Gite Ch. 06: Yachting Continues


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Pierre and Jerome were talking, Jerome went to the steering position and got out binoculars. He looked at the other yacht, and returned. "Yes," he said to Pierre, "it's Alain's yacht."

"Do you have his mobile number?" asked Pierre.

"Yes, but there is no signal," replied Jerome, "I'll call them on the radio." he went up to the lounge.

"It seems to be our friends." Said Pierre, "They were supposed to be going to Italy."

Jerome returned. It was their friends, they had changed their minds about Italy, and come here. Pierre continued "Their wives are in Greece, they have 'companions'." Pierre laughed. "So, they are booking the same restaurant as us, and invite us over to their yacht for drinks, in one hour." Continued Jerome.

Beth said, "All of us?" Jerome nodded, "Then we had better get dressed." She said to Denise.

Jerome laughed, "They may well not be dressed, I'll check." He went away, and returned. "They are not getting dressed yet, until just before they go to the restaurant. So, no need for us to get dressed for drinks."

Beth and Denise looked at each other, unsure. Being naked all the time, the four of them was fine, but with strangers? Pierre saw the look, "If you are really unhappy, we can all dress," he said, "but it is so hot, we will need to change again before we eat."

Denise laughed, "That's the first time I've known a man be worried about clothes washing." She said. "I'm fine about it, she said, "how about you?" she said to Beth. Beth thought and said, "well, are hardly walking down the main street naked." She said. "Why not?"

"Good." Said Pierre.

"Time for another shower." Said Beth taking Pierre's hand.

"And us." Said Denise, holding Jerome's hand and following. "I want a lesson in shower sex, please." They all laughed.

Pierre and Beth were in the shower, soaping each other, again. Pierre felt Beth's mons, it was rough. "Do you want me to shave you?" he asked.

"Yes, please." She replied. He stopped the shower and went for a razor and shaving foam. He returned and she spread her legs giving him access. As he worked on her, they could hear Denise and Jerome in the other shower. "Her turn for a shower shag!" said Beth.

"Sorry," said Pierre, "can't do it yet!"

"Neither can I." said Beth, "but we can pretend when they have finished. So, they will think we're a shag ahead!"

Pierre laughed, "OK." He said. "We can have fun, anyway."

The noises from Jerome and Denise rose to a maximum and subsided.

Beth began soaping Pierre again, she fondled his cock, "I want this up me now." She said loudly.

"Just there?" asked Pierre, equally loudly.

"Yes," she said, "Get it in me, Ohhh."

They continued in this vein, ending with what Beth thought were excellent simulated orgasms.

Beth turned the shower on to rinse them off. They came out of the shower, smiling at each other. Beth wrapped a towel round herself, and went up. She sat beside Denise. "One of my five a day." she said.

Jerome was the other side of Denise, "What?" he asked.

Denise explained that is was a British heath slogan to promote the eating of vegetables, not for excessive sex, looking at Beth with a smile.

Pierre joined them and looked at his watch. "Time to go," he said.

Jerome pulled in the small motor boat to the stern, and held it whilst they got on. Pierre started the outboard engine, and steered them to the other yacht.

A man held their boat while they got off.

Introductions were made to Alain and Victor, they introduced the others as their 'companions'. They looked about twenty-five years old and were slim, attractive and athletic looking.

Alain served drinks, Beth chose white wine, and Denise champagne. Beth looked around, the yacht layout seemed similar to, but it was larger, than Pierre and Jerome's. They all began chatting, keeping standing under the awning. Beth glanced up to see if there was a wire hoist, but could not see anything. Pierre saw her looking and whispered in her ear "Ours is actually for lifting engine parts for maintenance, but has other uses, you can just fit them when the engines are being maintained. Or when you want to lift anything, really." He left her to talk to Alain. She turned to find Celine next to her. She found out that Celine was a lecturer at an athletics college in Paris, and spoke English, with an American accent. "I went to college in the USA." Explained Celine, "They are excellent for sports."

Beth gave her some explanation for why they were with Pierre and Jerome, Celine put her hand on Beth's arm, "We understand." Celine said, "we are paid companions of Alain and Victor." She continued, "Our college pay is not high, and Paris is expensive, so we are employed by an agency to accompany men to events and dinners, when their wives do not want to go, or are somewhere else. So, we get interesting evenings, with interesting people, go to the opera, shows and expensive restaurants, all paid for. Then we can get a cash bonus from our partners, if we offer any other services..." she smiled, "you understand?"

