Getting to Know You! Pt. 18

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The Friends Circle widens with more intimate gatherings.
8.7k words

Part 18 of the 20 part series

Updated 06/07/2024
Created 10/01/2023
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Authors note: This and all other chapters of this story, previous and future, are based on my own thoughts and are purely fictional with no connection or representation of, or to, anyone or anything intended.

Back in the UK after a lovely break in the Canary Islands everyone is getting ready to go back to work or whatever else is normality for them. The weather is slightly better than when they left for the holiday with some sunshine now and slightly longer days stretching the lighter evenings a little.

Its Sunday and both Samantha and Lucy are in their rooms getting books ready for college on Monday and in between, they are texting each other reminiscing on the holiday and what a fabulous time they all had.

Rebecca is busy washing and ironing clothes from the holiday. She's not back at work until Tuesday evening so will do most of the catching up when Sam is at college tomorrow. She too is pondering the holiday and feels relaxed and happy with everything and everyone. She certainly enjoyed her break and has memories flooding her mind all the time.

Jane and Mike are at home relaxing. Mike is back to work in the morning and that's when Jane will get on with the laundry. In the meantime, they are both talking about how well the holiday went and how it would appear that everyone enjoyed themselves. Friendships were cemented between them all and great fun was had.

Still in the holiday mood Jane and Mike are sipping wine and cuddling up on the sofa, Mike in his shorts and a tee shirt and Jane in nothing but a bath robe.

"I saw how you looked and chatted to one or two of those waitresses at Carlos' Restaurant Mike," Jane giggles as she takes a sip of wine.

"Well darling they were extremely attractive and quite young too. The 'uniform' they wore just seemed to show off their assets perfectly, slim bodies, slender long legs with perfect thighs, firm and pert breasts, my god how sexy they looked."

"I know how you like a girl in sexy clothes naughty, that's why I have something for you to see when we go to bed" Jane smiles and stands up. "Give me 10 minutes before following me to bed darling."

Mike's mind is racing now "what could it be?"

Jane goes to the bedroom and gets ready for him, slowly and meticulously dressing in her outfit which she bought secretly for him. Mike sits sipping his wine and those 10 minutes drags on slowly and is like an eternity to him. Finally, the time is up, and he goes to the bedroom and slowly opens the door. When inside the room he gasps and instantly gets an erect cock as he stands looking at Jane.

"Do you like it darling?"

Mike stumbles over his words with a huge grin on his face and almost drooling as he walks over to Jane.

"Whatever gave you this idea Jane? You look stunning and so sexy in that outfit."

"It's a twist on the waitresses in the restaurant which I thought you might like." Jane walks slowly towards Mike as he slowly walks to her. Once they are faced to face they kiss passionately, and Mike has his hands all over Jane. The feel of the black satin dress in his hands is awesome. The white ruffed apron breaks up the black and is tied in such a way as to show off the curve of her breasts. She is wearing a little cap on her head and black sheer stockings with suspender belt and in black shoes with a heel.

"I can't believe you bought a waitress outfit for me Jane, it's superb."

"I thought you would like it. Maybe it reminds you of those waitresses on holiday?"

"Definitely Jane, you look so hot and sexy."

Mike and Jane fall onto the bed and Jane pulls his shorts and tee shirt off then straddles him in her uniform with no knickers on. She rubs her clit against his hard cock holding it there with one hand while she rubs her breasts through the satin dress. Mike is already groaning when Jane sits up and then thrusts down on his cock and he feels his cock penetrate deep inside her. Jane takes the apron off and opens the top of the dress before leaning forward over Mike. He lifts her breasts from the bra and sucks them in turn nibbling ever so gently on her nipples as she writhes and grinds his cock.

The feel of the sheer nylon of the stockings around his thighs is such a thrill for him and Janes pussy squeezing his cock as she rides him, makes him begin to jerk hard. He arches his back and thrusts upwards to the rhythm of Jane's thrusting on him. He feels Jane's juices dribble down around his balls as she orgasms and pushes hard down on him. With her orgasm Mike can longer hold himself and with one huge thrust upwards he shoots his cum inside her making her screech as she squeezes the cock hard and pushes down while falling on him to kiss him hard as he envelopes her body in his arms gripping her tightly.

Out of breath and fully sated they lay side by side on the bed, chests heaving and brows sweating. As they calm down Mike tells Jane how magnificent she was and what a picture she looked in her outfit.

