Good Boy: Still Good


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"No. This was a few days ago." I remember the dreams I had about her, the two of us having dirty, nasty, porn star sex... waking up with the hugest hard on with Larisa sitting next to me, seeing how excited the dream made me. Of course, I panicked and had to make up a great dream on the spot. I couldn't tell her I fucked one of her best friends in my sleep.Not gaahhhhh do it. Not gaaah do it. Wouuuuldn't beeeee pruuudent.I couldn't help but check out Larisa's gorgeous legs as she sat in the funky position. She was only wearing one of my t-shirts and panties.Not my panties. Hers. Not that I didn't have my own. One's girls gave me... and some I took without asking. When people accidentally leave them behind in the laundry room... finders keepers. Her legs were so beautiful. Larisa had gotten tan from the time we spent outside or doing whatever. Just sexy. I wanted to just get down on the floor and crawl between them... have her wrap them around my head, feeling her soft skin as my hands slowly run up and down her thighs. Mmmmm. Another time perhaps. I had to practice for my performance tonight.

"See something you like?" she said as she saw me checking out her lower half.

"Eh... I guess."

"What do you MEAN, you GUESS!??" she asked, :O half laughing.

"Well, I thought you were talking about my Eliza Dushku poster next to you. I didn't wanna make you jealous."

"UGH!!" she snapped as she threw a post-it note pad at me. >:O

"You're going to have to be a little more specific with me than that darling," I teased.

"Fine." I moved back to my place behind her and leaned down to wrap my arms around her shoulders.

"You know she can't hold a candle to you Riss. You're so much more beautiful." She crossed her arms and put them on top of my arms. "So much more," I said as I kissed her on the cheek. "With those nice... toned... creamy thighs of yours... Mmm."


"Yeah hun," I whispered in her hear.

"You smell like Caress soap."...Yeah. How am I. Apparently not Zest-fully clean.


"Avril said be there at 4:00 to come backstage and hang out."

"Yeah, I know Larisa. There's traffic because of this accident." I left with plenty of time, but of course Route 17... God forbid it's ever not all bumper-to-bumper. My guess was that there had been an accident about ten to fifteen minutes from the place. It was going to take at least forty-five minutes to get there from where we were, remembering back to the Metallica concert. "Put the radio on. Let's see exactly what happened."

"Okay," she said as she hit the dial. "What station is it?" She wasn't familiar with the New York/New Jersey radio stations yet.

"A.M. 1010." She hit the presets until it came up to the station.

"Traffic and weather every ten minutes on 1010 WINS," said the radio announcer. "Now time for the traffic and transit report. All bridges looking clear. An accident on the G.W. Bridge is all cleared up and traffic is moving along. Few delays on the Garden State Parkway South due to an overturned van. Looks like it'll be crowded for another... hour or so. Route 17 South is backed up for miles due to the bomb threat at Continental Airlines Arena. Police have set up roadblocks and detours. Next traffic and transit report... in ten minutes." Larisa and I both sat there in silence.You've got to be kidding me! MY MOMENT IN THE SPOTLIGHT! MY POSSIBLE THREESOME!

"Riss. Put on 100.3 F.M."

"What the hell is this all about?" she asked me, in total shock. We waited about five minutes for the DJ to come back from playing a stupid Puerto Rican song. That station was responsible for putting on the show that evening. She told the radio audience that there was a bomb threat called in and the show had been postponed to a later date, not yet available. Apparently the police and venue management decided to shut down the building until an investigation took place.

"Oh. This is FUCKED UP!" I was pissed off. "God DAMMIT!" I yelled as I half-assed punched the steering wheel.You GOTTA be sucking my fuckin nut!

"Matt... I'm sorry..." Larisa was in shock, in just as much shock as I was. She knew I was disappointed, not only because I'd be playing, but because I wanted to see the concert as well.

"Riss... it... it's fine. It's just..."YEAH. HOW AM I.

"Wait!" Larisa said as she interrupted me. "I have her cell number."

"Whose?" I asked as she fumbled through her bag, looking for her cell phone.Dumb question.


"You do?"

"Yeah. She called me to let me know she was coming over that morning." This was awesome. I could find out more details now, assuming she answered her phone. "Call the number Riss." Larisa scrolled through her cell phone's recent calls list and found Avril's number. She called up that piece with the quickness. She didn't say anything for a few seconds... obviously the phone was still ringing.

