Gil & Clarise

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A divorcee and a widow find consolation in each other?s arms.
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Gil Morton had been back in his hometown for a week. He had left two years before after his divorce. The divorce had left him depressed and demoralized. It wasn’t only the fact that his wife had wanted to leave. The worst part was that she was leaving him for another woman. Gil was a merchant seaman and spent a great deal of time away from home. The fact that she had found someone else to fill the void was a shock but understandable. But another woman was more than he could take. He plunged himself into his work, and stayed at sea for these past two years. He had finally come to grips with his situation and decided that he could return home at last.

The past week had been spent getting reacquainted with family and friends. He found that his wife had moved away, and there were no snide comments or looks from his friends. That particular morning he had decided to stop to see Darin and Clarise Denning one of the couples he and his wife had been friendly with. They were nice people and had become good friends. They were about 10 years older than Gil, but that did not stop them from becoming friends. Darin was in construction and Clarise had her own nail technician business that she ran from their home. It would be good to see them and catch up on their lives.

Gil parked in the driveway and walked around to the back door of the closed in porch. He knocked on the door twice before he heard Clarise’s voice from further around the back. He walked in the direction of her voice and found Clarise on the deck sun bathing on a chaise covered with a colorful beach towel. As his feet clumped on the deck stairs she raised her sunglasses to see who was calling on her. Her face lit up with a smile. She jumped off the chaise, and ran to him almost knocking him down as she threw her arms around his neck for a hug saying, “Oh my god! Gil, it’s so good to see you.” There was true joy in her greeting, and Gil felt welcomed by her enthusiasm. He returned the hug and felt her sun warmed body next to his. He said, “Hey, good lookin’. How’re you doing?” She took his hand and led him to the chaise across from hers and asked him to sit, poured him a glass of tea from the pitcher on the table next to her chaise then lay back down.

They spent the next hour talking about their lives. Gil told her about the foreign ports he’d visited and his life at sea. He was saddened when Clarise told him that she had lost Darin to a construction accident a little over a year before. He could tell that she was still a little grieved by recounting the accident and her husband’s death. She covered the moment by getting up and grabbing the pitcher with the excuse that she would get them more tea.

Gil had been lost in thought about the death of his friend when he heard the sliding door open as Clarise returned to the deck. He turned to watch her walk back to where he was sitting. Watching Clarise walk toward him reminded him of how beautiful she was. The smile was back on her face and she walked with a cat like grace that caused her hips to sway seductively. He had often watched her as she walked because she moved so well. Clarise was tall and slender with long and slim shapely legs. Their beauty was shown off by the high cut of her swimsuit. The suit was like a second skin caressing her figure , and allowed her small but full breasts to show alluringly. Her skin was olive toned and she had a mane of rich brown hair that framed a lovely face. High cheek bones, wide expressive brown eyes, a full mouth that loved to smile, and almost free of lines which belied her age which was about 45. Gil had never seen her in any other than a one-piece swimsuit, but those she wore were always flattering and showed her body to perfection. She didn’t need a skimpy string bikini to be sexy. She exuded sexuality no matter what she wore. He remembered that his juices often started flowing just watching her, but he had always kept those feelings suppressed. He had loved his wife and respected is friendship with the Dennings too much to jeopardize either by openly lusting for this woman.

Clarise lay face down on her chaise and demurely slipped the straps of her suit off her arms. She looked at Gil and asked if he would mind putting some sunscreen on her back. There was no hint of come on in her actions or voice, just the request from one friend to another. Gil sat next to her on the chaise and reached for the bottle of sunscreen on the table. He squeezed a generous portion into his palm and rubbed his hands together to warm the lotion a little before placing his hands against her skin. He spread the lotion across her back and gently worked it. The skin beneath his hands was soft and smooth. The muscles under the skin were firm but supple. She sighed as his strong fingers worked the muscles of her shoulders and neck and then down along the gentle curve of her spine. Her waist narrowed to the point Gil was sure that he could probably get his hands completely around it, then flared into softly padded hips. The suit was cut so low that the upper portions of her rounded buttocks were bared to the sun. He tentatively worked the sunscreen in there, and when he received no protest continued. While her request was from one friend to another what he had done so far had created sensations and feelings in him that were more than just friendly. He was glad when he finished so he could return to his chair before making a fool of himself. Gil stood to move back to his seat, but he noticed that there were some places on her legs that she had missed with sunscreen. He said, “You missed a couple of spots on your legs.”

