Gotta Pay the Piper Ch. 28

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Bas tries to figure what is next.
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Part 29 of the 31 part series

Updated 05/31/2024
Created 10/26/2021
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I know it has been a long time since my last chapter. But Bas and crew is back, continuing their story.

A reader will not understand what is going on unless they have read the preceding chapters in the series. This world is based in the same world as a few of my other series, Slave Camp and My Mother Owns Me. I have tried to keep consistent but I am only human.


"What kind of proposal?" I asked, suspiciously. "From the way you are hesitating, it is not business and you don't think I would approve." Lenore reddened.

"I've been approached to join the Krewe of Aphrodite." Lenore answered quietly. "Lou, Sarah and Wanda brought up the subject again today at the office." I knew this was more than a casual offer if the three approached Lenore at work. I wondered what the deal included.

I recognized the name as one of several krewes who held Mardi Gras parades in the area but other than that, the name meant nothing. I did not follow any of the festivities or traditions surrounding Mardi Gras except to buy the occasional king cake. Mardi Gras had been a long established tradition in Louisiana. Most cities in Louisiana, especially those of any size, had multiple krewes which basically were civic clubs. Each usually held an annual ball where members attended wearing masks and dressed up in flashy costumes/gowns, presided over by that year's selected king and queen.

It was originally a Catholic activity ending on Fat Tuesday. Lent followed. Not being Catholic, I barely knew of the religious significance.

The general public mainly heard of krewes when they held their yearly Mardi Gras parades where families gather along the route and the participants throw strings of beads, plastic doubloons, candy and stuffed toys to the crowds of spectators. In some cases even panties and other more questionable items were included as a 'throw'. I remember my Dad laughing about how when he was a kid they even threw condoms to the crowd. Contraceptive implants and the vaccines for almost all known STD's have made condoms almost obsolete apart from anal sex. I wonder if Richard and his friends even know what a condom is.

In most cities, the parades are family friendly affairs but in the past, especially in New Orleans, adult themed parades had female spectators flashing their breasts to the floats and yelling "Throw me something, mister!"

I had never had any inclination to join a Krewe. Years ago, Christine had been invited to join one but opted out when I was not interested. Her being a professor and my becoming well-known with my computer business made us prime candidates for inclusion. I had no idea Lou and the others at the Hacienda were part of a krewe. The subject had never come up in any of our discussions.

"Waddsworth has sponsored a float the past several years. John's ex-wife Leanne was an Aphrodite member before she was enslaved." Lenore explained. "Robichaud Energy has one this year, too. I heard it is pretty ornate. Wind turbines in sparkly mardi gras colors as decoration as you might imagine. The floats are great advertisement and of course it is considered a business expense for tax purposes."

"So you are being invited because you work for Waddsworth and we have a connection to the turbine company." I concluded. "I'm guessing membership has its price. Am I expected to join as well? Or just go along as your consort?"

"Well, it's a little more complicated than that." Lenore explained, hesitantly. "I need to think about it a bit before we discuss it." Her reluctance to explain had me on edge. That was not like her. "I have a lot on my plate right now with work alone, so give me a day or so, okay?" Lenore asked. I shrugged. I knew better than to press her.

Lenore's invitation to join a krewe was not really my business as far as I could tell. I had more pressing matters here at home. Dupree was going to start renovation on my garage to turn the area into extra living space. We had planned for three additional bedrooms and use the existing plumbing to make a large bathroom suitable for more than one or two women to prepare themselves in the morning. Dupree had laughed about the bathroom, saying women on his team designed those facilities. "Give me a sink, mirror and a few inches of space to put my toothbrush and deodorant and I am good to go. I'm finished in a few minutes. Never the case with any woman I've ever met, including my wife and daughters. You'll need space for your girls."

I had agreed. I'd heard more argument among my slave girls about being in each other's way getting ready in the morning than anything else they did. It far exceeded grievances about work assignments. Sonya quelled the latter early on when she offered to let the girls rotate responsibility for the work rosters. "If you bitches don't think I am being fair, fine. I'll put one of you in charge each week. Meal menus, work rosters, all of it. You screw it up and it is YOUR ass. I'll sit on my butt and watch." Not two weeks later, the girls asked Sonya to take charge again.

