Genie Chronicles Ch. 21


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Nick in turn put on airs of complete sincerity and obsequiousness as he replied, "Well, I can think of no one more attractive or better qualified than you and your new best friend, here," he pointed with his head across the table at Susan, "To man... er... woman, the booth."

"Hey, wait a minute! How did I get included in this?" Susan protested, but Jennifer was now grinning.

"Oh, come on, Susan. Let's do it. It'll be fun."

"I don't know," Susan looked decidedly unconvinced, "and where will you guys be while we are getting slobbered over?"

"We'll be there too, of course, although you know it will be mostly guys in attendance, and guys won't want to talk to other guys about getting simulated blow jobs."

Susan sighed heavily. "Yeah, you're probably right. But we'll need more than Jennifer and me. I'm not standing in that booth all day long for two days."

It was Nick's turn to sigh. "True. They have a service, sort of a 'Rent-A-Booth Babe', but they wouldn't know anything about the products, especially the simulator..." he trailed off in thought.

"What about Jamie?" Jack asked. Nick and Susan looked at him thoughtfully as he continued, "She knows most of your products well, and we can get her up to speed on the simulator."

Nick and Susan looked at each other. Susan shrugged. "It might cost us a bit more, but she would do a much better job than someone who has never seen the simulator before. We could get one or two of our customer support folks who want to work a few more hours to cover for her while she's gone."

Nick nodded. "Okay, if she wants to go, we'll take her."

"Unless you'd rather take Alice?" Jack said with a straight face, and got the expected 'Ewww!' expressions at the thought of a plump little old lady trying to talk about blow jobs, or rather in this case, attendees actually listening to a plump little old lady enthusiastically talking about blow jobs.

Nick said with a grin, "Actually, we invited Alice to go along, although not exactly as a 'booth babe.' She declined, saying she would remain here and mind the store. She says her bridge club is planning a trip there later in the year."

"Bridge, my ass," Jennifer muttered with a smirk. Jack almost asked her what that meant, then thought better of it.


Jack had requested the honor of asking Jamie if she wanted to go, so after the meeting he found her behind the desk in the reception area, just getting ready to go home for the day. "Hey, got time for a quick question?"

"Sure. What's up?" She replied with a smile, a somewhat hopeful-looking one. Jack figured she wouldn't be disappointed.

"How many slinky dresses do you have?"

She looked at him with a confused expression. "Uh, a couple, I guess. Why?"

"Well, get 'em out and dust 'em off, because you'll need them for manning the FI booth at the show next week."

Her eyes grew round. "What? I get to go to the show?!"

Jack grinned. "Yep, if you don't mind manning the booth with Jennifer and Susan. They..." He was interrupted by a squeal from Jamie as she flung herself around him in a fierce hug. He blinked his eyes in surprise for a second, and then wrapped his arms around her slender torso to hug her back, a not entirely unpleasant experience. He released her, a bit regretfully, when she loosened her grip.

"I'm sorry. I was just so excited. If Jennifer saw..."

"Saw what, you wrapped around my boyfriend?" Jennifer interrupted with a friendly smirk as she joined them.

Jamie turned crimson. "I'm SO sorry," she stammered, "I was just so excited..."

Jennifer adopted a look of profound disappointment. "You mean you weren't going to ride him here on your desk?"

Jamie stared at her in openmouthed surprise, obviously unsure of how to reply to that. Jennifer grinned and reached out a finger under Jamie's chin, closing her mouth with an audible 'clop' of teeth. "What Jack was getting around to mentioning to you was that if you want to go, we will need to work with you on a couple of things. Most importantly is getting you more familiar with the simulator and all its accessories. That can wait until tomorrow, though. Tonight, Susan and I are going shopping for some appropriately hot booth babe attire. Want to go with us?"

"Uh, sure!" Jamie replied, starting to look a little overwhelmed by recent events.

"Great! Meet us at the mall at seven, in the food court."

