Girls Night Out


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"That will work for me."

"There is something I need to tell you. John is the love of my life and I have not intentions of ever leaving him. He is my first and best love. Let's just keep this going on the side. If I'm careful we can do this without him knowing. I don't want to fuck up my marriage."

"That's fine with me, baby. I'll just be your sport fuck. I don't want to change your life."

"Good. I just want you to know where I stand. I'm glad you're ok with it."

"I need to go to work for a while. If you want to wait here, I can be back in about 2 hours."

"I think I should go home. I need to work on John."

She decides not to take a shower. She wants to be a mess when she gets home. She has Brian rip her dress a little more.

As he is getting dressed he says, "My car is still at the bar. You can drop me off there."

As she is driving home she works on her story. She feels a little guilty but the thought of Brian's big cock pushes it out of her mind.

She pulls into her driveway, shuts off the car. She takes a deep breath and gets out. Just as she gets to the door, John opens it.

"Oh god. Thank god you're home. I was worried sick."

She grabs him and hugs him.

"Hold me. Please hold me."

She starts gasping and squeezing him. He pulls her inside and closes the door.

"Are you ok, baby. Are you hurt. Do you need to go to the hospital."

"I don't think so. Just hold me and make me feel safe. Hold me."

He hugs her and they walk to the living room. They sit on the couch.

"What happened, baby. I called you friends and they didn't know anything. They said you went home."

"Let me sit here for a few minutes. I'll tell you everything."

She hugs him again and lays her head on his chest. She takes a deep breath and looks at him.

"I was waiting for them to show up. They had a flat tire. I decided to have one more drink and then go. This black guy came up and sat beside me and we started talking. He seemed nice enough. We danced a couple of times. He must have put something in my drink. It took over me and made me want him. I couldn't control myself. We went to his place and we had sex. He made me want him. He took me and took me. I don't remember how many times. All I remember was wanting him in me. He made me cum so many times I lost count. I must have fallen asleep. I woke up and he made me eat. I even shaved my pussy for him. He just asked and I was glad to do it for him. Then the took me again and again. He made me cum again and again. I couldn't resist him. I never even thought about the fact that I could get pregnant. I wanted him in me and I wanted him to cum in me. After he was finished with me he took me back to the club and he left.

"Do you remember what he looked like, or his name. You need something to tell the police. I called them last night. They said they would come by today and take a missing persons report."

"I remember he said his name was Brian. It was probably a lie. He was big and black is all I remember about how he looked."

"Oh god. You poor thing. Don't worry. If you're pregnant we'll worry about it later. I'm here for you. I love you."

"Thank you. I needed to hear that. I love you too."

He holds her in his arms and rubs her back.

"I got you baby. I got you. You're safe now."

"I need to take a shower. I want to wash all of him off me. I feel so dirty."

She gets up and goes in the bathroom. She showers and douches. She wants to wash all the DNA evidence away. She puts on her robe and goes out. The doorbell rings. It's the police.

"Hi folks. I see you made it home ok. Do you remember what happened?"

"Yes, I think he put some drug in my drink. He took me to his house and raped me over and over. Then he brought me back to the club and left. He said his name was Brian. I don't remember much about how he looked. He was big and black."

"You need to go to the hospital and have a rape test done. Maybe they can get some DNA. If we can find him he will be charged with kidnapping and forcible rape. He will be in prison for a long time."

"I just took a shower. I may have washed all the DNA away. I felt do dirty I couldn't stand it."

"Well, we don't have much to go on. We can check with the bartender. Maybe he knows the guy."

"I hope you catch him. It was the most horrible thing I ever went through."

"I understand, maam. We will do everything we can. I'll turn this over to the detectives. They will be in touch with you."

"Thank you, officer. I'm sorry I don't have more information for you."

The officer leaves and she grabs John and hugs him again.

"Baby. I hope we can get through this without it destroying our marriage. I love you and I don't want to lose you."

"Don't worry, baby. I'm here for you. I love you too. We'll work through it."

"I'll be ok in a while. I just have to get my mind right again. Just knowing you still love me and you're here for me will help a lot."

"Do you need to go to a doctor and have a check up."

"I think I will tomorrow. I'm a little sore. He was so big he may have caused some damage."

Her intentions are to get some birth control pills. She is a little sore, but it's a good sore. She is just not used to a big cock like Brian's.

That night they to to bed. She immediately grabs him and hugs him.