“Would you mind taking care of it for me,” she replied? “You’ve got me so relaxed I hate to move.” There was still no hint of come on or arousal in her request. Gil, almost reluctantly, sat next to her again and reached for the bottle of sunscreen. He started at each ankle and gently but firmly worked his way across each calf and thigh. When he reached her buttocks that were abundantly displayed by her suit he thought he heard a sigh from Clarise and that her hips rose and fell slightly at his touch. He passed it off as his erotically aroused imagination playing tricks on him. He was almost painfully aroused himself and had to shift his position to find some comfort for his engorged prick.

He took one foot in his hands to put lotion on its sole, then massaged the pliable tissue. Foot massage was a talent he had picked up in the orient, and he had learned his lessons well. The teacher had told him that some women actually experienced orgasm from a properly massaged foot. Gil was skeptical of that because over the past 2 years he had done this to several women. While it seemed to make them very relaxed none had ever openly appeared to, or expressed the fact that they had had an orgasm. As he finished with one foot and began with the other Gil noticed that he could hear Clarise’s breathing. He was facing her feet and looked over his shoulder up to her face. Her eyes were closed and her mouth was slightly open. Her chest was almost heaving with every breath, and he noticed that her hips were now definitely moving up and down as if she were copulating. He was about finished with the second foot when he heard a breathy groan of pleasure escape Clarise’s throat.

In almost one movement Clarise jerked her foot from his grasp, gathered her suit to her chest, and jumped up from the chaise. Then she ran down the steps of the deck and jumped into the pool a few feet beyond them. When she surfaced her suit was in place and she was breathing heavily. Gil went and stood by the edge of the pool looking down at her.

“Mind if I join you,” he asked?

“Come on in,” she replied. “The water’s fine.”

He emptied his pockets on the table by the pool then kicked of his topsiders, pulled off his shirt, and dove in wearing his cut-off’s. He surfaced a few feet from her and noticed a look of bemusement on her face. She moved in front of him and looked up into his eyes.

“Do you know what you just did to me, Gil?” She was still a little out of breath.

“Not for sure, but I think so,” he said with a grin.

“What I want to know,” she said, “ is if you’re going to finish what you’ve started.”

“I guess that depends on whether you’re willing to let me finish,” he said.

They were standing in the shallow end of the pool. Clarise looked him strait in the eye for a few seconds. The next thing Gil knew she was pulling the straps of her suit off her shoulders and all of a sudden she was throwing her suit to the side of the pool and standing before him nude. Her breasts were smooth and firm without a hint of sag, and the nipples were taught and erect from her arousal and the cool water. She moved toward him and put her arms around his neck. He pulled her to him and their mouths and bodies met in a passionate embrace. Their tongues dueled and their hands roamed over each other’s bodies. His hands found her buttocks and kneaded them as he pulled her pelvis against his growing erection. Her hips moved against him bringing his prick to full attention.

Clarise backed away slightly as her hands dropped to his cut-off’s and began to undo them. She pushed both his cut-off’s and under shorts down. He stepped out of them and she hurled them over her shoulder to land wetly atop her own suit. Then she threw her supple body at him and they embraced anew, naked flesh against naked flesh. She insinuated a hand between their bodies to grasped him in a firm hand and stroked him. They groaned into each other’s mouths in the pleasure of the moment. She broke their kiss to moan, “Oh God!! I had almost forgotten how good this feels.” Then recaptured his mouth with hers.

Clarise took charge of things by placing a long shapely leg over his hip, grabbing his erection and placing it just inside her opening. When she was sure he was not going to get away she placed her other leg around him and lifted herself by grabbing his shoulders. Slowly she moved her hips and felt him slide inside her. With each gentle thrust of her hips he inched further into her. When he was fully inside her head was thrown back, her eyes were closed in ecstasy, and a satisfied groan escaped her lips.