"Uh, okay. See you then." She headed toward her car, still looking a bit stunned, but quite happy.

Jack turned toward Jennifer. "Looks like another bachelor's night for me."

She looked at him like he had a screw loose. "Didn't you just hear what's going on? There are going to be three hot women trying on dresses designed to tent men's pants. Are you really saying you want to stay home and play video football?"

Jack stared at her for a moment. "You are absolutely right. What the hell was I thinking?"


Monday morning, after a long hard fuck, Jack and Jennifer arrived at FI only slightly late. The morning sex, in addition to quite a few long and infinitely less mundane rounds of sex over the weekend, took care of most of the remaining hard-on that the women had enjoyed giving Jack while modeling various dresses Friday evening. Apparently Jennifer and Susan had come up with some way to hide Susan's most unique attribute, as the dresses she modeled were just as slinky as the others'. Jack had become slightly concerned that, while their booth was now certain to draw a crowd, no one would pay any attention to the actual products.

They arranged for someone to cover for Jamie at the front desk for the day, and she joined Jack and Jennifer in their 'cloffice', as Jack had started to call it. Jamie had been in attendance for Jack's video shoot with the simulator, but they didn't feel like that was nearly enough exposure to be able to talk it up at the show. A much more detailed training session was in order, "... and we'll use a real cock for it!" Jennifer announced, grinning cheekily at Jack. Both Jack and Jamie looked at her in surprise. "It's only fair, Jack. You have seen her experience many more orgasms than she has you."

Jack was embarrassed at the idea, but this did not prevent him from stiffening quickly. So, after a token protest or two, just for form, he found himself stripped from the waist down again, simulator on its stand with mouth open, ready his cock. Jennifer proceeded to train Jamie on every aspect of the simulator, and thus indirectly, on giving a blow job. As it turned out, the girl had very little experience giving head, having only sucked off one or two equally inexperienced and thus quite appreciative guys.

Jennifer and Jamie took turns with the remote control as Jamie learned the techniques the simulator could perform, and then how to sequence them together into blow job scenarios. Her embarrassment evaporated into fascination and arousal as she orally stimulated Jack by proxy. Jack's embarrassment evaporated as he watched the concentration and arousal on her pretty face as she played, and then his legs got weak as she got better and better at it. Finally he had to lie down and reposition the simulator over him after taking a quick break to cool down and pull back from the brink.

While he was resting, Jennifer decided to switch the simulators for a clear one, and then had Jamie program in a scenario from scratch as a 'quiz.' They let the program run, and Jamie watched in satisfaction as the stimulator sucked and licked Jack to orgasm, then swallowed his strong jets of cum as his hips made small thrusts. She beamed in triumph, then her smile took on a bit of embarrassment again as she realized what she had just done to Jack.

Jennifer patted her on the shoulder. "Very nice. Wasn't that very nice, Jack?"

"Uh," he cleared his throat, "yes, very nice." Jack answered as he stared up at the ceiling, recovering.

"Thanks," Jamie said quietly, blushing.

"Okay," Jack cleared his throat again, "why don't we take a quick break, then we'll show you the user software. We won't need me as a test dummy for that. All you really need to know is how the basic user interface works versus the remote control, and how to use the time line and save and open scenarios. We'll also look at the advanced interface a little, just so you know in general what it's capable of."

After the break they worked with the software until lunch, and then went out for Chinese. Once they returned, Jennifer adopted a thoughtful expression. "Jamie, you've gotten pretty good at creating a simulated blow job, and you obviously enjoyed watching me give Jack a real one the other day, so how would you like to give him one for real?"

It took Jamie a second to realize what Jennifer was referring to, at which point she turned crimson and stuttered, "I didn't!... I mean..."

Jennifer interrupted her with a friendly smile and a shaking finger, "Don't bother denying it, young lady. I saw you leaving your hiding place the other day, and I'd bet your panties were wet for the rest of the afternoon. So, how about it? Wanna blow Jack?"

