Genie Chronicles Ch. 16


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"Now for the bit of bad news. He will only sell these to you if you agree to market them at less that three hundred dollars; say, two ninety nine ninety five."

Ms. Cooper frowned. "We really don't like our suppliers dictating our selling price, Jack. And besides, this thing should sell for way more than that. I mean, these could be the male version of the Orgazmoretron. Their male product is fairly decent, but..."

The Orgazmoretron was the ultimate in female stimulation. It was a saddle-shaped seat that a woman straddled in order to bring her privates into contact with and/or impaled upon one of several attachment covers. If the selected cover had a phallic component, the unit had a motor that rotated said component inside the vagina. It had a second, stronger motor that caused vibration against the woman's clitoris, as well as the rest of her privates. Both the rotation speed and vibration were variable, with the vibrations going from very light to roughly jack hammer in intensity. If both the demonstration video for the product and the clips of it being used in various adult videos were to be believed, it could reduce even the most orgasmically challenged woman to a quivering, panting mass of post-orgasmic goo as she begged for the orgasms to stop.

The device was also very expensive, yet FI, a far from exclusive distributor, sold a couple a month. The manufacturer's male product, basically a specialized milking machine, was effective, but nothing like the Orgazmoretron, and was also very expensive. FI didn't sell nearly as many of those.

"I understand your objection, but the inventor has two reasons for this requirement, reasons I understand and agree with after he explained them to me."

"Okay, so what are they?"

"Well, the first is his goal, similar to yours, to get this sort of thing out to as many folks as possible, to make it as mainstream as possible."

"I understand that, although that doesn't really explain how that covers his costs. What else?"

"Well, how familiar are you with the home video game console market?"

"Not very."

"Okay. The competing video game companies sell their consoles at very cheap prices for what is basically a fairly powerful PC in a small, shiny box. They often sell them for less than they cost to produce, especially when they are first released and production costs are higher."

"So how do they make any money?"

"The games. They sell for fifty or more dollars apiece. I don't know what the game purchasing rate is on average per console, but they have it figured so that over the medium to long term, they make pretty good money."

"Ok, so that relates to this how?"

"Accessories and add-ons. I don't have any details yet," Jack lied, "but he assures me that there are going to be some must-have add-ons for this thing that will have a great wholesale price and much better markup."

"I see. Well, Nick really needs to be here for this. Might I ask why you didn't want to wait for him?"

Jack went over to remove another box from the bigger one. "Because I wanted to give you one of these for your own."

It took her a second for this to sink in, then she looked at her crotch very briefly before saying, "Th... that's very generous, but I don't have a husband or boyfriend to give it to, so..." Her acting was almost good enough to be convincing if it hadn't been for the glance, and all the other evidence he'd seen... plus Jennifer already knowing, of course.

"It's probably not erect enough to see, now, but it definitely was when you were 'biting down' on mine." Jack said with a small smile. The light cinnamon color of her face went surprisingly pale.

"I don't know what you..."

"Ms. Cooper," Jack interrupted kindly. "As I'm sure you have noticed, Jennifer is very observant, and..."

"Jennifer knows?!... I mean..."

"It was she that first mentioned it. She noticed a few tell-tail signs during the demo photography sessions."

If possible, she went even paler. "Did anyone... else...?"

Jack grinned ruefully. "No. Everyone's eyes were on Jennifer except Jennifer's." Jack paused. "Ms. Cooper, as you probably have also noticed, Jennifer is also very intuitive. If what she believes she has observed is correct, then you haven't been very happy in a lot of ways. I don't know how accurate that is," he fibbed again, "but we just want you to know that we respect you as a business associate, and perhaps more importantly, we are coming to think of you as a friend. If there is anything we can do to make your life in any way happier, we would like to help." He indicated her still-boxed simulator, "This isn't meant to be a substitute for anything - unless you want it to be, of course - but just a little something fun."

"We also want to assure you that your situation will be an absolute secret with us unless you request otherwise. We will tell no one." Jack stood. "I'll go now, but you have my cell and home numbers. Give us a call if you have any questions about the unit, or want to talk about anything... else. Otherwise, have a wonderful weekend, and I am sure we will have quite a bit to discuss on Monday. Oh, and these other two units are for FI. We can use both for the demo photos if you guys decide to distribute it. Either way, Nick or someone else is welcome to try it. All the instructions and bottles of 'saliva' and 'mouthwash' are in there for each unit." Jack gave her one more searching look, just to make sure it didn't appear like she was going to stroke out on the spot or anything, then collected his things and walked quietly out.

Well, the die is cast. He thought to Jennifer as he went to meet her in the parking lot.

