Gina The Zombie Whore

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Gina must fuck to stay alive in a world ruled by the dead.
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Gina sat up to the sound of groans and moans. The zeds were pawing at the front window of the abandoned storage facility that she and Trevor had taken refuge in from the night before. Trevor was still asleep. She looked down at him and smiled and then reached down and stroked his brown hair with the back of her hand. He gently pushed my hand away and rolled over.

"Well the heck with you too buster." She said in a huff.

He didn't even open his eyes to reply, he was tired and so was she.

It's been two weeks since the Z outbreak and she and Trevor have been constantly on the move. No one can stay in one spot without encountering one if not hundreds of those shuffling bastards.

They'd had the world at their feet. Trevor was kicking back five hundred a year as a stockbroker, they had a big house in a well to do neighborhood, expensive cars

and all the credit that anyone could ask for. But none of that mattered anymore. The only thing that mattered was living one more day in this god forsaken wasteland that was once America. The Zeds seemed to be increasing everyday while the living decreased. And if that wasn't bad enough there were the criminals that would cut a person's throat for a scrape of bread or a bottle of water.

She looked down at Trevor and gently touched his shoulder, "Honey it's time to get up." Again he slapped her hand away.

"Stop touching me, Gina." Trevor snapped and rolled back over and closed his eyes.

Gina frowned. Trevor hasn't touched her since that Zombie bit her two days ago.

It had all happened so fast that they barely had time to react. Four zeds had come out nowhere on them from behind a warehouse. Trevor shouted for her to run and he did just that and had left her there to fend for myself. Gina shot three of the four zombies as they came at her, with her Glock 9 mm. But she'd not been fast enough to put down the forth zed. It plowed into her like some linebacker on crack. She shot the zed in the head but not before it's sharp yellow teeth penetrated her left forearm.

Why she hasn't succumbed to it's venom was a mystery. She's witnessed people turn within the hour while others turn as soon as they're bitten. But it's been two days now and she's not turned. Was she immune to the zombie pathogen?

She stood up and walked over to the large plate glass window and stared out at the two zombies. One was a black man, he was dressed in a mechanics coverall's, the name tag read Jack. The second zed looked to of Asian decent; he was short and skinny. The duo immediately stopped pawing the window and stared at her. That's odd, she thought because generally these things start going absolutely ape shit when they're in the presence of an uninfected person. Strangely enough Gina wasn't the least bit frightened by them. They were dangerous yet they looked so pitiful. She placed her hands against the cold glass and leaned in and stared right back at them and suddenly they backed up and looked at each other in confusion.

Gina smiled and raised the dingy tee shirt she was wearing to exposed herself to them. She wasn't wearing any undergarments whatsoever because of the heat.

The zed's cold dead eyes went wide as they focused their attention on her pussy. She almost laughed. Apparently their desire to fuck was still in tack within those diseased minds. So she lifted her shirt even higher to expose her breasts.

What the fuck was she doing? It was like she wasn't even in control of myself at that moment. She went even further and pressed her tits against the glass. She could feel her body respond to these two zeds? No way! This can't be happening. Yet it was. Gina became so horny and flustered by these two ghouls.

The big black zed stepped forward and he groans with a low guttural noise, the sound is almost pleading. He lowers hand and grabs at his bloody gym shorts and she could see the large indention of his cock pressing hard against the fabric. This zombie wanted her and in a bad way. She giggled and turned around and rubbed my ass against the glass.

The black ghoul growled loudly and suddenly slapped it's hand against the glass hard enough to rattle the frame. The second zombie stepped forward and slapped his head against the glass which caused him to bounce back and fall on his ass.

Goodness gracious they both wanted to fuck her!

The second zombie screamed in rage and stood up and slammed itself against the window. This frightened Gina and she stepped back lowering the shirt back in place. This pissed the first zombie off and he started pounding viciosly on the window.

She placed a hand to her mouth and backed up as she saw more zeds approaching maybe five in all and they all gathered around the window moaning and groaning.

Gina turned around to wake up her husband and found him already sitting up and looking at her. Trevor's expression was one of anger.

"What?" she asked.

"I saw you teasing them Gina. Teasing them with your body!"

"Trevor honey I can..." he cut her off.

"You fucking zombie whore! You said the bite didn't change you but it did. I have never seen you act like that before. You were acting like some slut on a molly." he hissed. "You fucking cunt!" Trevor spat.