Of course, Sonya had warned me ahead of time, telling me what she was doing and asking me to be tolerant and not bust HER butt 'if it all went to shit'. (Her words). I laughed and told her once again she had a potty mouth for a preacher's daughter. She shared the bed with Lenore and me that week. "This is great, Boss. Maybe I need to let the girls fend for themselves more." she said. I popped her on the butt and told her the first day I did not have clean underwear was going to be the day her butt suffered. "Oh, that is easy. I'll be your personal maid and hand wash them myself." she announced quickly. "And you won't have cum stains, either. I'll make sure you are clean down there." She ran her tongue around her lips making a show of licking them then shook her butt as if offering. Laughing, she told me she was going to make sure the household was taken care of.

The afternoon after I offered to let Sonya live as a free woman, she whispered she'd been thinking and decided she'd accept to 'live free', if she could move into my room with Lenore and me. She giggled as she kissed me and walked away chuckling. I told Lenore about the conversation.

"Don't even think about it!" Lenore said. "You are mine. I know full well Sonya loves you. She told me as much. She said she loves me too. Did you know she's offered to be a wet nurse for our babies?" I was confused. "She wants to induce lactation. Produce milk and feed our baby like a few of Derek's girls did for his kids." Lenore explained. I was still lost but knew I would talk to Derek for clarification. I knew little about babies beyond they needed to be fed and have their diapers changed. I was no where near the proper frame of mind to father a child.

"Ahhh, you poor idiot!" Derek laughed the next day when I went to visit. "You haven't learned? I told you I get by because of the collective wisdom of my girls. Lenore wants to have your baby and is going to push the issue. She might talk to you first or just decide to go ahead. Maybe not now, but sooner or later. I am guessing a couple of your girls have cottoned onto that."

"I'm not sure I'm ready to be a father!" I protested. "I mean I had a ready made family when I married Christine but Joanne was older. I'm not ready for a baby."

Derek thought that funny. "Who is ever ready? I had one in my twenties and then a whole passel of rugrats in my sixties. And not a one was planned. Well, not by ME anyway."

I asked Derek how involved he was in the inner workings of the Krewe of Aphrodite. He laughed so hard he almost dropped his beer. "I don't have the anatomy to join that group. Neither do you." At my confusion, he explained. "I know you heard about the garden parties my wives used to attend, taking our slaves along as fodder. Free use entertainment." I nodded slowly, catching on.

"Well, the Krewe of Aphrodite is an offshoot of the same organization. It is their public face if you will. Not all the members of the krewe attend the garden parties but many do. You know what a fraternal organization is. Well this is a sororal one." Derek explained. "I'm sure Lenore told you some of what happens at those weekend parties."

Lenore told me a little. Just enough to explain some of the comments I'd overheard. I knew she had attended a few parties, but as a free woman, not as a slave. Sherrie had gone to many as an invited guest who paid admission for the free use of the available slave girls. The slaves were used brutally according to what I'd heard. No damage was done, and the activities stopped short of the point of legal slave abuse, but slave girls were 'well-used' during their attendance. Marianne's recent punishment had been designed to mimic what she might have endured at a party.

I could not understand why Lenore would be invited nor why she might even consider joining such a group. "I don't like the idea, myself." Derek offered. "I've tried to get Lou and Sarah to stay clear of the whole damn thing, but I do have to admit, it has been useful to establish business contacts. Not that we need it at this point. Nor do you or Lenore. Wanda was invited, well, rather encouraged to join officially over a year ago. Lou and Sarah have been members for a while. Wanda was very reluctant to join based on her experience as one of the girls used. She hated going and worked hard to stop my girls attending."

I asked why she joined the organization at all. "Lou and Sarah pressured her as a validation of her position as a business woman." Derek replied. "I'm guessing they all see membership as a boon to their careers and as a status symbol in local society."

I could not see why Lenore needed to enhance her status in society. "Lenore is trying to certify her place." Derek offered. "She has been working hard to be the person in charge. Her living here as an unofficial slave gave her peace of mind and a sense of stability. She had rules to follow and could let herself go. By that I mean, her life was dictated, at least privately. She started to take more control of her life when she moved in with you. But she has been on the edge of whether she wanted to be subservient or dominant in private. Wanda told me Lenore is totally on top when it comes to business. It is in private that she seems to have a problem. When I told you she is trying to certify her place, I mean not only how others perceive her but how she perceives herself."

