Gender Bender Prom Night

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A Geek's Prom becomes a journey of self discovery.
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A 2024 Literotica Geek Pride Story Event Story


Despite not being American -- or because of it - I always found the cultural significance and dynamics of the very American initiation ritual that is the Prom fascinating.

As an introverted nerd myself, I probably wouldn't have enjoyed having one too much, really, but it's still an inspiring place to go for fantasies. To come up with one that could fit the needs of us nerds more, maybe...

If my observations and descriptions of Prom Night are wrong in some respects, I apologize...

Well... not really, this one is a purely fictional event with its Very own rules, anyway.

As I said, I never had one, only know them from the movies. I hope you enjoy my very own spin on it.

Femdom; Public Humiliation; Sissification/Feminization ahead. Proceed at your own risk. (especially if you're a guy ;) )

All characters are 18 or older and consenting adults.

One month before the Prom


The Principal raises her voice over the mutterings in the gym.

"The votes are in, we have a clear majority in favor of the proposal to hold this year's Prom in the spirit of diversity and female empowerment..."

"A clear majority all the girls' votes..." a boy next to me mutters.

"... and before anyone tries to object that it was just the girls voting in favor of this, I can assure you, we have a majority bigger than this year's female students. Notably bigger."

I nod and hope nobody notices. I don't really want anyone to know... but yeah, I voted for it. I hadn't actually meant to, really, it just kinda... happened. Subconsciously. Sorta.

"So to lay down the rules again before you boys make your pick:

"You will not chose your date directly this year. The proposal argued - rightfully, if you ask me - that the awkwardness of the dating procedure throws a wrench into actually enjoying the whole thing. Instead, the girls picked couples costumes; each of you boys will chose a costume and the girl who picked it will then be your date for the prom. And of course..."

She grins at the students gathered.

"... this years Prom Motto is "Gender Bender", so the 'boys' costumes will be women's and the girls will dress as men."

Mumbling - mostly deep voiced male and giggles and chuckles -- mostly female - fill the gym hall. It was a weird proposal in the first place, but it got through. And for some reason I voted for it. So I keep my mouth shut. As I did the whole time leading up to this gathering. I do find the idea weirdly exiting, somewhere deep inside.

"Well then. You can see the costumes, gentlemen, go ahead and pick yours!"

They're hanging on racks in the middle of the gym. It takes some seconds before one boy moves towards them. Nobody wants to seem to eager to pick a female outfit for himself, it seems. Me neither, even though I do feel giddy and actually kinda Do want to.

So I Am among the first, follow he bravest forerunners to the outfits chosen by the girls.

Many aren't that special, really -- quite a lot of one piece suits. I recognize various female superhero outfits - their wearers might be excepted to pad them out a little and wear a wig, but essentially they're not too gender bending. Some dresses, sure - those may be embarrassing, but after all, probably harmless fun. A few costumes are skirts though, crop tops. Whatever boy wears one of those that will be quite a sight. And then...

My eyes fall upon a golden gleam and a purple velveteen shimmer. Is that what I think it is? I saw one boys hold it and put it back onto the rack Very quickly. I go for it and take if off the rack. It is. Damn.

Not much fabric, for sure. A purple loincloth over purple panties, amended with gold metal ornaments, a metal bra, gold colored as well, padded with the same purple fabric. A collar and a chain and golden bracelets. Matching ankle boots.

Slave Princess from "Space Battle". My favorite movie series. Well, the classics films, the new ones kinda suck. The TV shows are kinda cool. Some of them.

I shake my head, looking down at the tiny pieces of costume in my hand. I'll definitely put this back - the poor schmuck who wears This to the prom...

I'll put it back.

Any second now.

Then my conscious mind catches up to what the choice of costume actually means:

Some girl picked this.

OK, maybe mostly to embarrass her prom date. But also... You gotta like the movie, right? It's couples costumes, that's the whole point, so whatever girl picked this will go to the prom as a male character from Space Battle!

I look around, in thoughts.

The problem with this this method of picking a date is definitely that you don't know who you'll go with. It spares us the awkwardness of picking someone and asking her, but it leaves the chance of going with a girl with whom you do not really have anything in common with. Unless of course you choose an outfit that definitely means you'll have something to bond over.

Even if it is a pretty embarrassing one.