"Yes," said Beth, "I do." wishing she had done that before she got married. Thinking of those premieres in London, she saw on the TV with photographers flashing their cameras at elegantly dressed women, accompanying rich men. "I like the opera." She said, "But it's best in Italy, but it's expensive and my husband hates it."

Celine looked at Beth, "Do understand the stories and the music? Do you speak Italian?"

"I know the stories, I have opera on CD and video at home." Beth said.

Celine stared at her, knowing several rich men, who needed companions to go to the opera... And who would pay a good price for a knowledgeable companion, who could talk to his friends about it, even in English.

"Do you speak Italian?" asked Celine, again.

"Oh no!" said Beth, I can read and understand it, but not well enough to speak it."

'Never mind,' thought Celine.

"So how did you meet Alain and Victor?" asked Beth.

Celine continued, "We have been with Alain and Victor in Paris, and they asked the agency if we could go on their yacht for two weeks in summer. Paris is so hot in summer, and we get a paid holiday."

Beth began to wonder if the agency had vacancies...

Celine continued, "So we came down on the TGV train, first class, and here we are."

Denise joined them, "I have found a new career." She said.

"So have I." said Beth.

Celine laughed, "I will give you the agency's card, they're very discreet and helpful. She carried on, "they are always looking for new... workers." She said. "They have work for ladies of all ages from twenty upwards, no younger. My aunt is sixty and she gets work. That's where we got the idea from. She's on a cruise in the pacific, at the moment."

Marie joined them, "The men are talking business." she said.

Beth realised that she was having a perfectly normal conversation with naked people!

She looked at Celine and Marie, fit, slim, tall athletic, small breasts though, shaved as well. Marie had gold rings through her nipples, and a diamond stud in her navel. A large diamond. Marie saw her looking, "A gift from a grateful client." She said. Beth thought 'well grateful. I should think.'

Celine poured more wine. 'One of her duties.' Thought Beth, 'I could do that. Wonder if she gets five a day?'

The men were still talking together.

"Let us show you round the yacht." Said Celine, leading the way. The layout was similar, but with four bedrooms, two large at the bow of the yacht with en-suite showers and two smaller rooms towards the stern, with one bathroom shared. They looked in one large bedroom, Beth examined the en-suite shower room, larger than Pierre's, 'Good for shower sex.' She thought. She saw a dildo stuck to the shower wall, with a suction cup at the end. Celine apologised, "Sorry, we have left our toys out." She said and laughed.

Denise joined in. "I have a 'bag of delights'." She said, "and we've played with our toys on this holiday."

Beth said, "I like the one stuck to the wall, how do you use it?"

Celine smiled at her, "Several ways, the girl can back onto it and get it up her arsehole, and the man take from the front, you can put it up your vagina, and the man can take you up the arsehole, or the man can put it up his arsehole, and the girl can take him from the front..."

"Inventive!" thought Beth, she saw Denise looking at her and winking.

Above was a large sitting room with a captain's area at the front. A separate kitchen. Above was the higher steering position.

They returned to the outdoor area. Beth wanted to show these young people of her new-found expertise. She looked at Denise who understood and nodded. "We tried a double dildo the other day." she said,

Denise added, "Hard work but we enjoyed it."

There followed an animated discussion about toys of all descriptions, together with favourite sex positions. Beth wondered if the lesson was going to get practical. Denise told them about being taken when lifted. The younger girls were intrigued, telling Beth and Denise that some of their partners like being tied up, but it did nothing for them. Beth noticed them glancing upwards at the awning supports.

Then the men returned and sat among them. "What was the topic of discussion?" asked Pierre.

Denise said, "You tell them Beth, You're the expert!"

"Thanks a lot" said Beth, nothing for it, "Sex toys and sex positions." she said, she continued, "These girls don't have a wire lift." she said, looking at Pierre.

"Not yet." Pierre said.

"We have to leave for the restaurant soon." said Alain.

They went back to their yacht and dressed.

Beth and Denise got together in Beth's room, alone, first point of discussion for women, "What did you think of them?" said Denise, ever the adventurous one.

Beth as usual, got the wrong angle. "The two girls?" she asked.

Denise laughed, "No, the men!"

