George's Sexual Awakening Ch. 01

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George, A naïve teenage boy leaves home to go to university.
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George's sexual awakening

A naïve teenage boy leaves home to go to university and is sexually awakened.

Everyone in these stories is over the age of eighteen.

Author's Note

I have used British English and spelling. This is not incorrect, it's just different from American conventions so please do not comment on it.

I had a happy childhood. My family were working class. We lived in a small town. I was eighteen years old and I suppose I was a typical horny teenage boy. I'd had a few brief kisses with girls at high school, but I had no experience of sex with anyone but myself. I'd had a few crushes of course, but at school I was far too shy to do anything about it.

Now, like thousands of other British teenagers, I was on my way to university in another town some distance away from my home and family. I made a life-changing decision. I had 'flown the nest'. Away from the influence of my kind and supportive, but rather prudish, parents, I was determined to lose my shyness and virginity as soon as possible and have some fun. It was the late 1960's. It was the era of Woodstock, free love and the Beatles. The sexual revolution was in full swing, and my generation had a completely different outlook from our parents. We regarded their ideas about sex, and just about everything else, as outmoded and old-fashioned and we rejected them completely. Or so we thought!

I found it easy to fit into the student life and made several new friends of both sexes. I was soon attracted to an Irish girl called Mary who was on the same course as me. She didn't have a car so we started to go everywhere together in mine. We were both eighteen and free from family restraints. We were both keen to explore and express our sexuality and have some fun. There was a problem though. As first year students we were both in shared rooms. I had a room in 'digs'. By that I mean that my roommate, Tony, and I shared a room as boarders in Mrs. Flint, our landlady's house. The house was a short walk from college up a very steep hill. Mary slept in a dormitory with five other girls in a grand old house called 'Byefield House' lower down the hill. So, the only opportunities for sex were in my car.

To start with, I would drive Mary back to Byefield House each evening and kiss her goodnight in the car. Our kisses became more and more passionate and uncomfortable in the front seats of my car so I started to escort her into the house where we would kiss in the dark hallway outside her dormitory. She was an amazing kisser, the best I've ever experienced, and we both got very turned on. I usually drove back to my lodgings with my rock-hard cock threatening to burst out of my pants. I knew she was turned on too, because when I explored under her top to cop a feel of her tits, I found her nipples were as hard as pebbles. Later, I got more daring and slid my hand down under her skirt and found her knickers were dripping wet too.

Neither of us were very satisfied with this situation, so we soon developed a liking for parking my car in some dark, private spot where we could take things further. I would push her shirt and jumper up and explore the delights beneath. I soon developed the skill of unhooking her bra at the back with one hand, then I would massage her beautiful curvaceous breasts and kiss and suck her nipples. I've always had a fascination with breasts and this was a huge turn on for me. Mary soon noticed the hard lump in my pants and started her own exploration. To my delight she fished my throbbing cock out of my pants and stroked it. I was in heaven and almost came there and then. Fortunately, she noticed my heavy breathing and stopped stroking to avoid the impending messy crisis. We continued like this for several evenings and I decided to do some further exploration of my own and managed to get her wriggle and lift her sweet arse so I could slide her knickers down and over her ankles.

As I gingerly fingered her naked pussy for the first time, I brought my slimy wet fingers to my nose and breathed in the gorgeous sweet sexy smell of her arousal. She spread her legs for me and I nuzzled my face into the previously unexplored and forbidden delightful territory. I dipped my tongue between the folds and tasted her sweet nectar for the first time. While my head was buried between her legs, I suddenly felt my cock engulfed in her hot mouth. I felt her push my foreskin back and she licked and worshipped the head of my cock with her tongue and lips. Unfortunately, this had to come to an end because the sixty-nine position was so uncomfortable in the front seat of my car and we were both scared to go further as we were both so young and inexperienced.

Having got this far, there was no going back and we soon graduated, by mutual consent, to the back seat. My car was a small van with no rear side windows, so it was relatively private. Even so, we were never brave enough to get completely naked in the car and it was very cold so we had to content ourselves with intense kissing and the occasional sixty-nine.