“Oh! That feels so good,” she moaned. “It has been too long since I’ve felt this good, and I’m in no mood to go slow. I want a good old fashioned banging.”

“Your wish is my command,” he replied.

With that he grabbed two handfuls of hip and proceeded to drive himself in and out of her. She slammed her hips against him as she strove for the release she so desperately needed. Grunts and moans of pleasure escaped them both as the thrashing of their bodies roiled the water about them. It seemed like only seconds before Clarise reached her orgasm. She clamped her mouth to his so that the scream that escaped her would be muffled. While she continued to thrust out her pleasure Gil began to rush to his climax. His orgasm joined her second and they were screaming into each other’s mouths to keep the noise from reaching the neighbors. One final mighty thrust to bury himself deeply as his spasms of release seemed to pump gallons of his semen deep inside her. The buoyancy of the water was the only thing that kept them from falling, as the strength seemed to melt from his legs.

They slowly came down from the mountain of pleasure their breathing ragged and labored. Their bodies clung to each other in spasms of delightful sensation still erotically joined. They kissed and caressed each other as the intense sensations began to subside in their bodies. Their breathing finally approached normal as his erection deflated and slipped from inside her velvet sheath.

“Thank you Gil,” Clarise said between pants. “I needed that more than I realized. Now I need something else from you.”

“What’s that,” he asked?

“You’ve taken the edge of, but now I need a long slow fuck to make this complete. Are you up to it?”

“I think I can handle that,” he said as he captured her mouth once more.

She slid to her feet and took his hand to lead him to the steps out of the pool. Their arms around one another they strolled across the deck and into the house. In the bedroom Clarise didn’t even pull down the comforter. She just lay on her back and beckoned to Gil with open arms. He accepted the invitation and willingly placed his body next to hers. After kissing her deeply he began to kiss his way about her face. He lavished lingering kisses and nibbles on her chin, her jaw, her earlobes, neck and shoulders. His hands found her breasts and were joined by his mouth as he paid loving homage to the firm sweet globes. Her back arched from the bed at the intense sensations created by his talented fingers, mouth and tongue. She cried out in lust and gripped his head to her breast as his teeth and tongue did wondrous things to her nipples. A hand lovingly trailed across her abdomen to begin caressing the insides of her thighs then her mons. A finger delved inside her and plumbed the liquid depths of her inner being. When the finger began to strum her clit her hips thrust upward against it. He heard grunts of pleasure with each stroke of his finger and thrust of her hips.

“Oh!! Gil. Enough! Please fill me again. I need it so much.”

Gil slid between her spread thighs and placed is re-energized shaft at her opening. Her hands gently led him inside her warm folds once again. They both gasped with each thrust as he entered her stroking slowly forward and back. Clarise’s legs rose to grip his hips in a velvet vise as her hips rose to meet each thrust. The rhythm of their coupling was slow and steady, both of them reveling in the pleasurable feelings running through them. Their mouths joined in passionate kisses their tongues dueled as their pleasure grew. They were moaning and panting as sensation overtook them and their movements became more urgent while they drove to reach climax once more. Soon the bed was rocking with the violence of their movements. Their moans of passion free now to echo around the room. They exploded together as the waves of orgasm crashed over them. Hips slapped against hips; hands clutched into fists and toes curled as the spasms coursed through them.

They collapsed into an exhausted heap of arms and legs entwined, and rolled to the side still united and drifted to sleep. Gil was roused from his slumber by a gentle kiss. He didn’t know how long he had slept, but he opened his eyes to Clarise’s smiling satiated face. He smiled back.

“Hey, sleepy head,” she said. “Your clothes are dry.”

He started to get up, but found himself wrapped once more in her arms and legs. He lay there and enjoyed the feel of her body next to his as they kissed and caressed.

“I don’t want this to come out wrong,” she said. “But I have an appointment in half an hour. You need to be out of here because this client would definitely not understand your being here.”

“Not a problem,” he replied. “I understand.”