"So you are suggesting I let her join." I said.

"Nope." Derek answered, shrugging. "I'm saying you have no choice. You can provide your input but the decision is hers. It needs to be if she is to be her own person. Your job is just to support her." I nodded and accepted the man's advice.

When I returned home I found another group offloading materials. Clarice's crew was also there to set up my new wind turbines. "We'll do our best to minimize any damage to your lawn Mr. Landry, but some is inevitable," explained the foreman. Clarice had explained that to me already, but I was happy this man was also on board and would be careful.

My suspicions I was getting the VIP treatment were confirmed when Clarice arrived accompanied by the woman, Emma, who had come last time. Both women once again explained the process as we sat in my kitchen. I had a beer in my hand while the two women sipped coffee when the college girls came home.

"Bas, I am on kitchen duty to do the food prep for supper." Robin whispered quietly into my ear. "May I stay dressed while these women are here?" I told her she knew the rules.

"What did I say at dinner last night about the house nudity rules."

Clarice was quite aware of the situation and grinned as Robin turned red and began to strip. I heard a whispered "Oh, my!" from Emma.

"She looks amazingly like her sister as you will likely see soon when the other girl gets home from school. Apart from a bruised bottom." Clarice offered with a smirk. "Both girls are completely hairless as part of their ongoing punishment. Not just body hair, but as you can see their heads have been shaved."

"You don't seem too sympathetic," Emma stated. "I mean considering you are also collared. We discussed my sister and all. I sort of feel sorry for how she suffered."

"I'm not. These girls messed up. This goes beyond what they might endure as a slave normally would but the punishment was totally deserved." Clarice explained. "I'm the boss at work and in charge on the job, but I am still a slave. Bas here is friends with my owners. He could strip and spank me as fast as he could that girl if I gave him the slightest excuse. And without even calling for permission. It's all part of the life, and implied permission to deal with each other's slaves."

Emma looked at me for my reaction. I shrugged. "Not that I would."

The three of us stepped outside the back door. Emma walked over to make sure the crew knew the exact spots for the support poles for the turbines. "She seems intrigued with slave girls." I offered to Clarice, nodding at Emma.

Clarice grinned. "Her sister was a slave for a while and took a bit to get her life back together. Many people just think of slaves as chattel to be used and abused with no regard for feelings. Emma is like a few, aroused at the idea of how slaves are used as sexual objects and wondering what that might be like to be in that role. I think she'd like to play act a bit." Clarice laughed at my surprise. "Lenore is not the only woman to have those feelings."

The three of us went back inside when the work was complete since Emma had come with Clarice. Actual work would not begin until the next day so both women now accepted my offer for alcohol. Richard and Marianne arrived soon after.

To Clarice's amusement, Marianne began to stammer upon realizing we had guests and who one of them was. When Marianne addressed her as 'Ms. Clarice', Clarice grinned and said, "You are not under my punishment, but since you seem to want to be subservient, why don't you strip and let me inspect your bottom. We all know you are supposed to be naked at home, anyway." Tears of embarrassment formed as Marianne looked from Richard to me. When neither of us said anything, Marianne began to unbutton her blouse with trembling fingers.

Pulling her panties off and placing them on top of the rest of her clothing, Marianne stood with her hands at her sides, now wearing only her chastity belt. Clarice explained to Emma, without going into detail, how this girl had been subjected to a weekend of punishment at the hands of her family of slaves. Clarice crooked her finger and spun it to indicate Marianne should step forward and turn.

"We didn't leave you with this many welts. They look fresh. What did you do?" As Marianne tearfully explained she had 'talked back' to Richard, Clarice bent her over. "Well, I see your little pucker is back to normal. And just two days ago you cried and wailed how it would be stretched out forever." Clarice laughed and winked at Emma." With the chastity belt on, I can't see your pussy lips. Are they still tender?" Marianne nodded.