I feel heat rise to my face as I look around, at the boys, some of which have started arguing over costumes - mostly the ones that look the least feminine. If I don't make a choice right now, the ones that spare me the embarrassment are gone. I look over to the girls -- they whisper among each other, I can see them grin and snicker. No chance to figure out which girls provided which outfit. I hope, though... My eyes find -- her. One of the Queen Bees of the year, stunningly beautiful. Definitely out of my league. Pretty sure she never said anything that would make anyone believe she is a Space Battle Fan. I have seen some indication though...

I shake my head. Wishful thinking. Although... It's prom night, afterwards it's off to college, when, if not now for a popular girl to come out as a bit nerdy?

I gulp. OK, don't count on it being her, that's silly. But whichever girl it is, I will have something to talk about the night of the prom. If nothing else. Worth it? Maybe?

I close my eyes and breathe in deeply. I'll do it. I grab the costume off the rack -- there's a wig attached, too, and the pair of boots is made of the same soft fabric and metal ornamentations - take the label with the number and give it to the teacher overseeing the procedure. She writes down my name and the number - another part of this year's weird prom preliminaries. I won't find out who I'm dating until prom night, the girls formulating the proposal really went all out to give all the cards into female hands.

"Thank you, young man. You name will be passed to the girl who provided your outfit and she'll pick you up on prom night. Oh, and... there's a message to the wearer of this particular costume from her."

I blink, take the letter. Stand there, uncertain.

"Move along, geek!"

One of the football players stands behind me waiting for his turn. In bis hand a black one piece with a familiar red super hero logo. A red wig.

I nod, move on wordlessly, open the message and read it while leaving the gym.

"As you picked quite a feminine outfit, I'll assume you have no fear to tune into your feminine side some more, so I want you to go all out. Be pretty. Don't just wear the costume. Do something to wow me!"

I gulp. What the hell? Make myself pretty???

Prom Night

I take a deep breath and swallow hard before I knock.



"Can I... can I talk you you for a second?"

I hear a banging from inside my sister's room, then the door opens and she stares at me.

"What do you.... what the hell did you do to your face, little brother?"

"I... I think I need some help...?"

"You always do, but what... OK, come in!"

She grabs the bathrobe I'm wearing over my costume and pulls me into her room.

Then stares at me.

"If that's My make up you've smudged all over your face I'm gonna..."

"Of course not. I bought my own. I... I had no idea this is so hard, even the YouTube tutorial things don't help!"

I feel my lip quiver. Why the hell do I feel like crying, I'm dressed as a girl, but...

She stares at me and doesn't even try to hide her laughter.

"Why in the world are you putting on make up? On your prom night? I mean, no biggie. Boys can wear make up, it's 2024, but you never did show any interest in that. And you - went a bit overboard, if you're going for a more androgynous look, little bro. Wait..."

She frowns.

"Oh... damn... I forgot. Your prom motto...."

She looks down at me, forces open my bathrobe, gazing at the Slave Princess costume, then bursts out laughing.

"Wow. Just... Wow. You mentioned the gender bender thing once and then never talked about it again. No wonder...."

I feel myself blush -- maybe the way too much make up on my face at least helps to hide that!

"I get it, the clothes are mandatory, but is the make up, too?"

I shake my head.

"No, but... the girl... the girl who got this one added a note. She wants me to look 'pretty.' I couldn't really think of anything other for that than... you know.."

"Make up?"

She grins.

"Sure, not a bad idea -- the girl provided -- this?"

I nod as she looks down on me.

"But then You chose it, didn't ya?"

I nod again. More giggles.

"It's from Space Battle."

She sighs.

"I know. You have the little doll of her in that thing on your desk after all."

I clear my throat, then carry on.

"It's an action figure! And it's a rare collecti... Anyway... I know, it's - revealing, embarrassing, but at least the girl likes the same movies I do!"

She smiles at me.

"And she wants to you look pretty. Good for her. Who is she?"

"No idea. We weren't told"

"A Surprise Prom Date. How exciting!"

She claps her hands.

"Alright. I'm in! Get your make up, I'll help. Maybe I Will let you borrow some of mine, if you ask nicely. I think I can see you bought the cheap crap...."

I look at her, feel my insides get warmer. She's a bit rough around the edges - at least to me, but I admit she treats me better since she grew older. I'm actually going to miss my big sister when she moves out eventually, she's almost 20 after all.

