Guardian Program Ch. 15

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Sam becomes Robert's property.
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Part 16 of the 41 part series

Updated 05/24/2024
Created 03/05/2024
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Guardian Program Ch 15

A novel by R.C.PeterGabriel, all rights reserved.

I had toured the day's allotment of my assembly and distribution centers, declined several dinner invitations, and arranged for a boutique and jewelry store to close early so that I could start the pampering of my new sub, all by three o'clock. Assuming that she chose to enter that life that is. I wouldn't know until I made it back to the hotel, and my anxiety was mounting, so I asked the driver to hurry.

I entered the suite to find Sam, kneeling in the center of the room, with her eyes downcast. She was nude except for a pair of Brazilian panties. I closed the door and admired the view for several moments.

Sam remained still, waiting, so I walked past her and put down my briefcase. "How long have you been kneeling there?"

"Only a few minutes, Sir," she responded without changing her posture.

"How did you know I was here?"

"I asked the concierge to phone the room the moment you arrived, Sir."

"Does your posture indicate you have chosen which life you would like to live?"

"Yes, Sir. I have chosen."

"And what life would you choose to live?"

"I want to live out my life as your sub, Sir. That is if it would please you."

I was having a hard time not doing a 'happy dance' but managed to remain calm, barely. "Even if I told you to disavow your parents, your brother, your friends, and your job?"

"I would if you told me to Sir," she answered without moving, but her voice seemed to express concern.

"How would you feel, if I asked you to Sam?"

"I would miss them, Sir. I would stop all contact, but I would be upset that I had displeased you so badly that you would punish me in that way."

"Stand up Sam," I ordered, and she climbed to her feet without hesitation. I walked back around to stand in front of her and then told her to look at me.

She started to tremble slightly but looked up and met my eyes. "Why are you afraid?"

"I'm afraid that you'll not allow me to be your sub but equally afraid you will. So I've put my trust in you to decide what is best for us."

I couldn't help but smile, and upon seeing my smile, Sam's face lit up with joy. Before I knew what I was doing, I had her under me on the couch. We must have fallen into that position because my right arm was pinned under her and I couldn't move. Not that I wanted to. Sam started making soft mewling noises as we kissed, which only impassioned me more.

I didn't know how long we kissed but I broke it when I tasted salt. I pulled back and saw that she was crying. "Hey, don't cry," I gently compelled her, and started kissing away the tears.

Since she was holding both sides of my face, she tried to pull my mouth back to hers. I let her for a few moments, then broke the kiss again, only to have her start sobbing.

"Sam, what's wrong? Am I hurting you?" I tried to lift off of her, but our posture made it difficult to raise much.

"Oh no, you're not hurting me," she managed to whisper and tried to pull me back down.

I didn't let her this time. "Sam, talk to me. Tell me what is wrong?"

She took her hands off my face and started to wipe away her tears but it took her a minute or so to compose herself enough to answer. "I'm just happy, that's all," she stated with a smile growing on her face.

I was relieved by her response. "Well if you're going to cry when you're this happy, I guess I'll have to make you slightly less happy."

She half chuckled and sobbed simultaneously, still trying to wipe the last tears from her eyes. "The only way you could make me less happy right now is to reject me."

I raised further giving her enough room to roll out from under me, and told her to let me up. A few awkward moments later, we were standing but still pressed together.

I made her look into my eyes while I held her face. "Samantha Thornton, I swear to you, that I will never reject you. I may make you wait for something you want, or I might have to punish you for something but that isn't rejecting you. Although I do have one last test before I make it official."

She looked almost devastated. "No, please Robert. I renounced my old life. I want you."

"Sam, I told you I will never reject you. The last test isn't for you, it's for us." I informed her with a smile. "But right now, we have an appointment. Go get dressed. The test will be after dinner."

I took her to Rieger & Frei Modehous. The shop was closed and 'Toni' gave me a crooked smile when the owner quickly let us in.

"Herr Smith. Willkommen, willkommen. Treten Sie ein," the owner stated in greeting. "Diese schone Dame muss deine Frau."

"Yes, Herr Rieger, this is my wife Toni. But she doesn't speak Deutsche. Please use only English."

"Certainly, Herr Smith, Certainly," he said with a heavy accent. "We are ready for you. This way please."

An hour and a half later I had picked out four business-appropriate skirt outfits, well one was only barely appropriate. Three slip dresses for dining or clubbing, including one turquoise stretch mini that matched Sam's eyes perfectly. A half-dozen matching bra and panty sets, along with garters, stockings, and shoes for every outfit.