You did very well, Jack. You didn't need my help at all! She sounded proud and slightly disappointed.

Yeah, well, she might. I'd say she's in for a challenging weekend. You can watch over her, make sure she doesn't happen to go off the deep end or anything?

Of course. I know you didn't want to do this to her on a Friday, but any other time really wouldn't give her enough opportunity to think and reflect before she had to come back to work and face us again. She really needs the weekend, as rough as it might be for her.

Well, you know best. Now let's go home. I think you are going to have to take up where that thing left off.

Mmmm, yes master! You know, there's always the drive home, and the autopilot...


Jack woke first Saturday morning, and decided to wake Jennifer in a quite mundane fashion; to attack her clit with lips and tongue. But as his face descended toward her perfect pussy, he paused and rubbed his chin. Scruffy. He pondered for a moment. He thought at Jennifer, Secret Wish: I wish that, until I say otherwise, my face will stay perfectly shaven so that I may dine on you at any time of the day or night without causing you any discomfort from my whiskers. Tingle. He felt his chin. Perfectly smooth. He checked Jennifer and found her still blissfully asleep. He pumped his fist in silent victory. He dove in.

He had no intention at stopping after her flawless form shuddered through its first orgasm, and as his tongue continued to thrash her clitoris, he thought it might be nice to have an invisible secret-wished self-propelled Pussy Pounder join the fun.

After her second orgasm, he decided to swap places with the Pounder, and had it turn into an invisible mouth to continue the attack on her clit, while he slid his shaft into her now-gushing tunnel and started thrusting at a pleasant pace. Another quick secret wish assured that their orgasms some time much later would be synchronized.

Once Jack pumped his last, slid from her and stood, Jennifer propped herself up on her arms, panting, as her lovely flushed skin and turgid nipples began to return to normal. She blew toward her forehead to try to clear the delightfully disheveled deep red hair hanging in her face. The effort was mostly futile, as the offending strands were stuck to a light sheen of perspiration. Having more luck with one hand, she looked accusingly at Jack. "You are a very naughty Master, Master."

Jack grinned back insouciantly. "I love you, too."

After a shower and a casual breakfast, they lounged around for the remainder of the morning, watching TV. Jack's cell phone rang a single ring several times over the duration, but the caller ID was always 'no data available.' The third time it happened, he had a thought. "That wouldn't happen to be Ms. Cooper, would it?"

Jennifer's eyes unfocused for a second. "Yes, it was. How did you know?"

Jack shrugged. "Lucky guess. Or maybe an educated one. Is she ok?"

Jennifer concentrated again. "Fair. She's going back and forth between fear that we know and will tell everyone, after which everyone will think she is a freak, and relief that we know, or at least someone knows, and will tell everyone, so she doesn't have to keep hiding. Oh, and throw trying to get up the nerve to try the oral sex simulator in there somewhere."

"She hasn't tried it, yet?"

"She's started to about twenty times, but then gets distracted by the other stuff. Ah! I think she's about to, though. Want to watch?"

Jack contemplated this for a moment. "No," Jennifer looked a little disappointed, and he grinned before continuing, "but you can, you little voyeur. Let me know how it goes. I'm going to check e-mail and my other clients' web sites, which I've been slightly neglecting."

"Ok!" Jennifer lay down on the couch, folded her hands over her stomach, and closed her eyes. Having the most beautiful woman he has ever seen, laying on his couch in one of his thin old T-shirts and boxers while she spied on someone else's sexual activity filled his head with so many different erotic thoughts, desires and ideas that he just about blew a fuse. He did the only thing he could; he went to check his e-mail.

An hour or so later, Jack got up from the desk and went over to Jennifer. "Um... Hello?"

She opened her eyes immediately and smiled up at him.

"How's it going?" he asked, sitting on the edge of the couch.

"Pretty well, but very slowly. Partly because she's a little concerned about safety, regardless of what you told her, but mostly because she wants to go slow and experience everything to its fullest, now that she has gotten up the nerve to start."

"Well, good for her." Jack couldn't resist reaching out to palm a firm, round breast and rub a nipple, whose darker tint was just visible through the worn cotton fabric of the old t-shirt.

She bit her lower lip. "Are you trying to distract me from my voyeuristic duty?"

Jack grinned, and then sighed. "No, go ahead and watch her. I'm just wanting to do something..." he trailed off, releasing her breast and starting to get up to peruse the porn DVDs.

"Why don't you experience a fantasy, Jack? I've been trying to get you to let me do that for you for weeks. Now sounds like the perfect time."

"What do you mean? You've granted me lots of fantasies."

