Give Yourself To Me


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      sense, Donna?

Donna's eyelids flutter slightly as she continues to stare up
at him. Her expression is blank and unquestioning.


Doctor Keller narrows his eyes slightly and takes another step
towards her. There is very little distance between them now.

            DOCTOR KELLER:
      And now that you know the truth,
      you know what you want to do,
      Donna. You want to let me hypnotize
      you. Because it's so important to
      you to be a good actress. Being a
      good actress means understanding
      the role. Understanding the role
      means letting me hypnotize you. So
      what do you want to do, Donna?

      I let you...hypnotize me.

            DOCTOR KELLER:
      That's right, Donna. You want to
      let me hypnotize you. You want to
      submit to me completely. You want
      to obey my every command. Deep
      down, you know this will help you
      play the part, and you want that
      more than anything. So when your
      conscious mind is hesitant, or
      confused about obeying me, your
      deepest self will remember how
      important it is, and it will help
      me to hypnotize you. Your deepest
      self will help you obey, because
      the better you obey, the more like
      Trilby you are. And you want to be
      just like Trilby, don't you?

      Oh, yessssss....

She shivers all over, and her eyelids flutter even further.
They are only half-open, now.

            DOCTOR KELLER:
      Oh, yes, Donna. Your deepest self
      hid it from you, all this time, but
      there are no accidents to the
      subconscious mind. Your manager...
      Such a distinguished man, isn't he?
      A wise, older man who always seems
      to be ready to guide your career
      down to the smallest details, even
      the way you dress, the men you

      I...I don't understand...

            DOCTOR KELLER:
      And the script...surely a famous
      young woman like yourself must have
      dozens of projects to choose from,
      but this script just leaped out at
      you, didn't it? It just seemed to
      burn itself into your mind until
      you knew you had to do it?

      Yes, I've always loved the book.
      Ever since I was fifteen, when I

She shivers again, and her jaw drops in sudden realization.


Doctor Keller reaches out and takes her chin, gently
supporting her head.

            DOCTOR KELLER:
      Exactly, my dear. You don't want to
      be like Trilby because you want the
      part, you wanted the part because
      you want to be like Trilby. All
      your life, ever since you've read
      that book, you've been shaping the
      pattern of your life towards this
      moment. Your manager was just a
      substitute, a stand-in until you
      could find the man who could truly,
      deeply, thoroughly dominate your
      thoughts and your mind. The way I
      can. The way I will.

Donna's eyes are now barely even a quarter open, and only the
whites show. Her head is resting on Doctor Keller's chin.

            DOCTOR KELLER:
      And you're already hypnotized now,
      Donna, and you don't even know when
      it happened. I didn't need to do a
      thing, Donna. I just told you what
      you wanted to hear, what you needed
      to hear, and you did it all
      yourself. You want this. You want
      to give yourself to me.

He passes his hand over her eyes, and they close completely.
She slumps just a little, swaying slightly where she stands.

            DOCTOR KELLER:
      Good girl, Donna. Good girl. Every
      time you obey, it reminds you how
      much you want to obey. Every time
      you obey, it makes it easier for
      you to obey. Every time you obey,
      you want to obey more. The more you
      give yourself to me, the more you
      want to give.

      ...want to give...

            DOCTOR KELLER:
      Want to obey.

      ...want to obey...

            DOCTOR KELLER:
      Good girl, Donna. Now, remove your
      clothes for me.

Donna's hands twitch at their sides, but remain still.

      I...I mustn't, it' manager
      said, bad for my career...

            DOCTOR KELLER:
      Remember the image of Svengali in
      your mind, Donna. Who is more like
      him, your manager...or me?

Donna's hands twitch again, slowly raising up from their
sides. They hesitate. Doctor Keller strokes her forehead,
slowly trailing his fingers down until they rest between her

            DOCTOR KELLER:
      It's so hard to think now, isn't
      it, Donna?

Donna nods.

            DOCTOR KELLER:
      Let me help you remember what you
      most want, Donna. You want to be
      Trilby. To be Trilby, you must play
      the part. To play the part, you
      must understand the role.

Donna's hands slowly move up, fumbling with her buttons.

            DOCTOR KELLER:
      To understand the role, you must
      obey me. So to get what you most
      want, Donna, what you most want in
      all the must obey me.

Donna unbuttons her top as he speaks, sliding it slowly off.

      ...must obey you...