Beth said "Oh yes, I see what you mean. Nice, very nice looking, could be film stars, attractive, sexy, well-tanned. Look at you in that hungry way..."

"Calm down." Said Denise, "I can see you are hooked already." Beth thought of Alain caressing her breasts and kissing her, she looked into the distance...

"Come back to planet earth." Said Denise.

"Hum." Said Beth, "I was just thinking..."

Denise broke in, "What you were thinking was written all over your face. Was he stroking the left or right breast?" Beth looked down, her nipples were hard. She laughed.

"I could almost feel his hand." She said, putting her hand on her left breast, and feeling her erect nipple.

"Have you noticed..." said Denise softly.

"What?" asked Beth.

"They are, seem to be, er, 'well hung' I think is the term!"

"I didn't notice." Said Beth.

"Would you like to?" asked Denise quietly.

"What?" said Beth, "How?" realising what Denise meant.

"Well," said Denise, "We are all having a meal together, plenty of alcohol, and nice company. What will your mind turn to afterwards?"

"Sex." Said Beth, surprising herself. "With Pierre, or Jerome?" she added.

"Why not with Alain or Victor?" asked Denise quietly.

"How?" said Beth, what about Pierre and Jerome?"

"They can have the younger ones." Said Denise, being practical.

"So, a sort of swap?" asked Beth.

"An actual swap." Said Denise.

"How do we arrange it?" asked Beth, "We can hardly suggest it, can we?"

"We could, but let's be subtle. Just drop a few hints in the conversation, and see what happens. If all else fails, I'll have a word with Jerome. Let's get dressed quick," said Denise, "times getting on."

They selected simple strappy sun dresses. Beth was about to put on a bra, Denise stopped her. "it's still hot," said Denise, "and we don't need them, best to show our assets."

They went up on deck, Jerome had the motor boat ready.

They arrived at the small quay at the same time as the others and walked up the narrow village street to the restaurant. Their table for eight was still being prepared, the owner apologised in Spanish. The men shrugged, as they were all led to the bar. There were two table for four free, and they were pulled together. The men and the two younger ladies ordered beer, "Cervezas por favour." Beth and Denise asked for white wine. Beth was next to Pierre, the others in their pairs. Beth had a sudden thought, and turned to Pierre, putting her hand on his thigh, she saw him smile, and smiled herself. "Later." She said, continuing, "It's difficult to talk to our new friends, when we go and eat, why don't we sit in a different order?" she didn't know what she wanted, or what to say.

Pierre thought a moment, then said, "Let's move round every course, so we all get to change. We have done that before at large meals." He spoke in French to Alain who was sat next to him, he agreed, and they told the others.

"Well done, Beth" said Denise, who was sat opposite her.

Pierre looked at Denise, nearly said something, and stopped.

Denise looked at Beth, and smiled, 'Plan's working.' She thought.

Beth turned to Pierre, and whispered in his ear, "We had a tour of their yacht, and the en-suite shower is larger than yours, and on the shower wall was a dildo, stuck on with a rubber cup. I'd like to try that. Have you got one in your toybox?"

Pierre thought, and put his lips to Beth's ear, "I don't think we have." He said. Beth looked disappointed.

The owner came and took them to their table, it was outside, under a pergola with flowering climbers over it. It was sheltered, there were candles on the table and a few small electric lights in the climbers.

"So romantic." Said Beth.

As they got to the table, Pierre put them in their places, partner opposite partner, but different couples next to reach other. Pierre and Beth were at one end, Alain and Celine next to them, so Beth and Alain were next to each other and so were Pierre and Marie. The other two couples were similarly placed, so it was man – woman – man – woman on each side of the table. Pierre reminded them that the men were to move round one place after each course.

The waitress brought menus, the men ordered more cervezas, and the ladies wine.

Beth looked at her menu, it was in two languages, neither of which she could understand. One was Spanish, the other, something else. She frowned. Alain saw her discomfiture and realised the problem. He turned to her, and said, "The menu is in Spanish, Castilian actually, and Catalan, which is the language spoken around here. Shall I help you?"

"Yes, please." She said, grateful for the assistance, and grateful to be closer to Alain.

They put their heads together, looking at one menu. He felt her hair touching his shoulder. Looking down, he could see the swell of her brown breasts... he realised she was not wearing a bra, as he could just see her nipples, they were erect... He went through the menu quickly as a summary, then told her what he was going to have.

