Goddess Rhiannon


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I walked over to the toilet. Pulled down my panties... well I tried to pull down my panties. They stopped right at the top of my nylons.

"This lesson is to remind you that when wearing a garter and hose, always lace the straps of the garter through your panties so that you can slip them off when you want to pee," Dawn instructed.

I unlatched the hose and pulled my panties down, and then I could sit and pee. I even remembered to wipe my... my... my butt, before standing back up. This time I affixed my garter straps to the hose and then pulled my panties up. 'Oh my god, did I just think that? 'I pulled up my panties'?' I thought to myself in near panic.

"You look like you've just come to the realization that you'll be wearing panties for the rest of your days, didn't you Hanky?" Dawn mocked. "Well it's even worse than that, but you'll figure that out for yourself soon enough."

I made no reply. I simply smoothed the slip along my flanks.

"Well, here is your dress for today," Dawn said, proffering a shimmering black silk dress.

I was afraid to take it, for I knew that putting it on would make me shiver and moan, but I also knew that if I didn't Dawn would kick my ass.

I did my best to put it on without allowing it to caress my body, but no matter how careful I was the last couple of inches was all it took.

This time Dawn only smiled and then said, "How do you like that cleavage out in front of you hon.?"

I looked for the first time at what was a half an acre of cleavage jutting off the front of me. How could I have ignored this for so long? I reached up and supported my bra-encased boobs with my hands.

To say that I moaned would be an understatement. The silk of the dress, the feel of my hands on my boobs, and the feel of the lace on my hands, all worked together to promote the sexiest feeling I've ever experienced.

When I began rubbing my boobs from below and moaning harder Dawn stopped me saying, "Not yet my pretty, soon though. Put your motor on idle for a short while." She was almost gentle in the way she said it, which surprised me more than if she'd hit me.

I released the girls and followed her, when she beckoned.

"You need to eat something Hanky," she stated as she led me to a small kitchenette.

I saw there were sausages and eggs benedict waiting there, "Is that for me?"

"It sure is honey. Meet me back in your room when you're done," Dawn said, and then left the room.

I sat down, being careful to smooth my dress before I sat down. (Where in the hell did that come from?) I looked at my breakfast and was entranced in a way foreign to me. The sausages looked very good so I licked one to see if I liked it. That was nice, so I picked it up, and to my disgust, I stuck it whole into my mouth, licking it and sucking the juices out of it.

I was grossed out when I realized that I was giving a sausage a blowjob! I dropped the thing as if it were a snake, and then picked up the English muffin with the egg on it. My tongue flicked out and came back coated with the thick salty goo of the egg and hollandaise sauce. It tasted wonderful, so I licked it until there was no more of the salty thick liquid left.

Only after I had finished off licking the egg clean, did I realize that it was about the same consistency and near what I had heard from ladies what sperm tasted like.

I've been made into a wanton female sex machine. I knew right then that there would be no sex act, which I could decline. I would yearn for a sex from anyone!

I walked back to my room on the high heels that Dawn had me wear, with my blonde haired head hung down in defeat. No matter how hard I tried, I'd be a sex toy for anyone who would have me.

I opened the door to my room, was greeted by Dawn, who looked up from the book she was reading, (Written by some hack whose name started with a W...) "Ah, all done with breakfast already? Great, wait here and I'll be back in a minute," she declared as she stood and left.

She returned a few minutes later with a ravishing beauty in tow, "Hanky, I want you to meet Duany. I'll be back after you two sluts get to know each other better." Dawn left chuckling to herself.

Duany remarked as Dawn left, "Oh my god, Hanky, you got it bad didn't you?"

"You look pretty hot too, so why do you think that I 'got it' bad?" I asked the buxom fantasy before me.

"The sheer size of your boobs and your height, Rhiannon makes you shorter and bustier for worse offenses," Duany supplied, "and you are the shortest, bustiest one of all of us."

"All of us?" I asked with trepidation.

"There are eleven of us here right now, but I think that Darrel will be leaving soon," Duany informed me.

I was shaking and biting my lip by then, so Duany said, "Yup, you got it bad alright. It's okay Hanky, I want you almost as much as you want me." She approached me and caressed my huge protruding nipples.

"Ooh, that feels so good," I moaned and returned the favor.

She planted her big soft lips against mine and forced her tongue into my mouth, which I accepted without complaint. She pushed me down onto the bed and popped one of my giant boobs out of the top of my dress.