"Hey Avril? ...This is Larisa Oleynik... ... ...Yeah. We're on our way and we heard on the radio... ... I see..." I stared at Larisa, chalked full of anticipation. It's not like the call was going to change the events that occurred. But still. "Yeah. We totally understand... ... Okay. Yeah... ...That's great. ... Sure thing. No, don't worry about it. Be careful... ... Ok. Bye Av." Larisa clicked the off button on her cell. We were still stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic, crawling at best.

"She said they got a call about a bomb threat like two hours ago. The concert is postponed until further notice. They took her and the bands out to the hotel for their protection."

"Well that's good. Is this the real thing?"

"She doesn't know. From what she heard, it's just a false alarm. But they wanna be positive." She put her hand on top of mine as I gripped the steering wheel. "Matt... I'm sorry. I know how much you wanted this."

"Riss... to be honest. I'd rather not be there if there was any risk of you getting hurt. If they decided it was clear to have the show and then it wasn't... and then something happened... I..."

"Awwww. Matt... I know. I know you were looking forward to this though. For a number of reasons. I just feel bad."

"Hun. It's fine. Don't worry at all. They're going to reschedule it. So it's not like we're missing the show."

"Yeah. Well... I have some good news for you."

"There's an exit fifty feet ahead?" I asked sarcastically. Larisa quick leaned over and looked out the window, peering through the glass.

"No. But... Avril said if she can, she was going to try to stop by later... if she could get it okayed with her security and manager."

"Are you for real Riss?" I asked as I looked over at her, in no danger of a high-speed collision.

"Mmmhmm. She said she has the next two days off and they weren't leaving for the next gig for at least another day. It was going to be her day off tomorrow. She said she'd like to hang out with the two of us. You know, make it up to you for your birthday."

"Riss... That's. That's awesome." I could see she saw the happy expression on my face by the way she smiled back at me. "Riss... A night with you is all I wanted. Something we could both enjoy."

"Aww. Matt. You're the sweetest." She slid over closer to me and rested herself against my side. "Let's go home." She smiled as she touched me with her body. "We can have our own post birthday celebration for you," she said with an innocently wicked smile on her face. She leaned onto my shoulder and looked out the windshield, mentally plotting the events to come.

"Okay hun." I cut some guy off a minute or two down the road and made a U-turn to take us back home.This whole fucking situation is so Yeah... How are you.


Larisa and I got back to a completely empty house. Luckily, the traffic coming home wasn't too bad. I took as many back roads as I could because of the normal rush hour commute. As we got out of the car, I put my arm around Larisa's waist. "You look really beautiful today Riss. I don't think I told you before."

"Thank you love. You look pretty great yourself," she replied as she put her arm around my waist, reciprocating the gesture. "My little rock boy." She looked fucking... spectacular. She had on cute little sneakers and jean skirt. The dark blue denim bottom wasn't whorish short, but short enough to grab some attention. She had one of those studded belts on to complete the lower half. Was she wearing panties? That I wasn't sure of. She also wore a black tank top, with no bra of course. She liked to let them flap in the breeze and get some air.My guess was that she thought her nips might get smothered and suffocate from too much clothing. Maybe that's some kind of real phobia. Who knows. Let's not judge others. Is that what you wanna be doing when Jesus comes back?

Larisa and I entered the house void of parental supervision. "Hey Riss. Do you hear that?" I said as I paused and pretended to listen for a weird noise.

"No? What?" she replied as she held onto my arm tightly, as if she was afraid of a burglar.

"That... that sound...." I stuck my head through the doorway, pointing my ear towards the living room. "It's the sound of no parents or sisters."

"Jerk!" she yelled as she slapped my arm. "Don't scare me like that," she added with a sort of disgusted look as she pushed past me and entered the kitchen. Apparently she's not into the 'someone broke into the house' jokes.

"Jerk? You've been hanging around my mother too much." I put my hands on her hips and spun her around to face me, resting them on the little bit of visible skin between her skirt and tank top. "We have the whole house to ourselves."