I longed to go further with Mary and fantasized about fucking her and enjoying each other completely naked. I was sure that she had the same thoughts, but we just didn't know how to make it happen.

We continued in this way until the end of our first term. To celebrate the end of our first term away from home, we first years had a big party in the college student union bar the weekend before the end of term. Of course, we all got really drunk. We had previously decided that I couldn't drive after the party, so Mary suggested that she could sneak me into her dormitory and I could sleep on the floor next to her bed. So, after the party I walked her back to Byefield House and, under the cover of darkness I crept into her dormitory and laid down next to her bed. In my drunken state I hadn't given a thought to what would happen next morning when I woke up in a dormitory with six females.

During the night I woke up and felt really cold. I was shivering. I decided the only thing to do would be to slide into bed with Mary to get warm. To my delight she was completely naked under her doona and, even better, she was very welcoming! I quickly shed my own clothes and snuggled up to her, delighted and excited that we were naked and in bed together at last. We kissed passionately and explored each other's body. As I ran my hands over her gorgeous, curves my cock was instantly hard. Having dreamed of a situation like this for weeks I had come prepared.

I slid a condom over my pulsating cock and moved its hard length up and down her vulva, feeling its welcoming wetness. She moaned softly in my ear and whispered "Fuck me, now!" Without further ado I applied the tip of my cock to find her opening. As the tip slid in, she pushed her hips forward to welcome me. The feeling of my cock entering a pussy for the first time was better than my wildest dreams and it swelled until I thought it would burst. I pushed it back and forwards a few times, revelling in the feeling of our first-time sex. Mary grabbed the cheeks of my arse and encouraged me to go further. I pushed harder and felt the resistance suddenly lessen as my cock plunged into the depths of her pussy. I lost all control and started to thrust hard and fast with her encouragement.

Of course, the inevitable happened and I felt the spunk boiling up through my cock to fill the condom and her vagina. Mary gasped and began to orgasm too and I remained inside her until I felt my cock begin to soften. We both experienced the blissful feeling after our first fuck and mutual orgasm. A feeling I will never forget. Hearing a few suppressed giggles, we worried that we had been discovered, but soon all was quiet. We kissed deeply and fell asleep. Before dawn I woke and kissed Mary who was still sleeping. Then I dressed quickly and slipped out of the building before anyone else woke. In the cold light of dawn, I couldn't believe what had just happened. I was no longer a virgin! I'd had my first fuck! I felt eight feet tall and couldn't wipe the smile off my face.

At lunch time I met Mary in the dining room at college. She drew me aside into a corner with a look of sheer panic on her face.

"What's the matter?" I asked, fearful that there had been a disaster.

"The girls in my room all know that you were there last night and they heard us having sex!"

I was stunned and had to think quickly about any possible consequences.

"What did they say?" I blurted out, fearful that we would be reported and thrown out of the college.

Mary said "Well, they were very excited and probably jealous, and they kept asking me what it was like."

I thought for a moment then I asked "What do you think will happen now? Do you think they'll report us?"

Mary tearfully replied "They did discuss that and one of them thought they should report it Miss Learing, the house mother. But the others were so interested to know what it was like and they wanted to know more about you!"

"About me?" I asked, "What do they want to know about me?

"Well," smiled Mary, "None of them has seen an actual male naked before and they wondered what you look like without your clothes."

"Oh my God! What did you say?" I stammered out. "Did they really ask to see me naked?"

"Well, yes they did" she admitted "Jane even threatened to report us if you didn't agree."

Well, what could I say? I was clear that they had me over a barrel. It would be disastrous if we were reported. We could both be thrown out of college and how could we explain that to our parents and families? I was terrified, but I had no choice, I had to agree to do it.

I asked Mary what she felt about it. She didn't want to give in to Jane's blackmail and she didn't want to share me in this way with her roommates but she felt we had no choice.

"Well, OK," I said reluctantly, "I suppose you'll have to negotiate with them and make the arrangements. Do they all want to see me naked or just some of them?"

"Yes, they all do. They discussed it at length and all seemed really excited about it. I think it really turns them on, just thinking about it."

