Grandpa's Girl Ch. 09

Story Info
Wilf and Sophie have sex for the first time.
7.5k words

Part 9 of the 10 part series

Updated 05/29/2024
Created 03/05/2024
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Wilfs mind was a mess, he had no idea what to do or what to say as he stood face to face with his daughter, his teenage lover hiding upstairs in the bathroom, all the tools of seduction laid out for anyone that entered the house to see. His brain scrambled for a response, but he was grasping at straws. Probably best to go with the truth, or at least, a partial truth, he reasoned. "Actually..., yes, I have some company coming over shortly but you know I always have time for you Buttercup."

"Company?" Melanie questioned, eyebrows still firmly raised, with no sign of them returning to their normal position any time soon.

"Are you really going to make me spell it out?" Wilf sighed in frustration. His daughter's only reply was continuing to burn a judgemental hole through him with her gaze, which was becoming increasingly icy and cold by the second. "That lady I told you about from the pub is coming over...," he finally admitted, suddenly feeling sheepish as he looked down at his shoes, hands stuffed into his trouser pockets like a stroppy teenager that had just been caught smoking by his parents. When he looked back up at Melanie, she was trying to hold back a smirk, but doing a very poor job of it.

"Ah, I understand," Melanie replied as she enjoyed the role reversal of her father being the one to feel awkward and uncomfortable upon being caught after all the times she had been in the exact same position growing up. "I won't keep you for long then, Richard wanted to borrow your drill, we just bought some new furniture and we didn't realize it needed assembling until it arrived."

"Oh, well let me just go and grab it for you," Wilf offered, hoping to get his daughter to leave as soon as possible so he could get back to his date and more importantly, to Sophie herself.

"Don't be silly Dad, I can get it," Melanie responded, a slight, teasing tone in her voice. She wanted to see exactly what kind of rendezvous her father had arranged and while she would normally mind her own business, she couldn't resist heading inside to find out. "You still keep your tools under the stairs?" she asked as she pushed her way past Wilfred and into the house's entryway before he had a chance to object.

"Yes but..., just wait will you Melanie?" Wilf protested as he followed her inside, doing his best to hide his annoyance and the rising tension in his voice. It didn't take him long to catch her up as she had stopped dead in her tracks standing in the frame of the dining room door.

"Damn dad," she said, spinning around to face him with a hint of hurt hiding in the corner of her eye, "flowers, what looks like a hundred candles, and that smells like your famous sole is in the oven. You must really like her." She didn't need to spell it out, but it was obvious what she was thinking. Wilf was replacing her mother already for some random woman he had met at the local boozer. Of course, this couldn't be further from the truth, but he still needed to hide the reality of the situation from her, while doing his best not to upset her. She had been through more than enough in the past few months. They both had

"Go and grab the drill, Sweetpea. It's on the top shelf. Once you've got it, come and sit down with me in the living room and we'll have a chat, okay?" Wilf asked in a soft, fatherly tone. Melanie nodded in response before walking into the kitchen to retrieve the much needed power tool. Wilfred took a seat on the sofa and relished the time to himself to try and think, he needed to handle this delicately for all parties involved. After a few moments Melanie joined him, choosing to sit in the armchair across the room rather than beside her father, another reminder of the gap that could grow between them if he didn't deal with this right now.

"Look, Melanie...," Wilf started saying, but before he could finish his thought, Melanie raised her hand, indicating for him to be quiet. Wilf immediately fell silent, wondering what was about to come.

"Dad, I've been thinking a lot. Ever since you told me about you and this woman. At first I felt upset, hurt, betrayed." Wilf winced at every word, knowing he had played a part in causing his little girl to go through this pain. "But then I started thinking about it. About me and Richard. About how I would feel if he died and I was left alone in the world, without the person I love the most. I realized that I was being unfair to you, judging you when I would probably do the same thing if I was put in your shoes." She stood up from the armchair, walking across the room and taking a seat next to her dad. Pausing for a second, she reached out and took his hand, pulling it into her lap as their eyes met. Wilf was tempted to speak, but he could tell from the look on her face that she wasn't finished speaking.

