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"Wow. We never had to worry about this back up in Ohio."

I chuckled. "No, probably not. Although a lot of hurricanes end up going north and, even without three-digit-per-hour winds, they can still dump a lot of rain. I recall one time reading about a hurricane causing serious flooding in the hills of West Virginia."

We sat in silence, watching Mother Nature tentatively flex her muscles. "Do you want another sandwich?" she asked.

"Thanks, but no. Want some more wine?"

"Yes, please. I like this wine. What kind is it? Does it cost a lot?"

"It's not an expensive wine. I bought it at the grocery store. I call it gesundheit wine."

"Gesundheit? As in when someone sneezes?'

I smiled at Laura. "Yup. 'Cause I find it hard to pronounce the real name. Let me try." I picked up the bottle and read the label. "It's Guh-Wurz-Tra-Min-er. Gewurztraminer. A friend of mine introduced me to it. Inexpensive, yet enjoyable."

"I like it." She held her glass toward me. I drained the last of the bottle into her goblet. "Thank you," she said.

"You're welcome."

We slowly sipped the last of the wine and watched the pond. I had scooted my chair closer to hers so that I was able to hold her hand. I stroked the back of her hand with my thumb. "How are you doing?" I asked.

She hesitated before answering. "I think I'm doing OK. If I were back in my apartment, I'd probably be a basket case. Being here with you – being with you like this – has made a big difference. I won't lie and say I'm doing great because, quite frankly, I'm not, but I can truthfully say that I'm doing OK. At least for now. I hope I don't flip out later and make you regret having brought me here."

"I don't think you need to worry about that. Me regretting having brought you here, that is. And, if you need to 'flip out,' as you referred to it, do what you need to do. I'll be here for you."

"Thank you, Steve. I really appreciate everything you've done for me."

"You're welcome."

A grin crossed her face. "And I do mean everything you've done for me." Her grin grew broader. "And, wow, do I meaneverything!"

I grinned back at her. "Along those lines, I have to say 'right back at you.' What a wonderful time this has been. My gosh, you thrill me. I can't believe what we've done together. You make me feel like a teenager, again."

Laura smiled at me. "You're not far from a teenager. I like to think of you as a young twenty." She raised her finger to caution me to be silent. "Now, now, I don't want to hear anything about the difference in our ages, again. You are the most virile man I have ever been with. Mature, yet youthful. I like what I've found with and in you. Very much."

I squeezed her hand especially tenderly.

A sudden gust of wind caught my napkin and blew it across the lanai and out through the gaping hole in the missing side of screening. Several drops of water fell on us.

"Shall we go inside?" she asked. I stood, picked up my plate and glass and took her hand to help her out of her chair. We walked back into the house holding hands like young teenagers in love for the first time.

We moved to the den and watched a video. It was a comedy, an old one she had never seen about a black sheriff chasing the bad guys out of town with the help of a slow-witted, extremely strong cowpoke played by a retired football player. The sight gags that made me groan made her genuinely laugh, especially the scene around the campfire with the men eating beans.

We paused the DVD several times and tuned to the weather channel. The talking heads disclosed that the storm had slowed; landfall was not expected until sometime after midnight, nonetheless the size meant that winds would be picking up very soon.

After the movie was finished, we walked back out to the lanai. Raindrops spattered too frequently for us to go back out, so we watched the waning daylight hours from inside the sliders. I stood behind her with my arms around her waist, pulling her close to me. I again nibbled on her neck and earlobe, but made no attempt to escalate the situation into any blatantly sexual.

We could hear the wind starting to whistle. In the dusk light we could see the treetops between the house and the river swaying under the influence of the winds. When it got too dark, we moved back to the den again.

"Hungry" I asked.

"Maybe just a little."

I asked her to pick out the next movie to watch and went to the kitchen. I returned to her not long afterward with a tray full of Muenster cheese, crackers, fresh fruit, and small knives. I set the tray on the table in front of us and relaxed back on the couch – that couch where we had made such fantastic love only hours earlier.

