for a couple of weeks. But we did hear from Owen. He was back and said there was a lot of cleaning to be done. I couldn't believe how excited Lisa was. The lack of stimulation had made her desperate for more. She put on her proper uniform ready to show her obedience. When we walked into Owen's, Lisa and were taken by surprise. There was Fred.

"What a pleasant, surprise, Lisa. I didn't know you knew Owen."

We both looked at each other desperate to offer some kind of response. Lisa composed herself first and offered a story why she had to go. "Well, we are neighbours, you know. And he speaks highly of Betty's cleaning abilities. I have a friend who's looking for a cleaner. Betty (Lisa looked at me.) and I were just chatting about the possibilities." She turned to me. "We can take this up once you're finished here." She turned to Fred and Owen. "Well, I'll leave you to things. Take care." She turned to leave.

"What a minute. I thought you were staying for the last refund that is due."

I could see Lisa's face fall. She was desperate for real sex but neither of us could read the situation. Owen's demands on us were somewhat limited by our agreements. Fred, on the other hand, was pretty much unlimited. "No really. I don't think that's appropriate at this time. You have company and I'm sure Fred has better things to do."

Betty knew better than that! Both she and Ben were enjoying Lisa's predicament. I decided to intervene. "Now Lisa, you agreed to provide the refund as requested by our customer at his leisure. I don't think he's asking too much for you to do it now. And of course, be in the correct uniform, as I am in my uniform." I showed off my uniform which the boys appreciated. Like Jim, Fred didn't recognise Betty as Ben.

"Thank you for that, Betty," she said sternly to me. "It's not happening today as I have another appointment."

I saw Owen move something in his hand. Lisa grimaced a bit. "Owen, thanks for that reminder. I'm going to have to respectfully decline completing the refund operation today. Maybe another day as I have things I must do."

Fred looked confused. "Owen, that's fair enough. If she has to go, she has to go."

Owen smiled. "It's not just about time. It's about being in the correct uniform. You see, Lisa's not being fully truthful. She has a cleaning company on the side. She is Betty's manager and undertakes the occasional inspection. But she is supposed to be in the correct uniform when visiting." He turned to Lisa. "Isn't that correct?"

"Absolutely," I quickly said. "She demands the highest standards from me and herself."

Owen looked intently at Lisa. He smiled as he moved his hand again. Lisa grimaced again. She looked at Fred with as much dignity as she could muster. "My uniform is a bit sparse. I Hope you won't be too embarrassed."

"If it's half as good as Betty's I'm sure I'll enjoy it." He had a big smile on his face.

Lisa put on a wain smile. I could hardly wait as she slowly unbuttoned her coat. There was a time when I would have been appalled for Lisa to be stripping in front of other men. But no longer. I was coming to enjoy seeing her in a bit of discomfort of her own making. Lisa was covering herself as best she could while turning rather red. "Look, Fred, I can explain."

"I'm sure you can and I'd love to hear it," Fred started.

"But we have work to do, don't we, Lisa," Owen interrupted.

Lisa tried to take charge. "Yes we do. Shall we take care of it while Betty finishes things down here?" She went to take Owen's hand.

"Absolutely. Let's do it right here and right now." Lisa just about fainted. "What's the problem? You haven't had problems in the past when I've had visitors."

Lisa's head must have been spinning from the look on her face. Fred smiled. "Don't worry Lisa, Owen and I have been comparing notes about you."

Amazingly, Lisa's face completely relaxed. "So, Owen, I guess you have a choice." He looked quizzical. "You can opt for the refund now, though that will have the restrictions outlined in our contact with you." Owen nodded his understanding. "Or you can join Fred in enjoying me for the next six months as his lovely, sex starved whore with only your imagination as to how you fuck with me!"

Owen's faced showed utter incomprehension. Lisa smiled. "I guess Fred didn't explain our agreement."

"I was trying to protect you a little bit from yourself," said a slightly surprised Fred, "as I wasn't fully aware of your contractual arrangements."

