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"Oh, you won't upset me, I have seen girls before." I told her, almost instantly regretting that.

"Good! This thing is killing me!" One tug and it was gone, her huge breasts flopped down, she lay back and opened her legs enough that I could see the flash of yellow at her crotch.

"Thanks for the beer!" I told her, firing up the engine and taking off. Kay still had the bottoms on when I came back by.

Thank God.

A couple of days later Dave came over, I was sitting on the porch enjoying the sunshine, watching my sprinklers spraying my lawn. It was always a complete pain in the ass, no matter how I set them up or what kind of sprinkler I used, I always had to move them to get it all.

I managed to stifle a giggle at him, he made it almost all the way when the sprinkler came around, so he sort of skipped faster but he was already on his way so he was a little unsteady. The sprinkler blasted his pant leg and went on by.

He came up on the porch, reached down and patted at his wet leg for a second, then he handed me a beer.

"Hey, I saw that ghost again!"

"No shit? Where?"

"It was down by the trees, It looks like a woman in a white dress." He looked at me for a reaction.

"I think I saw it once, it's probably just a reflection." I lied.

"Naw, it's real! I bet somebody has been murdered around here, I bet there is a body out in them woods."

"Could be." I took a swig off the beer, wishing he would buy the good stuff.

"Yea, it's like I see her out of the corner of my eye but when I look she ain't there."

I realized he was drunk as a skunk.

"Ghosts can't hurt you." I told him.

"Yea, I guess not. Say, did you see John's old lady?"

"Sure, what about her?"

"She was laying out there nekkid as a jaybird."

"Really? I see her sunbathing all the time but just with her top off."

"I saw her the other day, she was nekkid. I could see right up between her legs. She has it shaved as bare as a newborn babie's bottom." He snickered at himself.

Hell, it was 200 yards from Dave's fenceline to John and Kay's.

"How could you be sure?"

"I used my field glasses!" Then he started laughing, wiped his nose.

"Maybe she is what you have been seeing, she likes to run around half naked all the time?"

"Naw, Kay is maybe 250 pounds, that ghost is way smaller."

I was thinking closer to 300 pounds but I didn't say anything. Finally Dave got up and left, it took him two tries to get to his feet.

So Kay had gone to the next step, or at least that is what Dave had said. For whatever that was worth. I sat there and laughed at the idea of him peering at her with field glasses. Hell, why not just walk up to the fence, I doubted she would care.

Everything went back to normal around my house except for late in the evenings I went out and sat on my porch. If Dave was gone off somewhere and John and Kay's house was dark I would strip down and sit out there in the dark.

I was not even sure why, it just felt good. It became something of a habit. Nearly a Month went by with no sign of Wendy, I was beginning to wonder if I would ever see her again. My walks down to the housing development gained me nothing, I never saw any sign of her.

I now even washed my windows in the nude, in bright moonlight no one could see in unless they got real close. The weather began to cool, I still sat out on my porch, sometimes until way into the early morning hours, but I took a fuzzy warm comforter with me.

It actually felt good to be sitting out there, I could hear crickets and frogs, the sounds all around lulled me to sleep.

I had a tendency to sleep where and whenever I felt like it anyway, most of the time I tipped back the recliner with the TV on and dozed off.

I felt very warm, woke up to the Sun shining in my face. I blinked a couple of times, realized someone was standing there.

"Are you OK, Danny?" Kay asked. I looked over and there she was, wearing a tank top and shorts.

"Uhh...Yea, I'm fine."

"I saw you out here early this morning, then when I looked out and you hadn't moved...."

"I'm OK, I just dozed off."

"Well, you are getting sunburned, we better get you inside."

"Oh, I am all right." I protested.

"Come on, let me help you." She reached out and tugged on the comforter, suddenly there I was, stark naked.

She looked down, blinked.

"Oh!. I didn't...."

"Damn it, Kay!" I protested, grabbing the blanket.

"Oh, relax...I have seen men before. But, WOW!" She giggled, staring at my dick sticking out between my legs.

"It's all right." I said, getting up with the blanket tugged back up around me. I realized that making things even worse, I had a morning erection.

I turned and went inside, she was right behind me.

She was still there when I came out of the bedroom in my jeans and a levi shirt.

"You sure are a lot bigger than John is!" She actually batted her eyes at me. I didn't say anything, went to the fridge and got a glass of milk.

What the hell was she doing in my kitchen? I glanced over at her, she had one elbow on my table, those giant boobs were hanging there barely covered by the silly tank top she had on.

"I didn't mean to embarrass you, I didn't know...." She said, then she grinned.

"But I always wanted to know what that looked like..." She added.

"Kay..." I started to say.

"Don't you like me?" She asked, standing up.

"I like you just fine, but John...."