"Hold me, baby. I need to feel your arms around me.'

"I got you, baby. I got you."

The snuggle up and both fall asleep.

The next day she calls the doctor and he tells her to come in. The had a cancellation and they can see her that afternoon. She wants a morning after pill and a birth control prescription.

The doctor is giving her a pelvic exam.

"You seem to have a little trauma here. Do you know what happened."

"Yes. My husband and I went to a swingers party. I got a little carried away. I took on quite a few guys. I need a morning after pill. All of them didn't use condoms.

"That explains it. I can give you a prescription for that."

"I also want to go on the pill. Can you fix me up with that too."

"No problem. I don't see any serious damage. You should be good to go in a couple of days."

"Thank you, Doctor. That's good to know."

She stops by the drug store on her way home.

"Hi baby. The doctor said everything is ok. He gave me a morning after pill in case I got pregnant. He didn't find any serious damage. I just need to take a few days off."

"Great. That's a load off my mind. I'm glad he didn't hurt you too bad."

"He hurt my mind worse than my body. But, I'm not the first woman that got raped. I'll get through it."

"If there is anything I can do to help, let me know. I want things back to normal as soon as possible."

"Are you going to be ok with this. Just don't over think it. If you need to talk to me, let me know too. We have to be together on this."

"I will, baby. I'm ok so far. I just tell myself it was something bad that happened."

"I love you, baby. I know we'll get through this. We just have to be strong together."

Two night later they are sitting on the sofa watching TV. She is snuggled up under his arm.

"Let's go to bed, baby. We have to work tomorrow."

"Yeah. I'm ready."

She drops her robe and gets in bed. She presses her body against him and her hand moves down to his cock. She kisses him on the cheek.

"Baby. I need you. I need your love. Can we?"

He rolls over and pulls her to him. He kisses her on the mouth. She sights and gives him her tongue. He sucks on it and licks her lips. She moves down and takes his cock in her mouth. She licks and sucks on it. She feels it filling with blood.

She thinks, "Yes. He is ok. He still wants me. Yes.'

"I want you in me, baby. I miss your cock so much."

"I missed your pussy too, baby. It's good to have you back."

She moves over his cock and pushes it up in her pussy. She lays on his chest and strokes in and out. He holds her tight and meets her strokes. She grinds on his bone and her clit fills with blood. He holds her on it and she cries out and cums on him.

"Oh yes. Yes. Cumming on you. So good. Yes. Yes."

She keeps working on his cock. His groans grow louder and his passion rises. She cums two more times and feels his cock swelling.

"Yes. Baby. Cum in me. Give you your cum. Yes. Yes."

He pushes up in her and howls as he empties his balls in her. She cries out and cums with him.

"mmmm, baby. So good cumming in you. I missed it so much."

"I did too, baby. It's good to have my man back in me."

They cuddles and fall asleep.

The next day John is at work. She called in sick She calls Brian.

"Hi baby. Are you you in the mood for some hot white pussy."

"Good. I'll be there in 15 minutes."


She knocks on the door. Brian opens it. He is naked with a half hard cock. She jumps in his arms.

"Oh god. I missed you so much. I need my black cock fix.

She lets go of him and grabs his cock. She leads him to the bedroom. She quickly undresses and pushes him on the bed. She lays on his chest and rubs her breasts on him. He nipples pucker up and her pussy muscles twitch.

"You're hot for it, baby. I can see it in your eyes. You need my big black cock in your hot married white pussy."

"Fuck yes. It's all I can think about."

Her pussy is wet and she moves over his cock. She pushes down on it and it slowly slides up in her. She moans as it fills her.

"Oh fuck yes. Big black cock in me. Yes yes. My white pussy is full of black cock."

"All the way in, baby. Just like before. Take all of it."

She feels it against her cervix. She pushes slowly. It opens and she takes it all in. It closes on the head. She cries out and cums for him.

"Oh fuck. All the way in. ready for some hot black cum."

He flexes it and his cock head swells. She screams and cums.

"Right where I want you, baby. In my cervix and ready to shoot your hot black cum in me."

"Take it, baby. Put my cum where you want it. I have a big load for you."

She starts grinding and squeezing it. He holds back, making her work for it. She pulls back and then drops on it. His cock fills her cervix again. She screams and cums again.

"Give me your cum. Please. I want it. Shoot it in me. Please. Please cum in me."

He begging and squeezing brings his over the edge. His cock flares and he cums in her. The both scream and he fills her.

