Give Him The Boot Pt. 03

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Last minute date night gets sexy.
4.3k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 05/16/2024
Created 03/28/2024
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Adam walked through the door of the house. Closing the door he shouted, "Hello?"

His question wasn't answered. Louise clearly hadn't got home from work yet. Adam walked into the kitchen and placed his keys on the side. He headed to fridge and grabbed a beer. Walking to the cupboard he got a glass and poured his cold beer straight into it. Heading to the bin he looked at the shoe rack. No boots. He was slightly disappointed to not be able to bury his nose into them.

"One day left," he said aloud to himself before taking a mouthful of beer. It was Thursday evening, nearing the end of a long week. Pondering what to do whilst he waited for Louise to get home, he glanced around the room. Next to him, hanging on the wall was the calendar. He noticed something he hadn't noticed before. "Date night?" in bold letters on the row for Friday. He thought for a moment for what they could do. They hadn't been out in a while, and he decided it could be a nice surprise to organise something. He headed for his laptop and began to plan their evening.

Adam's laptop shot into life. He opened his browser and started searching for Hotel's. There was a city about an hour's drive away from their house. Far enough away to warrant a hotel for the night. Using a hotel search engine, he found a perfect one. It had a spa, restaurant and a bar. "That's reasonable," he thought to himself as he booked them a night in the hotel and Louise a day in the Spa. Massage, facial, Pedicure and Manicure all included as well as use of all the facilities for the entire day.

Adam had just finished paying for their night away as Louise came home. He savoured the sound of her heels on the hard floor as she approached.

"Hello," she said with a smile as she came into the kitchen, "good day?" she continued.

"Hi, yeah not bad thank you. How was your day? Meeting go ok?" he responded.

"Yeah a lot better than I thought it would thank you," Louise said as she approached Adam and kissed him.

"Good. I've just booked us a hotel for tomorrow night!" he blurted out, excitedly.

"What? Why?" Louise questioned, slightly confused.

"I'd forgotten we had said we would have a date night tomorrow," Adam replied.

"Oh yeah, I'd forgotten about that as well. What have you booked?" Louise asked beginning to get excited.

Louise began to take off her boots. Adam was transfixed. He watched her unzip one of the black leather stiletto ankle boots she had on. Her foot slid out and she placed the boot on the shoe rack. She did the same with the other, taking it slightly slower as she noticed Adam watching.

"Well, I've got work tomorrow," he said getting his concentration back. "So, I thought you could spend the day in the spa at Hemmington's Hotel and I'll meet you there after work? We can go for some food either in the Hotel or go out."

"That sounds amazing!" Louise said as she threw her arms around Adam.

Adam proceeded to tell Louise about what she could get at the Spa and for her to choose where they would be eating. Louise immediately began to look at restaurants in the area to see where they could go. The plan was set. Adam was going to drop Louise at the train station on his way to the office, and she would make her way to the hotel to use the Spa. He would meet her at the hotel later.

Adam made their tea. They talked about their days at work as they ate. After their food they cleared up. Adam headed for the room and sat down to start to watch some TV as Louise went to pack her overnight bag. Adam waited for Louise to be upstairs before quietly heading back into the kitchen. He reached the shoe rack and picked up one of Louise's boots. He put it straight to his nose to inhale the heavenly scent. His cock hardened as he smelt the delight of the leather and the smell of the worn boot. The slight warmth was still there from Louise's foot. He squeezed his hardening cock as he went for another deep inhale through his nose. "fucking hell," he murmured under his breath. He took one more long smell of the boot and replaced it back on the rack. He looked at the boots for a moment before he headed back to the room.

Louise threw a small suitcase on the bed and started to pack her essentials. She headed to her wardrobe and picked out a few outfits which she could interchange depending on how she felt when she was getting dressed. She went to her wardrobe and opened the door to her footwear. All neatly set out on the shelves. She pondered a moment before grabbing her black leather peep toe wedge shoes. They were the same height as her boots - 4 inches. She placed them in her case neatly before returning to her wardrobe. She looked at her flat knee-high brown leather boots and at her case and then shook her head. Closing the wardrobe, she packed a few more things into her case and zipped it up.

Heading downstairs she went straight to the room. "Do you want a drink?" she asked as she popped her head around the door.

"Yes please, another beer if you don't mind." Adam replied as he handed his glass to Louise's outstretched hand.

