GTO - Niece


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"I really don't see what the big deal is. Why not just come clean with them and let the chips fall where they will?" asked Mandy.

"I will soon, but I have to do it on my terms. I have a cousin who came out as a lesbian. The whole family turned their back on her and refuses to have any contact with her. She wasn't even told that her brother died in a car crash until I finally managed to track her down a month later. I am literally the only family member who has any contact with her. Everyone else believes that I am the spinster aunt who is too dedicated to my work to find a man to take care of me."

"So, why is she here for the next three months exactly?" Mandy inquired.

"She got into some trouble in Boston. Apparently, some butch tried to pick her up and ended up in the hospital. My cousin Heather somehow got the case, told Aunt Elizabeth about it, and Dear Auntie made a deal with the DA to ship her here, so I could give her some guidance. By the way Mandy, you know the DA. It's Naomi of all people. I didn't know anything about it until Aunt Elizabeth called me today just as Robin walked into my office."

"You know, your Aunt is a real bitch sometimes." Mandy observed.

"Sometimes?" I laughed. "OK, so here is how things need to work for the next three months. Mandy, you need to use your room. I will try to set her up with Danny and a couple other guys to take her out as much as possible. We can use that time when she is out of the house, and after she falls asleep, you can come into my room for a while. I will also have her working at my office during the day. I can slip out for a while occasionally too. Kayla, for the next three months you are strictly my very professional PA. Go out on dates and have fun. Don't bring anyone back here though. As far as Robin knows, our relationships are purely platonic. And for God's sake, make sure that the play rooms are locked! I don't need her accidentally opening the wrong door and seeing what's in there."


WTF is up with Aunt Gail? God, she seemed really pissed when she saw me. I guess it was a little understandable since, apparently, Elizabeth forgot to tell her about the situation until I walked into her office. Now I kind of understood why she insisted that I let her know I was there just before I walked into Aunt Gail's building. Still, something was a little strange. I thought it was a little weird that Kayla lived with Aunt Gail, but she had explained that it was because she was her Personal Assistant in everything. She literally scheduled and assisted Aunt Gail with her whole life and needed to be on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Then there was Aunt Gail's roommate. What did she need a roommate for? She surely didn't need rent money, and Mandy sure didn't look like she needed to rent a room from anyone. Actually, from what I saw, she could easily afford her own place almost as nice as Aunt Gail's. I also thought it was kind of strange that Kayla seemed to brush off a couple of rooms in the house as she was giving me the tour. When I asked about them, she simply dismissed them as storage or laundry. She wasn't overly convincing about it though. Then there was the weird vibe I was getting whenever Kayla talked about Aunt Gail. Something was not right here.

"OK, Robin. It looks like you are pretty much set here. I need to go see what Gail needs. You have your own bathroom there, so go ahead and take a nice shower as miss... your aunt suggested. I have a feeling that we will be going out for dinner tonight, so you should probably dress kind of nice." With that, Kayla walked out the door. Yep, something is definitely wrong here.

The sound of a door closing came from the window. Kayla had cracked it open when she first walked in to let some fresh air flow through. I walked over and looked out. Suddenly, I looked down to see Aunt Gail in a VERY passionate kiss with a beautiful brunette. WTF?????? Is Aunt Gail a lesbo?????? I have to admit, the brunette was really hot, but she was also obviously a woman. I decided to listen in for a bit.

Girlfriend? Submissives???? WTF???? Group sex??? Who is Aunt Gail??? How has she hidden this from everyone???? OHMYGOD!! SHE TALKS TO LINDA????? I haven't heard from her since she came out and was cut off from the family. Damn, she was the one cousin I actually got along with. Wait, what? Playrooms? WTF is a playroom? And why shouldn't I see what is in there? Oh, Aunt Gail. You got some 'splainin to do.

"OK, but you do remember the party at the club tomorrow, right" I heard Kayla ask.

"Crap! I can't go now. I can't take the chance that Robin finds out about the club. Don't ever even mention it when she is around."

"But Gail, you HAVE to be there. You own it, for God's sake. You simply can't not show up. Especially for the Summer Kick-off Party!" Mandy exclaimed.

Aunt Gail owns a club that she doesn't want me to know about? Delicious!