"TREVOR!!" Gina backed up feeling sick because she was cornered between horny zombies and a now very pissed off husband.

"I think you're turning into one of them." he snapped drawing his Glock. He aimed the pistol at her and she dropped to my knees in fear.

"Trevor don't!! Please, I'm your wife!" Gina pleaded with tears rolling down her face.

Trevor shook his head and looked at her in disgust, "Your eyes have changed, Gina."

"What?" she asked.

He grabbed her arm and hauled her up and dragged her to the small office bathroom and forced her to look at myself in the mirror.

"No! No! No!! This can't be happening!" Gina screamed and she turned on the faucet which gave just a trickle of water. She began washing my eyes out and when I was done she wiped my face with the hem of her shirt and looked at her eyes again. They were still amber. She looked at Trevor, "What's happening to me!" She reached for him but Trevor shook his head and stepped back.

"Get away from me!" he snapped.

Gina winced at his rejection and sank to my knees at his feet.

"You need to leave, Gina. Get out of here!"

She suddenly looked up at him, "What?"

"Get the fuck OUT!" he said sternly and turned and walked out of the bathroom.

His words cut her like a knife and she felt so hurt. But then she began to feel a rage start to build within Her. It was an anger that she'd never ever felt before in her life.

She stood up and walked out of the bathroom to find Trevor on his knees packing up her things.

He took her Taurus and shoved it into his jeans behind his back then he stood up and tossed the pack at her, "Get out, Gina! LEAVE!"

Gina kicked my back pack aside and began walking toward him. The rage she was feeling for him shadowed any love she felt for him. was like a volcano bubbling within "You lousy piece of SHIT! I gave up a promising career with the CDC all for YOU to could have your dream job. So you could be the man of the house. I put up with drinking and your verbal and physical abuse and I did it all because I loved you!"

Trevor said nothing.

"And now you're throwing me out into this crazy zombie apocalypse when I need you the most!" Gina slapped him across the face. Trevor punched her in retaliation and to tell the truth she hardly felt it. Gina balled up her fist and punched him right back. The force of her punch sent him flying backwards against the wall.

Trevor instantly grabbed his face and looked at Gina in shock. She was a bit shocked as well for she's never punched anyone in her entire life!

"You fucking bitch!!" he shouted and came at her.

Gina recalled the last time she'd experienced his rage and that had been four months ago, just before the world ended. Trevor had given her a beating and all because she hadn't had his dinner fixed when he got home. He'd slapped, punched and kicked her until she was lying helplessly at his feet. But not this time.

Gina screamed and kicked him right in the balls and the feel of his balls crushing under the weight of knee felt wonderful.

Trevor went down in an instant and drew himself into a fetal position. And as he withered in agony she bent down and turned him over and retrieved her Taurus.

The zeds were literally pounding on the glass now their attention focused on Trevor. It was as if they were enraged because she was enraged. She picked up her backpack and walked to the entrance.

"Gina...don't you do it!" Trevor hissed in pain.

She looked at him and smiled.

"Please don't. We can work this out, honey. Please." he pleaded.

But his pleading fell on deft ears as she reached up and unlocked the glass door and flung it open.

The zeds quickly backed up only long enough for her to step through. There were at least ten of the rotting and stinking things. And as soon as she was out of the way they made a B line for Trevor.

Gina didn't look back as she shouldered her back pack and stepped out into the street. Behind her she could hear Trevor's screams but it didn't faze her in the least. She pulled on a pair of sunglasses and began walking.

Gina walked for what seemed an hour or more before she finally sat down on the side of the road she didn't feel tired, she just wanted to sit down and get her bearings. She was in a rural area, with cornfields to either side of the road. The road she was on was called East Fork. If she continued along this route it would lead her into the small farming community of Tipsy.

Her head started to throb like she was having a migraine and she began to feel hungry...very hungry. She opened her pack and took out a granola bar. Her hands shook as she peeled the wrapper. She dropped it in the grass but picked it up again and took a sizable bite out of it. As she chewed the grainy contents it began to taste foul. So foul that she spit it out of mouth. It tasted like urine!

She tossed the remainder of the bar into the ditch and stood up and brushed her hands off. Yuck!