She had picked another old comedy, a madcap adventure where the sought-after location was under the "W." Laura again laughed delightedly as the story unfolded. As we munched on the cheese, crackers, apples, grapes, and sipped on another bottle of Gesundheit wine, she snuggled close to me. It was an intimate time – not sexual (although I could feel the underlying tension) but intimate. We both enjoyed the relaxing difference.

When that movie was over, it was after ten p.m. We walked back to the rear slider and stepped outside. The wind was far below hurricane force, but nonetheless forceful. Rain splattered down on us periodically, eventually soaking both of us. By unspoken mutual agreement, we stripped and stood on my lanai – naked and getting wetter by the minute. Laura flowed into my arms and pressed her front against me, her head tucked into my chest. I tenderly stroked her back as I held her. Eventually she turned to face the same direction I was facing, looking up at the sky as the clouds whipped by.

"Awesome, isn't it?" I asked.

"It is. I don't think I'll ever be as afraid as I was earlier. Thanks to you."

"You're welcome. Again."

"I'm sorry if I keep repeating myself," she said. "Does it bug you?"


The wine was beginning to affect us both. She twisted and kissed me lightly on the mouth. "Let's head to bed, if you don't mind."

I smiled. "I don't mind at all." We walked back into the house. I activated the switch that lowered the metal shutters over the sliding doors. Laura kept hold of my hand as I walked around the house to close all the rolladens. Once all those external metal blinds were lowered, all outside sights were blocked – a side effect of the protection offered.

We strolled back to my bedroom where I lit several candles before turning off all the lights. After we stripped each other we climbed into bed and embraced each other lovingly.


"Yes, Steve."

"We never did talk."

"You're right. We didn't. What do you want to talk about?"

"I'm not sure how to start this."

"Just say whatever comes to mind."

"OK." I pulled her close to me. Her naked chest seemed to burn holes into my chest. "I want to talk about what's happened between us so far."

"Steve, I don't want you to think I'm looking for any kind of commitment from you."

"How could I not?"

"It's not necessary. Perhaps this is one area that our respective ages can't reconcile. I don't want you to think you have to make any commitments just because of what's happened, though."

"About what's happened," I mused aloud. "My gosh, what has happened has been about the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me."

"Me, too."

I rubbed her back as we lay together in bed. "Laura, I suspect that what's happened isn't just a temporary situation. I'm not sure why providence threw us together this way, but I'm so glad we connected like this. I don't want it to end when the storm has passed."

"Me neither," she responded. "I think in some ways I became more afraid of losing you after this than I ever was of the stupid hurricane." Laura stroked my back. "I must admit, I have become extremely attached to you in this, what? Thirty hours or so?" She laughed, her chuckle warm in my ear. "Wow, thirty hours. Thirty hours and so much emotion. Wow. What a wonderful day and a bit."

"I agree." I pulled her even closer. Neither of us was able to breathe for a bit I held her so tightly. I released the pressure, although I did not release her. "Laura?"


"I probably shouldn't say this so soon, but I think I'm falling in love with you."

She said nothing for a while, but brought her lips to mine and kissed me tenderly. "You're probably right. You probably shouldn't say that so soon. Just wait. We'll see what time reveals." She kissed me again tenderly, and then not so tenderly. Her tongue penetrated my lips and began a duel that would result in two winners. I took her breast in my hand and tenderly, lovingly massaged her wonderful orb. "But, for what it's worth," she continued, "I have the same feelings."

Laura's hips slowly rotated and pressed against my groin. I returned the pressure as I kissed her more deeply and continued squeezing her breast. "Whatever else, I know I love being in bed with you, feeling your hands on me and tasting your lips," she said. She shifted position and began trailing little butterfly kisses down my neck. "I love your scent – how clean and manly you smell."

Her mouth shifted down to my chest where her tongue drew little circles around my left nipple and then the right one. She drew that little point of flesh into her mouth and sucked on it, flicking her tongue back and forth across the end. "I love how I can make you come alive with my hands and mouth. I love how I can turn you on."

Her face went south once again, her tongue sliding down my torso. She lingered at my belly button, running her tongue tip inside it. Her left hand reached down and grasped my hardening cock. "I love how you get hard for me." Her whole body shifted again.