I purposely made her model the dresses with her new thongs to make sure none of them showed panty lines, but mostly to elicit a blush response. I wasn't disappointed.

I had her wear the black stretch out of the store and arranged for the rest to be sent to our hotel.

Next, we walked a short distance up the street to a jewelry store. Sam's eyes widened as I held the door for her. She entered the shop with hesitant steps and looked up at me. "Robert, you've already spent a month's salary on me, I don't need jewelry too."

"Sam, it may have been a month's salary for you, not me. The money is irrelevant. I want to give you things. Toni doesn't let me and Jessie accepts my gifts but never makes any real use of them. Now if you're going to be my sub, you have to stop questioning me."

She looked down, then took my hand and said "Yes, Sir."

But as I started leading her farther into the store, her smile told me how excited she was to be there.

I picked out several pairs of diamond earrings and a diamond choker. Sam was very happy about the choker, as it symbolized her position as a submissive. Then I led her to the ring counter.

Her breath hitched when she looked down at the wedding sets in front of her. It wasn't hard to figure out what she had spotted. Near the center of the case, was a platinum set with a flawless round three-carat blue zircon engagement ring interlocking with a wedding band that held another total carat of flawless white diamonds.

I nodded at the clerk and he briefly attempted to show us another set with larger stones but Sam just shook her head and said, "No, that one," while pointing to the first ring.

I asked the clerk if he had it in a size four. He leaned over to check the ring and smiled, then said he would be right back and disappeared into the back with the ring. A few minutes later he returned with a second ring and put it into the case. It looked exactly like the one Sam wanted but had a ruby instead of the zircon. It was explained that the store's owner designed the rings and that he never allowed duplication. The clerk simply traded out the settings, because the ruby ring had originally been a size four.

I accepted the ring from the clerk and held it under the light. I found the styling ingenious, as the bands locked together without being soldered.

Sam pressed herself against me and whispered. "It's so beautiful."

Smiling, I took her left hand. Which started her chanting in a barely audible whisper, "Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God." She was trembling so badly, that I almost had to press her into the showcase to hold her up.

I slipped the ring onto her finger and watched as the turquoise and white fire lit up her hand. "Will you wear my ring?" I asked.

"Oh, Robert. Yes. Yes, I will. I will never take it off!" she gushed while admiring how it looked on her. Then she threw her arms around my neck and kissed me deeply.

The clerk patiently watched our passion for several minutes, before he began clearing his throat. After several attempts he finally got me to break the kiss. He slid the sales order to me. All total: thirty-six thousand two hundred euros, and worth every single one. "Will that be all?" he asked with a grin on his face.

"Yes, I believe it will," I replied with a chuckle while handing the clerk my Centurion Card. I briefly thought about ancient Rome's equivalent of a knight and the color of the card.

The hotel's limo was waiting for us outside the shop when we emerged. The driver opened the door and we slid in. The whole ride back to the hotel, Sam sat clinging to me with her head on my shoulder and her arm extended admiring the ring.

When we arrived, the concierge asked if we'd be dining right away. I indicated yes, and we were shown to a private dining room on the mezzanine with windows overlooking the Rhein.

Our waiter, who was standing by for our arrival, poured our champagne, and left for only a moment, returning with the appetizer. Raw oysters on the half shell served on a bed of ice.

"Do you like oysters?" I asked.

"One of my favorites, Sir," Sam responded with a twinkle in her eye. "May I please have one?"

"Yes, you may."

Sam brought a shell to her lips and tipped it up. I watched as the muscle slid into her mouth and down her throat. I don't know if the oysters themselves have the aphrodisiac qualities reputed to them, but watching her consume one, certainly had an effect on me. She licked a drop of water from her lip and smiled at me. "Aren't you having any?"

I took a sip of my champagne, then procured a shell. "I was simply enjoying the view," I explained, then took my turn.

Sam took a sip of her champagne and smiled. "I see what you mean, the view is ... breathtaking."

"I believe, Miss Thornton, that lying may bring about punishment. You may wish to consider that the next time you feel the need to partake of one."

"One of the things my research has taught me, Mr. Smith, is that yes, it is very unhealthy for a submissive to lie to her dom. However, my earlier research into the realm of prevarication itself, indicated that for one to lie, one must believe the statement to be false. That being the case, I can clearly deny your accusation, as my opinion of the views, both outside the window," she waved her glass at the panorama beside us, "and the one sitting across from me, are simply breathtaking."

She lifted another oyster to her mouth and slid it down, the whole time gazing into my eyes. Then she bit her lip as if thinking for a moment before her smile went a bit lopsided. "Almost as breathtaking as my new jewelry."