"Oh fuck yes. Yes. Hot cum. Hot black cum in me. Yes. Oh god, yes."

"Take it baby. Milk my balls dry. Take my hot black cum."

She milks it all in her and falls on his chest.

"Oh fuck that was good. So fucking good."

"It's good to have you back, baby. I really missed you. Don't stay away so long next time."

"I know. It was hard for me too. I had to get John fixed. He took it kind of hard. I think he is going to be ok. Just a little more time."

"Good. I knew you would take care of it."

"I don't mean to fuck and run, but I have to get back real soon. He is coming home early. He is taking me to dinner tonight."

"Ok, clean up and get out of here. And be sure and call me soon. I want more of your hot white married pussy."

"You really like calling my pussy that, don't you."

"Fuck yes. Hot married white pussy. My big black cock cumming in it."

"You silly. You're as bad as me. I think we are both hooked."

She cleans up and kisses him goodbye. She hurries home.

The next Saturday Amy is in the garage doing laundry. John is watching a ball game. He hears her phone tweet. Her purse is on the end table. He opens it and takes her phone out. It's a text message. His eyes pop open.

"What the fuck is this."

The text says, 'I miss you call me' It's from Brian. He looks at some other messages. He sees another one. It's from Brian also. It says, 'call me I need to see you.' The answer is, 'need more time to fix things I'll call you.'

His mind goes on tilt. Anger and pain hits him in the gut. 'I've lost the love of my life. Fuck, fuck.' He wants to go scream at Amy. He slowly collects himself. He puts her phone back in her purse. In a side pocket inside he sees a tissue wrapped around something. He pulls it out. It's her birth control packet. He pulls her phone out and lays both on the coffee table. His mind goes stone cold. He puts her purse back on the end table and moves her phone and pills near the far edge of the table. He sits back and waits.

Amy walks in with her arms full of folded laundry.

She sees her phone and pills laying on the table. She drops the laundry and falls to her knees.

"you got a text message. You should read it."

"Oh god. No No No."

She starts crying. He waits for her to recover.

"I'm such a fool. I should have known you would find out sooner or later. And now I've lost the love of my life."

"All this shit you've been telling me is a lie. You're still going to see him. You're fucking him and thought it would be ok. You know you're the love of my life and you did this. What the fuck were you thinking?"

"I don't know what to say. I've done a terrible thing. I've hurt you so bad. I never wanted that. I love you. You're the love of my life too. I've broken trust with you and I don't know how to fix it."

"I don't know how to fix it either. You're probably going to keep seeing him and I can't live with that."

"There has to be something I can do. I just don't know what."

His anger calms down, but the hurt is still there.

"Can you stop seeing him. Does he have a hook in you. Is it the black on white thing. Is it the thrill of cheating and hoping not to get caught. What is it?

'It's mostly the black on white thing. The thrill causes me to have intense orgasms. It's like a drug. It fogs my mind. I want it and I want you too. But I know I can't have both."

"Well, I could try go get over the pain if you stopped seeing him. I don't want our marriage to be destroyed this way. The only way I could do it is if we separated and you stopped seeing him. Maybe we could get back together after a time. It's for damn sure I won't share you. That's not the way a marriage works. You have to choose between him and me. If you have a better idea, I'm listening."

"I don't know if I can stop. He is as hooked as I am. He would be calling me all the time. I may not be able to tell him no. I feel so ashamed for hurting you. I doubt you will ever be able to forgive me."

"I'm going to move out. You can stay here. It will be easier that way. You let me know how you're doing from time to time. If you can't stop seeing, don't call. It's all on you now. I'll give it some time before I file for divorce.

Three months later John is sitting in his office. His cell phone rings. He doesn't recognize the number.


"Hi John, it's Amy."

"Hi Amy. What's up?"

"I'm at the Starbucks near your store. Can you meet me there. I want to talk to you."

He hesitates and then decides to go.

"Sure. I'll be there in ten minutes. Just a plain coffee for me."

"I remember how you like your coffee. See you in ten minutes."

He sees her sitting and walks up to her table. She stands and gives him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. He sits.

"Hi. How are you doing."

"I'm good. I'm not seeing Brian anymore. You said to call if I wasn't seeing him."

"That didn't work out for you two?"

"No. I came to realize he was just playing me for sex. I never met any of his friends or family. It took me a while to figure it out. It's all over now."

"How long since you stopped seeing him."

