Goddess Rhiannon


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When we went to put my training bra on, it didn't fit anymore.

We were both puzzled over that until mom found a package with a new bra in it. The note on it said:


You'll be the bustiest eight-year-old in school.


Sure it was only an, 'A' cup, but you don't need much boobies to be busty in the third grade.

I reached up, touched my enhanced booby, and declared, "Mmmm."

"They are fun to play with honey, but we need to get you dressed," mom reminded me. "Here I'll help you with your new bra."

Mom put it on me and it felt nice, as well as kept my nipples from changing locations when I walk.

"You know, Miss Rhiannon didn't tell me that boobies not only look nice but they feel good too. It's like they remind you they are there all day," I observed.

"You don't know the half of it yet dear, but that is a discussion for a later time. Ah good, you have your top on, your earrings are still in, and your skirt is wrapped around you. Put your shoes on and I want to put just a little makeup on you," mom directed.

I went to put my socks on, but mom stopped me saying, "No dear. You don't wear socks with those shoes. Oh damn, you don't have polish on your toenails. Kick those off a minute, I'll be right back," with that she raced into her room.

I sat there amazed as mom painted my toenails at near warp speed, "That's not a very good job, but everyone will excuse it because you're young."

"It looks very pretty. Thank you," I told her looking at my toes, "Girls get all the pretty stuff," I sighed.

"Yup! You get to be pretty, soft, and smell like flowers. On the other hand, you can be dirty greasy and smell like motor oil. Girls get to be or do anything they want these days. Now keep your toenails from touching anything until they dry, while I brush your hair and clip it."

When she was all done, I had pink toenails sticking out of my pink open toed pumps. My skirt was very nice and mom even had me wear some Victoria's Secret panties. I felt so special and pretty.

"I need to update you on the story I'm telling people about you. You are my daughter, Deidre's fraternal twin, the reason nobody knows about you is that you were living with your father. However, your father can no longer care for you so you are living with me now. That should help people get over where you've been and why they haven't seen you," mom coached, as she straightened my clothes for the fifth time.

"Do you have all of your school supplies ready?"

"Yes mom."

"Do you have your purse?"

"Yes mother."

"Do you have your PE clothes?"

"Yes mother."

"Spare panties?"

"Yes mother."

"Do you have your lunch money and your emergency money in your purse?"

"Yes mother."

"Your makeup is in, your purse?"

"Yes mother."

"God, I know I'm forgetting something..."

"My kiss?"

Mom smooched me and said, "No silly, but thanks for reminding me."

"Oh darn," I stated, "I don't have my homework for Miss Rhiannon!"

Mom laughed, "Honey, that was Roger's homework. Tamara doesn't have any yet."

"Oh yes, um... but she knows who I am..."

"Yes, and she will not do anything that would give you away. That reminds me, I have a surprise for you when you come home."

"Okay, thanks," I answered with a smile.

"You don't even know what it is. Aren't you even curious?" mom looked at me in surprise.

"If you wanted to tell me, you would have done it already," I answered her.

"I'm just used to being nagged to tell I guess. Well let's put your stuff in the Jag, and I'll take you to school."

The closer to school we got, the more nervous I was, "Are you going to come in with me?"

"Just for a minute, to hand you over to the teacher and then I'm going shopping. I might swing around during the day, but don't let me disrupt your schoolwork," mom said as she wheeled us into the parking lot.

Mom helped me carry my stuff into the classroom. No one was there yet, except Miss Rhiannon, who greeted us, "Somehow I knew you two would be here bright and early."

Miss Rhiannon pulled mom aside and whispered, "You know that what she is wearing isn't standard school wear don't you?"

"Yes. I just wanted her to stun the other kids, at least on her first day," mom sighed.

"She might stun some of the bachelor male teachers. That is one hot little babe you have there."

"I know..." mom agreed, "but she picked it all out herself. She'll wear normal stuff tomorrow."

"Tamara has good taste. A little too sophisticated for her years, but good taste," Rhiannon agreed. "I might have to watch a couple of the boys closer today. To keep things from getting out of hand," Rhiannon mused. "Damn, I do nice work."

"You sure do, and if you ever want or need anything, if I can beg borrow or steal it, it's yours," Conni promised.

"You are giving me, at dinner tonight, the one thing which is most precious to me," Rhiannon assured her. "Just being able to be part of her life will make me happiest. The last girl I was named godmother of, is now 42 years old and I treasure every day with her. She didn't start out life as a boy though, as Tamara did."

"Hey, would it be alright if I brought pizza for the whole class at lunch time?" Conni asked.

"Sure, just be careful you don't smother her," Rhiannon warned.

"Can you do anything for a mother, if she explodes? I have felt that I'm going to explode since you gave her to me," mom admitted, "I cannot fathom anybody wanting to harm her."

"I have to admit, after talking with you last night, I visited her father. The punishment was increased, I'm not sure she can stand up anymore, her tits are so big," Rhiannon confessed, "She's so horny now the only thought in her pea brain is 'FUCK'."

"She's going to be really popular with the guys..." Conni chuckled.

Rhiannon simply smiled.

While the two were talking, Tamara arranged her things in her cubical, and silently took her old seat, smoothing her skirt before sitting and keeping her knees together.

"Did you teach her that already?" Rhiannon asked.

"I almost fainted again when she did it the first time. No, I didn't teach her that. She maneuvers in a dress better than I do!" mom claimed proudly.

Conni said goodbye and left Miss Rhiannon and I alone in the classroom.

I made some friends with people who never would even talk to me before, especially with the other girls.

One girl never would talk to me before and I really liked her, so when she made friends with me on her own, I was a very happy girl. Her name is Lori Lovette, and I soon found out during recess that she was just unreasonably shy around boys.

"Too bad you didn't get to meet the boy, who used to sit in your chair, Tamara," Lori told me.

"Oh?" I replied.

"He was really nice, for a boy," she told me blushing.

'She, thought I was nice?' I mused, but replied, "Were you friends?"

"I... I... couldn't talk to him..." she divulged, "He tried to talk to me a couple of times, but I just don't know what to say to boys."

"Boys are just people, Lori. I bet he wanted to be your friend."

"I guess you're right Tamara. Roger was a quiet boy, who didn't have many friends. Miss Rhiannon told us that 'Child Protective Services' took Roger away from his father. I feel so sorry for him. His dad was beating him. I wish I would have known. Maybe I could have made him feel better."

"I know that he would have liked that," I assured her.

"Hey, do you want to swap phone numbers? We could call each other at home and talk," Lori requested.

"Sure, I'd like that. We might not be able to talk for very long, at least for a little while. My mom and I are still getting acquainted," I enlightened her.

"That sounds funny. You, don't know your mom?"

"I've been living with my father. My twin sister was with my mother. Dad couldn't take care of me anymore and then Deidre died, so I came to live with mom," I explained, "It's not very mysterious."

"Deidre, was your sister?" Lori placed her hand over her heart.

"Yes, did you know her?" I asked, feeling the way she said it that she might have.

"Last year she was in my class," Lori told me, but surprised me with a hug, "I cried for three days when I heard she died. I wasn't her best friend, but I knew her. She was nice."

"Thanks Lori."

"Hey, does your mom always let you wear makeup? My mom would freak if she saw me wearing makeup to school."

"Mom thought it would be nice if I wore my new outfit to school. It makes me feel pretty," I admitted with a blush.

"Damn Tamara, it should. You should more than feel pretty in that, you're gorgeous girl. You had Gary staring at you so much he didn't hear what Miss Rhiannon asked him during class. Didn't you notice?"

"I just thought he was daydreaming," I blushed.

Lori giggled, "He was... daydreaming about you that is... he, he, he."

I hadn't heard her come up, but Miss Rhiannon interjected, "That's right Tamara. Therefore, I need you to dress a little more casually tomorrow, or I'll have to hold separate classes for the boys. I don't think we're going to get much learning done today, but that's okay. A new girl should have an opportunity to enjoy using her power at least occasionally. How's your first day in my class going Miss Tamara?"

"I love it Miss Rhiannon. It's like I belong in your class," I grinned in collusion with her.

"Yes, I feel as if we have know each other for quite some time too," she winked back at me.

"Are you getting along well with Tamara, Lori?"

"She's nice. Did you know that she's Deidre's sister?"

"Yes, the girl in Miss Hopkins's class who died," Rhiannon acknowledged, "I'm sorry for your loss Tamara, however, I happy you're in my class."

"Me too Tamara. I think we're going to be good friends," Lori informed me.

"I love the diamonds Tamara. They must have cost your mom plenty," Rhiannon explained.

"They aren't cheep diamonds like lots of girls wear?" I asked wide-eyed.

"Those are probably about four hundred dollars," Rhiannon said, her trained eye having appraised them.

"Eep!" I squeaked.

"Wow, my mom never gave me anything like that!" Lori exclaimed, looking closer at the earrings.

A tear rolled down my cheek, "I didn't buy her anything..."

"You were her present, Tamara. She loves you unconditionally," Rhiannon explained.

"I'm so happy for you Tamara. Your mom is so cool!" Lori said enthusiastically.

"If you think that's cool, when we go back inside, Ms. Cromwell has brought pizza for the whole class, for lunch," Miss Rhiannon told us.

"But... she packed my lunch this morning..." I stammered.

Miss Rhiannon handed me my lunch bag, "Look at what you have in your bag."

"Ooh, she bought me a cell phone!" I enthused, pulling it out and showing it to Lori.

While Lori had it, it rang.

She handed it back quickly and I opened it, "Hello?"

"Surprise! How do you like it?" mom asked.

"It's really wonderful. Why do I need a cell phone mom?" I questioned.

"Lots of reasons honey. I can call you when I want. I can locate you if I need to. You can take pictures to keep and share them with me. You can call me if you are in trouble or stranded. You can call your friends and they can call you... well within reason. You don't have unlimited minutes. Don't you like it?" mom asked.

"Oh, it's cool, I just didn't think I was old enough for a phone," I admitted.

"Lots of young girls are getting them, and... and... Darn, I just need to do whatever I can, so you are safe. I'm just a little insecure baby. It's worth the cost to me for your protection," she confessed.

"Thanks mom, you're so good to me. I'll hug you when we come back from recess. Bye mom," I flipped the little phone closed.

"Well girls, we should be going back to class. Too bad you weren't dressed to go and play, Tamara," Miss Rhiannon mused.

"It didn't look like many of the others were playing much today..." I observed.

"That's because most of the boys have been staring at you, and many of the girls are trying to decide whether to like you, or to hate you," Miss Rhiannon chuckled.

"Hate me?" I asked innocently.

"Yes, plenty will be jealous of your looks. Some of the girls will be jealous of your boobs too," she sighed, knowing that difficulty all too well herself.

Lori giggled, "You have the biggest boobs in the third grade. It doesn't bother me though. I'm not jealous, I just think you're nice."

"Thanks Lori, I think you are special too," I returned, thinking, 'I would have given almost anything to be your friend before...'

Some of the other girls started to gravitate towards us. Seeing the teacher chatting happily with two of her students was more than their jealousies could handle. If there was a special relationship here, they wanted to be part of it.

Most of the boys still stayed clear, obviously avoiding a terminal case of the cooties.

We started to smell the pizza as we neared the classroom. We could hear activity going on inside.

When we got inside, there were mom and Matilda, busy setting up a table with plates, napkins, and plastic silverware.

"Hi Matilda," I declared as I entered.

"Hi there Tamara!" she squealed and rushed over for a hug. "Don't you look lovely today."

"You look beautiful today too," I returned the compliment. "Hi mom," I hugged her, "You're always gorgeous."

"Flatterer," mom accused as she hugged me. "Who's your new friend?"

"Mom, this is my friend, Lori Lovette," I gently prodded the shy girl towards her, "Lori, this in my mom, Conni Cromwell."

They exchanged greetings as the recess bell announced the stampede of returning classmates.

"Everyone please take your seats," Miss Rhiannon told the students.

Once the class was seated she continued, "Miss Cromwell has brought the whole class pizza for lunch to treat her daughter's new friends and classmates. I want you all to line up in an orderly fashion, starting with the row of students on my right and then each row as the one before it empties. Starting with Bruce in the back row there, no horse play, no shoving. Each student will take two pieces of pie back to their desks to eat. Miss Cromwell, Miss Carter, and I will bring drinks to you once your settled. Don't forget your napkins and plastic ware."

Everyone excitedly went through the line picking up his or her pizza. Once we were settled, everyone began talking and wolfing their pizza down.

I suppressed my natural desire to shove as much into my face at one time as I could and only took tiny bites and wiped my mouth after each of them.

Everyone started talking to me and telling me how cool my mom is, but when the other kids saw my cell phone, they all wanted my number, so I gave it to them. A couple of the other girls pulled theirs out and gave me their numbers too. Who knew that girls in my grade had cell phones?