Gina was about to start walking again when she heard the sound of a car engine behind her. She turned around to see a truck heading her way. The truck began to slow down and finally pulled to a stop in front of her. The truck was black and it had a horse trailer connected to it. She could see two men in the front seat and they looked rough. The driver stuck his head out the window, "We're headed to Tipsy, would you like a ride?"

Gina shook her head, "No thank you. I'm fine." For some strange reason her mouth began to salivate and then came the horrible cramping in her stomach. The pain was so bad that she doubled over and dropped to one knee.

The two men got out of the truck. The passenger walked over to her and laid a hand on her shoulder. "Are you Okay."

"Step back, Buck she might be infected."

"Ah relax Max." Buck pulled a big knife from his hip and placed the blade beneath her chin and lifted her head. "Is that true? Are infected?"

"I..." Before Gina could answer him the driver cut her off

"Look at her arm, Buck. That's a bite mark. She's Infected!" Max snapped backing up.

Buck grabbed her right arm and lifted it to look at the scar. "It's healed over." He said and looked at Gina confused. "Why aren't you a Zombie already?"

"She's a Zed, man! Shoot her and let's get outta here." Max said walking back to the truck.

"Don't kill me! I'm not a Zombie!" Gina cried.

Buck reached up and removed her shades. The big man suddenly stood and back peddled away. "What the fuck?"

"See I told you, you dumb ass!" Max laughed. He reached into the front seat of the truck and took out a double barrel pump shot gun. Then he walked around to the front of the truck and aimed the weapon at Gina.

Gina raised her hand's, "Please DON'T!"

"Wait Max!" Buck said stepping between Gina and the shot gun.

"Get the fuck outta the way!"

Buck raised a hand, "NO!"

Max lowered the gun and looked at his brother in confusion.

Gina sighed her heart beating out of her chest. She watched the two conversing in heated whispering. The guy named Buck turned around and looked at her. "Stand up!"

"Dude your nuts!" Max said shaking his head.

"Shut up!" Buck walked over and grabbed Gina roughly under the arm and pulled her to her feet. "How long has it been since you've been bitten?" He squeezed her arm tightly.

"Ohh your hurting ME!" Gina gasped.

"Answer me damn it!"


Buck released her arm and looked at Max, "Forty eight hours. That's the longest anyone has ever been bitten and not turned!"

Max shrugged.

"I already told you I'm not a Zombie!" Gina pleaded snatching her arm from Buck's grip.

"I think she may be immune." Max said taking a plug of tobacco from his pocket and taking chew.

"Yeah and I just bet you the CDC will pay a pretty penny for her. What do you think, Max?"

"Leave me alone please. I just want to be left alone." Gina said with tears of blood welling up in her Amber colored eyes.

"Shit that looks nasty." Max laughed.

"Okay here is what we'll do. I say we take her to the CDC camp in Tipsy."

"No I'm not going." Gina said and turned to run, but Buck tackled her and pinned her to the ground with his body on top of hers.

"Calm down gurl!"

Gina raised up and threw the big man off of her. He flew through the air and landed on his back ten feet away from her. She didn't know where the sudden burst of strength came nor did she care to find out. She got her feet and sprinted into the cornfield.

"Fucking BITCH!"

That was the second time she'd been called a Bitch in less than twenty four hours but at least they weren't calling her a zed.

Suddenly there was a shotgun blast. Buck shot maybe. The lead pellets blew apart a corn stalk directly beside her, narrowly missing her. But she didn't stop. She ran and tripped and ran some more until she was deep inside the corn field.

She could hear Buck and Max as they searched for her among the tall corn but by the sound of their voices, they were going in the wrong direction. Assholes she smiled quietly and made her way along the thick rows in the opposite direction. She slipped out of the cornfield, not far from the truck. She retrieved her pack and was about to walk away when something bumped inside the horse trailer. At first she thought it was horse and chose to ignore it and start walking but then, Bump...Bump...Bump. It was a purposeful knock. That couldn't have been a horse. Gina cautiously walked around behind the trailer and peered over the stall. Her mouth dropped at the sight of a man. His hands and feet were tied up and he had duct tape over his mouth. He stared at her.

Gina opened the door on the trailer and stepped inside and she knelt down and gently removed the tape from his mouth.

He winced as she pulled on the tape "Just rip it off!" he mumbled.

Gina did just that.

"Ahhh FUCK! Hot damn that hurt."


"It's okay. Untie me please."

Gina hesitated, "Why did they tie you up?"