"Maybe I should buy more clothing like this then sweetie eh? Would you like that?"

Would Mike like it? he would be in heaven if she dresses sexy for him in different uniforms. Slowly they fall off to sleep and before long the alarm is waking Mike. He puts his arm as if to cuddle Jane, but she is already up and taking a shower. Mike can hear her humming a tune as she washes.

Jane comes back in a robe and Mike jumps out of bed and showers himself before dressing for work. After breakfast Mike kisses Jane goodbye and leaves her with the laundry from the holiday. She clears the kitchen and puts some washing on in the machine. Once everything is under way she decides she should maybe call on Neal as they have been away. Before she can make her mind up the doorbell rings. She answers it to Neal and greets him with a kiss and beckons him in.

"I thought I would pop over to see how your holiday went Jane. Good was it?"

"It was wonderful Neal thank you. And how have you been while we were gone?"

Neal tells Jane how well he feels and is so keen to see the girls again "I don't suppose you have any idea when they will be back Jane?"

Jane smiles knowing that look on his face "I don't know Neal but when I speak with either of them I'll ask for you, that ok?"

Neal thanks her and they settle down with a cup of coffee with Jane telling Neal about the holiday, minus the more intimate details of course. Neal is looking tidy and upbeat since Jane last saw him.

"Something has had a good effect on you Neal, you seem so much brighter than a couple of weeks ago."

"While you were away I did a lot of thinking Jane and those 2 girls helped me so much. They made me realise how lucky I am and seeing their cheery faces is such a treat, I can't wait to see them again. I do hope they continue to pop over to see me, do you think they will?"

"I'm sure they will Neal. They still have their project to complete for college and I'm sure they will remain friends long after that, they are good kind people."

Neal nods in agreement and they both drink up their coffee. The washer finishes its cycle and Jane politely excuses herself as she needs to get another load in and get this load out to air and ready for ironing. Neal understands and leaves Jane to it.

Over at Rebecca's house Rebecca is doing much the same as Jane, catching up with the laundry though, Rebecca has done some over the weekend, so her load isn't quite so bad now. Her thoughts are still with the exciting holiday they have just returned from, and she is singing as she does the laundry being happy and relaxed.

At college Sam and Lucy are easing back into their work and discussing their project with the tutor who is delighted that they are using a real subject for their work but is expressing caution regarding data protection and the privacy that goes with what they are doing. The girls explain that he is a friend of a friend, and they will be careful about what they say in detail outside of the house and the project.

Mike is busy at work trying to settle a new contract which would net them a significant income and pay everyone a huge bonus if it comes off. Mike is tackling it with renewed gusto after relaxing on holiday and being happier now he has had the chance to clear away the cobwebs.

Monday turns to Tuesday and Tuesday to Wednesday and before they know it another week has gone, and they are all well and truly back into work mode. Rebecca has been doing awkward shifts at the bistro during the week and her last shift this week will be on Friday evening, so she has the weekend off until Tuesday again. The friends all message each other and talk on the phone during the week and there is talk of a possible get together on Saturday evening, yet to be confirmed by everyone. Jane asks Rebecca to maybe invite Sandy along if she is free on Saturday evening but unfortunately she is working that weekend. Still, there will be other times and Rebecca offers an open invitation on behalf of Jane to get together with them any time.

It's Friday morning and Jane has just finished breakfast when the phone rings. "Hello, Jane speaking, how can I help you?"

"Hello Jane darling, It's Trixie here, how are you?"

"Oh, hello Trixie, I'm good thanks, how are you and Steve?"

"We are good thanks Jane and were talking about you all last night. We thought it might be time we had a dinner party and invited you along. That's you and Mike along with Rebecca, what do you think?"

"We would love to Trixie, when are you thinking?"

"Well, I know its short notice but what about tomorrow evening?"

"Ah, that might be awkward Trixie, we were already talking about having our own get together tomorrow evening and I have started to prepare things for that. Tell you what though, how about you join us here? We would love to see you."

Trixie thinks for a moment and agrees when suddenly Jane remembers, "Oh, by the way, Sam and Lucy might be here as well, do you mind that Trixie?"

"They are gorgeous young ladies Jane, and we would love to see them as well. We did think of them for our potential dinner party, but Steve said that maybe as youngsters it might not be appropriate with all of us. But if you are happy and they are also then yes of course it will be fine. Can I let you in on a secret Jane?"