She shrugged dismissively, doing arousing things to her now semi-hard-nippled breasts under the t-shirt. "Those were little things. I'm talking about experiencing an all-out fantasy."

"Like what?"

She shrugged again. "You could live out a fantasy from your childhood, or high school, or college, or a previous job. Or perhaps one inspired from a movie or book. Anything, really." She paused. "You really haven't been taking advantage of even a small percentage of my full potential, Master," she added with an outrageous reproachful pout.

Jack smirked back. "Genie, if I had taken any more advantage of your powers, I'd be dead from sexual exhaustion by now." She just rolled her eyes and snorted. "So, tell me how this works," he continued.

"Ok. It might be best if you first picked an example of a fantasy you would like to experience."

"Hmmm. Well, that's part of the reason I haven't asked you to fulfill one, yet, I guess. I've known in the back of my mind from the first day that you could fulfill more elaborate fantasies such as you describe, but the problem is that when one is offered the chance to have any and every one of one's sexual fantasies fulfilled, one can't pick one to start with." He leaned closer to look into her eyes. "Besides, as I have said before, you are the ultimate fantasy."

She blushed and gave him her special heart thumping, cock hardening smile. "Thank you, Love," She lifted her head to give a quick yet toe-curling kiss, then continued, "but to paraphrase a saying from my original time, 'even the most delicious dish will become tedious if it is the only one ever eaten.'"

Jack frowned at her. "Didn't we discuss this during a previous wish, or more correctly, figure out that a wish to prevent just this thing wasn't necessary."

She rolled her eyes in mock annoyance. "Yes, yes, we will never grow tired of each other. Now, will you request a fantasy, already?! I'm missing prime watching-a-hermaphrodite-using-an-oral-sex-machine time, here!"

Jack narrowed his eyes. "I think someone is trying to earn another round of punishment."

Jennifer's eyes widened while her nipples hardened to full erectness. "Whatever Master wishes," she said, perhaps a bit too demurely. Jack continued to stare at her. She just grinned and shrugged.

"Uh, huh. Besides, I thought you had your 'instant replay' to catch you up on things you missed."

She grinned impudently, "Oh, I do."

He was now torn between the fantasy and the round of Genie punishment. Curiosity over the possibilities of the fantasy finally won out. "Ok, I chose one of my favorite fantasies from high school with a girl named Mary Carson. Now what?"

"Well, if you will allow me, I can read the specifics of the fantasy from you. The biggest decision you need to make is which 'you' that you want to experience the fantasy."


"Well it could be you exactly as you were in high school at the time the fantasy takes place, or it could be you in high school, but changed or improved; bigger cock, longer endurance, whatever you want. Or, it could be your current self in your high school body, knowing what you know now. Or, well, you get the idea."

Jack absorbed this for a moment. "Ok, let's say I want it to be me just like I was then. How would that work?"

"You would experience the fantasy as you were then. You would be completely unaware that you were experiencing a fantasy, or of your life after that time, or of me."

"So, how would the fantasy end?"

"It is usual for you to give me some sort of timeframe or end point for the fantasy to stop."

"And if I don't?"

"Then I can end the fantasy at a likely stopping point, and if you wish it to continue, you may, as long as you have not reached your time limit."

"Time limit? What is my time limit?"

"Well, that brings up another one of my limitations, I'm afraid. It was discovered with the earliest 'sex Genies' that, if given unlimited 'fantasy time, ' many masters tended to spend all of their time in the fantasies, ignoring their real lives. As most Masters of sex genies at that time were important, influential people, that became a bit of a problem, as you can imagine.

"So, a couple of limitations were put on 'fantasy time.' The first is that you cannot experience more fantasy time than real time. Fantasy time starts accruing once the Genie's vessel is opened. In your case, we have been together almost four weeks, so you have four weeks of 'fantasy time'. Fantasy time is the time that you experience passing in a fantasy. Real time is obviously the actual time that passes in the real world."

"You mean I could have a four week fantasy, like a vacation in some tropic paradise surrounded by beautiful, horny women or something?"

"No, at least not yet, due to the second limitation. At first, Masters are limited to fairly short fantasies, with that time limit extending as the Master gains more experience in moving from reality to fantasy and back. The better the Master learns to handle reality vs. fantasy, and the more experience he or she has at it, the longer the fantasy limit. And before you ask me; no, there is no set progression, it varies by Master. It's sort of an automatic thing. I have no control over it. Oh! And you have to wait twenty four hours before you can start another fantasy, or continue one. That prevents you from stringing them all together, getting around the time limit."

"Golly. So, how long can my first fantasy be?"

Her eyes unfocused for a moment. "Mmmm, about a day."