I was helpless to resist. All I could do was try to stimulate her as she expertly played my nipple into a clenched point of intense pleasure firing lightning into my helpless brain.

I could feel her unzip my dress, so I helped her shrug the silken garment from my yearning feminine body, leaving me in my lingerie.

She popped my other breast out of my bra and assaulted my other nipple while she shrugged off her own dress.

My goodness her lingerie was pretty and she filled it out so well.

Freeing her own boobs from the top of her bra caused me to salivate like one of Pavlov's dogs. She knew how it affected me and was considerate enough to place her nipple to my lips while she slid her hand down towards my quivering moistness.

When I was a man, yesterday, I would have been in heaven making love to this stunning beauty, and now that I'm a woman, I'm still in ecstasy.

I could feel what seemed to me to be a lake of warm cum flowing from my cunt. I needed to know if she was as hot as she was making me, so my flailing arm finally brought my hand to her mons veneris, which I could follow down to her wanton pussy. As I was hoping, her thighs were soaking wet with her own lubrication.

"Oh, yes baby, I'm just as hot as you are. I'm reveling in your delicious femininity," Duany encouraged as she slipped her hand down to cup my vulva. "Wow, you are one hell of a juicy girl."

'Why does that turn me on?' I thought.

I began desperately finger banging her molten hot pussy with my hand and squeezing my nipple with my other hand.

I shuddered through an intense orgasm and expected to be done, and then help Duany through her orgasm, but she didn't even, slow down. I was riding the crest of an orgasmic wave ready to pound through another mind numbing orgasm when Duany shuddered through her first one.

I could hardly believe it when her orgasming brought on another one of my own, and still she didn't stop.

The shock I experienced when she poked her finger inside be was mitigated by the ecstasy which washed over me like a tsunami. I didn't even protest when she invaded me with her second or third fingers, and in fact, I began to yearn for even more, while I quivered through orgasm after orgasm.

I had long since ceased to be able to reciprocate to Duany the sexual stimulation she was giving me, I could only lie there and gush out huge tidal waves of juice in orgasm after orgasm.

I was happy when Duany placed her shaven nether lips to my face so I could lick up all of her liquid love, as I ducked my squirmy tongue inside her labia for a clit tickle from time to time. When she came all over my face, she drenched my hair and shoulders, but when she screamed into my cunt as she came, it triggered an incredible multiple orgasm for me.

I think I went a little crazy during that lesbian tongue fuck. My brain couldn't think of anything but fucking and Duany accommodated my desires. We were laying there, tongue fucking each other for over four hours straight when my brain finally couldn't handle it anymore and I fainted from orgasm-overload.

A New Day for Tamara - Tamara

I woke up from an incredibly refreshing sleep with a yawn and a stretch. When I felt the silky material shifting and tickling me as I moved and it all came back to me flooding my mind. However, for some reason it made me smile.

I rolled out of bed and padded my way into the bathroom, sat down and pee-peed, then wandered out of my room yawning.

I must not have been completely awake yet, because I sleepily went to the kitchen, made two sandwiches, packed two lunches, cooked some eggs and sausages in the microwave, and then set them out on the breakfast table. (Aunt Jemima Great Starts.)

I padded my way back up the hallway to the master bedroom, opened the door, and was shocked to see a woman lying there!

"Oops! Duh, where's my head?" I whispered loudly to myself, slapping my forehead.

"Is that you sweetie?" Conni mumbled from the bed, "Come crawl in here with me for a minute honey."

I crawled into bed with her and she hugged me to her tightly, "Did you wake up feeling scared honey? Is that why you're in here?"

"Uh no, I was coming to wake my dad up," I admitted, "Breakfast is on the table in the kitchen and our lunches are waiting on the counter for us."

"Oh my god! You're a better mother than I am dear. Are you always up this early?" Conni was stunned.

"I'm not a better mother..." I declared and then started to tear up.

"It was a compliment Tamara. Honest, I don't need you to be the mother for me. I want you to have a real childhood. If you want to do things for me, it's okay, but you have to get used to me praising you and hugging the stuffing out of you when you do. Is that okay hon.?" Conni kissed my cheek and went right back to hugging me.

"We don't want your breakfast to get cold, so we better get up and head to the kitchen," Conni declared, releasing me and flopping open the covers for us both to crawl out of bed.