Both of them were now looking at Jennifer a bit disbelievingly, Jamie also still looking fairly mortified at being discovered. What are you up to? Jack asked silently.

Trust me.

Always. But... what are you up to?

Jamie, meanwhile, didn't look like she was quite ready to so casually perform a sex act with Jack, so Jennifer continued, "Here's why I'm asking; for the show we will have a full oral scenario with the works; 3D video, audio, everything. We will also have a recorded scenario only, no video or audio. Now we need something in the middle, a scenario with audio only."

"Why audio only? How would sound help." Jamie asked.

Jennifer smiled a naughty smile. "If done right, it can help in lots of ways."

"But, why me? You know I don't know much about giving a, uh, blow job."

"That's what makes you perfect. We'll already have two blow job scenarios from a fairly experienced performer. Having a scenario where a girl is learning to give her first blow job would fulfill quite a few guys' fantasies."

It took a little more convincing by Jennifer, but Jamie finally agreed. Jack sure wasn't going to refuse, so they set up the recording equipment and placed the reflective markers on Jack and Jamie, and then the sensors on Jamie. Jennifer mysteriously suggested that they set it up so that Jack was once again lying on his back. Jack looked her with narrowed eyes, suspicious, but she just grinned enigmatically. He shrugged, and they did as she suggested.

Jennnifer explained to Jamie, "We have the equipment set up to record audio, but no video except for the camera doing the motion capture. Now, there are a couple of rules. The first is; no hands. The simulator doesn't have hands, so everything you do must be mouth only. Second; I'm afraid you will need to swallow, or at least finish orally and spit. Again, no hand stroking to finish the job. Jack has been a naughty boy several times over the last forty eight hours, including due to your talents earlier today, so there shouldn't be too much to cope with. Is that ok?"

Jamie shrugged. "I swallowed the last time I did it. It was a little gross, but not too bad."

"Okay. So here's the plan. I am going to talk you through giving Jack a blow job. Just follow my instructions."

Jamie frowned at Jennifer. "Won't that sound weird on the tape? Are you going to edit that part out?"

Jennifer just grinned her secret smile. "Trust me."

Jamie shrugged, and then positioned herself over Jack at Jennifer's direction, looking a bit self conscious. As Jack looked down at Jamie's nervous but aroused expression, he was pleased and thrilled to find that Jennifer's promise to him, made soon after he had released her from her vessel, was holding true; while the number of his sexual encounters and sexual partners, both real and fantastic, had increased unbelievably since her release, he still found himself anticipating each new sexual adventure and participant with equal if not increasing excitement, and this went doubly so with Jennifer, herself.

Now, he found himself looking forward the touch of Jamie's lips on his cock just as much as he had anticipated his very first touch of a girl's lips. Perhaps that was part of his current excitement; the chance to relive receiving a girl's (almost) first blow job? On the other hand, he was glad to know that he certainly should have a longer fuse than his first time. The poor girl had gotten a face full of cum before either of them knew what was happening. He had tried to repay her as best he could by clumsily but effectively eating her to two tongue aching orgasms.

Jennifer started the software recording, and then in a low, sensual voice began instructing Jamie on how to blow Jack. At first it was predominantly what not to do - don't actually blow, cover your teeth until you know what you are doing - while occasionally stopping Jamie's hand as it drifted unconsciously to try to grasp Jack's cock. After awhile, though, the instruction changed to what to do to give Jack greater pleasure, including how to try to suppress her gag reflex in order to deep-throat him. As Jennifer predicted, Jack was enjoying the experience of Jamie learning to give a great blow job, and thought about asking Jennifer to magically prolong the experience. He realized, though, that she couldn't do that, as the guys running this scenario later wouldn't have their own Genie to do the same thing. What she did instead was to include several small breaks in the action while she explained something in detail to Jamie in her sensual voice, giving Jack a chance to recover a bit. These breaks would remain in the recorded scenario, giving others the same opportunity.