In the subdued lighting I sensed more than saw an impish grin on her face. "I love feeling you harden in my hand." She moved my erection about, peering at it. Her tongue snaked out and licked the tip. "Uuummm, I can tell you like this." Her tongue reached out again and strolled around the edge of the glans. "I love how you taste. I love how you feel on my tongue. So smooth. So silky. So warm. So firm." Laura continued to lick my dick. "I'm so glad I met your little friend." Her face moved even closer as she began to nibble on my shaft. "I shouldn't really call him your little friend, though. He's the biggest one I've ever come across." Her tongue flicked the sides of my shaft as she began to chuckle. "Come across. Literally. Definitely the biggest one. I like this guy."

Her chuckling ceased as she shifted position once again to poise above my crotch. In the flickering candlelight I saw her mouth open and almost agonizingly-slowly dip down. I felt the warm, wet velvet sensation of her mouth lower onto my erection. Her lips descended an inch or so past the mushroom tip before stopping its drop. Laura's hand gently massaged the base of my bone while her tongue titillated the tip. I felt her lingual lavishments of love – or lust or whatever – linger along my length. I felt her cheeks press against the sides of my shaft as she applied suction to my organ. Her head began to slowly bob up and down on me.

She pulled her mouth from me with a loud pop. "I love how you feel in my mouth – so big and so solid and warm. I love the way it feels on my tongue and the back of my mouth. I love the sensation I get when it starts to approach my throat – how rewarding it feels when I control my reflexes and I feel my throat relax. I could never do that with anyone before. With you, it's different."

She placed me back in her mouth again and lowered her face. I felt her hesitate just before the glans entered her throat. She took a deep breath and then continued down on me. Her hand, which had been encircling the base of my cock, was soon replaced by her lips encircling the base, her nose nestled against my pubic hairs. She held her face there for several seconds before slowly working her way back up and again releasing my length. "That's what I mean," she stated. "I could never do that before. And you're larger than anyone else I've ever been with." Her tongue darted around the crown. "But, with you I'm so relaxed. I love making love to you." She drew me back into her mouth.

I had received her oral ministrations yesterday afternoon in the kitchen, and I had awakened this morning to find my morning wood in her mouth and had loved both those occasions. This occasion surpassed both of those. By far. The pleasure of my penis plunging into that warm, wiggling wetness was so wonderful. Her tongue was alive along the base of my cock. She would periodically draw me completely into her mouth, deep into her throat and hold me there.

"I want to do you, too," I told her.

She took me out of her mouth and smiled up at me. "I was hoping you would." She put me back in her mouth and used my cock as a pivot point, tuning her body until her groin was even with my face. In the candlelight I could see her opening glistening with love dew. I could smell that heady scent so close to me. I put my hand on her and felt the warmth and wetness of her womanhood, her slit slick with lubrication. When I stuck my tongue out and tasted her, I heard her sharp inhalation. Her pelvis jerked when my tongue tip slipped across her clitoris. I put my finger inside her vagina and slowly stroked it in and out, searching for her g-spot. I drew her clitoris between her lips and lightly sucked as I flicked my tongue across her little bud. I could hear and feel her moans of pleasure around my cock.

Laura continued to slide her mouth up and down my shaft as I worked on her lower mouth. My cock slipped between her upper lips to be rewarded by her tongue while my tongue slid between her lower lips to reward her. I apparently found her magic place inside her tunnel of love – she spasmed slightly in what I now knew would be her first mini-orgasm leading up to the big one. I stroked that spot with my finger lightly while continuing to lick and suck her clitoris. I felt another small spasm from her. I could also feel a tingling behind my balls and knew it would not be long until I once again erupted. She spasmed again. The tingling grew more insistent. She withdrew her mouth.

"I need to feel you in me," she stated quietly. "Do you mind?"

I lavished a little extra attention on her clitoris before I lifted my face from her nether regions. "I'd like that."

Laura twisted her body so that her head was once again near the head of the bed. She moved onto her hands and knees. "Would you do me this way? There's something about the angle of penetration that way that feels so good." I moved behind her and positioned myself. I rubbed my hard cock up and down teasingly against her well-irrigated entrance to ecstasy. Laura pushed back, timing my meandering perfectly, impaling herself on my lance.

