Genetic Odyssey Ch. 02


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"Griffy, I need to go to bed," my voice was husky with fatigue.

"Sure thing, me too," he mumbled, letting me go so I could stand.

We locked the door and turned off the lights before slowly going to our rooms. Pausing at the door, I hugged Griffin closely before standing on tip toes to kiss him goodnight. I turned and shuffled to my room, closing the door behind me and slipping from my clothes before I lay down. I snuggled under the covers and realized I almost wished he was laying next to me. I could almost feel his strong arms folding around me and pulling me against him. I didn't want to jump his bones or anything, at least not yet. But it would have been nice not to sleep alone. Maybe another night.


I woke from a sound sleep. There was a hot, wrenching pain searing my lower back. I was lying on my stomach, and it hurt to turn my head. I tried anyway and gasped in the attempt, but I was able to see the clock on the nightstand. It was 7 am, and I wondered if Erin was awake yet. I was scared; I wasn't supposed to be able to get sick or badly injured, but this felt like the world was coming to an end. I moved my arms under me and tried to push myself up, but the pain stopped me in my tracks. I couldn't move.

I closed my eyes and triggered my internal diagnostics. I saw a trail of numbers in my mind, and an indicator flashed a message in red: "Severe Inflammation and Mild Muscle Strain: Erector Spinae. Likely cause, strenuous exercise event 18 hours ago." Great! I hurt myself working out.

I lay immobile. I even couldn't roll onto my back or reach my phone. Luckily, I heard Erin's alarm clock go off, then the beeping stopped. I'm sure I heard Erin moving around in her room. I hoped she could help me.

She walked down the hall, and I called out to her, but the pain caused my voice to come out in a faint gasp that couldn't reach her. The footsteps came back up the hall and stopped at my door. She knocked softly and gently called my name. I managed to turn my head towards the door and forced out a clipped "come in" that she could hear.

She slowly opened the door and came in. The pain was severe but not so bad that I noticed she only wore purple boy shorts and a snug gray camisole that hugged her gentle curves.

"Grif, are you okay?" She asked as fear clouded her sweet face.

"No. My back. I strained a muscle in my back," I groaned.

"Oh, Griffy. I'm so sorry." She walked to the bedside and stroked my hair softly before continuing, "I'm going to pull back the covers and take a look, okay?" I nodded in reply, and the cool air danced across my skin as the covers were removed.

"Oh, wow. There is a big knot in your lower back, lots of swelling." She laid a finger on the spot, and I nodded, letting her know she found the injury.

"My diagnostics say I strained that muscle yesterday working out. It says it's "moderate," but this hurts so bad, Eeby." The pain drove my eyes shut as I tried to look up at her.

"I know, baby, I know. Try to relax. Can you take any medicines? Can you ask your thing?" She asked, meaning my diagnostics.

The diagnostic core heard her and displayed a list of compatible medications in my mind. I recited the list to her, and she told me she had "tramadol" and "flexoril." Again, the diagnostic core listened and provided appropriate dosage levels. I told her, and she briefly disappeared before returning with the medicine and a glass of water.

"I can't roll over. Can you help me? I'm so sorry," I gasped, my pain mixing with embarrassment.

"Don't be silly; of course I'll help you. Take a deep breath, and I'll roll you over," she said sweetly. Her voice is so kind and gentle.

I nodded and took a few long breaths before she laid her hands on my shoulder and side. I rocked away from her, and she lifted, pushing me up onto my side and then onto my back. She tipped the pills into my mouth and helped me wash them down with the cool water.              

"My poor Griffy. Let's give those a few minutes to start working, and you should feel a little better. The dosage you told me is much more than the doctor prescribed me, so you got two of each of those. That would knock me on my butt! Let's hope it doesn't do the same to you," she said, settling on the bed next to me.

She propped herself on her elbow and lay next to me, gently stroking my chest. Her touch felt lovely and did a lot to help distract me from the swirling agony. Slowly but surely, I noticed the pain diminishing as the muscles relaxed.

"There we go, handsome. I can see it in your face; the meds are starting to kick in, aren't they? I want you to stay right here. I will put in for Paid Time Off for the day, get coffee for us, and I'll be back." Her tone was sweet as she stepped through the door.