Jack couldn't last forever, though, and eventually he was pumping into Jamie's eager mouth as Jennifer gently encouraged her to swallow every drop. Jamie did, and then said, "Hey, his isn't gross at all."

Jennifer grinned, "Nope."

They stopped the recording, made sure everything was captured, and then Jennifer said, "Alright, here's my idea. I didn't go through this before because I didn't want it distracting you, Jamie. We present the scenario like this: Jack is your hunky older brother. I am your experienced older sister. Early one Saturday morning you come to me asking about sex. The conversation turns to giving blow jobs. I know that our brother was out late last night, and nothing will wake him from his coma for a couple more hours, so I suggest that we go experiment on him.

"That would be the setup for the scenario, fleshed out and erotically written, with the person experiencing the scenario playing the part of the older brother. I will probably narrate that opening setup for the guy to listen to before the scenario starts, and end it by saying something like, 'but we only thought you were asleep. You were actually wide awake, keeping your eyes tightly closed, trying to stay as still as you could to fake sleep, as one sister teaches the other how to give you the blow job of your life' or something. That's why I talked the way I did during the recording, and that's how a scenario with only sound can be very erotic."

You are a very imaginative, very naughty girl, Jack complemented her silently.

Meanwhile, Jamie was saying, "You're right, that's pretty hot! But what about my voice? Can't it be recognized?"

Jennifer smirked. "If you'll go back and listen, you'll find that I phrased everything so that you didn't say a word. The only sounds you made were a few 'um-hmms' and slurps."


"Now, if you approve, we'll use that as a demo at the show. We will also be giving out coupons at the show for a free download of one pay scenario for any attendees who receive or later purchase a simulator. We can make this scenario we just recorded a pay one, and anyone who doesn't have a coupon and wants it will have to buy it. You will get a portion of that purchase price."


"Yep, if you approve the scenario, and approve its posting as a pay scenario. You will also have to fill out some paperwork with Nick or Susan, I think."


With Jamie's approval, they had the three demo scenarios promised to Nick, although when Jack and Jennifer had decided to include an audio-only scenario, Jack figured he and Jennifer would just record one with a few extra slurping sounds and 'do you like that, baby?'s thrown in. Jennifer never ceased to amaze him.

By the end of the day Monday, pretty much everything had to be done so that it could be sent on its way in time to meet them at the convention center on Thursday. This gave everyone a couple of days of calm before the storm, although Jack kept fairly busy. The following Friday was once again the last of the month, so Jack made arrangements to pick up Smith & Brown's pricing file early on CD, which he would then use to update their website on Friday from the internet connection in his hotel room.

He had informed all of his other clients of his vacation a couple months ago, and then of his additional time out of town as soon as Nick had notified him four weeks ago. This did not prevent them from all coming to him two days before his departure with vital things that had to be done before he left. He performed the items he recognized to be truly vital, and informed the appropriate clients that the rest would have to wait until his return. Some complained, and he politely reminded them of how long they had know about his departure, how long they had obviously been holding these 'vital' jobs, and suggested that next time they not wait until two days before he left to ask him to do them.

The rest of his time was spent between packing for two trips at the once, and of course a fair amount of Genie-powered sex. Jack was surprised at just how long it took for a Genie who could magically create her clothing to pack, but by early Thursday morning everything was ready, and a somewhat excited Jack and a very excited Genie headed for the airport.

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cylinderlitcylinderlitover 11 years ago
Agreeing with Anon below.

This story is epic and has 28 chapters with erotica somewhere in each one so your complaints are non factual! Most of the stories on this site don't have any plot and are crap so don't knock the small percentage that rocks!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
To Anon down below!

The previous commentator can go to hell.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

A previous commenter commented on 'too much plot'. I have to agree. I love the plotline and everything, but this is supposed to be erotica. If you could bring the focus back on the sex (rather than saying that it happened) that'd be great. Also, more time devoted to interactions between Genie and Jack would also be cool to

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

Love this series! I don't know how you keep coming up with such great stuff, but don't stop!

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