After lunch we ran into Jane and Mary had a whispered conversation with her. Jane turned and looked me up and down with a lascivious smirk on her face.

"See you later, loverboy!" she giggled.

With only one week left of the term I realized that my ordeal would have to happen soon or not at all. I fervently wished that the girls would forget all about it. But one part of me was secretly excited and turned on by the prospect of getting naked in front of six girls.

I didn't have long to wait. On Monday morning Mary informed me that Miss Learing had told one of the girls that she was going to visit her mother some distance away and would be away for a couple of days and nights. The girls invited me over to their dormitory on Tuesday night for 'drinks and a fun evening'. Alcohol was not allowed in Byefield House but the girls decided that they could have a party in Miss Learing's absence and clear up afterwards. It appeared that I would be the evening's entertainment as I would be the only male present. Jane told Mary that, if I cooperated and entertained the girls, they wouldn't report my sleepover and sex with Mary.

I turned up at nine o' clock as arranged and took a bottle of whisky and a box of shot glasses with me. I'd already had a couple of shots to give me some dutch courage as I was very nervous and very excited about entertaining six girls. When I arrived in the dormitory, I was shocked to discover eighteen very merry girls instead of the six I expected. Jane had invited all the girls from the two upstairs dormitories to share the fun. They had clearly been drinking and cheered me when I walked in. At first, they were very chatty and we had a few more drinks together. Then the conversation became more and more sexually explicit as they asked Mary and I how we got together and what lead up to our night of 'hot sex'. At first, we were embarrassed by the questions but after a few more drinks and some admissions from some of the girls about their own sexual exploits and desires, we started to relax.

Jane rattled a teaspoon against her glass to call the girls to order and announced. "Well girls, George here has kindly agreed to entertain us by appearing naked. I'm sure those of us who have never seen a naked male will find it very interesting. Over to you, George!"

I was terrified and my legs were shaking. But realising that the time had come to get naked or face the consequences, I decided to make a show of it to entertain the girls who were virtually drooling at the prospect of seeing me naked. I had brought my tape recorder and switched on 'the Stripper' music to begin my act. The girls went wild, whooping, clapping and whistling.

Much encouraged by their enthusiasm, I started to strip. First, I kicked off my shoes then I unbuckled my belt and made a show off pulling it slowly through the belt loops until it was completely free. Then I swung it around a few times and cracked it like a whip. The girls all laughed and cheered. When I dropped the belt between my legs then grabbed the other end behind me and sawed it across my groin they whooped in delight. My shirt went next. I was no athlete, but at that stage I had some pecs and a flat stomach and the girls enjoyed the sight of my naked chest. When I undid the top button of my trousers the girls fell silent for a moment and their expectation was palpable. I approached Mary and gestured to her to unzip the fly. The girls leaned forward keen not to miss any detail.

To my horror I felt my cock begin to swell and I willed it to stay down. However, as we all know, a teenage boy's cock is not entirely under his control and is given to unexpected erections. This was certainly the case with mine. It felt as though it would burst through my underwear.

Stalling for time in the hope that my erection would subside I turned my back on my audience and slowly inched my trousers down below my buttocks to reveal my bum, still encased in the thin material of my light blue briefs. My disobedient cock grew even harder and I could feel it tented out at the front of my briefs. I would have loved to disappear into a hole in the ground at this point. I had no choice though. I had to continue and finish this. I decided to give the girls what they were hanging out for and reveal my turgid member for all of them to see.

I pulled my trousers back up and turned to face the girls. I approached Jane who was clearly the ringleader and gestured to invite her to pull down my trousers. She hesitated and made a show of being scared then she took hold of the waistband and suddenly ripped the garment down to my knees. The girls gasped as the tented-out front of my briefs was revealed. I couldn't conceal my erection any longer and proudly thrusted my hips back and forth to make it more obvious. The girls were practically drooling with anticipation now and I noticed two or three of them surreptitiously sliding their hands towards their groin. I had no doubt that all of them were sexually excited by now and getting wet between the legs.

