Grandpa's Girl Ch. 08

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Wilf has a final dream of Denise before his date with Sophie.
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Part 8 of the 10 part series

Updated 05/29/2024
Created 03/05/2024
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Wilf was awoken by the sound of distant running water from the bathroom, snuggled up under the warm duvet he stretched languidly as he cracked open his eyes, blinking repeatedly as his surroundings came into view. The dim light of the setting sun was creeping in around the edges of the heavy cloth curtains, basking the room in a dim glow as Wilf rubbed his lids free of sleep. "Hey baby," he whispered towards Denise's picture as his eyes adjusted to the light before turning over to get more comfortable, pulling the duvet up over himself to get warm as he basked in a post slumber haze. As he laid in bed, he heard the water from the shower stop running and a couple of minutes later, the sound of the bathroom door opening and closing. Soft footsteps moved towards the bedroom and Wilf turned to face the door as it opened. Sophie stepped inside with her hair wrapped up in a white towel and another wrapped around her chest, skin still covered in droplets of water. By the way she was walking on her tiptoes in the dimly lit room, it was clear that she was trying not to disturb him, assuming he was still asleep and it was only when she glanced over towards the bed that she relaxed and stood up properly.

"Ah, you're awake," she said, smiling happily as she walked over to the bed. "Hey Daddy, did you sleep well?"

"Hi Sophie, I certainly did," Wilf replied croakily as he pushed himself up on his elbow so he could face her more easily, "what time is it?"

"Almost nine, so I can't stay for long, Mum will be wondering where I am," Sophie explained as she pulled apart her towel so she could start drying off her body, exposing her perky, soft breasts, cute chubby stomach and broad breedable hips. Wilf stared at her body longingly from the comfort of his bed as the soft towel rubbed across her stomach and upper thighs before she bent down to dry her legs, making her boobs hang down invitingly. As he watched Wilf couldn't resist leaning forwards and outstretching his arm to gently caress her chest, causing Sophie to snap her neck upwards to look at him with a wicked smile on her face.

"Stop that, you dirty old man!" she joked as she straightened up and covered herself with the towel. "I've only just finished getting clean after the mess you made!"

"Are you saying you didn't enjoy it?" Wilf asked cockily as he lunged forwards to grab Sophie in his arms and pulled her onto the bed. He tickled her sides as she giggled and squirmed on top of him, trying her best to escape from his grasp, but failing to do so. Her towel slipped from her now mostly dry body and got tangled up between them as they continued to grapple with one another until finally Sophie begged for reprieve between fits of laughter.

"S... stop, please W... Wilf! Mercy, Mercy!" she shouted as Wilf finally stopped his tickle assault and let her body relax. Sophie laid atop of him, nuzzling into his neck as they both continued to laugh softly. She melted into his strong arms as they wrapped around her, taking a deep inhale of his scent, smiling contentedly as they lay, skin to skin. It wouldn't be long now until they were in this same position but connected in the most intimate of ways and the thought started to take over both of their minds.

"You sure you don't want to do it now?" Wilf asked in a low, husky tone, albeit with a hint of softness that let Sophie know it was entirely her choice to make.

Raising herself up a little, she bit her lip, contemplating what to do before logic ultimately won out the internal debate. "As tempting as that is," she whispered softly leaning down to kiss him before continuing her thoughts, "Mum will wonder where I am if I don't get home soon."

"Good point," Wilf replied, doing his best to hide the mild disappointment in his voice. "I guess you should get going then?" he asked forlornly.

"I think I can stay for another couple of minutes," Sophie replied, cuddling back against him, ear pressed against his broad chest as she listened to the steady beat of his heart. Her hand lazily stroked his skin as she asked, "is that ok with you, Daddy?"

Wilf growled in response, it was amazing how a word that had previously only made him think of his daughter and their paternal relationship now had such an effect on him when unleashed from Sophie's lips. "That's fine sweetie," Wilf answered as he squeezed her tighter. "So, you're really sure you want to go through with it?"

"I'm absolutely certain," Sophie answered. "No one has ever made me feel as safe and loved as you do Wilf. I just wish I could go back in time and stop myself at that party."