"Yes, please do Trixie" Jane is now anxious to hear what she is about to say.

"Well, Steve and I have both been very naughty and talking about you all since we last met and Samantha and Lucy are always central to our chats. I know that sounds bad Jane, but they are gorgeous girls, and we love them and of course we love you all. I feel a little embarrassed now Jane, forgive me for blurting that out."

"Please don't be embarrassed Trixie, I know exactly what you mean" Jane giggles down the phone and is getting more than a little excited having heard Trixie say that.

Jane hangs up and straight away contacts Rebecca to tell her about the dinner date and suggests that she and the girls might want to stay over for the weekend. Rebecca agrees and says she will ask Sam and Lucy later.

"Why don't I pick you up after work this evening Becks and bring you over here to stay the night and the weekend?"

Rebecca gets excited and says that would be lovely and they make arrangements. Jane will go over to Rebecca's house later and collect her things for the weekend and if Sam and Lucy are up for it she will bring them over as well. Jane can then drop Rebecca off at work and pick her up after.

Rebecca messages Sam and she asks Lucy if she would like to stay over for the weekend with them and Lucy says yes as long as her mum doesn't mind. She calls her mum, and she is fine with it, but Lucy insists that she works for Jane on Saturday morning as normal. This all gets passed back to Jane who reluctantly for that to happen.

Late that afternoon Jane arrives at Rebecca's house and collects her and Sam with their bags and then takes Rebecca to work and calls at Lucy's to pick her up, taking her her and Sam home to her house.

When they arrive at Jane's house Sam and Lucy go to their usual room to unpack while Jane prepares something to eat for them all. Mike arrives home and is buzzing with the news that he has almost sealed the deal with the new contract but may have to work on it over the weekend.

"That's a shame darling with our guests and the dinner party" Jane kisses him.

"I'll do my best to not let it interfere with arrangements love but it's something we can't afford to miss out on."

Jane smiles knowing that he is doing his best for them both and that sometimes sacrifices must be made. Mike grabs a sandwich and goes to his home office to get some work done leaving Jane with the girls to eat their snack.

The girls and Jane have a chat and giggle about the holiday as they sit around for the evening. Some photos are shown, and they all agree that they had a wonderful time. Jane looks at her watch and tells the girls she must go and get Becks from work.

"Please don't disturb Mike girls, he is very busy with work in there" she points to his office door and the girls' nod.

When Jane arrives at the bistro she goes in and finds Rebecca with Sandy just getting their coats on. They all hug and kiss as they greet each other. Jane offers Sandy a lift home and she accepts. Rebecca tells Sandy to get in the front and she will sit in the back. As Rebecca slides in Sandy says she will sit with her if that's alright with Jane. Jane nods smiling and the two of them sit in the back. Jane can see in her mirror as she drives that Sandy is beginning to touch Rebecca's thighs as they talk about the holiday and Sandy probes them about it. Jane can see that Sandy is interested in Rebecca and Rebecca seems to be responding but in a cautious way.

When they arrive at Sandy's house she gets out and offers them a drink. Jane and Rebecca look at each other and both nod. Sandy goes ahead to open the front door as Jane and Rebecca slowly walk up the garden path.

"Are you sure this is OK Jane? I mean you're driving so can't have alcohol."

"Listen Becks, I saw how Sandy was looking at you and touching you in the car and it's fine. Actually, I'm kind of turned on by her fancying you so don't worry just enjoy whatever happens, if anything."

Rebecca links arms with Jane and snuggles into her as they walk. Once inside they close the door behind them, and Sandy is already opening some wine to pour.

"Not for me Sandy, I'm driving but I'm sure Becks would love some." Jane smiles at Rebecca as Sandy offers her a glass of wine. Jane asks for water and Sandy passes her a small bottle and a glass.

"Sounds like you all had a fabulous holiday" Sandy suggests.

"Yes, it was wonderful Sandy, warm weather, lovely sea breezes and exceptional company." Jane looks across at Rebecca making her blush.

"I can imagine Becks being great company Jane, she is always cheering us up at work when its busy and we are run off of our feet." Sandy smiles across at Rebecca and then Jane.

Rebecca finishes her drink and stands, "well Jane, we had better get going, Mike will wonder where you have got to."

"Plenty of time Becks, Mike is working late in his office so don't worry about him. And as for the girls, they have each other for company."