I kicked off my trousers and made a show of stripping off my socks to reveal my feet. All that remained now was the pair of light blue briefs that protected my modesty or what remained of it. Turning my back once again on the girls I slowly slid the back of the briefs down to reveal my hairy bum cheeks. The girls cheered with delight but they fell silent when I turned around and dropped the front of my briefs to reveal my cock and balls. As my rigid cock pointed up at the ceiling the and I thrusted out my hips to emphasise its size the girls gasped in surprise. Finally, one of them said:

"Oh my God, I didn't realise it would be that big!"

The girls started to discuss the size of my cock between themselves. Finally, one of them dared to ask:

"George, if you don't mind me asking, how big is that thing?"

The other girls started to laugh but they were obviously impressed and I was pleased with their reaction. I told her I had no idea as I'd never measured it.

One of the girls asked "George, I've got my tape measure in my drawer. Would you mind measuring it for us, please?" She asked so nicely and I was so excited that I couldn't resist. She handed me the tape measure and I placed the end of it against my body at the pubic bone and stretched it out along the length of my rigid member. The girls craned forward to read the result. Mary triumphantly called out:

"It's eight inches. His cock is eight inches long!"

Jane leaned forward and placed her hand next to my cock and announced;

"It's longer than my hand!"

One of the other girls grasped my cock and told everyone:

"Look I can hardly close my fingers around it. It's so thick!"

At this point the girls seemed to go into a frenzy. They all wanted to touch my cock. I was pushed back on the bed with my cock sticking proudly up in the air as they all wanted to touch and handle it. Mary looked doubtful, but she gave me a searching look and as I didn't seem to mind the attention, she didn't try to stop them. My cock got a thorough examination. All the girls wanted to feel it and remarked how soft the skin was but how hard it was underneath the skin. They were also curious about my balls and they were gently handled and investigated. One girl discovered the foreskin and drew it back to reveal the purple helmet beneath. I suddenly felt like the subject of a science class with all the girls keen to satisfy their curiosity about the penis.

Jane was the first to grasp my shaft and move it up and down to cover and uncover the head. On seeing this, other girls wanted to try it. As one after the other masturbated my penis I began to breathe heavily and go red in the face. One girl said:

"Oh look, I think he's about to come!"

At this the girls redoubled their efforts and wanked my cock furiously to force me to cum. I felt the familiar feeling as my balls drew up and the spunk surged through me, shot up in the air and landed on my chest.

The girls had mixed feelings about this. Some were very impressed and pleased that they had forced me to cum. Others seemed disgusted by the mess they had caused. I was exhausted by the experience and just laid there as my cock began to shrink back to its flaccid size and shape. The girls seemed satisfied with my performance and a few of them thanked me and made encouraging remarks.

The drinking continued and by now we were all getting quite drunk. I had never seen a naked woman in the flesh, so I decided to try my luck.

"OK girls fair's fair, you've all seen me naked but you're all still dressed. Will anyone volunteer to give us a strip show?"

Jane stood up and said, "I'll give you a show, but I won't get naked!"

I played the Stripper music once again and Jane began to gyrate in the middle of the room. That girl had all the dance moves and she looked very sexy, even though she was fully clothed. The other girls gave her lots of encouragement with cheers and whistles as she started to strip off pieces of her clothing. Her shoes went first then she shucked off her thin sweater. I was surprised and delighted when she coyly lifted the edge of her mini skirt to reveal a suspender belt holding up her nylon stockings. (Not uncommon in those days). She made a great show of undoing the suspender clips and slowly peeled off her nylons.

As she began to unbutton her blouse to slowly reveal the black lacy bra beneath the other girls looked surprised but they soon started to encourage her. The bra barely contained her generous breasts and I could feel my cock swelling again in anticipation. She continued her dance and her moves became more and more suggestive. Several times she touched the zip on the side of her skirt to build the anticipation of removing it but she hesitated. I wasn't sure if this was part of the act or whether she was scared to go further. The other girls were all really turned on at this point and started clapping and whistling. Suddenly Jane made the decision and the skirt came off revealing some very brief knickers, which revealed most of her curvaceous arse cheeks. She continued with her sexy dance moves and raised the sexual temperature a few more degrees. We were all very excited.