"John doesn't mind, in fact he told me I could."

"Could? Could what?" I got a sinking feeling.

Kay stood up, moved around the table towards me, I started to back up.

"Why don't you let me take care of that for you?"

"Kay, I like you just fine but I am not going to..."

I swear to God, she pouted.

"All right. But just so you know, if you ever get in the mood...for ANYTHING, just let me know." She stressed the "anything" part.

"Uhhh..ok, I will."

She mercifully headed for the front door, twitching her butt from side to side. Thank God she missed the door frame. She stopped and looked back at me for a moment, I felt a bit like a chunk of meat in front of a hungry Dog.

"I hope so, Danny." Then she was gone.


I went into the bathroom and did my morning business, then I was upset at myself because I had a damn hardon. Why, I didn't have a clue, Kay didn't turn me on, at least I was pretty sure she didn't anyway.

Later, I had to put up with Dave coming over wanting to know all about it, how was she, all of that shit. It seemed that he was outside watching when Kay came out my front door.

Of course. Probably with his damned field glasses.

"Nothing happened, she just saw me asleep on the porch and got concerned."

"Man, I would do that in a New York minute!" He said, the ever present can of cheap beer in his hand.

"Why don't you just go ask her?" I told him. I was getting a little bit fed up with Dave.

"Maybe I will!" He said, then he turned and ambled back towards his yard. Halfway across, I reached over and hit the button on my sprinklers. He took a couple of hops, then managed to get out of range.

"Sorry!" I called out. "They are set on automatic." I lied. Snickering to myself, I went back inside.

My phone rang seconds later. I decided to ignore it, the answering machine clicked on. Then I heard Wendy's voice, damn near broke my leg getting to the phone.


"Hi, Danny."

"What's up? Say, how did you get my number?"

"Phone book, you are listed and your last name is on your mailbox."

"OH. Well, what's up?"

"I want to go to town...tonight." I knew what she meant.


"Yea, really. Want to go with me?"

"OK. What time?"

"I will just come over when I am ready, OK?"

"OK. It's going to be a little bit cool."

"We will be warm enough."

"OK. See you tonight."

"You sure will!" She giggled and hung up.

I was excited all day. I now regularly went out and sat on my porch naked at night, but while that was fun and exciting, it wasn't the same as running around outside naked with Wendy. That was actually strange, I really knew almost nothing about her, not even where she lived or anything.

By midnight, I had just about given up, when suddenly there she was.

"Ready?" She asked.

"I guess so." She reached out and took my hand.

"All the way and back, let's do it this time!" Her voice was excited. Hell, I was feeling a bit excited myself.

It took us over two hours, there was almost no traffic. Twice we ducked into the bushes when someone went by, then we rounded the last turn before town. There were street lights there, and I got my first really good look at Wendy. She seemed to hold her shoulders back, her nice round breasts had dark nipples, they were hard as a rock. I felt myself getting an erection, Wendy glanced down at me and grinned.

"Me, too!" She giggled. We made it all the way to the chain link fence by the ball field, then we turned and headed back. The sheriff's car went by but we were well hidden in the brush by the time he reached where we were.

I was all but worn out by the time we got to my house, the night was just cool enough to cause goosebumps but the exertion kept us warm. I guessed it was close to 5 in the morning.

"Hungry?" I asked her.

"Yea, a little."

"Come on in, I can make some pancakes."

She smiled slyly and followed me inside. I left the lights off, not sure how she would react. She sat down on my couch as I went in and turned on the stove. I had a stack of pancakes whipped up in just a few minutes, took her a plate. It was just starting to get light outside, I glanced at the windows and realized she had opened all the curtains.

We sat there naked in the living room and ate. After we had finished, I took the plates and brought her a cup of coffee.

"That was sure fun, we actually did it!" She smiled.

"Yep, we did. I wasn't sure that we would make it but we did."

"Say, would you like to...look at me?" There was a catch in her voice.

"I can see you just fine." I told her.

"No, I mean more."

"More? Sure, I would love to."

Wendy leaned back on the couch, then she slowly opened her legs. Her outer lips parted slightly, she reached down and used her fingers to spread them even more.

"How's that?" She grinned, holding the pose. I could see she was damp, shiny.

"Beautiful!" I told her, feeling myself begin to erect at her blatant display.

"Come closer?" She asked.

"OK." I got up and moved over to in front of the couch, I was just inches away now.

"Your cock is hard, can I touch it? You can...touch me if you want to." I could tell she was completely excited now.

I reached out and stroked her bare sex with one hand, then I scooted up beside her on the couch. Her hand came down and wrapped around me, just held me. We sat there and touched each other for a long time. Then she rolled over and pressed against me.