"It's been two months. I waited till I was sure before I called you."

"It must be tough to find out you're being played like that."

"It was. It took me a while to get over it. I'd like to start seeing you now. We can take it as slow as you want. I've leaned a lot in the past two months. I know what's important in life now. All that matters is the people that love you and the people you love."

"Do you really think we can get back together after all that happened."

"I'd like to try. I still love you. I'd like to try and rebuild the trust that I broke. I know how much I hurt you and I want you to know I would never do that again. It's been hard living with the guilt for doing that. All I know is that I want you back in my life."

"You're saying all the right things. I guess we can start and see how it goes. I still love you, but it's mixed up with the hurt. That's the best I can give you right now."

"Oh good. That's way more than I expected. How about we go out to dinner this weekend."

"That's a good idea. Do you want to meet somewhere or shall I come and pick you up."

"Could you pick me up. It will be more like a date that way."

"Friday at 6:30 ok?"

"I'll be ready. And thank you. I'm glad we're doing this."

"I gotta get back to work. It's good to see you again."

She smiles as he walks away.

The see each other often during the next two months. One Saturday morning she calls him.

"Hi John. I'm making lasagna for dinner tonight. Why don't you come over and help me eat it."

"I never could turn down your lasagna. How does 7 sound."

"Perfect. I'll see you then."

"Bye bye."

He shows up and 7 with a bouquet of flowers and a bottle of wine. She opens the door.

"Hi. Oh my. Flowers and wine. Come right in."

She hugs and kisses him. He returns the hug and kiss.

"Come in the kitchen. I'll put these in some water. You pour the wine."

He follows her in. He notices how nice she looks. She is wearing a t shirt and a mini skirt. He notices she isn't wearing a bra. He wonders if she is wearing panties. He suspects the tender trap. The old feelings for her come to mind.

"You cooked my favorite meal tonight. Are you trying to spoil me."

"Yes. You're on to me. Remember the old saying?"

"I remember it."

"I'm testing it to see if it works."

The eat dinner and go in the living room with a glass of wine. She sits next to him and they watch a movie. It ends and she puts her arms around him.

"I need to ask you something. Will you stay here with me tonight. We don't have to do anything. I just want to fall asleep in you arms. It's been way too long for me. Will you do that for me."

He leans over and kisses her. She hugs him. She got her answer. She gets up and takes his hand. She leads him to the bedroom. There is a small candle burning on her vanity.

"You get in bed. I'll be right back."

He gets in bed and waits for her. She comes in wearing a silk transparent robe. He sees her nipples showing. He notices she has let her pussy hair grow back. More of the old feelings come to his mind. She slips the robe off and gets under the covers. She moves over next to him. He pulls her to him and feels her naked body against his. She sighs and hugs him. She snuggles down next to him.

"Thank you for this. I really needed it"

The cuddle a while and fall asleep.

He wakes the next morning. His morning wood is making a tent in the bed. She is laying with her head on his shoulder. He leg is hooked in his. He hand is on his stomach. She stirs and snuggles closer. He hand moves down and brushes against his rock hard cock. She takes it in her hand and holds it. Her pussy gets moist. He pulls her close and kisses her. She returns his kiss, giving him her tongue. He licks her lips and sucks on her tongue. He pussy is twitching and its wet. She sits up and moves over him. She sits on his thighs and holds his cock.

"Look what I found. I have a place for him."

"Where is that?"

She moves up and touches her pussy lips to the head. She slowly slides it up in her. They both groan. She takes it all the way in and lays on his chest. The make sweet gentle love and cum together. She moves off him and lays against his side. He holds her to his side. They look at each other and their eyes tear up.

"Welcome home. Baby."

The end.

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DebbieXDebbieXabout 2 years ago

She takes the head of his big black cock in her cervix?

It's physically impossible for a cock to enter through the cervix. The opening is just too small and on an angle that makes cock entry impossible.

syn4321syn4321about 2 years ago

This would have been a better story without rape in it. Could have omitted rape and still written something hot and good. Instead it's kind of ugly, really

AlericAlericover 3 years ago
Utter nonsense

She gets home and claims rape and he doesn't drag her ass to the hospital? No rape kit, no STD tests? Not a chance in hell. Then he fucks her two nights later, nope again. This entire story just defies belief.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 8 years ago

What proof does she have that she hasn't been seeing Brian?

And even though she washed away the evidence of the sex, they can still do blood work to detect the date rape drugs.

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