Gold Coast Pleasures Ch. 01

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Single mum, a grown son and a dream holiday.
13.9k words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 08/16/2016
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First time together, in more ways than one


This is the story of a wonderful holiday, an incredible series of events; some tremendous friends and some wild sex of course! It's the story of how I found love again, refreshed my libido and started a whole new life too but I need to do some explaining first...

So here I go...

I'm a fairly normal lady, sweet and innocent and all that and I was once in a relationship with a guy who got me pregnant and then left in a hurry when he found out. In those days I was young and stupid and one night I gave in to him, a man who I fancied like anything. Of course I was so in love that I didn't even take precautions and the next thing I knew I was pregnant. Oh, he wasn't the first or only man I had sex with but he was definitely the father of my child. I actually told him I was 'with child' on my nineteenth birthday, thinking it would be a perfect present but instead he screwed me one more time then took off to the hills and I was left on my own. It was a present I could well have done without at the time.

But the guy is of no consequence now nor in this story except to say that by the time I was 20 I was a new and single mother, learning the hard way how to get along alone, how to bring up my son alone, how to scrimp and save and to do without - but I managed. Gradually I overcame the awkward things that life threw at me and began to build my new world around me and before I knew it my son was at school.

That was the hardest part; educating a small boy. No, I don't mean school education, I mean educating as in teaching him all the facts of life and how to behave properly and all that, as well as always being there for him and it was a complete pain and bloody hard work but it was worth it. And looking back, I wouldn't have changed anything; well, not much anyway...

So now and still being young - well in my mind, at 38 I still AM young - with a nineteen year old son it's great - we can see eye to eye - we manage not to fall out and we make quite a good team. He's good; he helps when he's needed and apart from my parents, he's the only person I can ever rely on. It took years for him to accept that he didn't have a proper dad like most of his friends and for a while he had some kind of inbuilt anti-woman attitude that small boys seem to have, seemingly blaming me for his father's absence but he eventually began to understand that it wasn't entirely my fault and he turned around and began to love me and accept me as his mentor and his lone parent.

Steve's successful growth from a tiny mite into a strapping nineteen year old seems something of a miracle to me and it still feels as if it was only yesterday that he was a squalling brat whereas now he's even bigger than life itself.

He's already some five inches taller than me and when I see his smiling face - not to mention his lovely broad chest, his muscular arms and thighs, oh and his cute little butt - I go all weak and washy in a way that no mother should. But he's my son and I'm so proud of him that I even used to be so stupidly envious whenever I saw him with any girl.

Oh, there were a couple of other people he really trusted as he grew up and developed; my parents, who were so supportive of us both.

They had seen the shallow weakness in my partner immediately; months before I did and when I became pregnant and told them, they were full of forebodings and rightfully so and they threw up their hands in despair.

But when it was all over and the dust in the wake of my departing partner had settled they still stuck by me, even while they told me that I'd made my own bed and all that.

I soon came to understand how they felt, then I took control of my own life and worked hard to support my son and myself until eventually even I was proud of my achievements.

But would I have managed to bring up my boy and find the energy to write and build a career as well without my parents help?

It was the tales I told them of Stevie's happy playful ways that set them to help me to turn those thoughts into words; into books; into a growing career; it was they who gave me the chance to set myself up for life. Oh, no way am I as financially secure as them but I can support myself now, all thanks to them really.

Not only that, Stevie is coming on nicely, thanks to them too. He has a brilliant eye for design - he can use materials or computers already to do some fantastic work but he'd never have done so well without their financial help and their moral support, of course. It certainly won't be long before he'll be able to become independent - and then I guess I'll lose him...

In retrospect I'm sure that Steve is a better person for not having had that jerk as a father and for having had just me and my parents to guide him instead.

Actually I tell a lie - they weren't my real parents - they were a lovely couple who adopted me but since it was they who brought me up, to me they were my parents, and that's what I'll continue to call them. They were actually relatively old when they adopted me, already in their forties but whatever, they were incredibly helpful, so much so that I continue to wonder what I'd have done without them, but they also helped me in other ways too.

They had loads more money than I used to have and were so good at popping a bit of cash into my bank or my purse just when I needed it most - I loved them to bits for their parental generosity and support. They weren't 'loaded' but they'd been very sensible with their cash and their investments and now it was I who was reaping the rewards.

And then my adoptive mother went and died; she picked up some bug that disagreed with her and nothing they could do would stop it's ravages until come the end we prayed for them to let her go, such was her pain.

But my 'dad' stayed wonderful - perhaps even more so now that I was his only girl and with some of his wife's insurance money he decided to send me on my trip of a lifetime - a dream that I'd held since my own childhood and one that until now had always only been a dream.

A visit to the Gold Coast of Queensland, Australia - Surfer's Paradise and all that, all paid for by my loving parents.

Our home in the south west of England is in a village not far from a coastal town and all of us enjoyed the countryside and beaches and especially swimming and surfing. I'd been taught to swim and surf by my parents and now I'd taught Stevie too; he was a natural water baby with a great affinity with the waves and an air of confidence from the start. He looked so good on a board too, his nice straight limbs and strong muscles showing up well - his blond locks looked 'the part' too, of course. And with our love of the sea it soon became almost inevitable that the dream of a warm surfing holiday would be close to the surface...and now it was about to come true.

In about two weeks my son and I would be flying off for a month-long vacation - a month of sun, sea and surf...or at least that's what my father promised - but then we hit a bit of a snag.

Prices for holidays on the Gold Coast itself turned out to be astronomical and my father simply wouldn't let his finances run to what he deemed was wasteful luxury so instead of staying in a hotel on the beach, Steve and I would be staying with a family at their home a few miles inland.

We'd found and then 'met' the family online when we were doing some searches for information about the area and it turned out that they were accessing the same internet pages as we were because they'd been thinking of advertising their home as holiday accommodation.

I'd asked some questions in the forum and they'd replied and before long we were sending personal messages to each other which culminated in them offered accommodation to Stevie and me.

We'd used Skype to view each other and they also did a video of their home and surrounds for us, while I'd done one of Stevie and me for them so by the time we were due to leave we were far from strangers - we almost 'knew' each other and they seemed to be a lovely family.

Sure, their house was nowhere near the beach so it wasn't going to be a surfing holiday but it's good points were enough to encourage us to accept it as holiday home. Their house had a 'granny annex' at one end which we would be using but they'd still be 'at home' and Stevie and I would join them as part of their family for all intents and purpose. They also had a nice in-ground swimming pool which looked really lovely in their video and which would help make up for the lack of proximity to the surf.

The lack of surf was a bit of a blow but we could let that pass because what really mattered was that it really was going to be a proper stay 'in Australia' and 'quite close' to the Gold Coast and the surfing and those aspects were more enough to sway us.

The family we'd stay with were Doug and Kim and their son Chad - a nice couple in their late thirties whose son had just turned 18 so we'd be quite compatible so far as ages went and not only that but Kim was a writer too, so we soon found that we had a lot in common.

Soon we'd sorted out the dates and flights; agreed a price with them; dealt with the paperwork and vaccinations and such while my dad did his bit and coughed up the cash. I also managed to put aside enough cash to have sufficient spending money and even Steve chipped in his savings from his paper round to help us out.

And speaking of us, I'm Tammy - and yes, my parents loved the American country music scene. My parents used to try to get me to look like Tammy Wynette and I used to have long blond hair but it's cut short now and although I no longer look like the original Tammy I still have a figure like hers used to be, if I have to say it myself. Actually I'm probably even more curvy than she was and people used to say that I looked more like Dolly Parton in one particular area, not that anyone was complaining!

I'm gong to be 39 later this year (Stevie will reach 20 in August) and I can still turn heads - male and female actually! Inevitably most eyes lock onto my tits but I've got great legs too, long and very nicely shaped - all those years of walking everywhere - and I know that the rest of me is ok too because I'm still a size 10 - well, sort of! The "perfect 10", I always say!

But I'm lying because while I'm a size 10 from my middle downwards, my boobs are more like a generous size 16 - my cups runneth over; my DD cups, that is! Hence the Dolly Parton resemblance.

Anyway, enough of me - it's the holiday I want to tell you about because it's about to happen and there's more than enough still to do...

16 days later...

We've arrived! Safe and sound after one hell of a long trip. It's remarkably boring up there, zooming along some 30,000 feet or so above the world and I could have caught up with years of sleep if only they'd have let me, but we kept changing time zones and they kept us awake as meals followed meals - as breakfast followed dinner it seemed. We made several stops on the way, most even more boring than the flight because we never left the airports, but we've made it all safe and sound and our new friends were there to meet us at Brisbane airport...but there's been a big change, which I'll tell you all about in a few moments.

The drive down from Brisbane took about an hour and a half but that was time enough for us to have a good chatter - to hear of our journey and of their changes - and to get to know each other 'in the flesh' so to speak.

Their 'big change' was that Doug, the husband of Kim and father of Chad had chosen this moment to clear off.

"He shot through," said Kim mysteriously, while I creased my brow to try to understand.

"That's our way of saying that he's left me," she added, "Sorry Tammy, Aussie slang and all that."

As soon as we were in the 4x4 car Kim started telling us what had happened. It seemed that Doug had become involved with some younger female and was last heard of on his way to Adelaide, the best part of 900 miles away. Actually he'd departed just after we'd been on Skype over two weeks ago, soon after he'd had to stay in hospital for a few days. Kim hadn't previously mentioned his enforced hospital stay as it wasn't for anything deadly serious but it was while he was there that his cheating plans had become exposed, which she hadn't mentioned either.

It seemed that Kim had apparently had some fair idea that he was cheating but she hadn't investigated the matter too extensively; not until she was really sure.

What was more important to her was that she'd out-thought him, taking some important precautions to ensure that whatever he did wouldn't destroy her life. If he was intending to leave her then she could retain her house and son and a fair bit of their money so she'd had a busy time, right up to the day that he'd announced that he was leaving.

She reasoned that if he was planning to leave then there probably wasn't a lot she could do about it, but at least she'd safeguarded her home.

"Sorry I didn't tell you before," Kim said, "Just didn't seem necessary and it wasn't going to make much difference to your stay."

Kim shocked me with her nonchalant words - she seemed to just take his departure in her stride and if it came to that, so did Chad.

"Stupid fucker," she said in her broad Australian accent as she drove, "Just didn't know when he was well off."

"But don't you miss him?" I gasped, "I mean, you're so easy about it."

"Yeah, of course I miss him - but it's only his help that I miss really - his muscles and all that, but Chad makes up for him, don't you darling?" she said, as she stroked her son's arm as he sat beside her in the car.

There was an easiness between them that spoke of a very close friendship and Chad more or less confirmed it as his hand found hers and held it between the seats.

"I do my best, mum," he said as he smiled back at his mother, "Anyway, it's good to help you and do my bit and so on. Who needs him around now anyway?"

I had no idea what the "so on" was about but as Chad's cheeks seemed to have reddened with embarrassment, I didn't pursue the matter. I guessed that helping mum wasn't the kind of thing a boy generally admitted to. My own son on the other hand wasn't interested in the goings on; he sat quietly captivated by the wonderful sight of the new and different country outside the window.

Kim was a thoroughly beautiful woman in my opinion. Her mid-brown hair was short like mine, which revealed her high cheekbones and her dark smiling eyes. She too had generous boobs and although we didn't discuss or mention it, when we physically met for the first time it was immediately clear that she and I were built in similar fashion. She also had a pretty mouth with a beautiful bow to her lips that seemed to smile so easily despite the trauma of her husband walking out and I admired her body as much as I admired her fortitude. She had a bit more of a waist than I did, perhaps enhanced by her slightly wider hips than mine but whatever, we made a pretty good looking pair.

