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I wasn't willing to admit that although except for Anastasia I was turned on not just by Brenda watching but because I was imagining fucking Brenda instead of the real woman I was having sex with.

"'," I stuttered until she hit me with "Then why do you always tent your pants in my presence?" with one of her trademarked diabolical smiles on her face.

I was busted, and I knew it. I shrugged my shoulders, forced myself to look into her eyes, and said "Maybe you're right. Maybe it was the fact that they were hot more than the geometry."

"Maybe it was even that you were thinking about fucking me while performing?" she said more than asked with a devilish smile on her face.

I stuttered again, this time worse than the last time.

Then in event as unexpected to me as the sun rising in the West; Brenda stood, and with an even more diabolical smile started undressing. To be honest I'm not really sure of everything that she said as she was stripping, but at least some of the things were "in the interest of science," "as part of my thesis research," "as you can see I have D cup omega tits, not conical ones," and "my leg dimensions are all off compared to your geometric theory."

What I am completely sure of, and in fact will never forget, is that Brenda had my cock standing proud outside of my clothes shortly after she finished her soliloquy, and that when she rode me cowgirl that it was to nirvana despite the fact that I was lying on my thin and scratchy living room rug instead of in a bed. Her pulsating pussy muscles, combined with her exaggerated bucking motion and my grasp and twist of her mammoth omega tits, resulted in the most intense orgasm of my life up to that point. If it was an earthquake it would have registered a 9.0 on the Richter Scale.

I do believe that I was comatose for at least a short while after I blew my wad and Brenda squealed in pleasure. I regained awareness to find her body prone on mine with my cock still buried in her snug vagina. After an exchange of kisses in that position Brenda giggled "Let's take this show to a bedroom - I already have a few rug burns on my knees."

By the time that Brenda was getting dressed and ready to go two hours later, after we had copulated in the doggy and Bliss positions as well as becoming well acquainted orally with each other's private parts, I could not dispute her hypothesis. "You just proved to yourself that geometry is not a significant factor in sexual satisfaction, Brent. How hot your partner is controls more than anything else. You think that I'm the hottest babe that you've ever met, so you had the best sex ever. Let's meet again later this week to discuss this further, and so that I can get some more information from you for my thesis."

No, in all honesty, I could not dispute her hypothesis. She provided my best sexual encounter ever, and not just by a few meters - more like a light year!


Obviously, my relationship with Brenda changed after than marathon sex session at my apartment. Except when her husband was in town, we found time and circumstances to fuck almost every day. I do believe that she enjoyed fucking me almost as much as I enjoyed fucking her, and there was no limit to the creative ways in which we enjoyed each other's bodies. She still observed me in many situations, and asked me lots of questions at all times, including shortly after one of our spontaneous classic mating sessions.

In all of this time, my naïve on-the-spectrum mind never questioned the morality of me fucking a married woman, or of a married woman fucking me. I guess that I was just too sexually satisfied to overcome my naiveté; I don't know her reason.

Then a cataclysmic event occurred.

As I mentioned earlier, Brenda's husband Jerry was a professional baseball player. Since I follow few athletics, and no baseball, I had no idea whether he was good, bad, star, or dud. I do know that he was supposed to be out of town on a road trip for two more days and nights when on a Thursday Brenda and I were going at it hot and heavy on a mat in her exercise room, one of the few rooms in her house that we hadn't already christened. I was just about to ejaculate an epic load into her effervescent pussy when out of the corner of my eye I either saw or sensed an object coming toward my face.

When I woke up in the hospital room I was told that it was three hours after Brenda's husband Jerry had smashed my face with his fist. It was Brenda who told me this since she was in my hospital room, somehow having convinced the nurses that she was my sister.

"How are you feeling, stud?" was her first gentle question as she stroked the side of my swollen face. "You have a concussion and a badly swollen face.

I suddenly felt a mental clarity that I had never felt before. "Excp for nt b-in ables ta feels my fase, OK caus you-b here," was probably how my clear thought was actually expressed through my swollen mouth and jaw.

Brenda chuckled. "Don't talk now, but tomorrow we have some decisions to make. Jerry is in jail right now - unless his agent has already bailed him out. However, we need to decide what to do."


The next day I was released from the hospital. I refused any pain medication. While I definitely had discomfort, I had more clarity of mind than at any other time in my life. After just another day I could almost talk normally, and my concussion symptoms were tailing off nicely. It was then that I sat down with Brenda to hash out the future.

"Brent, Jerry is a star baseball player. He came home early from the road trip to get specialized treatment for a pulled hamstring. So far the cops have kept his arrest quiet, and Jerry and his team are very interested in resolving the situation amicably. I believe that he intends to file for divorce and enforce the pre-nup, but depending on a number of factors we can negotiate something that we're all happy with," Brenda said in as matter-of-fact a manner as was possible under the circumstances.

I surprised myself and her when I more eloquently than ever before in my history was able to articulate everything that I had been both consciously, and sub-consciously, thinking since the day that I met Brenda.