They enjoyed one more kiss before disengaging themselves. He found his clothes at the end of the bed and dressed while Clarise put on shorts and a pull over top. They walked together to the door and kissed once more before he left.

“I’ll call you later,” she said. “Are you staying with your folks?”

“Yeah. For now anyway. You still have the number?”

She nodded that she did, and he turned and left.

Later that evening Gil was home alone and watching a movie. His parents were out with friends and he had the house to himself. He got up to get another beer and was walking by the phone when it rang. Picking it up he heard, “Hey handsome, how goes it?”

He recognized her voice at once. “Felling pretty chipper, how about you?”

“Gil,” she said, “about this afternoon.” He sensed a change in her voice toward embarrassment. “I want to apologize. Things just happened so fast that I got carried away. Before I realized it I was too far gone to care.”

“You have nothing to apologize for Clarise. As far as I’m concerned I spent a very enjoyable afternoon with a good friend. I think we both needed what happened. I’m just glad that we could handle each other’s needs so well.”

“Thanks,” she replied the smile back in her voice. “Listen, would you like to come to dinner one night next week?”

“I’d like nothing better,” he said with enthusiasm. “But I have to go out of town next week.”

“Oh,” she replied dejectedly.

“I have to take some training to keep my one of my certifications current. I leave Sunday and come back on Thursday. How about Friday night?”

The smile was back in her voice as she said, “Ok. Sounds good. Come by when you feel like it. I’ll look forward to it.”

“It’s a date. I’ll see you then Clarise.”

After hanging up Gil watched the rest of the movie, but he didn’t remember much of it since his mind was pre-occupied with what Clarise had in store for next Friday.

At 3:00 Friday afternoon Gil pulled into Clarise’s driveway. There was a car in front of the house and he guessed that she had a client in her shop. He walked to the back door of the closed in porch where she had her shop and knocked. He heard Clarise say, “Come in.”

When he entered the shop there was a woman sitting at a table with her back to him and Clarise faced them both from across the table. Her face lit up when she saw him, and she rose to come around the table to greet him. She was wearing a short Kimono held closed by a sash. The kimono was about an inch below decency and showed all most all of her sleek legs. He noticed that her breasts seemed to bounce freely under the kimono as she walked toward him. She was bare footed and had to stand on her toes to put her arms around his neck for a hug. As he hugged her to him his hands on her back told him that indeed she was not wearing a bra under the kimono. After the brief hug she ushered him to a seat and returned to her client.

The chair she showed him to was placed so that they could see each other without looking around her client. As Clarise sat down the kimono rose up her thighs and she crossed her legs showing him even more. The brief glance she gave him told him she wanted him to look, and that she was showing off for him.

Clarise, her client, and Gil chatted while Clarise worked. The movement of Clarise’s arms as she worked caused her breasts to sway against the soft kimono, and the movement was stimulating her nipples. They were tenting the front of the kimono whenever she stopped moving. She finished the phase of the manicure she was doing and told her client to go wash her hands. She came around the table as the lady went into the house to the bathroom. Before Gil realized it she was sitting in his lap and giving him the kiss she could not give him with the client in the room. The front of the kimono gapped during the kiss and he slipped his hand inside and fondled her breast while they kissed.

They heard the client returning and broke the kiss. Clarise stood beside his chair so the lady could return to her seat. As soon as her back was to them Gil ran his hand up the inside of Clarise’s thigh and cupped her mons through the crotch panel of her panties. She moved her hips to rub her mons against his hand a couple of times before returning to her client. When she sat back down she spread her legs and allowed him to see the crotch of her panties. He noticed a damp patch at the center of it and smiled. When he looked back to Clarise’s face she winked at him.

The manicure was soon finished, and Clarise chitchatted with her client a few minutes then walked her to the door. Gil stood and waited while Clarise saw the lady out. Before turning to face him she locked the door. As she turned she unknotted the sash of the kimono and walked strait into his arms. He passed his hands beneath the kimono and over her smooth back as their lips and bodies met. As the kiss deepened his hands trailed down her back and beneath her panties to caress her firm buttocks, and draw her pelvis against his raging hard-on.