Wilf sighed as he stroked Sophie's hair. "Well Sophie, one of the things that I've learned in my many, many years on this earth is that there's no point dwelling on the past, all you can do is keep moving forwards and hope for a brighter future."

"You're right," Sophie replied, "I can't wait for what the future holds for us on Wednesday." She moved up Wilfs body so her lips could meet his, pressing them together in a meaningful kiss, loaded with lust, passion and excited expectation. "You'll take care of me won't you?" she asked sweetly as their lips parted, eyes large and innocent, making Wilf think of the times his own daughter had looked at him just like this, although for much more wholesome reasons.

"Of course I will," Wilf answered calmly, kissing Sophie gently on the forehead as he held her in his arms. She felt so small compared to him, so delicate and precious. He knew how much responsibility he had to this young woman, to protect her, to keep her safe and to give her a positive experience after her first had been so bad for her, both emotionally and physically. "You're my good girl after all." He could feel her squirm with glee as she heard his words and she let out a happy little squeak as she nuzzled against him, but she had already stayed longer than she should have and it was time for her to go.

Begrudgingly she pulled herself from Wilfs arms and climbed off the bed so she could get dressed. Placing the towels in the washing basket, she pulled on her clothes as Wilf watched on from the bed, laying on his side, elbow bent, palm resting against his head so he could enjoy the show in comfort. As Sophie finished pulling on her socks, she looked over at him, smiling shyly as she realized he had been watching her the whole time. "Like what you see, old man?" she asked teasingly as she walked back over to the bed, gently tussling his hair affectionately.

"Indeed I do," Wilf answered as he smiled up at her from the bed, penis starting to stir ever so slightly even after it had been drained so completely just a couple of hours earlier.

"Well, it's all yours on Wednesday," Sophie mewled sensually, leaning down to give Wilfred a goodbye kiss before standing back upright. "You stay in bed Daddy, I know you need all the rest you can get at your age!" she teased, sticking out her tongue at him cheekily before flashing him a wink and heading towards the bedroom door. Wilf smiled to himself before allowing himself to fall back into the warm, comfy embrace of the bed, sighing contentedly as he heard Sophie leave, closing the door behind her, shouting her goodbyes before she went. Despite only having just awoken from a nap, he was still very tired and it didn't take long for him to drift back off to sleep, visions of Sophie and what was to come on Wednesday dancing through his mind as slumber overtook him.

As he slept, he emerged from a dark void. He didn't know where he was, but he was lying down and he could feel something between his fingers. As his hand explored around him, Wilf realized it was blades of grass still damp with fresh morning dew, so he must be outside, but where? His eyes were heavy with sleep and he had to fight to try and force them open, rays of sunshine breaking into the corners of his vision as his lids opened millimeter by millimeter. Raising his hand above his face to block out the harsh rays he was blinded for a few seconds, blinking hard and adjusting to the light as he awoke in this unknown location. Looking around him he was shocked to discover that he was laying on a blanket on the banks of lake Windermere on a beautiful summer's morning. Next to him, laying on her side with a thick and well-worn book in hand was Denise.

She hadn't noticed he was awake yet and Wilf took a moment to observe her as she read. Her brow was crinkled slightly, something that always happened when she was reading and Wilf found it incredibly cute and endearing. Her head was gently resting on her hand, long blonde hair cascading downwards and almost touching the soft fabric on which she lay. Her eyes moved back and forth across the words on the page, absentmindedly tucking her hair behind her ear as a small smile crept across the edges of her lips. She was wearing a plain blue dress, lightweight and flowy, simple, elegant and beautiful, just like her and he couldn't resist ogling her plentiful breasts as they pressed together on the verge of bursting out of the fabric. Wilf could have spent the rest of his life like this, just watching the woman he loved, enjoying the quiet tranquility, the gentle breeze and the warm sun on his skin. If heaven was real, for Wilfred, it would look something like this.

Lost in the moment and his overwhelming love for his wife, Wilf felt a sudden tickle in his throat, coughing gently and causing Denise's eyes to finally raise from the thick tome in her hand. Smiling widely like it was the first time she had seen him in years, she put the book down and sat up to look at her husband. "I didn't realize you were awake," she said softly, before leaning over to give the only man she had ever loved a gentle kiss.