"Thank you, Fred, but there's no need for that. We are amongst friends. And even if we weren't it wouldn't matter." Owen's face said he couldn't believe what he was hearing. "You see, Owen," Lisa continued, "Fred and I bet that I could out last Fred when it came to having orgasms in a fixed time period. Well, (Lisa smiled sheepishly) I cried UNCLE before Fred finished with me. I should say Fred and his mates. But that didn't matter at the time or now. I've handed myself over to him to be his whoring sex slave for six months. So as he's here, you have a choice. Have me as a cleaning manager in accordance with your contract or as Fred's whore in accordance with your imagination."

Owen now showed surprise and then joy as I'm sure he came to realise the implications.

I wasn't overly pleased with this. I had accepted that Lisa wanted to be Fred's whore. Well, I accepted I didn't have any say in the matter. And I'd certainly had fun at and due to Owen. But that was all very controlled and limited. Lisa was now going down a very different and very uncontrolled path, at least not controlled by us.

"Gentlemen," I said as bravely as I could, "my manager and I are really here to conduct business. I really think we should limit ourselves to that. Surely, Ms. Manager, we don't want to commit to anything head office or we will regret later."

"I've never regretted anything so far. And I'm sure head office would follow our lead."

Owen now stepped in. "Fred hadn't told me you'd gone that far! I was hesitant but if you would be willing to get out of uniform that I would happily accept your change of role."

That troubled me but not Lisa. She looked at both of them with a smile. "Well, that's no problem." She went to remove the tie. "In fact, if you approve, Betty here will use it to tie my hands behind my back to show my willingness until you decide." They both smiled their approval.

I reluctantly did as instructed. She looked quite the sight in nothing but her boots. Their tongues were hanging out of their mouths.

"Do you want Betty to remove my boots? Or do I look fitting as a whore like this?"

"Oh, I can say you're looking very whore-ish." We all laughed at Owen's remark.

"Glad you approve," cooed Lisa.

"Inspections have been done while you are free to move around." Lisa nodded at Owen's comment. "But a whore should be fixed in place."

"So she can be the receptacle for your imagination," Lisa said slyly. "Absolutely."

This was nothing new as I had found her chained to our bed. But I certainly didn't like how that ended. I proved to Fred I would be his cuckold and ended sucking cock as Ben. I didn't want to repeat that! "Really Lisa, not sure we want to do that again. Guys, let's keep this a cleaning business visit."

"Yes," smiled Owen, "I expect there'll be lots of cleaning up to do once we're finished!"

"And I'm sure my employee will be most helpful in that respect." She looked at me sternly. "So, Owen, what did you have in mind?"

"Well," said Owen, "I might need Fred's help with that."

"Now can we please just wait on this!" I looked at Lisa pleadingly. "This really could end up at a place neither of us want to be! I don't think I'll should this to happen."

Lisa looked at me sternly. "And how on earth do you imagine you can do that. You're just the cleaning woman!!!"

They all laughed at that. "And I am your husband! I must draw the line somewhere."

"Okay, but I'm looking at a cleaning woman. If I'm going to listen to you as my husband you've got to at least look the part."

I looked at them. Well, they all knew what was under the dress and wig. If I was going to assert any authority, I had to bare myself. What a position to be in. Off came the clothes and wig. I stood there with my vagina and breasts fully exposed. I had forgotten about these while tangling with Lisa. They all laughed.

"That's some look," exclaimed Lisa. I blushed and started to speak but she cut me off. "Why don't you go and clean the upstairs. While you're doing that, decide if you're the cleaning lady or my husband. And come down looking the part. We'll then decide if we play with the cleaning lady or suffer along with a stick in the mud husband."

"Sounds a brilliant idea. Off you go," smiled Owen as he caressed my butt. That shocked me and upstairs I shot. I decided that I wasn't going to put up with that again. I went to the bathroom to wash off my make-up, vagina and breasts. It took some time but I got it all off. There was no doubt I was a man, even if on the small and very shaved side. As I approached the stairs I could hear Lisa exploding into an orgasm. My heart sank as I knew I could never achieve that. But we needed to draw a line under this. We had given Fred far too much latitude and I didn't want to be sucking cock as Ben any more. Hiding behind Betty was one thing. Doing as Ben was now very different. So I plucked up my courage and headed down the stairs.