I let her set the rhythm. Her long legs and the angle she positioned her pelvis made the elevation of our sex organs compatible. The downward angle of my staff in her sheath put extra pressure and pleasure on the bottom of my cock right behind the head. It also applied that extra friction and pressure on her g-spot as I stroked in and out. I felt another spasm of her hips and the tingle behind my balls grew more insistent.

I reached down to rub her clit but found she was already there doing the job. Admirably. I shifted that hand, and my other one, up to caress her breasts. It became difficult to stay synchronized with her pelvic movements as she began jerking. Her breathing was becoming more ragged. She was making little noises deep in her throat. The pressure in my balls was building.

"Aaaahhh, yes!" she cried. "Aaaahhh, don't stop."

I actually did stop, just holding my groin forward for her to thrust against at her own speed and timing. That apparently was what she really wanted as she continued to thrust back and forth. I did continue to caress her breast, tweaking her nipples between my thumbs and forefingers. I looked down at her beautiful butt that was banging back against me. That beautiful butt – heart-shaped from the angle I was viewing. Delicately larger than the slim waist above it. And in my bed. Connected to me by seven-and-a-half inches of firm flesh as seen in the flickering candlelight. Such a stimulating, sensual sight. The tingling was becoming an incessant buzz.

"Aaaahhh, yes!" she cried again. "Oh, my god! Oh YES!" She slammed back against me, imprisoning my rod with a vise-like grip of her vaginal sheath. Her hips rocked and jerked. "OH MY GOD!" She jerked again, causing my cock to slide out and back in a final time. I exploded into her.

"AAAAHHH!" she cried out one last time, her groin rocking repeatedly. She seemed to freeze in position for the longest time before seemingly melting onto the bed from under me. I likewise melted down onto the sheets beside her. She rolled onto her side, facing the far wall. I nestled against her, spooning against that beautiful butt, my little friend now truly little. And sated, at least for the time being. I put my arm around her and held her breast; she placed her hand on top of mine and pulled it more firmly against her bosom. We both snuggled into the pillows and into each other and fell asleep almost immediately.

We woke up hours later, neither having moved during the night. We could hear the winds howling outside and knew the hurricane was getting serious. Laura nestled back into the safety of my arms and the safety of my heart. The storm raged. We relaxed, content in our newfound feelings.


Unless there is a significant demand, this is probably the end of this saga with Steve and Laura and Hurricane Frances. Not to say we will never see them again — there are still Hurricanes Ivan and Jeanne to contend with. A sincere thanks to those who were kind enough to provide feedback to me. This in all honesty was the first time I ever tried to write erotic literature. I found it to be quite a challenge for this shy guy. Challenging, yet stimulating. My next submission would depend both on demand (from you) and desire on my part. And, most importantly, time. There never seems to be enough of that. Don't forget to vote and/or send me feedback on this happening – anonymous or otherwise. Thank you for reading me.

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mikon4004mikon4004about 2 years ago

Wonderful. Nice to see love and sex.


More plese

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

The nice thing for me was I found the first part by luck. Checked out the author and found the rest of the stories. Was a great read and didn't have to wait for each chapter. You have my thanks for a great job.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Really great

I just loved your story's , I hope there will be more I would love to know how the two of them get on ???👍👍👍

Turtle1952Turtle1952about 8 years ago
There must be more

I loved this story so much I want to see the aftermath of this hurricane. Will they stay together? I really hope so, they so compatible and loving. Such an emotional connection after a short time together is something to treasure forever.

Please write some more of this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

You need to finish the story and see how the end up

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
It Can't Be the End

You are an amazing author. This is one of my favorite stories. Please write more about Steve and Laura. This is really, an unfinished story...so you have to write at least one more chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
steve and laura

great story !

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Great story........

If it will get us more chapters may I add my wishes to the others , more please.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Oh yes

Please may I add my request for more of this wonderful story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
Loved It !

Loved It ! ... Really great !I would like to read more of this story and any others you would care to submit...(Gotta agree with you about that time thing though )

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