Sandy reaches out to Rebecca's hand and holding it encourages her to sit back down and next to her. Blushing Rebecca sits and Sandy snuggles up close as Jane watches on. Sandy holds Rebecca's hand and playfully nudges her, and Rebecca responds by doing the same back. They all laugh about it.

"So Sandy, all alone again this weekend?" Jane looks across at her and Rebecca.

"Yes, my son doesn't get home as often as I would like these days, but they are all growing up and slowly finding their own way aren't they?" Rebecca and Jane agree.

"We are having a dinner party tomorrow evening Sandy, why don't you join us. It would be nice to have your company with us?"

"Tomorrow? Sorry Jane, I'm working the evening shift so won't be able to."

"That's a shame, but I understand, maybe another time then?"

"That would be nice yes, thank you, I'll look forward to it."

Jane glances at her watch, "I suppose we should be going Becks I hadn't realised how late it is. Would you mind if I use your bathroom before we leave Sandy?"

"Please, up the stairs and second your left."

Jane goes off to the bathroom leaving Rebecca and Sandy together. Sandy gives Rebecca a kiss on the cheek and Rebecca turns to her.

"What was that for?"

Sandy rests her hand on Rebecca's thigh, "Just because you are you Becks. I don't want to talk out of turn, but I find myself drawn to you, do you feel the same?"

Rebecca blurts out a mumbled response "Yes!"

Looking into each other's eyes they move closer and kiss on the lips softly lingering.

"I don't want to spoil what you have with Jane, Becks."

"What do you mean Sandy?"

"Anyone can see you are having some sort of relationship, and good on you, she is a very attractive and sexy lady."

Rebecca is taken aback by this and starts to feel uncomfortable knowing that there is more and deeper relationships than just that going on. "Jane is cool Sandy." She can't think of anything else to say as Sandy plants another kiss on her lips and slides her hand along Rebecca's thigh.

Jane walks in and seeing them both kissing steps back from the door until they break when she coughs and walks back in again.

"Becks was just telling me how cool you are Jane; we must get together soon, all three of us for a catch up. What do you say?"

"Yes, we would love that wouldn't we Becks?"

Rebecca nods and stands as Jane suggests they should be going. At the front door they all kiss and Sandy's hand caresses Rebecca's ass briefly. On the way home Jane tells Rebecca that she saw them kissing which makes Rebecca feel guilty and awkward.

"Don't worry about it, Becks, it's nice that you get along with Sandy so well. Our relationship will never suffer because of that, Mike and I love you, but we all have our own needs and wants. We are all free individuals so enjoy yourself."

At home Mike is still in his office and the girls have gone to bed so Jane and Rebecca have a drink and chat about Sandy. Eventually the two of them go to bed and Jane looks in on Mike telling him to call it a day with work and join them both. Mike isn't really in the mood with the work on his mind so tells them to go ahead and he will see them in the morning.

Jane undresses in her own bedroom and then joins Rebecca in hers. Slipping her robe off Jane climbs naked into bed with Rebecca and they kiss. Straight away Jane can feel that Rebecca is wet, and her clit is horny. Climbing onto Rebecca Jane scissors her and they both have orgasms very quickly but continue their love making and each have more orgasms as they tenderly kiss and caress each other loving every inch of their bodies.

In the morning Jane wakes hearing a noise in the kitchen and throws on her robe to check it out. When she gets to the kitchen Lucy is busy making breakfast for everyone.

"What are you doing Lucy? You're our guest and shouldn't be doing that."

"But I did say that if I stayed the weekend I am to work as I am due to work for you today, so, here is my start."

Jane puts her arm around Lucy and thanks her but tells her that no more after breakfast "If you really want to help out then enjoy your weekend and have fun. Then maybe you can come back during the week when you have some free time and help with the laundry from the beds and general cleaning up?"

Lucy hugs Jane and thanks her. By this time Jane has relaxed and her robe has fallen open and as Lucy hugs her she finds herself nestling her head into Jane's bare breasts giving Jane a tingle of excitement.

"Come on Lucy, the others will be down soon, lets sort ourselves out shall we?"

Lucy breaks off the hug and gets back to breakfast. Jane goes up to have a shower and dress followed very quickly by Rebecca then Sam. No sign of Mike and Lucy says she heard a noise in the office. Jane checks and sure enough Mike is in there asleep with his head on the desk. She quietly shuts the door and slowly wakes him.