"This girl got a little experience serving other girls with her mouth." Clarice explained. "When she asked to brush her teeth to get rid of the taste, we used her toothbrush on her nether lips. She learned really quick to not complain about servicing girls. I think she came to enjoy the taste of pussy by the time Bas came to get her." Emma's eyes were dilated and I could tell she was very aroused. I suspected she would be quizzing Clarice for details later.

Lenore and Sherrie arrived as I escorted Clarice and Emma outside to their car. Clarice and Lenore hugged. "Another bald girl?" Emma asked, seeing Sherrie. Clarice grinned and nodded.

I bid Clarice and Emma goodbye. Emma would return the next day when construction began. I turned to Lenore. Sherrie stood fidgeting by her side. She seemed upset. I asked what was going on.

"Mom stopped by the office to talk to me. She knows Sherrie from when I used to live with her sister. And of course, she heard all about Sherrie and me in New Orleans that time." I was surprised. "Sherrie talked to Marge and told her the story. It was not a medical issue for Sherrie so of course, Marge told Mom all about it. It just added to Mom's conclusion I am a submissive and deserved to be treated as one. You know, not able to stand up for myself and need to be supervised by somebody who can."

I shook my head at that lame premise. "Well, my living at the Hacienda reinforced her opinion. I admit I needed the structure and the rules. I never did well on my own. But Mom is a 'take charge' type woman and my voluntarily living as an unofficial slave embarrassed her to no end. She'd treat me like a child whenever we were together. You've seen it."

I nodded. Paige was civil and actually friendly with me when we'd met at Christmas but had treated Lenore like she was still a juvenile. Lenore warned me not to react and I found as long as I acted like the man in charge of Lenore, her mother let it go.

The situation upset me. Especially since Lenore's older sister was given adult status even though, as might be expected, she also deferred to her mother.

"Now that I'm living here with you she has sorta changed her mind a bit. She knows I have taken charge of our group of slave girls. She got wind of the coups the girls planned for me and my reaction to it. Her respect for me went up several notches."

I was puzzled about how all this effected Sherrie. "Well, Mom knew about my piercing Sherrie's nipples and clit hood. She leaned over Sherrie, pulled off her head cover and rubbed her head asking her if she liked being bald. Sherrie told her "no more than you would if it happened to you" and to leave her alone as she is not to be messed with at work unless I said other wise. You want to tell him the rest Sherrie?"

"I thought I said it politely but she took it otherwise. She told me she is not gonna put up with lip from any slave. She grabbed my right ear and made me look at her as she reached down my blouse and pinched my nipple hard against the ring. Of course I hollered. Then she told Lenore she was taking me out for a bit."

"She looked at me asked asked me if I wanted another piercing in each nipple or would rather her whip my ass. She'd give me the choice. I chose the whipping."

I turned to Lenore, "And you let her? You did not stop her?"

Lenore muttered, embarrassed, "It was my Mother! I do not, cannot question her."

I turned to Sherrie to continue. "Ms Paige took me to the rest room and unclipped the strap from her purse while I stripped naked. She gave me several stripes across my ass and across my tits. She'd have whipped my pussy too if it weren't for the chastity belt. She pinched the shit out of my nips and asked me if I was going to talk back to her again. Then she sent me back to work."

I was not happy about Paige messing with one of my girls. Lenore knew it and apologized. "I'm sorry Bas, but you know I can not go against anything my Mom orders. I told her Sherrie was your slave and she told me to work it out with you."

"Why did your mother go to see you at work?" I asked. "or did she have business with Waddsworth?" I knew her mother was a client but usually sent a courier with her paperwork.

Lenore stammered a bit and avoided my gaze. "She wanted to know if I decided to join the Krewe of Aphrodite." It was apparent to me Paige not only knew Lenore had been approached but now seemed to be behind it.

"I told her I had not had the chance to discuss it with you. Can we talk about this inside? I'd like to change clothes." Lenore asked. I stopped by the kitchen to grab a couple beers and met her in the bedroom.

Lenore hesitantly began to explain about the krewe and I stopped her by telling her I'd already talked to Derek and knew what it was. "You are not taking our girls to one of those garden parties!" I said. "Don't even think about it, no matter how much your mother wants it."