I couldn't help but notice the delightful shape of her backside when she disappeared through the door, accompanied by a brief rush in my crotch before the heavy throbbing in my back took away any pleasure I may have felt. Erin came back in with a pair of coffee mugs and an iPad tucked under her arm. She set the cups down before joining me on the bed.

"You're going to rest today, and I am going to hang out with you. How does that sound?" Her voice sounded sweet, warm and a little fuzzy while she spoke.

I looked at her and noticed that the edges of my vision seemed a little pink. "Sounds perfect," I replied with a happy, almost drunken lilt.

"Uh-oooh, the drugs are working, aren't they?" She smiled and settled onto the pillow next to me. I nodded and closed my eyes.

Voices from the show "Friends" came from the iPad as she slid closer to me. I felt her hand resting on my chest as the pain in my back receded. The sound got quieter as I drifted back off to sleep.

I woke a few hours later, and the pain in the small of my back was mostly gone. I opened my eyes to see the curvaceous brunette curled against me. When I finally decided to move, it didn't hurt. I put my arm around her and closed my eyes again, running my diagnostics. It gave me a "full healing time" of 24 hours. With my eyes still closed, Erin rolled into my arms, pressing her back into my chest. My hand rested on her soft stomach before I let myself drift back off to sleep.


I opened my eyes. I was still in Griffin's room. My poor little Griffy. I hoped the meds I gave him helped. It seems like they did. He was lying on his side, and I was... spooned up against him. That's nice. He was so comfortable to snuggle with. His hand was hot against the bare skin of my stomach; I loved that.

This isn't bad. He's sweet, he's cute, he feels safe. Maybe the situation is unusual, but what isn't these days? It's 2030, isn't it? We have people living on Mars, and I'm worried if it's okay to think my pleasure GELF is hot. What did he tell me the day he arrived? "It's not that serious." I guess he was right.

Something hard pressed against the back of my thighs. That's my Griffy, isn't it? Normal male anatomy, my butt. He's big! I wonder if he's awake.

I wiggled a little against him, and I was rewarded with a groan and a soft "morning, Eeby." from the man behind me. He squeezed me in his arms again before rolling onto his back. I rolled over, rested my head on his chest, and looked up at him.

"How are you feeling?" I asked, trying to push extra sweetness in my voice.

"So much better, thank you." His voice was heavy and raspy with sleep.

Gods, he sounded good! I thought I might be sweet on this guy. I flinched when his hand rested on the bare skin at the small of my back, stroking me with his fingertips. I dipped my head and planted a soft kiss on his muscular chest.

"I was worried about you," I said quietly.

"I appreciate it, but why?" He asked, some of that delicious rumble leaving his voice.

I slid up closer to his face, "Well, I didn't know what was wrong. You were lying face down and looked so pale. I was scared something terrible had happened to you."

The hand at the small of my back traced lazy circles as he lifted his head to kiss my forehead. "That's sweet of you to care about someone like me," he murmured.

"Of course, why wouldn't I care?" I asked, surprised.

"I dunno," he shrugged, letting his head fall back into the pillows.

The lazy circles at the small of my back had his hand brushing the waistband of my panties. The warmth of his touch was lovely and absolutely relaxing. No one had touched me and loved on me like that in ages. It was intoxicating.

My eyes drifted to the clock, and I was surprised to see it was only 10 am. We still had the whole day. His fingers stopped at the top of my panties, the flat of his hand laying on my bare skin, his fingers on the silk fabric. My face flushed at the gentle intimacy of his touch. There was no insistence to it. It didn't feel like he was trying anything dirty, although I wouldn't have minded.

Griffin shifted under me, kissed the top of my head and settled back onto the pillows, his neck craning slightly to see the screen of the iPad. A happy little sound escaped me. Caused by his kind attention. I absently traced my fingers through the lines of his abdomen and quickly noticed it raised goosebumps across his muscular body. He likes that!

I went from tracing the lines of his muscles to stroking his surprisingly soft skin, and he shifted under me, releasing a happy groan. I smiled as I continued to smooth my hands across his body. His hands were on me again as he pulled me further up and stroked my back, this time letting his hands drift to more intimate areas. His fingertips played across the curve of my hips, up my sides, and across the back of my shoulders, exploring every inch of me.