"OK. Kayla, I am giving you an assignment for tomorrow night. I know how much you have been looking forward to this party, but I need you to distract Robin tomorrow night. Take her down to the strip and have fun. Keep her occupied until at least 1:00 in the morning. Don't worry. I'll make it up to you. Just keep her away from the club, or you will be spending an entire weekend in the playroom."

"Yes Mistress."

Mistress????? She just called Aunt Gail Mistress????? Hmmmm. I think I was starting to have an inkling of a plan here to find out exactly what was going on. All I needed to do was to act oblivious until tomorrow. With that, I headed to the shower.

Later Friday Night:

"Sorry, Aunt Gail. I would love to stay here and chat, but all the traveling today wiped me out'" Robin finally said. "I think I should probably get to bed before I pass out here on the couch."

We had gone to a little Mexican restaurant earlier for dinner. That, combined with the margaritas at dinner and wine once we got home, had taken its toll on her. I figured that the alcohol combined with the long day would get her to bed early so I could have some alone time with my Sweetie. Apparently, my diabolical plan was working.

"OK, dear. Sleep well. You have a long day ahead of you tomorrow. I thought that I would take you shopping for some new clothes for your stay, and then Kayla mentioned that perhaps she could take you down to the Strip for a little fun tomorrow night." I replied.

About half an hour later, Mandy and I made our way upstairs as well. Just to be safe, as we walked passed Robin's room, I said, "Goodnight Mandy. I'm pretty tired too. See you in the morning."

"OK. Sleep well, Gail." She responded. We made sure that when we closed our respective doors that Robin would hear two doors.

Minutes later, I just barely heard the door to the room beside me open and close quietly. Then, I saw my door quietly open and close. I had not turned my bedroom light off. Mandy casually strolled over to my bed, shedding her robe along the way. God, she was beautiful. She wasn't naked under her robe though. "I figured that since you owe me for having to put up with this situation for the next three months, I would wear the strap-on first tonight." She informed me with an evil grin.

"Well, since you already have it on, who am I to argue?"

I grabbed her arm and pulled her down onto the bed. I continued with the momentum until she was on her back with me straddling her. "But, I am going to be on top." I said as I leaned forward and kissed her.

Our breasts mashed together as our tongues wrestled with each other. Her hands moved down my back until they were cupping my ass. I hooked my arms under hers and grabbed her shoulders with my hands. My hips were gyrating on hers as the 9-inch cock was rubbing up and down my slit. We held the kiss for several minutes as we were humping each other. Finally, I broke the kiss and sat up.

"Oh God." I moaned as her hands moved to caress my tits. "Fuck me Baby!"

Reaching down, I lined up the fake cock, rose up, and slid it in my soaking cunt. "Oh, Yes! I need this." I whispered.

I leaned back down and kissed her as I began to grind on the dildo. There was a well-placed little nub at the base of the phallus that would come in contact with my clit every time I bottomed out. To say it was driving me crazy would be an understatement. After a few minutes of grinding and kissing, I rose back up perpendicular to her prone form and began riding her hard. My hands found her tits and held them for support.

"You are so beautiful like that." Mandy whispered.

She reached up, grabbed my shoulders, and pulled me back down.

"Ready for a little fun, Darlin'?" She asked.

Suddenly, her arms circled me as she rolled over. Now I was looking up into those beautiful eyes.

"Now that we are lined up, it's time to dump the clutch and race down the strip." She grinned.

Drop the clutch she did. Her tach was already in the red when it happened. Her piston was moving inside of me at maximum revs driving me to the finish.


"OH...OH...OOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH!" I heard from her as we crossed the line together.

We rode the wave of our mutual orgasms locked in each other's arms. After several minutes, we regained our senses.


Although I was tired, and kind of buzzed from all the alcohol Aunt Gail was pushing on me, I was having a hard time falling asleep. Although the bed was comfortable, it usually took me a couple of days to settle into a new place and sleep easily. I was tossing and turning when I heard Mandy and Aunt Gail come upstairs, say goodnight, and go into separate rooms. Feeling that this might not actually be the end of it, I quietly got out of bed and moved over to press my ear to the door. Sure enough, I heard one door quietly open and close, followed seconds later by another door opening and closing. Smiling, I waited about 5- minutes before quietly opening my door and moving down the hall until I was just outside Aunt Gail's bedroom door. The sounds of a pretty hot make-out session were faint, but clear through the door.