"You deserve to be happy, dad. You deserve to feel loved, both physically and emotionally. You gave everything to mum, and to me. You worked so hard to make sure we were taken care of, that we were happy and healthy. I still remember all the times you took care of me when I was sick, or dried my tears when I was sad. So, whatever you do moving forwards, I'm ok with it. I still love you and I'll do whatever I can to support you, okay?"

Wilf was an absolute mess. Tears were streaming down his cheeks and falling onto his freshly pressed suit, soaking into the fabric, leaving a little trail to show how much his daughter's words had meant to him. He leant forwards, taking his daughter's head gently in his hands and kissing her on the forehead as they held onto each other. "I love you so much Melanie, and no-one could ever, ever replace your mother," he whispered.

"I know dad," Melanie answered, her own cheeks now damp with tears. They stayed sitting like this for a couple of minutes, just allowing the emotion to wash over them and enjoy the kind of closeness that only a father and daughter can share. Eventually Melanie reached for the tissue box sitting on the table, dabbing at her eyes before turning attention to her Father. "We can't have you with puffy eyes and looking a mess for your date!" she joked cheerily as she wiped away any evidence of their emotional discussion from his face.

"Thank you Buttercup," Wilf said, voice dripping with sincerity, "you don't know how much this means to me."

"No problem dad," Melanie replied as she stood up, going back over to the armchair to collect the drill in its plastic case before turning back to him. "I better get going, Richards probably losing his mind looking after the sprogs by himself and I don't want to be here when your date shows up! Bit of a mood killer, meeting the daughter so soon." She looked at Wilf stone faced, but then burst into laughter, which was echoed by her father as they both walked out into the hallway. Relief washed over him, they had gotten away with it again, but this was the second close call they'd had to deal with and he wasn't sure if he could handle a third.

"Actually, I think I'll just nip to the loo," Melanie said, putting down the drill on the tiled floor and starting to walk up the stairs.


Wilfred had meant to speak at a normal volume, but remembering where Sophie was currently hidden away, his voice had been multiple decibels above anything that could be considered normal.

Spinning around in shock, Melanie looked at him, waiting for a further explanation for his outburst.

"It's... erm, out of order," Wilf claimed weakly. "I've got a plumber coming out in the next few days but it's in a bit of a state, probably best to wait until you get home." He suggested, offering Melanie his hand to help her down the stairs. She shot him a disbelieving look, but it seemed like she was willing to go along with his lie as she returned to ground level.

"Okay, sure," she said, eyes darting up the stairs as she retrieved the drill and made her way towards the door. "Hope your toilet gets fixed soon and that you have a nice night with your friend," she exclaimed over her shoulder before shooting him a loving smile and heading out of the door, swinging it closed behind her with an almighty bang. Despite her being a grown ass adult, she still slammed the door like it owed her money just like she did as a stroppy teen. Wilf took a deep breath as he slumped back against the wall before making sure the door was locked. He didn't want any further interruptions.

"I'm too old for this," he mumbled to himself as he rubbed his eyes wearily and walked back down the hallway and towards the stairs.

"Daddy?" came Sophie's voice from upstairs through a crack in the bathroom door, "is the coast clear?"

"It is sweetie," Wilf replied, "but I thought I told you not to come out until I told you to," he chastised as Sophie came down the stairs to rejoin her date for the evening.

"I'm sorry Wilf," she apologized as she wrapped her arms around his waist, pulling him to her as she spoke, "but surely you can't stay mad at me?" She pulled her best cutesy face, eyes wide, lashes flitting up and down as she gently pouted her lips.

"I guess you're right, I can't stay mad at you, but that was a close one" Wilf admitted, before leaning down to kiss her as they once again melted into each other's bodies. When they finally parted, Sophie licked her lips before sniffing the scent of cooking fish in the air as it wafted through the house.

"So when are we going to eat?" she asked as the realization dawned on Wilf that the food had been left unattended for far too long.

"SHIT, THE FISH," he shouted as he rushed into the kitchen as quickly as he could to check on the state of their main course, praying it wouldn't be burnt.

Grabbing a pair of oven gloves and opening the oven frantically, he was relieved to see that their food looked okay. The sole may be slightly more cooked than he would have liked, but it was certainly salvageable and Wilf thanked his lucky stars that Melanie hadn't stayed longer. Sophie joined him in the kitchen, standing in the doorway, her pretty red dress a harsh contrast to the white walls surrounding her. His mind flashed back to Denise, bathed in white light as she walked away from him and he wondered what she would think of the young woman's outfit. Knowing her, she would probably tell him to take her upstairs and give her a damn good seeing to. The thought made Wilfred smile and seeing the positive look on his face, Sophie assumed that all was well.