Doesn't he know what that will do to me if he continues? His hand traced down my back again but didn't stop at the top of my panties. He traced his fingertips down the silken fabric until he cupped the plump roundness of my ass. He softly stroked me, and I melted into him. Something about his large hand gently petting my backside was incredibly relaxing. A happy groan escaped my lips as his hands moved across my body.

He teased at the hem of my underwear. My back arched slightly at this touch, pushing my butt up into his hand. I heard him chuckle playfully, but he didn't stop. Instead, I felt a gentle yet firm squeeze that caused me to look up at him.

He smiled back as I placed my hands on his shoulders and pulled myself up on top of him. I kissed his full lips and felt his hand at the back of my neck, comfortably holding me to him. I parted my thighs and straddled his waist before pushing myself up on top of him. I was seated at the waistband of the smooth black trunks he had slept in the night before, and his swollen cock nudged my backside through the soft material.

"Having fun, Wonder Boy?" I asked with a devious wink.

"You know it," his voice was husky with desire as he pulled me back down to him.

Kissing me again, his hands were suddenly in my hair, massaging my scalp and softly pressing his palms into the back of my neck. As much as I wanted to be in charge, I also wanted to let go, to see what he would do with me when left to his own devices.

He gently nibbled my bottom lip, sucking it into his mouth momentarily. His fingers were at the hem of my shirt, and then the garment slid up and over my head, exposing my breasts. The cool air of the bedroom caused my nipples to pebble before I laid back down against his chest. The warmth of his hand gently kneaded the firm globes as he pulled me up to kiss my neck and shoulder. His lips ran from my collarbone to just behind my ear.

I whimpered at his attention. His hands traced my body while his lips played across whatever flesh they could get to. His muscles worked under me as he rolled, dropping me onto the mattress next to him. My hands went to his waistband, and his voice in my ear whispered, "Not yet."

He propped himself up and pulled me close on the pillows; he traced his hands down my body, seeming to touch every square inch of me as if he were seeing me with his hands. His touch caused me to writhe against him. Teasing touches came out of nowhere, a graze against my nipple here or a gentle brush at my inner thigh there.

Suddenly, he shifted next to me, and his lips were kissing mine, then brushing across my neck and shoulder, down my chest, through the valley of my breasts to tease across my belly. His fingers invaded my waistband, and my panties slipped down my body, and his lips did the same. They grazed across the sensitive skin where my waistband had been, causing my breath to hitch in my throat. I shuffled my legs so he could tug the silken garment free, and I was finally naked. He kissed his way to the trimmed strip of short hair on my mound as he settled between my thighs.

I gasped as he rained feathery kisses along my shaven lips. He kissed all the way down, stroking my thighs as he went, stopping short of my back door before pressing the flat of his tongue into the folds and slipping back up to suck the sensitive bud of my clitoris into his mouth. He swirled his tongue around my pearl, driving a soft moan from deep within my chest.

My hand instinctively fell to his head to stroke his hair. I groaned as the swirling tongue seemed to speed and slow in a regular rhythm that closed my eyes in ecstasy. I called his name as he hooked his arms around my thighs and pulled me into him. His tongue slid from the top of my hood to just below my pearl with a deliberate slowness that caused me to melt in his arms.

I could feel my sex flutter with every lick. I thought he could feel it, too. He reacted to every flutter and pulse in my core, adjusting here and there to keep me at the edge of climax for so long that I lost track of time. I lay there and let him please me. I noticed a quickening in the pace and pressure of his lapping, swirling tongue. He once again pulled my pearl between his lips to suckle it, and the pulsing waves of suction radiated up into my core.

My thighs tightened around him, and with a final gentle flick, my climax swirled around in me like a storm, washing over in wave after wave that had me arching my back as I ground against him, fucking his face like my life depended on it. I moaned and whimpered for him as his rolling tongue drove my climax on before his pace finally began to slow. His strokes became more gentle until, with one final long flick, he rested his head against my thigh.

"Good boy, Griffy!" I playfully teased, ruffling his hair, "Is it my turn now?"

'What do you mean?" He looked up at me with a genuine question in his eyes.

"I want your cock." I looked down at him with hunger in my eyes. "Come here."