"Brenda, while some might consider me delusional considering your admitted history of cheating with married men when you were single, and having a two month long sexual relationship with me despite the fact that you're married to Jerry, I seem to have fallen in love with you. I have every intention of marrying you even though I might not have the trust in you that most men would expect of their wives," I studiously stated.

Brenda had a shocked look on her face and seemed to want to say something, but I was on a roll and held up my hand in a "Stop" motion.

"I can easily understand why Jerry was pissed and slugged me. If I were completely normal and faced with the same situation I might have done the same thing. I understand that as far as the letter of the law is concerned that his response was illegal even if understandable, and his apparent desire to divorce you is also reasonable."

Brenda didn't try and say anything, but her mouth looked like that of a large mouth bass pulsing its lips.

"Therefore what I propose is that Jerry provides a monetary divorce settlement that you are comfortable with, even if not overjoyed about, in exchange for me not pressing charges for assault, and that all parties agree to keep the entire incident confidential. If you continue to expertly and passionately fuck me while your divorce is pending, and continue to be the most fun and desirable person in my life to be around, once you are officially divorced there is a high probability that I'll ask you to marry me. What your answer will be will reveal itself at that time. How does that sound?"

Normally it was me stuttering around Brenda. This time it was her doing the stuttering.

"'ve thought...well..." she stammered, and then after a long pause she smiled and finally clearly articulated something: "OK!"

It's lucky that we were in the privacy of my apartment when we had that discussion rather than a public place because only seconds after her "OK" I ripped her clothes off. While my mouth was still not in condition to do acceptable oral, I did finger her to one orgasm, and she went through two more while I fucked her as vigorously as my condition would allow.


Brenda, me, and Justine, a divorce attorney that Brenda had hired, met with Jerry, his agent, and his attorney, two days later at his attorney's office. So far all that the public knew was that Jerry was being treated for a hamstring injury.

Jerry tried to apologize to me at the start of the meeting but I stopped him. "I should be the one apologizing to you; I should not have been having sex with your wife when you were away on business. That makes me a low life. While what you did was illegal, it was understandable. Let's just work to find a business solution that all of us can be happy with and forget about apologies, acrimony, and posturing."

After my little speech Brenda surprised me and added "I want to apologize too, Jerry. If I was unhappy I should have talked with you about things rather than having sex behind your back. I agree with Brent; let's just resolve this to everyone's satisfaction."

I do believe that Jerry's side of the table was darn near flabbergasted. However Jerry's initial frown became a smile, and he said "Sounds good - where do we start?"

Brenda looked upon me in awe as I proceeded to take charge. "Let me tell you the things that I think are most important to you and your agent, Jerry, and then what is most important to me and Brenda. You want no publicity about the incident as I'll call it, and as little publicity about the divorce as possible. Also, you want to insure that there are no criminal charges against you."

The other side of the table enthusiastically nodded to that.

"Brenda wants to exit the marriage with her dignity intact, and with a monetary settlement that isn't obscene, but is more favorable than the pre-nup provides. I want a relationship with Brenda, so if she's happy, I'm happy, and as I earlier indicated, I have no acrimony that will get in the way of a reasonable settlement. Given this situation, why don't we three," I said as I gestured to Brenda and Justine, "leave the room while the three of you come up with a proposal."

Everyone smiled at that and we left the room.

"Who are you and what have you done with Brent Mann?" Brenda chuckled. "You know ever since Jerry smacked you there is no sign whatsoever of you being on the autism spectrum. You're not just normal - you're way above normal!"

I smiled and shrugged my shoulders. Then she whispered in my ear "And if two days ago is any example you are the best fuck in my history," just before she nibbled on it.

I simply smiled and shrugged my shoulders again.

It took Jerry's team only about fifteen minutes to call us back into the room. His attorney spoke:

"We thank you for your rational approach to this situation. While Jerry had not considered that a divorce was inevitable, it appears that it is; so let us propose terms. Brent declines to press charges against Jerry and does whatever is necessary to assist in seeing that no charges are brought. Jerry and Brenda divorce for irreconcilable differences with Brenda getting $2,000,000, paid out $400,000 per year over five years, with no alimony either way. The personal possessions will be split amicably. Brenda will remove all of her possessions from the house she shares with Jerry within ten days. ALL proceedings will be confidential and the parties will sign confidentiality agreements with heavy penalties for violation."

"Give us a few minutes," I said as Brenda, Justine, and I exited the room.

Brenda's enormous smile said it all. "You OK with it?" I asked.

"Since my pre-nup provides for $150,000 I guess you could say that," she chuckled.

"We have to make some counter even if it's a small one," Justine said, "and we have to talk about something for at least five minutes so that they don't think that we're too anxious," she continued.

"You're right," Brenda and I chuckled in unison.

We shot the shit for six more minutes, then re-entered the room. We let Justine speak - she had to do something to earn her fee. "We'll go along with it if it's $500,000 for each of the first two years, then $333,000 for each of the last three."

Everybody smiled, we all shook hands, and the two attorneys stayed around to crank out the paperwork as soon as possible.


Brenda lived with me in my apartment until the divorce was final. While with her economic situation she didn't really have to work, she was determined to get her PhD. As part of it she was able to document my unbelievable path from sliding along the autism spectrum to normal functionality and enhanced intelligence.