"I shouldn't...but I want to!" She lifted up and straddled me, reached down and grasped my rock hard penis and set the end right against her opening. She looked me right in the eyes, then slid her hips down and over me. I lay back and let her work, marvelling at the way her breasts bounced up and down as she used her legs to pump at me. Then she pressed me down flat on my back and stretched out, breasts mashed against me, her hips working furiously.

Her body was tighter than I was used to with my late wife, and she was much more energetic.

I managed to hold back until I saw her eyelids flutter, her head went back with her mouth open. She opened her legs so my pubic bone pressed firmly against her, then she groaned. I just relaxed and let it go.

"God, you were really hard!" She said later, as we lay pressed against each other. Then she hopped up and went into the bathroom.

"Can I borrow a shirt?" She asked when she came back out.

"Sure, help yourself." She poked around in my dresser and found a T-shirt, tugged it over her head.

"My clothes are down by the culvert, it's daylight out." She grinned. She went to the door, looked back at me.

"I didn't plan that, you know. I just... It just seemed...right?"

"I didn't mind at all!" I grinned at her. I was still sitting there naked on the couch. Then she was gone.

Four months went by with no sign of her. I just mowed my lawn, slapped bugs. The weather cooled, I put my gear away for the Winter, got some firewood put in.

I needed some supplies, so I headed off to town on one of my rare shopping trips. Coming out of the grocery store I looked up and there Wendy was.

There was a young man right behind her.

"Hello, Dan, nice to see you!" She smiled.

"Well, Hi, Wendy! It's been quite awhile." She reached back and tugged on the sleeve of the young man.

"Jerry, this is Dan, he lives down the road from us. Dan, this is my husband, Jerry."

I shook his hand, managing to keep a straight face. They turned and headed on into the store. Just before the door closed, Wendy looked back at me and winked.

Man. I just don't do anybody's wife. Oh, hell, what was I thinking, I actually don't normally do anybody at all anymore.

What the hell, no use crying over spilled milk and all of that.

Besides, I had to admit that it was fun.

That night I was sitting on my porch, it was pretty cool out and I was about to get up and go back inside, since I was sitting there in the dark, naked.

"Hi!" The voice startled me, I wasn't expecting it.

"Hello, Wendy." I answered, looking over her way. She was standing by my dead Rose bushes, also naked like she always was when she appeared.

"Can I come in?" She asked.

"Sure, it's a little cool out here."

Oh well, what the hell.

Inside, I had to ask her.

"What about Jerry, your husband?"

"I told him..about the...incident, I really didn't mean for that to happen."

"OH. You mean...what did he say?"

"Nothing, he just left me. Packed his bags and got in his truck and left."

"Oh, I am sorry."

"I'm not, I had had enough of him anyway. He has more girlfriends on the side than your Tomcat does!" She grinned at me, then plopped down on my couch.

"Can I stay here with you?"

"Stay? I..sure, I guess so." I told her, she beamed at me.

"What about your house?"



"Down by the culvert!" She laughed.

I went into the kitchen, I had a pot of tea on the stove. I poured two cups and went back into the living room. She was sitting there on my couch. She looked so beautiful sitting there naked.

What the hell. So was I. I could already feel the beginnings of an erection when I sat down beside her. She slid one hand across my chest, tipped her head over onto my shoulder.

What the hell. I didn't mind one bit.

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jimjam69jimjam69over 3 years ago

Hell yes I like it 5* worth. I am Dan's age. A great fantasy.

rightbankrightbankalmost 8 years ago

and ambiguous

tazz317tazz317about 9 years ago

and let's hope they are the friendly type. TK U MLJ LV NV

jimbo102jimbo102about 9 years ago
a summers moonlighting tryst.

i pictured dan as samuel l jackson, even though u did hint he was white. & juno temple as Wendy..... i just felt the thrill, though i ve never done it.. the story just warmed my heart in a diff way. it just left a smile on me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

a great story with a different twist.....I often go naked all day when warm the freedom but to have a young girl do it like then then end up fucking him is brilliant ....even better when she moved in with if only there was a nymphet around....what fun we could have.....

Jim44444Jim44444almost 12 years ago
Another fun story

I enjoy your stories about the individual quirks people have. I started at the top of the alphabetical list and am only to the Gs. Amazing how your craft continues to improve. Maybe someday I will get to the end of your long list of stories.

TavadelphinTavadelphinalmost 12 years ago
Jeez - talk about a fantasy come true

ROFL - died and went to heaven he did -

Nice story - great ending - she was honest about her behavior at least and the husband could not take what he dished out - ah well - she was a bit um well strange -

Rob ConnerRob Connerabout 14 years ago

A fun story! Well wriiten!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

Good flow had to keep reading - feels like it needs a sequel



AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Hot Damn

There is still hope for old men! Maybe I can get the ED corected.

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