"Oh God. Fuck me Baby" was moaned by one of the two occupants of the room. That's when I noticed that my hand had somehow moved inside my panties. Then I realized that this was actually making me wet. As the sounds of their copulation was streaming through the door, I started picturing Mandy and Aunt Gail laying naked, kissing and fondling each other. With one hand playing with my pussy and the other playing with my tits, I listened to the lovemaking taking place on the other side of the door. I heard all the moans, all the gasps, all the pillow talk. When they cried out in orgasm, I was biting the palm of my hand to suppress my cry as I joined them in orgasm. Quickly recovering, I quietly made my way back to my room and silently closed the door.

Saturday evening:

I met Mandy last night after I showered, dressed and came downstairs. She really was beautiful. They explained to me that they had been friends since they met about 25 years ago. Mandy had just relocated to Las Vegas and was staying with Aunt Gail until she got settled in and could find her own place. Yep, I knew better, but I didn't give that away. Aunt Gail had said that she had some financial reports to go over and would be busy most of the evening. Mandy was tired and was just going to relax for the evening. Aunt Gail suggested that Kayla take me down to the Strip and show mw around. She told us to get all dressed up and go out and have fun. She gave us some cash and told Kayla to use her company card for whatever was needed. They would see us in the morning, as they would probably be sleeping by the time we got home. I acted a little reluctant for show. Apparently, Aunt Gail was kind of desperate to get rid of me. She eventually ordered a limousine for the night in order to convince me.

So, here I was with Kayla in the back of the limousine, dressed to the nines, and headed for the strip. I had started to notice that Kayla was actually pretty cute. Now, dressed in her red cocktail dress with stockings and heels, she was really hot. I've never been attracted to women before, but the conversation and sex that I overheard last night started me thinking. Knowing that Kayla was submissive also helped. I have always had a somewhat dominant personality. I always had to be in charge of whatever I was doing. Every time I was with my friends, we always did what I suggested. I kind of had a knack for getting my way. Kayla had poured us both a glass of wine before the car had even gotten out of the driveway. I waited for the right moment. It came as we were on the freeway. We had been engaging in some small talk when Kayla took the last drink from her glass.

"So, Kayla, how long have you been Aunt Gail's submissive sex toy?"



OH SHIT!! DID I HEAR THAT RIGHT???? My last mouthful of wine was now covering the privacy screen of the limo. I couldn't have heard Robin's question correctly.

"I said, how long have you been Aunt Gail's submissive sex toy?"

"I-I-I-I d-d-don't know what you mean." I managed to stutter out.

"Did you realize that you left my window open yesterday evening? I saw -- and heard -- EVERYTHING!"

Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod!! This can't be happening!!


The dear-in-the-headlights look she had was actually rather arousing. "So, what time does the party at the club that I'm not supposed to know about start?"

"No-no-no-no. We can't. You d-d-don't understand. You don't know what Misstr...uuuummmm, Ms. Gail will do to me if you show up there."

"I think we are already well past the façade. You can call her Mistress. In fact, you can start calling me Mistress Robin now."

"Oh Fuck." She said as she reached for her phone.

"Give that to me!" I commanded. "I will hold this for you. Can't have you spoiling the surprise now, can we?" I said as I slipped her phone into my purse.


"Am I unclear?" I asked with an edge to my voice. God, I was enjoying this.

"N-n-no, Mistress Robin." She said looking down. "Y-y-you were very clear."

"Good. So, when are we supposed to be at this party then."

"11:00 Mistress Robin."

"OK. So, we have time to haver a few drinks and dinner on the strip first. During this time, you will tell me all about this club, the playrooms that Aunt Gail has, Aunt Gail's interesting personal life, and anything else I want to know. In the meantime, however, Since I have never experienced it yet, and I suddenly find myself interested, you will get me another glass of that delicious wine before getting on you knees and show me what I've been missing. Any questions?"

"No Mistress Robin." Kayla replied meekly as she refilled my glass and moved to the floor between my legs.

I sipped my wine as she began kissing the inside of my thighs under my dress. Damn, that felt nice. "Hurry up pet. We only have about 15 minutes until we get to the strip now.