I proudly attended her graduation after she successfully defended her PhD thesis.

Even though the sex with Brenda was better than with any other partner in my experience - by a long shot - my new found normalcy and enhanced intelligence caused me to question whether she was loving/loyal wife material.

Before I proposed I financed a test of her fidelity.

I paid an American actor, who spoke good German, to pose as a visiting professor from the University of Munich. He made an appointment to meet with Brenda about some topic that she was professionally interested in while I was on a fake trip out of town.

I got the actor's report the next day. Brenda failed miserably as his candid photos preceding his sexual encounter with Brenda in the bed that we shared made clear.

When Brenda came home from the University early one evening about a week after she failed my test she was shocked to see all of my furniture and possessions out of the apartment.

"What's going on, darling?" was her truly perplexed question.

"Well, Brenda; given your track record - even though before my 'awakening' I participated in it - with fidelity, despite the fact that I lust after you something fierce, and probably even love you, I don't see you as loyal wife material. The apartment lease is paid up for the next thirty days after which it expires. I'm sure that if you act fast that you can sign your own lease if you want to stay - but if you don't you can get another place," I unemotionally replied.

"What? You're dumping me? After all that I've done for you?" she combined screamed and cried.

"That appears to be the case," I smiled, as I turned and exited the apartment and her life.

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RanDog025RanDog0254 months ago

Damn, you hit this one out of the Ball Park! Excellent story and worthy of 5 BIG ASS FUCKING HUGE FLAMING NOVA STARS! Excellent story!

Jake7518Jake7518over 2 years ago

Great Story Plots!

I do share the same feeling as others; that longer more complete or complicated stories would be more enjoyable to read.

TreymonTreymonover 3 years ago

Pretty fair. As per usual the MC is a person interesting enough to carry more story.

MarkT63MarkT63about 4 years ago

Once a cheater; ALWAYS a Cheater!!!

IndyOnIndyOnover 4 years ago
Where is FTDS when you need him?

Just another unfinished story! do you see their lives after the breakup? There are many really good stories in Literotica with no ending and this is one of them....RIP to FTDS.....wish you were still with us!

calflashcalflashover 5 years ago
just deserts

Everyone got what they deserved. Jerry got rid of a cheating with albeit at a high price. The cheaters Bret and Brenda got what they deserved - failed relationships.

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago
A little off

Good story, even though it was way over my head. Cheaters will be cheaters, never trust them to change.

cub4acougarcub4acougarabout 6 years ago
do onto others

our hero is just as bad as the wife

i don t care how hot a woman is if she`s married i`m not touching her because you can always find one that is unattached

treat people like you want to be treated and no husband should be treated as a low life and be cheated upon

if the relationship doesn`t work leave the honorable and moral way

bruce22bruce22almost 7 years ago
A very interesting story with lots of wild ideas...

If you regard it as a fantasy, then it is pure fun.

LickideesplitLickideesplitalmost 7 years ago
Agree with many.

I like most of the prior comments. Associate professors (at doctorate-granting universities) are NOT doctoral students. Certainly not at the same institution where they are caandidates (althought that was not directly asserted.) A detail ... later in the account, she was described as an assistant professor ... which MIGHT happen if they were different universities. But it would be a demotion from associate prof. VERY few universities hire there own graduates straight out of their degree. After proving themselves for perhaps ten or more years, it might happen. There are a few exceptions to such a policy, but the conditions have to be compelling!)

The miraculous cure for autism is a step WAY too far! Also, if you count up Sweetie's reported pre- and post-marital sex partners until she and Hubby met, it was fairly sparse. The idea she would boff a relative stranger is not supported by her history. Just happens to be useful for the 'surprise' ending!


oatzaboatzabalmost 7 years ago
Story about two successful men as Jerry and Brent!

He avoided a future marriage catastrophe. I agree he fucked a married woman and the result was divorce, but Jerry was successful to get rid of a eternal cheater material wife without kids and Brent gets rid of her in time before wedding too.

ScorpioJJScorpioJJalmost 7 years ago
Something new

While it wasn't my favorite story by AMM, it was original. Thanks, keep 'em coming.

payenbrantpayenbrantalmost 7 years ago
Not bad.....

....but the ending flopped.

Should have made her aware that he knew she was continuing to cheat

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggalmost 7 years ago
Narrator Finds Out the Course of Congruent Love Does Not Necessarily Run True.

Decent read but it all was too Aryan master race for me to seriously t invest in on any level. Author out a premium on get in, get fast in terms of chronicling action . But there was no real lapel grabbing, tipping point climax . I enjoy this author and his predilection for plot lines less taken , but all the major players seemed and to be in thrall to their libido and narcissists of first order. Jersey Shore Snooki & The Situation with advanced degrees ...

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 7 years ago

“I graduated engineering school” – Nitpick: You don’t “graduate engineering school,” you “graduate college with an engineering degree,” or you “get an engineering degree,” or some such.

“associate professor and PhD student” – My knowledge of academia is somewhat limited, but are PhD STUDENTS hired as associate professors?

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