The view was surprising as well as luscious. On the far wall instead of a picture hung on the wall Lisa prettier than any picture I'd seen. She was spread eagle with her arms and ankles held in pink fluffy cuffs. She was at their mercy and the cum dripping down her legs said they filled her with their mercy. My knees weakened but I held my resolve. "Okay guys. I think that's it. I know how much Lisa enjoys this and you have fun as well. But, as her husband, I must draw a line under all of our arrangements. I think we've been taken advantage of sufficiently and shouldn't go any further."

Lisa looked at me with a smile. This confused me. "So, you don't want to be Betty anymore and have the employment arrangements that limited what her manager could demand?"

"That's correct. I am your husband and a man. I want to be treated as such. So no more of us being subject to their, or anyone else's, sexual whims." They all smiled at me as the absurdity of me being naked while trying to be assertive sunk in.

"That's fine, my dearest husband. So now you can clean out the cum these two wonderful gentleman have so kindly deposited in their whore."

"Didn't you just listen to what I said!" I was getting upset.

"I did. But you've seem to forgotten what that you're not just my husband." She looked at Fred.

"No, I'm no longer doing that either. We're finished with all that. It's time to go home." I knew she was referring to me being her sex slave. But I was not going to admit that in front of Owen and was no longer going to do that. "And that means now!"

"As you can see, I'm a bit tied up and need a good cleaning."

"Don't expect me to do that!" My anger was getting the better of me.

"Well, then, you best leave NOW and I'll catch up with you later." She put on a stern face.

I looked at the others. "Okay then. I'm leaving and expect to see you without delay or, speaking as your husband, you'll have to pay!" And with that I stormed out of the house.

When I got to our door I realised not only was I completely naked, I didn't have a key to get in! I ran to the back door hoping against hope we'd left it open. We hadn't. I couldn't possibly wait for Lisa. I was getting chilled and embarrassed. I shot back to Owen's. Being just next door I was pretty confident no one would see me. I knocked on the door. Owen let me and I went in like a shot.

Lisa was still tied up but now had even more cum dripping out of her cunt. "A change of mind," she sneered.

"No, I don't have a key," I shot back.

"And no clothes," laughed Owen.

"Where are your keys so I can get in," I asked in a commanding voice.

"As you're a man and a husband," she smiled. "You sort yourself out." They laughed at this. "Now, if you were my..."

"I'm not having that," I tried to say in a commanding voice. I didn't want Owen to know just how deep I had dug a hole with Lisa and Fred. Enough was enough.

"I fully respect that that's your decision. You have to live with it, though, and be responsible for yourself. So off you go as you are, dear husband. On the other hand, if you accept that I have all responsibility for you if you as my..."

"Stop!" I felt trapped like a rat. "Why are you doing this to me?"

"I'm not doing anything to you. I'm giving you choices." The others looked confused.

I looked at them and them at me. "I give up. What do you want me to?"

"Explain to these gentlemen our arrangement so they aren't shocked."

"Shocked! How can they possibly be shocked by anything we do?"

"You're the one spouting off about what you will and will not do. You must explain to them your situation so they accept what we'll be doing."

"Why are you doing this to me?" I was feeling more desperate.

"Because I can and because it's great fun." Her whole body jiggled with laughter. She was something to see all trussed up which made succumbing easier.

"I am Lisa's no-holds-barred sex slave so will do anything she wants. Is there anything you'd like me to do," I asked Lisa.

"Of course. You need clean the cum on my thighs and vagina. But I want it done slowly and as I tell you. We need to prove to everyone here you fully accept your position.""

As I'd done worse with Owen and Fred I actually felt relieved. Down I went so I was directly in front of her.