            DOCTOR KELLER:
      Good girl, Donna. Remove your

Donna slides her skirt down and steps out of her shoes,
standing there in just her underwear. Her hands shake as she
reaches around for her bra, starting to slow down a little.
Doctor Keller strokes her forehead again.

            DOCTOR KELLER:
      Let me help you remember what you
      most want, Donna. You want to play
      the part. To play the part, you
      must understand the role. To
      understand the role, you must obey

Donna unsnaps the bra and lets it fall to the floor.

      ...must obey you...

            DOCTOR KELLER:
      Good girl, Donna. Remove your

Donna hooks her fingers into the waistband of her panties. She
frowns, and lets out a tiny whimper. Doctor Keller strokes her
forehead again.

            DOCTOR KELLER:
      Remember what you most want, Donna.
      You want to understand the role. To
      understand the role, you must obey

Donna slides off her panties and steps out of them, completely

      ...must obey you...

            DOCTOR KELLER:
      Good girl, Donna. Now, get down on
      your knees.

Donna sinks down to her knees, her stance wide enough that her
pussy is exposed. Her chin slumps down onto her chest.

            DOCTOR KELLER:
      So hard to think now, Donna. Try to
      remember what you most want, what
      you most want in all the world.

      I want...

            DOCTOR KELLER:
      You want to obey me.

      I want to obey you.

            DOCTOR KELLER:
      And the only way to get what you

            DONNA: to obey you.

            DOCTOR KELLER:
      Good girl, Donna. Now, play with
      your pussy for me.

Donna's hand moves to her pussy, slowly at first, but with
increasing enthusiasm as she begins to masturbate. Her other
hand caresses her breasts, and she lets out a small, shuddery

            DOCTOR KELLER:
      And every time you obey me, it
      feels better to obey me. It feels
      even better, now, doesn't it?

         (her voice quivering)
      ...yes, feels so....unnnnhhh...
      feels so good, now...I must obey,
      want to obey...

            DOCTOR KELLER:
      You've masturbated before, but it's
      never felt this good, has it,

Donna spreads her pussy lips apart with her left hand while
she slides the first two fingers of her right hand inside.

            DOCTOR KELLER:
      Has it, Donna?


She presses her thumb against her clit as she pushes her
fingers in and out.

            DOCTOR KELLER:
      Obedience makes the pleasure all
      the better, Donna. Obedience makes
      the pleasure so much more powerful.

Donna whimpers.

      ...want to obey you must obey

Doctor Keller reaches down and strokes her hair gently.

            DOCTOR KELLER:
      Obedience feels better and better,
      the pleasure and the obedience are
      one and the same now. Obedience is
      pleasure. Say it for me, Donna.

      ...obedience is pleasure...

She jerks and shudders. Her head briefly rears back in
excitement before falling forward once more.

            DOCTOR KELLER:

      ...obedience is...ohhhh...

She reaches her left hand up and begins pinching her nipples,
moving back and forth from one to the other. Her head falls
back again as she moans, her eyes still tightly shut, and this
time stays there.

            DOCTOR KELLER:
      Again until I tell you to stop.

He rubs his cock through his pants as he watches Donna play
with herself.

      ...obedience is pleasure; obedience
      is pleasure; oh, oh, ohhhhbedience
      is pleasure; obedience is...

Her hips buck forward, and her words dissolve into a moan for
a moment.

      Pleasure! Obedience is pleasure!
      Obedience is pleasure! Obedience is

She shifts slightly so she can add a third finger to her

      Obedience! Is! Pleasure! Obedience!
      Is! Pleasure! OhhhHHHhhhbedience!

Her whole body shakes now with each thrust.

            DOCTOR KELLER:
      Gently now, Donna, gently. Just let
      the words sink deep into your
      brain, locked into your deepest
      self. Let them re-order your every
      thought, so that all your other
      thoughts flow from it. The most
      important thing you know, the
      center of your very self. You want
      to obey me, so you must obey me,
      and obedience is pleasure.

Donna's masturbation has slowed some. A dreamy smile spreads
across her face.


            DOCTOR KELLER:
      Lie back, Donna. Eyes open, but
      seeing nothing until I command it.

Donna rolls onto her back, her fingers still crammed into her
pussy. Her eyes open, but they are utterly glazed, and her
expression is one of vacant bliss.

Doctor Keller moves to stand next to her head. He looks down
at her, and her eyes lock onto his as her masturbation
increases slightly in its intensity.

            DOCTOR KELLER: