Gas Grass or Ass

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Devon learns the rules of catching a ride.
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Devon was a vivacious, energetic traveler, hell bent on seeing as much of the world before she was willing to settle down. Having grown up in an orphanage she'd never gotten to see anything beyond the couple of trips her schools took her on. The only escape she had was watching the Discovery Channel and seeing all of the exotic locations that the hosts traveled to. She'd busted her ass during high school to get the best grades she could, knowing it was the only way out of the foster care system, then applied to every university in her dream locations. When San Diego State sent an acceptance letter along with an offer for a partial scholarship, Jenny knew where she was headed.

After having lived in a northern climate, the warmth of the San Diego sun certainly agreed with her. Labor Day weekend was spent at the beach, soaking up as much of the sun and the sound of the ocean waves lapping as she could. Having rarely gotten to show off at a pool and never at a beach before, she had raided the clearance racks until finding a purple bikini that went with her cinnamon skin tones. The rest of her weekends through the fall semester were spent traveling to every beach in the area she could get a ride to. Once the bus systems were exhausted, she hopped rides with friends and their friends.

Weekday nights were spent working the kitchens at the schools "All you care to eat" dining hall, scrubbing pans and working prep on salad fixings. Every penny she could went into funding her adventuring, gas money, food, and getting crash space on the couches of peoples hotel rooms. More often than not, the money was used to fund the alcohol budget for the weekend. Most nights she ended up crashed on the couch, trying to fall asleep to the sounds of sex coming from the beds. Some nights Jenny just covered her ears with the pillow and forced herself to sleep and some nights she gave into temptation and worked herself in rhythm to the sounds of her roommates.

It wasn't that she was a virgin, far from it actually, but for Jenny her focus was currently on expanding her new-found freedom and that didn't include room for emotional baggage. That did leave room for the occasional fling when she was out and about traveling, one drunken night leading to her discovery of the joys of a woman's lips upon her flesh and the taste of a sweet pussy upon her tongue. The memory was one she often visited during private time, often leading to a personal debate of her sexuality. At the least though, she was still highly attracted to a thick, hard cock penetrating her wet hole.

As the semesters wore on and the assignments began to pile up, Jenny was finding her free time to roam decreasing along with available partners to explore. She could feel her temper growing shorter with each surprise pop quiz and every trick question that her professors placed on the tests. Just when she was getting to the point that she wasn't sure if she could make it through the third semester in a row, having taken courses during Winter Break, Spring Break finally arrived.

The first afternoon of Spring Break found her eating alone in the schools main cafeteria, having said goodbye to most of her friends as they went home. Being one of the unfortunate many to have never known a permanent home, she'd had no pangs to return to the wintry cold state from where she'd come. Instead, a lust for travel needed to be slaked and so while she munched on a sweet piece of French toast, Devon was making plans for a long trip to see the Sierra Nevada Mountains.

She mapped out the trip using bus routes, it would be a bit of a roundabout way to get there but she'd at least be able to get to her destination. The major bonus was just how cheap it was, otherwise she wasn't sure she'd be able to afford the hotel and what would be the point in going then?

Once back in her room, Devon pulled out the old hiking pack she'd found at a second hand store and began to stuff it with the clothes and necessities that she'd need for the trip. Several bikinis went in with hopes that they would get a good soaking at a hot tub. Snacks, extra socks and panties, and the usual assortment of hygienic products were added in. The last thing she added were a few condoms she'd snagged from outside the health center, with the hope that she might just get a little action over the trip. With the bag packed, Jenny set her alarm clock and settled in for a quick nap, hoping that sleep would overtake her for at least a bit of the time before her departure.

Late that evening found her waiting at the first bus transit station, settled into one of the plastic seats, leg bouncing a bit with excitement. Fingers played with the ends of her dark brown hair, while her eyes kept watch for signs of her first bus to arrive. Every couple of minutes she checked and double checked the time on the ticket, then glanced at the clock till there was only a minute remaining. Not able to withstand the wait any longer, she hopped up and began to pace near the door where the bus would arrive. Finally the diesel engine rumbled up to the curb and the driver stepped out to stretch and open the cargo areas at the bottom of the chassis.