"Hey you," Wilf whispered softly as their lips parted, pulling her body close to him as he wrapped his strong arms around her, enjoying the warmth of her body against his. "I can't think of anyone better to wake up to."

"You charmer," Denise replied softly as she gently slapped his chest, staring deeply into Wilf's eyes as the sounds of birds chirping in the distance and the gentle lapping of water against the shore provided a peaceful backdrop to the intense tension hanging in the air. "Do you remember this place?"

"How could I ever forget?" Wilf answered as he gently rubbed her back, "this was where we went on our first holiday together, back when we were just teenagers."

Denise smiled softly, "but even more important than that, this is the place that I first knew that I loved you."

"Let's be honest, you never stood a chance," Wilf said cheekily as he ran his fingers through Denise's blonde locks.

"I really didn't," she replied, sighing contentedly as she rested her head against his chest, snuggling up against him. "A man so strong, kind, and handsome, interested in little old me? I still can't believe it, even now."

"Well, you better believe it," Wilf said softly, kissing her on the forehead, "I couldn't have picked a better woman to have by my side." His voice caught in his throat as emotion began to overcome him. "I miss you every moment of every day, you know that don't you?" he asked in a serious tone, voice shaking a little as he spoke.

Lifting herself from Wilf's chest, Denise brought her face close to her husbands, eyes full of love as she looked at him intensely, "of course I do baby. I miss you too. But that's why I'm glad that, for whatever reason, I've been able to visit you like this." She looked away from Wilf sadly, sitting up and staring out across the lake, its deep blue hue stretching out before them, small islands protruding out of the water as the sun continued to climb higher and higher into the morning sky as a single tear rolled down Denise's cheek.

"What's wrong?" Wilfred asked, sitting up next to Denise and reaching out to wrap his arm around her shoulder, but to his surprise, she pulled away from his touch, crossing her arms and pulling up her knees to her chest, visibly withdrawing from him.

"This is... the last time," she whispered as her voice wavered.

"What do you mean?" Wilf asked, a look of confusion on his face as he tried to comprehend what she was saying.

"Look, I don't know why I've been able to visit you in your dreams, but for some reason I know for sure, deep down, that this is the last time I'll be able to come to you like this."

Wilf sat in silence, trying to process what she was saying. His heart broke at the thought of losing her all over again, the first time had been painful enough. "You're really sure that this is it?"

"I am." Denise answered, voice tinged with sadness as she looked out over Lake Windermere, where their journey had begun and seemingly now, where it would end. "I wanted to keep an eye on you, make sure you were moving on, carrying on living. When I saw you and Sophie together, I could tell you were perfect for each other and now that the two of you are so close to being connected physically forever, I know you'll be ok and that means my soul, or spirit, or whatever can finally rest."

"How long do we have before you have to go? Before I wake up?" Wilfred asked, dreading the answer.

"Not long," Denise answered, "so we should make the most of the time we have and enjoy each other while we still can." She got up onto her knees and moved in front of Wilf, gently pushing him backwards so that he was laying atop the blanket. "I know this might feel like a sad moment baby, but it's not, we should be celebrating. Most people don't get to see each other again once they pass on, we're lucky that we've had this extra time together and you know that I'll always be with you, don't you?"

"I do," Wilf answered as he watched her stand up from the blanket, hiking up her dress around her waist so that she could pull down her panties. They fell down her legs haphazardly until they were around her ankles, the sleek white fabric a stark contrast to the grass surrounding them. She stepped out of her undergarment, kicking it to the side before returning her gaze to Wilf, who was already growing in his trousers as he watched, knowing what was coming next as the anticipation built by the second. Kneeling between his legs, Denise unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down, Wilf raising his hips from the ground to allow her to slide them downwards, releasing his cock. The feeling of the cool morning breeze on his sensitive flesh made Wilf shudder and tingle as Denise took him into her hand and slowly started to stroke him.