The funny thing was that the other girls wouldn't give their numbers to the boys. I began to think that maybe I shouldn't have either, but that cow was already out of the barn.

Bruce came over and said hi to me. He looked scared to death. I smiled brightly at him and said hi back. I hadn't planned to giggle, but it forced its way out.

Bruce had been a casual friend before, and he wasn't normally very brave where girls were Concerned. I was slightly surprised, but pleased that he made the effort.

Lunchtime turned into almost a party/social event and I had lots of fun. When other girls saw that the boys were even talking to me, they had to meet me and flutter about. It seems that if a girl is popular with the boys, she becomes somewhat popular with the girls.

Some of the girls seemed to want to shoulder Lori out of the way, but I wouldn't allow them to shoo her away.

Not too much more happened at school that day. Miss Rhiannon didn't seem to mind, but a somewhat miffed looking principal poked his nose in and looked disapprovingly at Miss Rhiannon. She left the room for a minute to discuss world affairs or something and when he came back, he brightly went over to mom and was, introduced by Rhiannon.

I was beginning to get the idea that mom was a person of some importance, because he changed his attitude the minute he walked into the room.

"How nice of you to visit our school Ms. Cromwell," he said, offering his hand.

"Thank you Principal Masters," mom shook his hand.

"Am I to understand that you have another daughter enrolled?" he pried.

"Yes Norman, my other daughter, Tamara is now in Miss Rhiannon's class," mom answered warily.

"That's odd, when you supplied Deidre's information, you said she was an only child," Mr. Masters recalled suspiciously.

"She was at the time my only dependant, and sole child living with me. After Deidre's passing, I was asked to take her fraternal twin back from my ex-husband. It's a long story. Tamara was living with her father until recently and now she is living with me, as my only child," mother spared words with the suspicious principal and it looks as if she has him on the ropes.

"Norman, if you have an issue with one of my students, I'll be happy to discuss it with you in the teacher's lounge, or the office. You're spoiling the festive atmosphere," Rhiannon chastised the nosey administrator.

Norman Masters knew better than to cross Rhiannon. There were stories of others who had run afoul with her in the past... strange and frightening stories.

The principal cleared his throat and said, "No, no, I have no problem with your students Miss Rhiannon. I was merely curious. It was nice seeing you again Ms. Cromwell and I hope to see you around the school again in the future." He beat a hasty retreat, leaving the party nearly undisturbed.

"Wow, he acted as if he's afraid of you Rhiannon," mother whispered to her.

"He is. No matter how much I try to hide my activities, sometimes rumors abound about me, so I use them to my advantage. That way I don't have to do any of the fancy stuff..." she laughed brightly.

"What, did you punish one of the teachers or something," mom asked conspiratorially.

"As a matter of fact, I have. However, he wouldn't have heard about it. Do you remember reading about that Mary Kay Letourneau woman?"

"Hasn't everybody? I heard about it so much that I was sick of hearing about it."

"Well, not long before that came out in the press, we had a similar incident here. She never made it to trial or even arrest," Rhiannon smiled wickedly.

"What hap... Never mind, I don't think I want to know," mom thought better about what she was about to ask.

"Well... if you ever have a case of the screaming hornies, just give me a ring. I'm sure we can satisfy your needs," Rhiannon laughed.

"I suppose we should wind the party down now and let you get back to teaching your students," mom made ready to begin cleaning up the mess.

"Oh no you don't," Rhiannon stopped her, "There is more to teaching than tests and lectures. This is teaching many of them about interpersonal interactions between the sexes. It isn't often that they have this opportunity to discover the other half doesn't really have cooties."

"The boys are trying to speak with Tamara and so are the girls, so she is a factor in knotting the group into a single body. I see how that could be very important. I sometimes wish some of my teachers had been thoughtful enough to do this kind of thing for me. There really isn't much social interaction between boys and girls until high school," mom agreed, now with her arms folded and observing how we were talking, laughing, and reacting with each other.

"I'm so impressed with how far you have brought Tamara in such a short time. She seems completely at ease with being a girl. Some don't take to it as well," Rhiannon appraised with her compliment.

"It's not my doing, or at least not all of it is my doing. Tamara is an amazing little person. She accepted that she's now a girl and has made the best of it. I sometimes worry when she trembles and cowers, but at times like this, all I can do is shake my head in near disbelief," mom admitted to her.