She chose grilled sardines, as a starter followed by cod. "We can order dessert later," he said, "but you must try crema catalana as dessert. Have you had it before?"

She shook her head.

She realized that she was neglecting Pierre, "I'm sorry," she said, "I didn't understand the menu."

Pierre noticed her obvious attraction to Alain, and wondered if that was the reason that Beth had come out with the suggestion for places. An idea began to form in his head. This was very similar to Denise's. He thought of Celine and Marie, naked, suspended from handcuffs on their yacht... Beth had been the one to mention the dildo in Alain's shower... Celine was sat next to Pierre, he asked about her holiday on the yacht. She told him where they had been from Italy, all the way along the south coast of France. She was also open about why they were there, "We have fun, and a paid holiday." She said, "We also do the same in Paris, where we are escorts, paid partners to the opera and restaurants." She was quite open with Pierre, told him about the agency and that Beth and Denise were intrigued. "I think I can recruit them," she said, "I will get a bonus for that."

On the other side of the table, Alain was asking Beth how they met Pierre and Jerome, he knew of their hobby of meeting female tourists. Beth looked at Pierre and interrupted his tete-a-tete with Celine. "Can I tell Alain how we met. And everything?" she asked.

"Yes," said Pierre.

Celine was intrigued. "Can I listen, as well?" she said.

Beth gave then the agreement with their husbands, the meeting in the restaurant, and the fact that Pierre and Jerome had planned it, once they saw they had removed their wedding rings. "We were innocent tourists," said Beth, "abandoned by our husbands and picked up by these two!"

She told them about finding out that the gite had been a brothel.

"Then what happened?" asked Alain. Beth told him that they had gone back to the gite, waiting for the men, "They marched through the door and dragged us into bed." She said, "Not a word of conversation!"

"So, what happened next?" asked Celine.

Beth continued, telling them about her request to leave the door open, "Denise and Jerome were having sex fairly quickly," she said, but Pierre realized that this was my first time with anyone but my husband, so make me listen to Denise being shagged."

"What was it like, just listening?" asked Alain.

"Very erotic," said Beth, "very, I was really aroused by it. Pierre was fondling my breasts and I was playing with his cock."

"Go on." Said Celine.

"Then Denise and Jerome finished, I could hear them telling each other how much they'd enjoyed it, and I realized it was going to be my turn. Pierre ran his hand downwards from my chin. I could have stopped him, but I didn't." she said proudly.

"Then we played with each other for a short while, then we shagged. That was my first time with anyone but my husband, and I enjoyed it!"

"Well done!" said Alain.

The waitress brought their starters, and the conversation turned to food.

Beth's sardines were delicious, she'd never had fresh sardines before, only the tinned ones. She finished them and mopped her plate with a piece of bread. Her glass had been refilled with wine, she hadn't noticed.

They all finished their starters and the waitress cleared away.

Pierre moved the men round one place.

Alain was now opposite Beth, and next to Celine, Victor was alongside Beth.

Victor asked Beth what she and Alain had been talking about so intimately. She repeated her brief tale of meeting Pierre and Jerome. Victor was intrigued by the mention of the red light. "So, you decided to be 'ladies of the night'?" he asked.

"Not really," said Beth, "It was Denise's fault, asking how much we'd get!"

She continued, "Then we seemed to agree on a price, and the men carried on as though it was going to happen. Well, it did. I was stunned when I found out that they left the money and a tip, in the morning. I assumed they were treating it as a joke. They've paid us every morning since!"

Celine spoke, "Do you mind me asking how much they agreed to pay?" she asked.

"Well, you will understand that us two had no idea what the going rate was, Pierre and Jerome didn't, or said they didn't, and asked the restaurant manager for guidance. He suggested 100 euro, Denise said that was too low and suggested 250 euro, I got a 50-euro tip!" she said proudly.

The other three laughed. Celine shook her head. "You were badly advised," she said, and looked at Alain, he nodded. "They pay the agency 1000 euro per day for each of us, we get 600, taxed. That is for our presence. Then the men give us a bonus for er, services. That is cash to us, not taxable. And we are not in the top rank." She finished.

Beth was surprised, this was another world to her. "Well, we didn't do it for the money." She said.

"I will tell Pierre to give you a pay rise," said Victor.