"You'll help me?"

"You're clearly in it over your pretty head. And I don't do this for you, whoever gets to bear you all night as her date deserves a pretty girl to look at..."

Well. Maybe I wont miss her That much.

I spend about an hour with my big sister in the bathroom, removing the botched attempt to do my own make up and enjoying her taking care of me. It actually feels good to be pampered. I learn about foundation, proper eyeliner - she does give me a pair of her false eyelashes. Never wold have gotten the idea to buy something like this, but they make my face look stunning.

As does everything else, from rouge to eventfully putting on lipstick -- purple, matching the velvet of my slave bikini - as the final touch. I gaps as I look at myself in the mirror, hardly recognizing myself. If I met myself in this state, I'd consider myself a girl. A hot one. No doubt about it.

My sister grins behind me, facing me in the mirror.

"Damn, you're a pretty girl. You never really were the handsome, masculine type, but I must admit, I wouldn't have guessed you have such a beauty inside you, little sister!"

I blush -- very thankful the rouge already reddens my cheeks and it's hardly noticeable.

"Don't call..."

"Oh, I Will call you that. At the very least for tonight! No way I finally have the sister I always wanted and don't get to enjoy it, if only for a night!"

She grabs me and makes me drop my robe.

"Alright, let's complete this -- I assume there was a wig with this... bikini?"

I nod, walk ahead to my room, where I put on the brown wig with its long braid, almost reaching down to my ass. My sister follows me and chuckles.

"Fits pretty good. For a costume wig that's not meant for everyday use. Looks fine. That must have cost your date quite some money."

I nod, look at myself in the mirror.

This metal bra is generously padded, making my bosom quite buxom. More so than that of the actress in the movie. Can't have been like this when she bought it, the costume's made for women after all -- she thought of everything. The loincloth reaches down to my knees, but it's narrow, barely covering anything but my crotch -- I feel my cock throbbing slightly in my velveteen panties under it. I have masturbated to the image of Slave Princess in my mind -- a lot. Being dressed as her makes me feel - weird. My sister's hands slide down my legs. That - feels highly inappropriate. And gives me some highly inappropriate tingles.

"Did you shave your legs?"

I nod

"Not that there was much to begin with-- you never had much body hair, did you? Less than me, maybe... But still. Good choice. She'll appreciate the look."

She slaps my ass - my eyes open wide as she giggles, but before I can say anything, the door bell rings. I jump. I hesitate. But my sister shoves me out of my room towards the stairs, where our parents are already in the hall.

"Oh my."

My father spots me first, then my mother.

"Deary me!"

My mother's eyes widen. Of course they were prepared. Kinda. I had told them about the Gender Bender theme, but I was a little vague abut my costume.

"That is... surely something..."

Dad clears his throat.

"You are sure you want to out go like this, son?"


My mother puts her arm around his shoulder.

"You know how this generation is. So much more open. And in tune with gender... fluidity? Is that what you call it?"

"That's it, Mom!"

My sister laughs and walks to the door. I freeze, my stomach in turmoil, my face burning. I'm so glad my parents are in on it. Kinda. I'm lucky to have them. I assume some of the boys may face a different scene tonight. Even though I don't know if any are As feminine as me right now.

The door opens and outside waits...

I gasp, making her smirk. It Is her. The Queen Bee. The one who would have gone to the prom with the biggest jock in any other year. She seems relaxed about being stuck with me. Well - with that pick of costume she must have excepted a geek. I lick my lips.

I knew it. She Is a Space Battle fan!

"Well, well. Look at you, your worshipfullness!"

I gulp, blush as she teases me.

Then I move. But she's ahead of me, enters my home, shaking my Mom's hand, then my father's.

"Pleased to meet you, Ma'am. Sir."

She is polite. Friendly. Won them over in a second.

"Such a nice girl. You didn't tell us you dated such a nice girl, son."

My mother smiles at her, then me.

"Mom, I told you we didn't know our dates beforehand this year."

"Ah, yes. You did. Well, you' drew the long straw."

She turns to my date.

"A very lucky boy, he is."

"Thank, you, Ma'am. I'm glad to date your daughter, as well."

My sister snickers loudly behind me. Well. The girls were meant to have their fun with this gender thing.

"And I'm lucky. too. You are a pretty one."