"So I assume you haven't cremated our supper?" she asked teasingly as she walked towards him, smelling the amazing aroma wafting up from the oven.

"No, not quite," Wilf answered, "why don't you go and take a seat and I'll be with you in a minute?"

"Okay Daddy, but don't keep me waiting," she replied in a sultry tone, giving his ass a little squeeze and almost making him drop the baking tray as he lifted it out of the oven. Wilf shot her a jokingly stern look as she virtually skipped away into the dining room, giving him a sweet, mischievous smile before heading out the door. Wilf shook his head with a wry grin on his face as he set about plating up their meals meticulously. He had never cared much about presentation when it came to food, the textures and flavors had always been far more important to him, but on such an important night, he wanted everything to be perfect. "Can you hurry up old man? I'm wasting away out here!" Sophie shouted from the dining room, making Wilf laugh as he picked up the plates and carried them through to the adjoining room.

"I'm sorry to have kept you waiting madame," he joked in a faux french accent as he bowed and placed Sophie's plate in front of her. "Please forgive me." He leant over to give her a little kiss on the cheek as she bounced a little in her seat, clapping her hands excitedly as she looked at the delicious meal laid out before her. Wilfred set his own plate down before grabbing a bottle of wine from the ice bucket sitting in the center of the table. "A drink?" he asked Sophie as he unscrewed the cap. She nodded and Wilf poured the crisp white wine into her glass, filling it about halfway before doing the same with his own. Finally taking his seat, he sighed happily. "Bon appétit! Let's tuck in!" he said happily as he reached out to give Sophie's arm a squeeze before picking up his cutlery from the table.

Sophie prepared herself a fork full of fish, potatoes and broccoli and took her first bite, eyes closing as she hummed happily while chewing. "Oh my god Wilf, this is so good!" she said, beaming widely as she took another bite. "You'll have to give me the recipe!"

"I can't do that I'm afraid," Wilf answered as he also started eating. The fish was a little dryer than usual, but still undeniably very tasty. "It's an old family recipe, top secret!"

"Oh really?" Sophie asked, flashing Wilf a mischievous grin as she took a sip of wine from her glass. "I think I could come up with a few ways of getting it out of you."

"I'm sure you could, but my mother taught me how to make it and whatever you do, my lips would be sealed."

"Not once I unseal my lips," Sophie shot back, quick as a flash and they both laughed together at her witty retort before returning to enjoying their meal.

"I actually chose this dish especially for tonight," Wilfred explained, leaving his statement open so that Sophie would ask for more details, which she did almost immediately. "This was the first meal I cooked for Denise, she loved it and that night we had sex for the first time, so I thought that as tonight will be our first time, I thought it was the perfect choice." Sophie's eyes became misty as she was overwhelmed how sweet Wilf was, wiping the forming tears away with the perfectly folded napkin upon which her cutlery had sat.

"That's so sweet Daddy," she exclaimed in a low, sultry voice, "but if you keep being this nice to me I'll have to have you inside me right here and now."

Wilfred chuckled before responding, "I guess we better be quiet and focus on eating our meals then, otherwise we'll both end up in trouble." Sophie nodded in agreement and they both sat eating their food and sipping their wine in a peaceful silence, but the sexual tension in the air was thick and getting more so by the second. Every glance, smile and moment of eye contact pushed them both further and further down the road of arousal, knowing what was to come once they were finished with their food. They smiled at each other whenever their eyes met and they both were feeling giddy like a couple of teenagers on their first date.

They both finished their food and Sophie put her cutlery down on her plate with a satisfied sigh before draining the final mouthful of wine from its glass. She had never been much of a drinker so even this small amount of alcohol had gone to her head, inhibitions slipping away as she enjoyed the heady rush of booze and tingling sensation on her skin. "That was delicious, thank you so much Wilfred," she said, affection dripping from every word as she eye fucked him in his seat. Rubbing her thighs together, she felt a tingle of arousal rush through her body as she felt her panties moisten with expectant lust.