Damn, this girl was talented. I've been licked by more than a few guys, some of them were actually kind of good even, but, DAMN! This was a totally different universe. She reached up and pulled my thong completely off. I almost hit the roof when her tongue first took a long swipe from the bottom to the top of my slit. She drew lazy circles around my clit. Her tongue and lips explored every crevice of my pussy. I moved rapidly towards a climax. Suddenly, two fingers were thrust into me, curled forward, and began tapping on a previously undiscover spot as her lips sucked in my clit and her tongue did a tap dance on it.

"OOOOOHHHHHHHHHH FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKKKK!!" I screamed as I crashed over the edge. I swear that I actually levitated as I came. How she managed to keep licking and sucking as I bucked violently, I'll never know.

There I was. My dress above my hips sprawled across the seat with the door open and Kayla sliding out of the car with the driver holding the door open and a smirk on her face. I managed to pull my dress down and crawl out as Kayla handed my thong to the driver. "Hold onto these for her. She may want them back later."

"After I clear the cobwebs out of my brain, I will figure out how to punish you for that little display." I smiled.

"If you need any idea, just ask." Kayla smirked.

So, we went into a club, got a bottle of wine and started talking. Kayla told me the story of Gail, Mandy, and Dave (GTO -- Queen of the Dragstrip), Aunt Elizabeth (GTO -- The Beginning), Her, Danny, and Gail (GTO), the Playroom (GTO -- Office Discipline) and the club. It turns out that the club is a pretty kinky lesbian club that Aunt Gail actually owns secretly. It is very exclusive, catering to high class women, where pretty much anything goes. (Yes, Silkstockingslover, I modeled this after Le Chateau Club, but hopefully with enough differences that you won't sue me.) She had actually gotten the idea from a club in Boston and decided to open one similar in Las Vegas. She knew the former mayor personally, and his wife was actually a secret member (Her husband knew of this), as well as several local and State politicians, that she didn't have to worry about any legal trouble. It was very well run and very strict on propriety. Alcohol was served, but drug use on the premises was absolutely not tolerated. There was an incident a few years earlier where someone tried to set up a little side business in the club. Gail was informed about it very quickly. Banning the former member for life was just a formality, as Gail had used her connections to set up a sting (off property), and the person in question is currently 'enjoying' room and board curtesy of the State. Even legal marijuana is not allowed inside the club. Sexually, almost anything goes -- as long as it is consensual, and no one get injured. While membership is encouraged, non-members can get in with a hefty cover charge. Confidentiality is paramount. No cell phone use is allowed inside the club. While a membership list does exist, it is protected better than the gold at Fort Knox. Having several high-ranking judges as members ensures that any subpoena for the list is quickly and quietly squashed.

Surprisingly, Kayla told me that Aunt Gail is not actually a lesbian. While Mandy is her girlfriend, and they are very close, she also has a boyfriend. Usually they engage in threesomes, but sometimes it is just Gail and Dave, or Mandy and Dave, or Gail and Mandy alone.

We talked more over dinner, then again at another club after dinner. By the time it was time to head over to Aunt Gail's club, I had the full story of Aunt Gail from her summer in Boston when she was 18 to the present. I have to admit, I was pretty aroused by that time. Oh, Kayla had gotten a couple of text messages from Aunt Gail that I wasn't supposed to see. I replied as if it was Kayla sending the messages insuring Aunt Gail that I wasn't the least bit suspicious, and we were having a great time.

I made a phone call to Boston. After a few pointed questions, Elizabeth explained Aunt Gail's summer with her all those years ago. I was intrigued. Once I had explained my current situation, she gave ma a couple of interesting suggestions for dominating a submissive.

We called the limo and headed over to surprise my aunt when we passed a sex shop. I had a sudden inspiration and had the driver pull in. I ran in and made my purchases, then we continued our journey.

"OK, my pet. Panties off." I commanded as the limo stopped in front of the club.

Kayla didn't say anything, just looked back questioning. Finally, she shrugged and pulled off the pink thong she was wearing. Without saying a word, I reached into the bag and pulled out a butt plug and a tube of lube that I had just purchased and handed them to her. She just lowered her head submissively and nodded before lubing herself up and inserting the plug. Next, I pulled out the collar and leash I bought.