Louise went into the kitchen and got the drinks ready before returning to Adam and handing him his drink, "thank you," he smiled.

Louise sat on the sofa next to Adam and swung her legs around to rest her feet in his lap. His hands immediately wrapped around her nylon feet and began to rub. Louise sat in heaven as Adam massaged her feet whilst they watched tv.

"You are quite good at that you know," Louise complimented.

"Thank you, glad you like it," Adam replied with a smile.

They watched TV for a few hours before going to bed.

The alarm went off rudely waking them both from their night's sleep. Adam rolled out of bed and into the bathroom. He brushed his teeth whilst still half asleep. He also showered which woke him up. After showering he went back to the bedroom. Throwing his towel on the bed, he headed to his wardrobe naked and picked out his clothes for the day.

Louise stirred and dragged herself out of bed. She slapped Adam's arse as she walked past him. "Morning," they both said in unison followed by a quiet, tired laugh as Louise went to the bathroom.

Before long they were both ready. Louise had packed her case the night before and it was now waiting by the door. Adam was going to pack his later before he left to join her at the hotel. They ate their breakfast and got ready to leave. Louise sat on the step by the door with her boots. Slowly placing her foot into one and pushing her foot it thumped into place. She zipped it up before putting her other boot on. Adam appeared from the kitchen, shoes on, ready to go.

Adam drove to the train station to drop Louise off. They kissed goodbye before Louise left for the train platform. "I'll let you know when I get there," Louise said as she exited the car.

"OK, cya later, love you," he replied.

"Love you too," Louise said before closing the car door.

Adam continued his journey to work. He was going to finish slightly earlier than usual so he wasn't leaving it too late to get to the hotel. Louise planned on spending most of the day in the Spa, so it worked out quite well.

Adam got into work and wasted no time in getting started. He had a list of things to do before he could leave for the day and didn't want to be stuck there longer than he needed to be. After an hour or so his phone buzzed,

Louise: Hey, im here. Its lovely xx

Adam: Good glad to hear it, enjoy. Xx

Louise: Oh I will! Xx

Louise did everything she could in the Spa, leaving her manicure and pedicure until last she had her massage, relaxed in the sauna, then Jacuzzi then back to the sauna. She had her facial treatment before finally heading for her manicure and pedicure. She chose to go for black nail polish on both her nails and toenails.

Meanwhile, Adam was working away but before knew it, he was done.

"2pm. not bad" he said to himself as he packed up. He headed out to his car and back home.

Walking through the door he headed straight upstairs. Getting to the bedroom he stripped off and got showered again. He came out of the bathroom towelling his hair and grabbed his clothes from the wardrobe. Putting them on the bed he put his boxer shorts on. The tight black ones Louise loved. He decided it was a good time to pack his clothes for the next day so he grabbed a bag and packed.

After packing he went to his clothes he had picked for date night. He put on some dark socks and stepped into and pulled up his blue, slim fit suit trousers. He put on his crisp white shirt. He spent a moment perfecting the sleeves as he rolled them up exposing his forearms. Taking his brown shoes from the wardrobe he put them on and laced them up. He added his watch to finish off his outfit, Adam then grabbed his bag and left for the hotel.

After arriving at the hotel. Adam was sitting in the car in the car park, he picked up his phone.

Adam: I'm here, where are you? Xx

Louise: "Im just getting dressed, I'll meet you in the bar. Wont be long! Xx"

Adam laughed, he knew he could be waiting a while. He got out of the car, saw to his shirt in the reflection of the car window and headed to the bar to order a drink.

Louise had finished her hair and makeup when Adam had texted, so all she needed to do was get dressed. When she first got to the room, she had hung her options of clothes in the wardrobe. She headed to the open wardrobe and looked over the clothes she had brought. Immediately she grabbed her leather leggings, throwing them towards the bed. She looked through the tops she had brought.

"Not that, or that," she said aloud as she went through them. She had brought 5 tops and still couldn't decide. She eventually settled with her turquoise satin blouse. It was shaped perfectly for her body. Throwing it towards the bed. She removed her hotel robe. This revealed her leather look thong and matching bra which Adam didn't know she had bought. They were surprisingly comfy and unassuming for what they were. She finished getting dressed before she had to make the most difficult decision... which footwear did she think Adam would prefer!