"It's my pleasure sweetie, but we aren't finished yet," Wilfred explained, standing up from his seat to clear away the plates, an obvious bulge in his pants. Sophie licked her lips when she spotted how hard he was already, knowing that he was just as turned on as she was. The anticipation was killing her, but she knew that she needed to be good.

"Ooh, did you make dessert?" she asked excitedly, leaning back in her seat and pressing her arms together against her chest to make her cleavage as impressive as possible. Wilf was standing behind her to pick up her plate, giving him the perfect view down her top and he had to bite his lip and adjust his swelling cock in his pants in order to control himself.

"No, actually I made us a starter, but as the fish was ready I thought we better eat this first," he explained as he carried the plates out into the kitchen, retrieving the salad components from the fridge, ready for assembly.

"So we're going to eat our mains and then our starter? That's hilarious," Sophie replied from the dining room, raising her voice to make sure she could be heard.

"Yeah, it is, but I think it kind of suits us."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, most people would think that what we are doing is wrong, that it's out of order and here we are, on our first date, doing what we want, regardless of what anyone else thinks, eating out of order. Almost poetic in a way." There was no reply from Sophie and so Wilf set about opening up all the tupperware containers gathered on the counter. It was only when he turned round to get a couple of plates from the cupboard that he noticed that Sophie was standing in the doorway. She was leaning against the frame, one arm stretching above her head in an elegant pose, leg raised so that it was sticking out from between the slit in her dress, showing as much flesh as possible, but the most noteworthy thing was her eyes. Wilf had seen lust, love, fear, sadness and passion behind those eyes, but the look that she gave him in this exact moment was more intense than anything he had ever seen before.

"I can't wait a second longer Daddy," Sophie whispered huskily as she slowly walked across the linoleum kitchen floor, swaying her hips with each step, breasts softly bouncing, beautiful red lips pressed together, begging to be kissed. "Take me upstairs and make me a woman," she begged as she stood before him, fingers grasping his shirt so that she could pull him closer to her, eyes looking up at him, a mixture of sweet innocence and carnal lust doing battle, a different side seemingly winning every time she blinked. Wilf gulped, the moment had finally arrived and he found himself feeling oddly nervous for a second. Placing his arms around her, he pulled Sophie into his grasp so he could feel her young, soft body against his own.

"Last chance to back out," he whispered gently, in almost a fatherly tone, "you're sure?" Sophie didn't answer, instead standing up on her tiptoes to pull his face down to hers, kissing him hungrily as her hand groped his rapidly expanding cock through his smart black trousers. She was aggressive, a previously unknown fervor and confidence guiding her as their tongues danced together and her hand rubbed clumsily against his crotch. Lips parting, Wilf was now at full mast, trousers tented and digging into Sophie's body. They both wanted this, no, needed it. It was time.

Taking Sophie's hand in his, Wilfred led her out of the kitchen leaving the food on the side uncovered and open to the elements. A salad, nor any other meal would satiate their hunger now and as they both walked through the house their hearts pounded in their chests as anticipation grew by the second. When they reached the bottom of the stairs Sophie pulled on Wilfs arm to stop him, walking around him in order to take the lead as she started to ascend up the stairs. His eyes drilled into her curvy ass as her hips rocked from side to side with each step and Sophie deliberately took her time so that Wilf would get one hell of a show. As much as she wanted to feel him inside her stretching her out she also didn't want to rush this experience and her desire to arouse Wilf outweighed her need to be deflowered properly after her lackluster first attempt.

By the time they reached the upstairs landing Wilf was throbbing with need, resisting the urge to rip the clothes from Sophie's body, throwing her over the banister and taking her right there. Finally they reached the bedroom and Sophie pushed it open, gasping in shock as she saw what Wilfred had prepared for her. The floor was covered in rose petals, hundreds upon hundreds of them surrounding the bed and every surface was covered in lit candles, their flames flickering and casting the room in a beautiful soft glow. Happy tears welled up in her eyes as she looked over the room, turning back to Wilf and jumping at him as he struggled to catch her small frame. She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist as she desperately tried to find his lips, kissing him passionately once she finally found them, heels falling from her feet and onto the ground as Wilf did his best to maintain his balance.