She held my hand as we entered the kitchen, "Oh my god! You fried sausages and eggs by yourself?"

"No, I microwaved them and then put them on plates. That's okay isn't it?" I was starting to tremble again. Conni had raised her voice and that was usually a cue for me to be hit.

"Oh god, you're shaking again," she picked me up into her arms, "I wasn't angry baby. I was really impressed that you can do all of this by yourself."

"Okay... I was just a little scared," I informed her, as I slowly calmed back down.

"Here, sit down and enjoy the breakfast you made, while I sit over here. You are an incredible child Tamara. Napkins, orange juice, and silverware all laid out in a proper setting. Who taught you how to do that?"

"M... m... my old mom," I admitted, not wanting to insult Conni.

"Baby, it's alright to talk about your mother from before, at least with me it is. We don't want you overheard in public doing it though. Rhiannon said that the rest of the world will think you're my other natural born daughter, so it might be difficult to explain, okay?" Conni coached, while readying a fork full of eggs to be eaten.

I had already stuffed a sausage into my mouth whole so I couldn't reply. I just nodded.

She laughed, "Tamara we will have to work on your girliness I can see. Girls take small bites honey. Don't worry about it right now though. I want to get us dressed and down to the shopping mall so we can go shopping wild."

"Is shopping fun?" I asked as I finally swallowed.

"Most girls enjoy shopping," she stated after swallowing. "I'm hoping you will have fun too."

"I will. I promise," I announced.

"You can't know that baby. I won't be upset with you if you don't like it. If you have fun or you don't have fun, I honestly want to know. I care about how you feel," Conni stated, with a slightly worried look on her face.

"Are you upset with me?"

"No dear. I am worried that I won't be a good enough mother to make up for what you have been through," Conni admitted, "I promise to try though. I just wish I could talk to your goddess once in a while and ask her advice."

"Oh, that's easy. You can talk to her any time, but you must promise to never call her the 'g' word in public. You would have figured out who she is sooner or later anyway. The first parent-teacher conference would have done it. Rhiannon is my teacher."

Conni's jaw dropped open, "Your teacher is a goddess?"

"Don't pass out again..." I said worriedly.

"Wow," Conni exclaimed, "Well, we better put our dishes in the dishwasher and go get dressed."

"Your dishwasher works? Neat!" I jumped up, opened the dishwasher door, and we both placed our dirty dishes in it.

We left the kitchen together and mom ran a bathtub full of pretty smelling bubbles for me to wash in, while she took a shower in her bathroom. I was still splashing around in the tub when she came in wearing a towel around her middle and top, with another one around her head like a turban.

She was carrying her cell phone, "Hello? Yes, Matilda? This is Conni Conway. I won't be in for work today. No, I'm feeling fine. I just have to go shopping with my daughter Tamara. She needs some new things for school right away. I didn't tell you about my, darling Tamara? Gosh, I felt sure I must have... Well, I'll swing by work sometime today and introduce you. Will that make up for it? Ha! Yes, okay I will. Bye-bye." Conni hung up the cell phone and tucked it into her cleavage for the time being.

"Well, you have had time to wash most of you, now I need to show you how to wash the girl parts," Conni advised.

When I was all clean and pretty smelling, mommy patted me dry with a big fluffy towel. I was then, spritzed all over with a moisturizer and mom sprayed FDS on my privates, which made me jump because it was cold.

Mom pulled some soft pink panties up my legs. When it came time to put my bra on, mom said I would have to wear the same one I had on yesterday, but that was okay because it felt good holding onto my jiggly nipples.

Mom had me wear a pink wraparound skirt with a blouse covered with flowers and a pair of white knee-high sock that she showed me how to double over the tops of my socks. She told me that would help keep them up.

She found me a pair of my sister's shoes that almost fit, and had me wear them. She wadded up some toilet tissue and stuffed it in the toes so they didn't fall off when I walked.

"Now what to do with your beautiful hair?" she mused, "I know, brush it out and use a couple of hair clips to keep it out of your beautiful eyes."

Once that was done she declared, "One more thing and I'll get started on myself." Conni took a small spray bottle and sprayed my wrists, neck and the backs of my knees, "There, now you're perfect! Do you want to watch me get ready?"

"Um... won't I see you naked?" I asked worriedly.