"Don't worry about it for fuck sake. Untie me!"

"Stop yelling at me." Gina snapped and began fumbling with the tape on his wrists. She managed to get enough of the tape loose so that he could twist his wrists and tear it the rest of the way. When his hands were free he tore the tape away from his ankles and he was up in an instant.

He grabbed her hand, "Lets go!"

They ran across the road to the opposite cornfield and disappeared from site.

The stranger was fast and Gina had trouble keeping up, besides she still felt sick to her stomach. She tripped but got to her feet again and when she looked the man was gone. She turned around in a circle but there was nothing to see but corn stalks.

"Shit." she said aloud. Well at least she got away from Buck and Max. She didn't envy the idea of being some test subject for a bunch of egg head scientists.

Gina started walking again this time she just picked a row and went left this damned cornfield couldn't go on forever.

Twenty minutes later she finally exited the field. The sun felt good against her face but it burned her eyes and made them hurt. What's worse is she didn't have her sunglasses.

Gina could barely see as she made her way to what appeared to be a barn. The doors were wide open so she went inside. There was a large combine parked inside along with a wide variety of farming implements like pitch forks, shovels, rakes and hoes all neatly hanging about. A wicked looking machete hung by the door so she took it down. It was rusty but appeared sharp. She couldn't help but wonder what the farmer would have used this for. She swung it and drove the blade into a wooden post and the blade sank deep. Nice she thought and she attached it to her backpack.

It might come in handy.

Something moved behind her and she quickly turned to find that it was a dog. The poor thing whimpered and padded toward her it's tale wagging. It was a mixed breed, between a shepherd and maybe a collie or a lab. The poor thing looked half starved to death. It sat down and eyed wearily.

"You poor thing." Gina said and opened her pack and took out a stick of beef jerky. She opened the packet and extended a piece to him. The whimpered and bounced on its hind legs.

"Come on sweetie it's okay." she said patting the ground.

The dog still appeared apprehensive, so she tossed the piece to him and it landed at his feet. He quickly gobbled it up.

"Good boy." She tore a piece for herself and plopped it in her mouth and began to chew. She didn't chew long before she was spitting it out, it tasted like...bitter grass! What the hell she looked at the date on the pack. It wasn't out of date. What was going on with her taste buds?

The dog nudge the side of her arm giving her a start. She petted it head, "Well hello." she rubbed it head and the dog leaned into her. "I guess you can have the rest of this." Gina said and placed the remainder of the jerk on the ground next to him.

She petted him as he ate.

When the dog was done he lay down in her lap.

Gina reached under the dogs neck and turned his collar. There was a small brass name plate that read "Boogie". She smiled, "Goodness what a name. Boogie!" It sounded cute. "Well it's nice to meet you Boogie."

The dog raised it's head and licked her face.

Gina's stomach cramped and the pain was so intense that she pulled herself into a fetal position. "ARGGG!!!" she gasped and her vision went red and she passed out. Gina sat up to feel of something slimy and warm against her. Boogie was licking. It was dark in the barn now which meant it was night. How long had she been out? She gently pushed the dog away, "That's enough, boy."

She stood up and slid the barn door open and stepped outside. Strangely enough the night wasn't dark. Everything was the color of red and she knew it had to be her vision. In fact it was sort of like using an NVG but instead of it being green, everything was a lite red. "Wow this is new." she said and looked down at Boogie. The dog had an angelic hue about him which caused Gina to giggle.

Boogie suddenly growled, focusing its attention on something in the distance.

"What is it boy?"

Boogie began barking as a shadowy figure stepped from behind a large oak tree.

The figure lumbered forward limping like a drunk And it looked to be carrying something.

Gina drew her Glock and flipped the safety off. "Stop right where you're at or I'll shoot!

The figure kept walking. Boogie kept barking.

"I mean it, I'll shoot!" she snapped.

Gina was just about to pull the trigger when the figure finally stopped within ten feet of her. She immediately recognized it to be one of the zed that she'd encountered back at the storage center. The black guy or zed. Jack was his name. She recalled that she'd flash him and his buddy, a little Asian fellow. But it couldn't be him, not unless he was...following her? He was wearing the mechanics coveralls with the name Jack embroidered above the right pocket. It was him and what's more he was carrying a dead pig in his arms. Zombie Jack dropped the carcass on the ground and pointed to it. He wanted her to eat.