After the debarking passengers took their bags, she detached the fanny pack from her larger pack and slid the large pack into the compartment. Excitedly she hurried up the couple of steps into the bus, passed the driver her ticket, and went to find herself a window seat. Plunking down, she curled up against the side of the bus and watched as the traffic went by, waiting for the bus to depart. Devon was a little surprised at the interior, it was a bit plusher than she'd expected it to be, at least it was more comfortable than the airplane seat she'd had to visit the college.

For the first couple of hours she dozed with her head resting against the side of the bus with a folded sweatshirt to cushion her from the vibrations. She never really let herself fall completely asleep considering that she was among strangers, but was able to catch a few winks worth of rest. The bus itself was at best, half full of travelers which she chalked up to the late night trip. As the first rays of light began to cross the landscape, she made the effort to stay more awake in order to catch the ever changing landscape.

Mid-morning found her grabbing a quick bite to eat at a fast food restaurant while waiting for the next bus to catch. The trucker showers had been the first to beckon at her when she walked into the station, she had forgotten how grungy one could feel after sitting and traveling for a few hours. That and it just felt nice to be alone for a few minutes after having been on public transit for hours, it always felt like there was a pair of eyes upon her.

Hazel eyes glanced at her watch, noting that she should have plenty of time until the next bus was due to arrive. Sitting down on the provided bench, Devon took the time to work a brush through her naturally curly hair. Every now and then she'd gotten the urge to straighten it, then saw what it took to defeat her curls and resigned herself to keeping them. Besides, being as dark as they were, they provided some contrast against her skin and highlighted her neck. The towel wrapped around her torso came up to just under her breasts, letting them get the chance to breathe after being wrapped up in a bra all night. That and she liked looking at her breasts, just big enough that she could wrap them around a thick cock but small enough that there was only a little sag from their weight.

With her hair done, she pulled out a bottle of lotion and began her daily routine of rubbing her whole body down with it. Slowly she rubbed the cocoa butter into her skin, gently lifting her breasts to get the crease under them, then standing up to rub it into her ass. A shiver went up her spine when the tip of her finger caressed the crinkled hole, tempting her to slide it in. If it had felt like a long time since she'd been properly fucked, it had been an even longer time than the last time she'd felt a cock fill her ass.

The finger lingered longer than she intended, the spell only broken when she felt the trickle of her juices begin to slip down the inside of her thigh. Deciding that wouldn't do, she squirted a little more lotion upon her finger and gently slid it up into her tight hole. Her other hand found the top of her slit and dipped two fingers down into the moisture to lube then, then brought up the fingertips to rub her hard clit. Only a couple of minutes passed before she felt her body shudder in a much needed orgasm. Looking into the mirror, she told herself, "Girl, you really need to go get laid."

After a quick rinse off from her activities, Devon finally got dressed and stepped out of the shower room, glad that they didn't have a time limit. A glance outside was made to check on the status of the bus, noting that it was now labeled as being delayed. With the extra time, she made her way to the diner to grab a bit of breakfast. Noting that the diner was half empty and that the bulk of the customers were from the bus station, she took a seat by a window and waited for the wait staff.

Her meal went fairly uneventfully, most of the other customers were chatting amongst themselves save for a table with three men she figured were about her age. Devon could hear them loudly discussing their plans to head to the same area that she was going to, so she leaned in a bit to listen as they described some of the things to do and stories of the restaurants they'd been to.

After breakfast, she wandered back to the bus terminal, checking the status of her bus and sighing again as it still displayed "Delayed". Settling into a hard, plastic chair she pulled out her Kindle and began to work on catching up with all the reading she'd missed during the previous semester. Page after page flicked by on the screen as she waited, noting the original departure time go by with no change in status. A half hour after the departure time with no update in status she put aside the Kindle and strolled up to the desk. "Excuse me, but umm, what's going on with bus 2347?"