Chad must have taken after his father I guessed - just like my son had - he was of a strong and rugged build - not rough but powerfully solid. All muscles and sinew I thought but despite that he also exuded a contented aura of gentle love and it was obvious that he doted on his mum.

Kim drove us out of the airport and through Brisbane while she and I chattered although the boys and especially my son remained relatively quiet. Steve was busy absorbing the sights outside and was probably a bit jet lagged too but I guessed he was also quiet because there was quite enough chatter going on without him joining in. Kim and Chad kept pointing out landmarks as we travelled, landmarks whose names I'd soon forget no doubt, however interesting, because it was the whole ambience of a new world that captivated me.

But there was one particular memory that lingered in my mind that had nothing to do with the scenery. I so clearly remembered the moment when Steve had first noticed Kim at the airport because even though he was somewhat jet lagged, his eyes had widening suddenly as they roamed over her figure so he wasn't all that knackered, that was for sure. Not only that, I'm sure that he checked me over too, kind of comparing Kim and me, which made me feel proud to look almost as good as she did and which also made me go all hot inside!

I swear too that he perked up considerably despite the steamy heat when he saw her 'in the flesh' and he came over all shy and tongue-tied when he was introduced to her. The fact that she was in shorts with merely a colourful cropped top to cover some of her charms definitely helped to tangle his mind!

Steve and I on the other hand had arrived in clothes that were far too heavy now and we changed into our shorts and thinner tops as soon as we unpacked.

Anyway, the chatter between us died considerably as we left the Pacific Highway just as the signs for Surfer's Paradise appeared and as we headed away from the coast and into the more elevated and more heavily wooded interior.

"Not far now," said Kim as she drove on into the hills, "Just a few more miles."

And then before much longer we were turning off the road, through some big gateposts and up a dirt track that soon left the road behind.

"This is all our land," said Kim, waving her hand around, "Used to be a working farm but it was broken up, so now we just have about twenty hectares around the house. Our own little bit of Australia; peace and quiet - no neighbours to speak of."

Around another bend and up another small rise and there it was - our 'home' for the next month, comfortably seated on a large flat area of land with a backdrop of big eucalyptus trees.

It had obviously been an old colonial home but it had been added to and altered, so that the main house remained, with it's wide verandas and ornate woodwork while on either side new extensions had been added.

"You're up that end," said Kim as we pulled up, "Like we showed you, it's a granny annex - there's all mod cons; even your own front door."

Soon we were lugging our cases indoors and I revelled in the lovely old woodwork and cool spaciousness - it felt relaxed and very comfy.

"Wonderful!" I sighed as I looked around, "It's perfect."

Our annex was entirely different; a modern suite that seemed a world apart from the older house but even so it was just as comfy and almost as pleasing.

"Damn," said Kim suddenly, "I know what I meant to mention - we've had to close one of the bedrooms in the annex. The roof's started to leak a bit in the other room so I've shut it off until we can get it fixed so you've just got the one bedroom between you - but it's huge so no worries. You don't mind, do you?"

Nothing worried me right now because we were 'here' and our holiday was just about to begin.

Having spoken she opened a door to reveal our suite and led us inside. It was beautifully furnished and seemed to be equipped with everything we could ever need and the fact that my son and I would be sharing a bedroom was almost forgotten as we looked around.

There was a modern bathroom suite, a small kitchen and a modest yet airy lounge that opened onto the rear paved area. The main bedroom itself was L-shaped with two double beds - one in the main room and the other in the recess. Kim also showed us the other bedroom, one corner all damp and she raised her eyebrows, sighed and shook her head in annoyance before closing the door again and concentrating on the main bedroom.

"That's why I forgot to tell you; the other bed's as good as separate from the room so it's almost like its private," she said as she smoothed down an imaginary wrinkle on the bed cover, "You'll be alright anyway."

Automatically I looked at Stevie to see how he'd taken the news but he looked entirely content and actually had a look of amusement on his face.