Wilf moaned softly as he looked up at her, squirming slightly on the blanket as Denise spat onto his head for a little lubrication, allowing her hand to glide up and down with minimal resistance. He didn't need much prep as he was already rock hard and aware that they didn't have long together Denise laid down between his strong thighs as she started to cover his cock in soft, loving kisses. His had been the only penis she had ever known, the only one that had ever been inside her, that had made her cum and had brought her a beautiful daughter. She loved this man more than she could ever put into words and every time she had the chance to take him into her mouth, she tried to show her love to him physically.

Sucking him between her plump lips, her tongue swirled around his swollen, twitching head, her eyes rolling back as she basked in the familiar taste of his masculinity. Looking up at him, their eyes burned into each other as she slowly started to take him deeper and deeper with every passing stroke, loving the feeling of his hardness in her soft little mouth. She used her mouth to explore every inch of him, she knew his cock like the back of her hand, but if this was going to be the last time she got to feel him inside her mouth, she was going to enjoy every single moment. Pulling his prick from her mouth, she gently sucked on his heavy cum filled balls, causing Wilf's back to arch softly as her hand continued to stroke him, soft slurping noises filling the air as she made his sack slick with spit. She didn't want to stop, but there time was running out and so she hiked up her dress around her waist and climbed onto her husband's lap. Sitting her glistening slit on top of his swollen member, she rocked her hips back and forth, lips spreading around it as she grinded against him, adding her arousal to the saliva lubricating him.

Taking his cock in her hand, she lined it up with her wet slit, rubbing it against her sensitive little clit before slowly sinking down onto her soul mate's cock as they both moaned softly together. She descended slowly until their hips met, Wilf buried all the way inside of her, savoring the familiar wet tightness of the woman that had won his heart decades earlier. It felt just as good as the first time that they had ever made love and both of their bodies were covered in goosebumps Their lips met as they enjoyed the feeling of being connected in the most intimate of ways, softly kissing as every small movement caused shockwaves of pleasure to run through their bodies. The scene was idyllic, the beautiful lake reflecting the sunshine as they laid on the carpet, surrounded by grass, trees gently waving in the wind as Wilf and Denise enjoyed the intimacy of their little blanket island. Nothing else mattered as the rest of the world around them melted away, the couple only focused on each other as Denise started to slowly rock her hips back and forwards, pressing Wilf's cock against her interior walls, moans escaping in between their kisses as their breathing got heavier and heavier.

This wasn't about lust or perversion but instead love and intimacy and as Denise started slowly bouncing up and down on Wilf, riding him slowly and sensually their lips parted, both looking up to the sky as they held hands, sounds of pleasure filling the air as they enjoyed their final time together. They watched the clouds passing them by as they made love, husband and wife expressing their feelings physically, two lovers who knew each other better than they knew themselves as Wilf's fingertips dug into Denise's hips while she massaged his chest lovingly. With every passing moment, their need intensified further as Denise rode faster and faster, only pausing to pull off her dress over her head, exposing her large breasts and curvaceous body, pale white skin begging to be touched and kissed. Reaching upwards, Wilf took her soft orbs in his hands, squeezing and caressing them as his wife's pussy continued to slide up and down his shaft, squeezing him delightfully as her juices lubricated his throbbing prick.

Neither of them wanted this feeling to end, but they both knew that it must and as they each inched closer and closer to their climax they clung to each other, eyes locked together, staring deeply into each other's souls as they consummated their love for what would be the last time. They held each other close, Denise's nipples digging into Wilf's chest as she continued to buck and grind her hips against him, smiling contentedly at every satisfied sigh and moan that her pussy drew out of the man she loved.

"I love you Denise," Wilf whispered tenderly between labored breaths, knowing his orgasm was only seconds away.

"I love you too baby," she whispered back as her thighs began to quake and shudder with pleasure. Pressing their lips together, eyes closed, they focused on every sensation, sound and movement, Wilf unloading deep inside his late wife, just like he had done so many times before, but this time, it felt different. As the warmth of his seed spread deep inside her, Denise felt juices gushing from deep inside her, coating their respective sexes in arousal as she quivered on Wilf's cock, bodies shaking and juddering against each other, wrapped in a cocoon of safety, comfort and love. Their orgasms were intense, more so than any they had ever experienced due to the significance of this moment and they both knew that they would remember this moment, whether it was real or not, forever.