"Well, at least somewhat, but dear remember, you look like me now. Some day you will be wearing big girl clothes too. It's only fair too, I saw you naked," Conni laughed and kissed my cheek.

"Okay," I agreed, "It's all new to me. Who would have thought girls have a butt on the front and the back?" I shook my head in wonder.

Conni nearly fell down laughing at me, "I have never heard anyone put it quite that way sweetheart! Ah... I can see that looking at womanhood through your eyes is going to be an experience," she stated, wiping the tears of laughter from her eyes. "Come on then, let's take all four of our butts to my room."

Mom showed me how pretty big girl's panties are, how to put on pantyhose, and the difference between my training bra and one that holds up real boobies. She showed me how big girl dresses contour around a woman's hourglass figure, how to match colors and cloths, how to pick my earrings and jewelry, and how much more complicated doing your hair and makeup becomes when you're grown up.

Mom even put a little makeup on me so 'I would feel pretty'. I've never felt pretty before, but I think I like it.

We put together a purse that my sister used to use and then mom and I were off to the mall. I was really excited to ride in her Jaguar. The leather was as soft as butter, but I was careful not to get anything dirty. I kept my hands in my lap so she wouldn't get upset with me.

The mall was a scary and exciting place. When we were walking into it, I grabbed mom's legs and held onto her tightly. She waddled us over to the side and gently asked, "What's the matter hon.?"

"I'm wearing a dress... won't people laugh at me?"

"Relax will you, I'm wearing a dress too, and nobody will laugh at either one of us. Pretty women look good in dresses, and like it or not sweetie, you're a little fox. Remember, you are one of the people with a butt in the front and in the back now. Oh, and don't get nervous if boys are watching you. It just means they want to be your friend. Okay, are you ready now?" Conni explained patiently.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be a sissy..." I apologized.

Conni stopped us and quickly squatted down to my level, "Tamara, don't ever apologize for being a sissy. You are a girl. If you want to be a sissy, or act like a delicate little flower, I want you to do it. You don't have any macho ass who is going to punish you for being a sissy and if anyone ever makes fun of you I'll hear about it and they will wish Rhiannon had dealt with them first!"

"I want you to go into that mall with me and act like the most sissy person in the whole place okay?" she ordered, with a smile on her face so I wouldn't be frightened.

"I'll try," I agreed.

We went into the mall and right into the first store with girl's fashions we came to, the Nordstrom's department store.

There wasn't a very good selection of dresses there and the jeans were very expensive. Nevertheless, mom was excited about all the pretty shoes. I saw a pair that were sissy to the max and I asked to try them on.

The store lady measured my foot and came back with the pink 'Linea Paolo ´Anabela´ Pump', in my size.

"I think these look sissy mom. Can I have them?" I asked with an earnest look on my face.

Mom smiled brightly and told the sales lady with the shocked look on her face, "Wrap them up. We'll take them."

Just like that and I had a pair of pink high heels.

Mom hugged me from the side and whispered, "Thank you hon.. I feel better, don't you?"

"Yes, I do feel better. Especially because you're happy," I told her with smile.

When mom was paying for the shoes, the sales lady told her, "Ma'am, I envy your relationship with your daughter. You have no idea how many young girls come in here fighting with their mothers over everything. I hope you know how lucky you are."

"Thank you. That's nice of you to notice. Tamara and I are more like best friends than mother and daughter. She's the most precious thing in the world to me."

We left the store with shoebox in hand and walked down the mall.

"Mom?" I whispered.

"Yes hon.?"

"Does the way your dress hits the back of your legs when you walk make you feel funny?"

"Well, I haven't thought about it in many years honey, but yes it feels nice. It's as if the dress is telling me I'm a woman with every step. Is that how it feels to you?" Conni asked back.

"It kind of makes me feel all warm down there," I told her confidentially.

"Do you like it, is really all you should ask yourself I think," mom informed me.

We slipped into the 'Old Navy' store and mom had me try on jeans and t-tops. It was apparently very important how your jeans made your butt look, so I spent most of my time showing my butt to mom who would hem and haw over whether they were acceptable or not.

I saw this pink linen ruffled skirt hanging on a rack as I went back to change out of another pair of jeans and into a new pair, but I slipped on the skirt instead and when I came out to model it for mom, she clapped her hands together and giggled into them. I blushed, figured that I must look stupid, and was getting ready to bolt back into the changing room when mom stopped me.