The clerk took a deep breath and slowly sighed it out, from the wear on his face face he'd obviously had a long day. "As far as I know it's been delayed for now. I don't know why it's been delayed nor do I know how much longer it will be before it arrives."

Devon sighed, holding back the annoyance that welled within her, knowing that it wasn't the clerks fault and that they usually got the brunt of people's anger. Still, she stalked back to her seat and flopped in it, arms crossing in front of her chest as minutes of her precious break were slipping away due to some unknown delay. For a couple of minutes she tried to read on the Kindle again, but after realizing she'd read the same paragraph several times over, gave up and stuck the e-reader away.

Finally she heard the crackle of the announcement system, a little static, and the weary clerk's voice, "Ladies and gentlemen, bus number 2347 will not be arriving as scheduled."

"No shit Sherlock," she muttered to herself.

"Due to circumstances beyond our control, the bus will not be arriving until opening of the terminal tomorrow morning. We apologize for the delay and thank you for riding Gavallo Bus Lines. Have a nice day." A little static and the air went dead with silence.

Devon's jaw just hung open as she contemplated the idea that her trip would be delayed an entire day, never mind that she would need to figure out a place to sleep that night. The thought of trying to sleep in the bus terminal gave her shudders, both from the lack of comfortable spots to the fact that it was quite open to the public. Pulling her legs up to her torso, she wrapped her arms around them and began to try to think of a way to keep moving towards her destination without having to deal with being stuck at the terminal.

Glancing over her knees she could see the guys from the diner checking out at the convenience store register with handfuls of snacks and drinks. Her tongue worked around her mouth as she mulled over just how much confidence she had when the desperation finally won her over and forced her out of her seat. Slowly over to the trio she went, chewing on her bottom lip while trying to figure out just how to word her request. A couple of feet away she paused, still not quite sure what to say to them.

Head snapped up when she realized that the voice had been directed at her, "Huh? Ummm what was that?"

"It was...hey you were in the diner earlier and seemed fairly interested in our discussion. Are you headed there as well" asked the one with short, blond hair.

"Well, erm, well I was. Until the bus had issues and now it looks like I'm not," she admitted, a bit hopeful that being blunt would be helpful.

The blonde nodded his head then looked at his companions, "Hmmmm G.G.A?" He grinned at them and waited till they both nodded at him. Glancing back at her with that grin still on his face, "Well, there's a seat in the Blazer if you'd like it."

Devon tilted her head, watching the exchange and wondering just what the hell he'd asked them. Her face perked up though when she heard the offer of the seat. "Well that'd be really nice, you wouldn't mind would you?"

"No, no, no problem at all." He just kept that grin at her, "Though we are leaving in a couple of minutes so grab some snacks if you want any."

She snagged a couple of bottles of juice then went out to the Blazer with them, loading up her pack behind the rear seat and taking the offered seat on the rear bench. The next hour just flew on by as she got to know the trio, the blond Ray, Ted, and Charlie. They were native Californians and were on Winter Break as well from nearby University of California, San Diego. The boys explained further about some of the things that she could do up at the resorts while she regaled them with stories of the deep frozen north and of the Aurora Borealis.

After about an hour, Ray, who was seated next to her looked over with that same grin he'd had in the convenience store. "Well, I do kind of hate to ask this but as you know, gas ain't cheap. But uhh, gas, grass, or ass?"

Devon blinked a couple of times, remaining quiet as she processed his question. He'd caught her off-guard with the sudden change in topic, truth be told she'd been figuring on chipping in for the gas, at least with the money she'd had to buy the bus ticket. However she hadn't contemplated that she would be given other options, and while she didn't toke herself, the last option reminded her of how painfully alone she'd been. She'd never had a white cock before, and was a bit curious to say the least. It always seemed people were obsessed over black cocks and she at least wanted a comparison and with three available, now seemed like a good chance to get a variety. Just as Ted was winding up to jeer Ray for spooking her she held up a hand, "So when you say ass, what do you mean? Sex in general or specifically my ass?"

In mid-jeer Ted's jaw hung open, they'd actually never had anyone even ask about that option and he felt his cock begin to stir at the thought.