"Oh! I figured you were going to say half an hour or something."

"For some Masters, that could very well be the starting limit. Apparently you are grounded enough to start out quite a bit higher," she pronounced proudly.

"Cool. Um, so what happens to my body while I'm in the fantasy? Is all of me there, or..."

"Your physical body stays here. I would recommend laying on the bed or something before you begin."

"So, it's like a dream, then?"

"Oh, no, it's much more than a dream. To your mind, it's absolutely real, and once you return, the memory will not fade like a dream's does."

"Does time pass for my body at the same rate as in the fantasy?"

"It doesn't have to. Initially, I can slow the time that passes for your body by as much as half. Actually I'm speeding up the fantasy - remember, I can't affect real time - but when in the fantasy, time will feel like it is passing normally. An hour in fantasy time would feel like an hour, and count as an hour of fantasy time, although only half an hour would pass for your body. Again, as you become more experienced with fantasies, this difference will become greater, so that you can experience longer and longer fantasies without losing too much real time."

"Wow. That's pretty complicated." He thought for another moment, and then shrugged. "So, should we both just move to the bed?"

"That's a good idea, Jack."

Once they were both situated comfortably, Jack asked. "What would you normally do while I'm having a fantasy?"

"Anything you wish. I could wait here, I could be part of the fantasy, whatever you want."

"And all the protection stuff is still working?"


"Ok, well, can you still watch Ms. Cooper and also do all the fantasy stuff?"

"Of course." She looked slightly miffed that he even need ask.

"Cool." He gathered his thoughts. "I would like to be pretty much as I was then, except..."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Nope, that BJ machine sounds about 2000 feet too deep into the Uncanny Valley for my tastes. Bummer.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
It's funny to read the older comments about

the BJ machine being unfeasible. It is now late 2015 and just such a product has been commercially available for about a year. It is similar, not the exact same device, but is designed to work in conjunction with POV movies specifically encoded to work with the device.

Our author was just doing what many SciFi writers have done before; show eerie prescience (?) when it comes to imagining devices of 'the future'.

To all you complainers about there not being enough sex, or the technical aspects of the discussions are too much, JP is simply doing what all GREAT authors do; show a solid command of their protagonists' expertise.

It's why great novelists do research BEFORE they write a single word.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
I like it!

It may be a little over the top, but that sex toy is perfectly plausible with today's technology, it just takes a little imagination on the part of the designer. Disney has been making VERY real looking robots for decades now, but their computers are a bit primitive by today's standards, micro controllers the size of a business card now have as much computing power as our desktops did just a few years ago, and miniature hydraulics and pneumatics have been around for decades. Genie did not make it magically, he has a geek buddy who built it and is ready to produce them. I will agree, though that this chapter was a little light on bedroom action, but other chapters make up for it, this is all part of a GREAT story, keep the chapters coming!

I wish I had a genie! My favorite fantasy is to meet a mermaid who can protect me from drowning and fuck her senseless on the deck of the Titanic, wouldn't THAT spin Bob Ballard's fan if he saw us?

JohnnyX9000JohnnyX9000over 11 years ago
Over the top it is NOT

Shes a GENIE. She has the powers to create a sex toy like that. Its not over the top its just perfect for the story.

ComproserComproseralmost 12 years ago

Agreeing with Anon about over the top - but hey, fuck it. Why not? :D

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
a bit OTT

Like this series so far but I found this one a bit too over the top. the whole sex product thing is too far fetched and by your description too complicated to be a viable product. for me it broke suspense of disbelief.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago

Like other readers, I agree that the central draw of these stories is the interaction between Jack and Jennifer -- it's a great dynamic, and Jennifer is a great character. This one was more technical (not necessarily bad) and a bit more expository, so it was slower. But it did set up interesting possibilities. It would be interesting if money continued to be a point of tension, though -- we can't have everything perfect and easy for Jack, can we?

Sebastian4Sebastian4almost 19 years ago
Great fun catching up

I love these other possibliities you keep coming up with for Genie's powers.

You keep extending different interesting story lines that adds to the thrill of finding out you have written another chapter.

If you need time off of work to knock them out faster, I'll start takiing up a

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
A brilliant series

This is a really cool set of stories; you are clarly finding ways of keeping it varied, incidentally, the electronic game mentioned earlier, is based on a card game called "strip jack naked" coincedence or what?!?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago

This should just be a script/novel. I kinda enjoy the fact that sex isn't the MOST important thing to this series. Like the small details such as how there is a time limit in fantasies because in the past, many who used these things couldn't be completely enveloped in them, etc. Marvelous.

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