"Now take a deep breath so you get feel aroma of what real men have to offer."

I did as instructed. It was quite overwhelming. Not even as Betty had I done this. It was pungent and humiliating having to do it.

"What do you think, my little slave?"

I thought about something sharp to shoot back but held off. "It does not matter what I think. Slaves just do as they're told."

"Oh what a fine answer. So describe the smell."

She was rubbing it in. "Terrible miss. It smells disgusting. Like warm, stinky sweat."

"Lovely. Take two more deep breaths and then lick everything on my thighs and then describe the taste. And do not swallow" I did as instructed. I was awful feeling their scent fill my body. Amazingly, it made the taste of their cum even worse. It was as if I was licking their bodies as well as their cum. Not being able to swallow meant I had to hold it my mouth longer than I ever had. I was feeling truly abused and degraded.

"Miss, the taste is stronger than I ever imagined. There is a warm, slimy salty taste that makes me want to gag. Please, miss, can I have a glass of water? Or at let me swallow?"

I couldn't see her face but her voice said she was smiling. "No."

"Oh, please let him have some water. The taste must be horrendous." I was thankful for Owen's intervention.

"His relief will come from cleaning out my vagina. It will ensure he shows some enthusiasm! Okay, slave, clean out every last drop of man-juice in me."

This I was delighted to do. In I went to get my tongue in as far as I could go. Scooping their cum mixed with her juices cut the taste. Lisa was right, I was much more enthusiastic than ever. I circled the walls of her vagina several times to her obvious pleasure. I played with her clitoris and then moved to her pussy lips. She was enthralled when I finished. "Anything else Miss?"

I assumed she would have me finish her off but was floored when she ordered me to give Owen a blow job.

"That's not necessary. I know how much he hates that. I don't really think a man should be forced to do things like that. It is really extremely emasculating and degrading for Ben. He did want to be treated as a man, you know." I couldn't tell if Owen was trying to be nice or push me further. It didn't really matter because Lisa issued another command.

"Slave, convince Owen he is to allow you to give him a blow job."

I moved over to Owen and got on my knees again. "Thank you for your concern, sir. But I am desperate to prove to you that I am Lisa's sex slave. You are right that sucking cock and swallowing cum is humiliating, degrading and emasculating for a man. But I'm not a man. I am my wife's sex slave. I am merely here to carry out her wishes no matter what they are, no matter how they make me feel and no matter what others may think of me. In fact, no longer call me by my name. Just call me 'slave' so that we both know my place and how I should be treated. Please sir, allow me to do as my mistress has instructed and let me take your manhood into my mouth."

"Well, with an explanation like that, how could a man refuse." Owen took my head and guided it to his growing manhood. He had been in my mouth before but this was by far the most humiliating time. I was sealing my doom as a cock sucker at Lisa's whim. There was nothing I could but engulf him and my fate. He obviously unloaded into Lisa so was slow to respond. This was doubly humiliating as it meant I had to work harder than usual to get him hard.

"He's certainly getting better at this. If I didn't know better, I'd say he likes doing this."

I paused. "Sir, I can assure you that the expertise you are enjoying is deeply humiliating and very distasteful in the ways you would imagine. But I am my wife's sex slave and have to do as she says. Unless of course..."

Owen cut me off. "Oh no, don't stop on my account. This far too enjoyable for me to interfere in your arrangement with Lisa. Please suck away!"

I did as instructed. It seemed forever but eventually his cum flooded my mouth. I was surprised by the amount he provided. I would've had barely a dribble a second time. I guess that's another reason why I was on the receiving end.

"Oh, isn't he a sight to see, gentlemen?" They nodded their agreement. "Okay slave, now to the other man here."

I looked at her with a stern face. "Surely Mistress would like to be set free so we can go home and recover?"

She smiled. "Oh there's too much action here to miss! I could stay here all night! So get to it."

I went over to Fred and got on my knees. "Well, are you sure you want to do this? I mean, as a husband you should object to your wife handing herself over to us as our whore."