Louise thought to herself she could wear her boots. She knew Adam loved them, however she had just had her nails done so wanted to show them off. "Wedges it is," she said as she picked them up. She walked to the bed and sat down. Lifting her foot she placed the black leather wedge shoe onto it. Her nails on show through the peep toe. She placed the other shoe on and stood up. She headed to the mirror to look at herself. "Yes!" she said with conviction. She grabbed her bag, room key and phone and headed to the bar.

Adam sat with his pint of Lager at the bar waiting for Louise. He had drunk most of his drink before he saw Louise walking with confidence into the bar. He looked her up and down and his jaw dropped. Adam stood to greet Louise as she approached.

"You look amazing," he said before their lips met for a kiss.

"Thank you, you look pretty good yourself!" Louise complimented back. She was very impressed with his choice of outfit.

Adam smiled before he looked towards the bar man, catching his eye, "Could I have that wine now please?"

"Yes sir," the barman responded.

"I'm not a bloody sir," Adam laughed under his breath.

The barman arrived with Louise's drink along with a fresh beer for Adam.

"I assumed you would want another beer, I hope you don't mind," the barman said as he placed the glasses down.

"No not at all, thank you," Adam replied.

Adam and Louise were now both sat at the bar. Facing each other.

"What's the plan?" Adam asked.

"Well, I rung around a few places and they were all full so I booked us a table here. Hope you don't mind," Louise answered.

"No not at all, sounds good to me," Adam said before he took a drink.

They finished their drinks and headed to the restaurant. They were sat at a table in the corner, slightly out of the way but not too much to not be seen by the waitress.

The waitress handed them their menus and left them to choose their meals as she readied their drinks.

"What are you thinking of having?" Louise said after a few moments.

"Not sure, the steak seems appealing," Adam replied, "what about you?"

"Well, I want you," Louise said. Not a second were the words leaving her lips when Adam felt something on his crotch. It took him by surprise. He looked down to see what it was. He saw Louise's newly painted toe nails wrapped in her leather wedges rubbing his cock lightly.

Adam quickly looked round to check if anyone could see.

"Don't worry," she said, "look how long these table cloths are," she continued rubbing his cock with her shoe with slightly more pressure.

"Fuck me Louise, what are you doing to me," Adam laughed.

The waitress arrived back at the table. Adam was going slightly pink as Louise's shoe was still slowly and discreetly rubbing his cock as the drinks were being placed on the table.

The waitress took their food orders. As soon as the waitress looked towards Louise, Adam looked down and made sure Louise's shoe wasn't showing. He adjusted the tablecloth slightly and nonchalantly before the waitress looked back to him for his order.

The waitress left with their order and Adam slipped his hand under the table and rested it on Louise's foot.

"You know how to get my attention!" Adam said looking deeply into Louise's eyes.

"I know," she said with a sexy smile.

They made conversation, with Adam struggling to concentrate. His cock was now rock hard with Louise's shoe pressed against it. She slowly rubbed occasionally. Letting a little smile creep onto her face when she did.

Their food arrived, at which point, to Adam's slight relief but also disappointment Louise moved her foot back down to her side of the table. They ate their food whilst deliberating whether to go out to a bar.

"I mean to be honest; I just want to carry you up to the room right now!" Adam replied at the suggestion of going out.

"Oh is that right?" Louise said in a flirty tone.

"Yes, it is!" Adam said with conviction.

They finished their meals, and the waitress was quickly over to clear their plates. They ordered some coffees to finish their meal. Before the waitress had even fully turned away Adam felt Louise's shoe on his cock again.

"Louise!" Adam laughed.

"Oh don't you like it? Shall I stop?" Louise said teasingly starting to move her foot away.

"Don't you dare," Adam said as he grabbed her foot and pushed it back towards his crotch.

The coffees arrived and Louise took that as the cue to stroke her shoe on his cock with more pressure.

"Thank you," Adam managed to muster to the waitress.

Louise looked at Adam with a sexy glint in her eye.

"Lets get these drunk and get upstairs!" Adam said half joking but also being deadly serious.

"Oooh yes please," Louise replied.

They finished their coffees and sat for a moment.

"Shall we go?" Louise said as she removed her shoe from Adam's crotch.

"Erm, I'll need a minute," Adam said as he laughed.