Larisa took half a step back into the wall, pulling me with her. She slung her arms around my neck and slid her right arm down, her hand rubbing across my shoulder. She placed it on my cheek and slipped it half behind my head, pulling me closer to her. "I know love." She inched her head forward, keeping her lips just a little bit away from mine. She angled her head back and forth sideways, as if she was going to move in to kiss me, and then changed her direction of sexual attack. "Do you know what I really... really want to do baby?" she said as her lips gently grazed against mine as she spoke.

"No. What?" She moved her hips against my crotch and slid them side to side over my package.

"I want..." she said, her lips still brushing against mine every time she pronounced a syllable. "...I want to take off... all of my clothes." She dared not break eye contact with me, keeping this sexual anticipation boiling. "Annnnnd then," she whispered, "take off all of your clothes..."

"Ann, annd..." I mumbled, incredibly turned on right about now.

"Annnnd then..." Larisa slid her black nail polish-covered fingers through the hair on the back of my head. She ran her nails along the skin on the back of my neck, causing me to get chills. "Mmm. Then get into bed..." I was so fucking erect right now it hurt. I realized we could fuck anywhere and everywhere in the house, make as much noise as we wanted, and as many times as we wanted to. There was nothing to stop us from giving into all our deepest sexual urges and fantasies. Her gaze was so incredibly sexy, staring deep into my eyes. "And then... hold each other so tightly... and have a good... long... talk."... ... ...

I'm not going to say I wasn't disappointed. I was hoping she suggest we fuck on the kitchen table. Again, they can't all be winners, can they? "That... would be soooo... nice."...

"Matt..." She pursed her lips, pushing them against mine. Her kiss felt so good. "We have all the time in the world." She kissed me softly again, gently slithering her tongue just past my lips, licking them ever so slightly. "I just want you to hold me so badly. I want to stare at you and have a good conversation with you." She looked up at me, her eyes piercing mine. I would do anything she told me to when she looked at me like that.


"Mmmhm." She smiled at me, her eyes right in front of mine, our faces inches apart. "I have my reasons. Just trust me Matthew."

"You know I do." A wicked smile of my own appeared on my face. I ran my hand down Larisa's right thigh. I suddenly kicked her legs out, causing her to lose her balance.

"Aahhhh!!" she yelled as she fell, right before I scooped her up in my arms. "Maaatt!!" she yelled in shock.

"I have a few surprises of my own Alex Mack." She wrapped her arm around my shoulder, holding onto me. She pulled herself up and placed a kiss upon my lips. "If you play your cards right, I could be carrying you like this to our hotel room on our honeymoon. Okay... now I'm gonna do my best to not hit your hit against the wall as I bring you upstairs."

"Be careful hun." Larisa just giggled like a little girl, pulling her body into a ball to avoid collision as I brought her up to my room.Lemme tell you, carrying a girl up a staircase isn't as easy as it looks. I almost smacked her head into the railing and wall like twice.

As we finally got to the top of the stairs successfully, and with no injuries, I felt a sense of relief. I couldn't wait to see what she had in store for me. I carried her over to the bed, and feeling crazy, I went to toss Larisa onto my bed. It was just like a romantic comedy movie. Except, I misjudged the distance. Larisa landed on the edge of the mattress and bounced off onto the floor.Oh fuck!"Riss! Oh shit! Are you okay??" I asked in a panic.Look. It's not that she's too heavy and I couldn't throw her far enough. I just misjudged the distance is all.

The shot-put I call my girlfriend just looked up at me and gave me a look like, 'What the hell...?' She was utterly and completely speechless. I ran over to her and knelt down besides her. "Matt..."

"Yeah Riss. Are you okay???" I was so worried she hurt herself. She sat there on the floor, her legs spread, with a look on her face like a dumbfounded dog.And she wasn't wearing any panties. So that answers my previous question.

Matt... My butt hurts."Whaaaaaaaat? "Haha. I haven't bounced off a bed like that since I was a little kid. Haha." I was totally shocked. I thought she would have been crazy pissed off at me. "That was so much fun." Well, what could I say to that?

"...That's what I was going for. I'm glad you enjoyed the ride." I tried to scoop Larisa up to bring her back to her feet.

"No... that's okay stud. Haha. Just pull me up," she laughed as she extended her arm. I took her hand and pulled her up off the ground, onto her feet.

"Baby. I'm so sorry..." She interrupted me, putting her index finger against my mouth.