That grin reappeared on Ray's face, "Well you know, blowjobs for the three of us would be nice. Though of course, if you're offering access to other areas we of course would not turn you down."

She nodded slowly at this, pretending not to be excited even though her insides quaked at the idea of a good fucking or three. "Well I suppose that's fair, three blowjobs for a nine hour trip. Don't suppose you guys will mind if I just start paying you back now, will you?" As she noted the silence and the slack jaws, Devon grinned, grabbed the bottom of her shirt and pulled it up and off of her head. Slipping her hands behind her back, she undid the clasp of her bra and shrugged it off of her shoulders to chuck it upon her shirt.

While their eyes were fixated on her chest, and she hoped that Charlie would keep his eyes on the road at least part of the time, she leaned over to rub the bulge in Ray's pants. "Well, well, well, what do we have here? Is it perhaps the first volunteer? Gonna show this girl what a white cock is like?" She grinned up to him excitedly, her hands going to undo his belt buckle, jeans button, and zipper. Reaching in, she pulled him through the fly of his boxers and looked down, licking her lips. "Looks like a very nice specimen of the male genitalia to start with."

Lips opened just enough to let the head of his cock slide into her mouth, tongue caressing over the sensitive skin. She felt the Blazer swerve a little and heard Ted smack Charlie, yelling at him to keep his eyes on the road. Internally she grinned at the audience, then groaned as Ray found one of her tits, seeking out the hard nipple. Slowly she worked him in her mouth, taking her time to thoroughly coat his shaft in saliva as she stuffed him into her throat.

Down to the root of his cock she went, listening to the pleasant moan coming from Ray and the gasp of shock at her feat from the others. Devon took her time with him, savoring suckling upon the thick member and listening to her audience. Her tongue stroked along the side and underside of his cock, teasing the little opening at the tip each time her head rose. His hands had long since ceased with their attentions to her chest while he focused upon her oral skills. Instead one rested upon the back of her head, lightly caressing her hair as she suckled upon him.

When she felt the signals of an impending orgasm, Devon lifted her head, pushing a bit against his hand and held only the head in her mouth. Her hand wrapped around the shaft and stroked it quickly until she felt the first spurt of warm cum hit the back of her tongue. She let him fill her mouth with the thick load then swallowed it down, cleaning his cock with her tongue then looking up to him with an open mouth to show that she'd drank down his offering. "Mmm well that was quite tasty indeed."

Back upright she sat, then arched her back to pop the tightening muscles, thankful for the dark tinting of the rear windows. She cracked open a bottle of juice and took a few long sips to rinse her mouth out and offered a smile to Ray, "Shall I presume that was a sufficient start towards my payment?" When all he could do was nod, she grinned and looked towards the front, "Can't wait to see who's next!"

Unsurprisingly when they stopped for gas the boys up front had a bit of an issue trying to figure out just who was going to get to ride in the back with Devon. Ray finally stepped in and pointed out that the Blazer actually had three seatbelts in the back and that it might be best if they sat on either side of her. While they debated who and how to sit, Devon had slipped out of the rest of her clothing and set up a towel under her seat, with another to cover herself while they got back in.

"Hmmmm who to start with first?" Devon grinned up to the duo, she'd gotten down on her knees on the floor of the Blazer. She was allowing herself a bit of time to tease the pair, already having in mind exactly what she would love to do so long as they were willing to accommodate. "Or perhaps both at once? But first I'd love to see what I have to work with, so if you two wouldn't mind, shuck your jeans and let me see those hard cocks!"

Her tongue ran across her lips as she eyed both their hard shafts waiting for her attentions, then she leaned over the seat to open a front pocket of her pack and pull out one of the foil packets. Quickly she tore it open and began to unroll the film over Charlie's stiff member, taking care to be sure of a good sized air pocket at the tip. Groans slipped from her throat as she lowered herself upon him, feeling his cock split opened her needy snatch. With his back resting against the door, she leaned over towards Ted, leaning upon her elbows to allow her ass to rise and fall slowly upon the thick shaft within her.