Eventually, Adam had collected himself and found himself able to stand up without giving the rest of the restaurant more than they bargained for.

They wasted little time and headed for the lift towards the room. As soon as they were in the lift, alone, they kissed. Their tongues meeting as they did. Adam pulled Louise in close as they kissed passionately. The lift stopped and they moved apart swiftly. Noticing it was their floor they exited towards their room.

Louise led the way down the corridor to the room and flashed the card on the reader. They both hurriedly entered the room. Adam closed the door behind him and immediately pulled Louise towards him. She hadn't turned towards him, so her arse pushed against his hardening cock. Adams hand reached around and down the front of Louise's leather leggings. She groaned as his finger brushed over her clit. She pushed back onto his cock with her arse, slowly grinding on him.

Louise turned her head to be able to kiss Adam, their lips met, their tongues quicky followed. Adam was slowly rubbing Louise's clit as they kissed. Her hand moved around the back of Adams head. Her newly manicured fingernails running through his hair as they kissed. Adam's other hand was on her hip, pulling her into his hard cock.

Louise turned round and pushed Adam back onto the door. She grabbed his shirt and ripped it open before starting to kiss his chest. Adam pulled her close to him, slapping her leather clad arse cheeks in the process. They kissed passionately. Their tongues exploring each other's mouths. Adam pulled his shirt off and threw it to the ground. Pushing Louise towards the bed, they moved as they kissed. Louise felt the bed and sat down, breaking off from their kiss. She undid her blouse as Adam stood before her undoing his belt, letting his trousers drop.

Adam took one look at her new leather look bra, "that's fucking sexy," he said as he leant down and kissed Louise again.

He slid her blouse off and threw it across the room. Louise slid her manicured fingers in the waist band of Adams tight boxer shorts and pulled them down. His cock bounced slightly as it was released.

"Someone's excited," Louise commented as she saw the masses of pre cum on the head of Adam's cock.

"What did you expect," Adam replied with a laugh.

Louise leant towards Adam's cock and licked the head. Before lightly sucking some more of his pre cum into her mouth. Standing up from the bed she took his cock in one hand leant in to kiss him. Both Adam's hands ran through her hair as he pulled her in. Her tongue being welcomed into his mouth. He could taste his own pre cum and he loved it. Louise's hand was rubbing the head of Adam's cock in her palm. After a few moments of kissing, she broke away and lifted her hand to Adam's mouth. Without hesitation he licked his pre cum from her palm.

Adam put his hands on Louise's hips and turned her around pushing her onto the bed. She was on all fours, her arse facing him. He knelt and ran his finger under the waist of her leather look thong. Slowly pulling it down until it sat around her thighs.

Pushing her arse cheeks apart Adam began to lick Louise's arsehole. He pulled her into him, burying his face as he frantically licked her hole. Louise moaned approvingly.

Louise was enjoying her arse being licked when she felt Adam's finger circling her clit briefly before his fingers entered her. He brushed his fingers against her G spot as he continued with his tongue on her arse hole. Pulling away to catch his breath he demanded, "turn over".

Louise didn't need telling twice. She turned over and as she did Adam saw to her thong, removing it. Taking it off over one of her black leather wedge heels and letting it slide down her other leg. Louise laid back as she felt Adam's tongue lash around her fanny. His fingers followed soon, sliding in and out of her as he licked her clitoris. Adam's fingers were brushing against Louise's G spot with every movement. Louise was spiralling into an orgasm. Adam could hear Louise's breathing change; he knew she was close to orgasm. He continued with his unrelenting pleasuring, worshipping Louise's fanny.

"FUCK ME!" Louise blurted out.

Adam immediately stood up as Louise got on all fours on the edge of the bed. Adam wasted no time and lined his cock and slid inside Louise. She moaned with pleasure as she felt his length inside her. Adam ran his hand through her hair before taking a handful and lightly pulling. Louise loved it when he did that.

Adam began to thrust into Louise. She buried her face into the bed covers as Adam fucked her deep. With his other hand he reached around and cupped her breast through her leather look bra. Still managing to maintain his rhythm. Louise reached down and began to rub her clit.

"Fuck me babe," she panted.

Adam grabbed Louise's hips and began to pull her into him as he thrust into her. Louise was in heaven. One of her shoes fell off with the vigour she was being fucked. The noise of passionate sex filled the room. Panting, moaning and lust.