We sat up, and he made his way up the bed toward me. I hooked my fingers in his waistband, tugged at the silky black material, and worked the trunks down until I was able to free his healthy-sized cock. I took the organ in my hand and gave him a gentle stroke. This thing is going to kill me, but what a way to go. I could barely get my fingers around him; it was about the length of a big Red Bull can.

"You'll have to be a little gentle with me at first." I looked into his eyes and saw a happy assurance he would do what I wanted.

I pressed the tips of my fingers into his chest and slowly pushed him onto the bed. I settled between his legs to stroke the thick piece of meat, kissing the head in a little tease, and ran my tongue over his frenulum, happy to feel him shudder underneath me.

"Don't you cum yet, Griffin," I commanded playfully.

"Yes, Ma'am," he replied. Good boy, I thought.

I slipped his wide, warm head into my mouth and ran my tongue over the slit to taste his pre-cum. It was oddly sweet. I slowly worked at his head, taking him deeper into my mouth and wetting him with my saliva. My pussy fluttered in time with his pulse, thinking of the delicious stretch when he entered me for the first time.

I lost all patience and climbed up his lean, muscular body until I sat astride his hips again. I could feel the heat of his cock resting against my lips as I rose off of him and slipped my hand between my legs to grip it. I positioned his head at my entrance and carefully lowered myself onto him. He laid still, watching me for cues. He didn't thrust up into me greedily; he was happy to let me ease myself onto him.

My walls stretched as his head passed through my opening. The searing heat took my breath away. I moaned at the stretch as I filled myself with him. His hips against my thighs made me realize I had all of him inside me. I sat still for a second, so full I could barely move, and oddly proud of myself that I took him without any pain or too much work. I looked down at him as he smiled up at me.

"Whenever you're ready," his voice had a husky, dreamy quality that told me he was as hungry for me as I was for him.

I nodded and slowly rocked my hips, causing his meaty cock to move back and forth inside me, slipping in and out of me in little movements that drove me crazy. I wanted more, and after getting comfortable with him, I let myself fall forward a little. I planted my hands on his chest to hold myself up. Lifting my hips, I pulled half of him out of me before I fell back, filling myself again. Gods, he felt so good!

I rode him in slow, delicious strokes that drove little moans from me every time I sank onto him. He occasionally pulsed, a hard throbbing between my thighs that felt like he was cumming for me even though he wasn't. His hands played over my body, spreading my cheeks and pulling me to him as I ground on his cock. He swatted my ass while I yelped happily, working myself on him like a toy. There was another orgasm in the distance, but I almost didn't want it. The fullness and his pulsing inside me felt so good I didn't want it to end. I bounced myself on his cock, and he rewarded me with a long wavering moan, calling my name.

"Oh! You feel so good!" Griffin called up at me, "Don't stop! Please, don't stop."

I moaned out his name as I looked down at him. His breaths were ragged shudders, and his face contorted in pleasure. I felt powerful, almost drunk, from the pleasure I gave him. My thighs and butt were burning from the work, and I didn't want to stop. I ground into him and worked my clit against the base of his shaft, sending lightning up through me.

I switched my hips on top of him, feeling his cock make contact with every delicious special spot inside me. He wrapped his hands around my hips, hooking his thumbs into me. His muscles shifted under me as he thrust up into my pussy. I gasped as he bottomed out in me repeatedly. His balls pressed into the bottom of my ass with every thrust; they tightened against his body, and I knew he must be getting close. I gasped again as he pounded into me with deep strokes, causing my eyes to squeeze shut in ecstasy once more.

The heat built low in my stomach when my climax began. My muscles rolled the length of his cock, milking him as wetness pooled between us. My pussy clenched around him again as I pushed down onto him, meeting his thrusts.

"Cum for me, cum for me now, Griffy!" I called, and he groaned out my name. His voice broke while his whole body shuddered. His cock pulsed and throbbed in me as the spreading heat of his load pumped into me. I ground onto him, milking it from his cock as our mutual orgasm crashed into us.

My orgasm faded as the pulses of his cock slowed and weakened. I slumped against his chest, holding him inside, as little pinpricks of cool sweat broke out across our naked bodies. We lay together in silence, with only the sound of our breathing to disturb it.

"Wow," I heard him exclaim after a few minutes.

"Wow," I agreed. We laughed together before I looked up at him for a kiss. "Nap time?" I asked.