I shiver as she gently touches my cheek.

"You did what I told you. And so well. Do you have experience with this?"

"I helped", my sister interjects.

The girls smile at each other knowingly.

"Makes sense. I hope you payed attention. It suits you, you should remember what you learned."

Sh takes my arm and puts a bouquet around my wrist. I open my eyes wide. Hadn't even thought about this. This whole making myself pretty was requiring all of my attention. Fortunately she is very easily sliding into the men's role in this date, taking charge.

"Th... Thank you..."

I look up to her -- she is maybe half an inch taller than me. As expected from her very first reference, addressing me, she's in "Space Smuggler" outfit: Tight black pants, white shirt, black vest. Hugging her form. She's definitely still very feminine, her ass firm in the pants, her breasts bulge under the vest, yet she has the stance - an air of dominance; clearly enjoying wearing pants for her prom. Intending to make it not just literal, but also metaphorical pants, clearly.

And talking about pants.... I blush as my gaze sticks to the bulge in them. That is Very much Not feminine. And tight as the pants are, it is hard to miss.

I blink, look around, wondering if anyone else noticed it. If so, nobody mentions it.

"Well then."

My dates interrupts the awkward silence -- awkward to me at least.

"Shall we go, your highness?"

She presents me her arm to take and I do, letting her lead.

"Well. Uhmn..."

My father clears his throat again.

"Then... Hm... I hadn't expected to say this again after my daughter's prom. But you bring hi... her back safe, young... man!"

He chuckles softly, like he does after his Dad jokes. My date smirks and nods.

"Sure thing, Sir. She's safe with me"

I blush again and without a word follow her out the door and into the limousine she apparently rented. It does have its perks to be the women, I guess.

I settle down beside her in the rear and as the car drives off I can't hold back.

"Is that a blaster in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?"

She chuckles, then laughs.

"You've noticed, huh? I thought I'll play the part all or nothing. You got fake boobs, I get a fake dick."

She leans over to me and whispers in my ear, making the hairs on my neck stand up.

"If you're a good girl, I'll let you see it!"

I blush again. Making my face burn seems as much the topic of tonight as gender bender is. I'm speechless. Thank God she's doing much of the conversation.

"So -- Slave Princess, huh? I know you're a geek, little boy, but I had honestly expected this costume to be a slow seller. Picked by he last boy who has no other choices. But I watched you. You pretty much went straight for it...."

I breath in deeply. Can't deny that. She watched me?

"I'm a Space Battle fan..."

"You don't' say..."

She giggles.

OK. l guess, the shirts I wear pretty much all the time may have been an indication.

"That means you like to ogle Slave Princess. Doesn't normally mean you want to dressed as her. For most guys, I think."

"Well I...."

I stutter, catch myself.

"The point of the whole couples costume is to maybe find a date who has shared interests. Or -- style, at least. I think that's the point.... Isn't it?"

I feel insecure, but her smile makes me shiver.

"I guess I just liked the idea of going to the prom with a fellow Space Battle Fan. And I...."

I take another deep breath and gather courage.

"I kinda hoped it might be you..."

That catches her by surprise.

"What in the world made you think I'm a Space Battle Fan?"

"Your ringtone."

She raises an eyebrow.

"It's just the first four notes - guess you didn't want to make it too obvious, but it's the Royal Hymn, isn't it? My favorite piece from the soundtrack."

"You know my ringtone?"

"And you quote the movies. Often. Not one of the big lines everyone knows -- 'I am your mother!' "

She chuckles and I smile shyly.

"But things like... I don't know... 'Don't tell me the probabilities' or 'Great, boy, don't get bumptious' ".

"For someone who isn't in my social circle, you know an awful lot about me..."

She smiles and winks at me, and my mouth goes dry. I hold on to the soft fabric of my loincloth, rumpling it in my fits.

"It's not that I... I'm not... I wasn't..."

"I'm just teasing you, sister. I like a girl who pays attention to me."

I take a relieved breath. If it takes being called a girl by her, I take such a compliment!

"And I'm glad it's you who picked the outfit. I assumed it would be a Space Battle geek, obvi, but I could only hope for such a cute one..."

Her hand slides over my naked thigh.

"And you're even cuter than I noticed. Nice legs! Firm butt, nice flat belly. You fill the costume well. Except for the boobs, obviously."