"No apologies." She smiled at me and put her hands on my waist. She pulled me closer to her and leaned into kiss me. I closed my eyes and went in for the smooch. I felt Larisa's warm breath on my lips as she moved towards my mouth. She hesitated before kissing me, then grabbed the bottom of my shirt and pulled it up my body. I instinctively raised my arms, allowing her to remove my top. She pulled it up over my stomach and shoulders. As the neck of my shirt pulled up past my mouth, she stopped. I felt her lips lock around mine as the shirt covered my eyes, my arms still raised in the air.Looks like someone was ripping off a scene from Starship Troopers.

"Mmm," I quietly moaned into her mouth as our lips pressed against each other. "This is soStarship Troopers."

"Mmmmm. You caught me," she softly laughed.I wasn't about to let her get away with it.She resumed lifting my black shirt off my torso, tossing it over to the floor. She looked up at me and smiled as I took hold of her top and pulled it over her head. I started kissing her neck, tenderly moving down, sucking on her right collarbone and shoulder. "I love it when you do that baby," Larisa cooed.

Larisa brought her hands up to my shoulders, gripping my upper arms in her hands. She tilted her head, leaning it against mine as she felt my muscles. I slid my arms around her back, pulling her small body into mine. I continued to suckle her shoulder as she moaned over and over. My dick was completely hard now, poking against her skirt, the only defense from me penetrating her beautiful axe wound... well that and my pants.That's slang for pussy, again. I held Larisa's body against mine tightly, leaning back, bringing her up off her feet for a second.

"You feel so good against me Larisa. You're Heaven to hold."

"Mmmm Matthew. So are you." I slid my hands down the sides of her body, stopping at her butt.

"Does this make it feel better hun?" I asked as I rubbed her cheeks with my hands, gently squeezing them through the denim material.

"Not as good as this," she whispered as she pushed her body into my groin. I dragged my right hand from her butt cheek to the snap and zipper on her skirt, undoing it. My body pressed against her crotch was the only thing keeping it on her waist now. I leaned back a tad and the short skirt slowly fell down her legs, landing on her feet. She lifted one foot after the other, taking a step out of it, and then kicked it to the side. Larisa stood before me completely naked, except for her socks.Well... she said she wanted to take all her clothes off.

I squatted down in front of her slowly, my head moving down to her tits, past her stomach, until I was face to face with her beautiful bald pussy. It smelled so sweet and I desperately wanted to kiss it, to lick it, to make her come again and again. My hands grazed across her waist, sliding down her thighs. I brought my face to about an inch away from her vagina and inhaled the sweet aroma seeping from it as my left hand moved down her right leg. I slowly lifted her right leg to allow me to remove her sock. Larisa put one of her hands on my head to help her keep her balance. Doing this, she pushed my head closer to her yearning hole. I softly blew on her lips and on her clit before she pulled away from me.

I noticed Larisa's body shake as I gave her area special attention. I could sense she wanted me to bury my face in her, but I held back. I know what she wanted to do. I took off her one sock and then the other in the same fashion, my head remaining just a hair away from her carnal treasure.Not a pubic hair... because she shaves it.As I removed the second one, I lost my balance and my nose 'accidentally' pressed against her, poking between her lips. I heard her immediately take in a deep breath. She desperately craved some sexual tending to even though it wasn't her plan. While squatted down, I also removed my socks, because a woman doing that to a man, well... that's just plain unsexy.

I started to kiss around her pussy for a moment, my lips pressing against her inner thigh and right above her slit. My soft lips gently teased her sensitive areas, causing her body to subtly tremble. I worked my way up her thigh to her stomach, running my tongue up the center, over her belly button. As I got up to her breasts, I gently took one nipple in my mouth, feeling it harden at the touch of my lips. I flicked my tongue back and forth over it a few times. Then, to be fair, I did the same thing to the other one, giving it equal attention. Remember, she didn't want sex.But there was nothing wrong with teasing her, was there.

"Mmmmmm... Ma... Matt." I ran my tongue from her left breast up her chest to her neck. I concluded the sexual teasing journey with a deep, yet gentle, kiss on her lips. Larisa's eyes closed and she held my head in her hand as she parted her lips. I slid my tongue a tiny ways into her mouth, massaging the tip of her tongue with my own. I held her against me, one hand on her lower back, the other on her toosh, pushing it against my rock hard member. We made out for a minute or two before she pulled back.