I raised an eyebrow while trying to give her a stern face, but I couldn't manage it. We both laughed at my attempt.

"Seriously Robert, I love it all," she insisted while touching the choker. "The ring most of all. Next to you, it's the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I can't begin to thank you enough."

Our waiter returned to check our glasses and to see when we would be ready for the entrée. I told him to bring them but not to clear the appetizer. Less than a minute later, he returned with fillets, cooked medium, grilled asparagus in butter sauce, and garlic mashed potatoes, along with a spinach side salad with a light raspberry vinaigrette. He refilled our glasses while I cut into my fillet, and indicated everything to be satisfactory.

Sam sat patiently with her hands in her lap, until the waiter left. "May I eat, Sir?"

"Yes, you may." I tasted my fillet while observing her.

She cut a small slice and put it in her mouth. Her eyes closed and her lips gently puckered, as she drew the juice from her meat, then slowly started to chew. Her eyes didn't open again until she had swallowed. When she saw me watching her she blushed slightly.

"I would have sworn that sirloin was my favorite cut, but this is wonderful," she stated as she cut another bite.

I continued to watch her eat, only occasionally taking a bite myself. Finally, I asked. "What does the ring mean to you, Sam?"

She hesitated in her chewing for a heartbeat, then swallowed and set her fork down. After wiping her mouth, she lifted her left hand from her lap and examined the ring for a few moments smiling all the while.

"It means that I belong to you. That I give myself to you completely. All that I am, is yours."

"How does that make you feel?"

Her smile broadened. "I feel comfortable, safe, happy ... completed."

"What do you plan to tell your parents?"

"Well, I would love to tell them that an international jet-setting playboy, mogul, genius, billionaire, spy, and philanthropist, has swept me off my feet and that I have given myself, body and soul to him, solely to gratify his sexual and psychological needs. However, I have doubts as to the positive flavor in which the news would be accepted."

I raised my eyebrow. "You think I'm a playboy?"

"Ah, that's the one you question," she chuckled.

"What do you mean by that?"

"So, you consider yourself a spy?"

"Among other things, I run a very exclusive security firm with internationally known clients and activities, as well as very lucrative contracts with multiple governments. I think my status as a 'spy' is hardly in question.

"Now, why would you consider me a 'Playboy'?"

"I don't Robert, I said I would love to tell them that. I added the 'Playboy' title for the shock factor. I plan on telling them either nothing or whatever you want me to tell them. I told you, that I gave myself to you completely, and I mean that with my whole being."

"Would you like dessert?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Not in particular. I've been thinking about the test you have planned for us, and what might happen if I fail. I know you promised never to reject me, and I trust your word, but not knowing what will happen has me ... concerned."

I nodded, wiped my mouth one last time, and stood, placing two hundred euros on the table. I walked around and pulled out Sam's chair as she stood. The waiter trotted in and asked whether or not everything had been satisfactory.

"Perfection," I assured him, as I took Sam's hand.

We made our way up to the suite without a word spoken. Sam, kept glancing up at me, with an ever-changing expression. Shifting from worried, to contemplation, to anticipation, and back again.

Once in our suit, with the door locked, I turned and instructed her, "Go change your contacts. I want to look at your real eyes."

Sam hurried into the bathroom to fish out her contact case.

I followed at a casual pace. "Look at me." She eagerly looked up at me and started scanning my face. I just stood there and admired her right back.

Suddenly Sam frowned, reached up, and stroked my cheek. "I've been with you for over twenty-four hours, and I know you haven't shaved, but your face is as smooth as baby skin. How do you manage that?"

"I don't like facial hair and was too busy to shave, so I had the hair follicles on my face removed."

I chuckled to myself when Sam looked exasperated and took a step back. "Well, that's cheating. I wish I could just wave a wand and never have to shave again. Do you have any idea how much women would pay for that? I spent four hours getting ready for you today. Shaving, waxing, plucking. Hair is a real pain, I tell..." She stopped mid-sentence. "Um, I didn't mean to complain, Sir." She stood looking down at the floor.

"Don't worry about it, Sam. I'll just spank Julie a little harder when I see her." I pulled her face back up. Her eyes were just a little wide, but her smile grew more, and then she bit her lip trying not to look too eager. "In the bedroom, now," I added.

She moved around me into the bedroom and stood in the space between the bed and the seating area. I turned up the heat on the hot tub so it would be ready when we were, and followed her to the bedroom.

"How old is the most recent photo you have of me naked?" I asked.

"About four and a half or five years, maybe a little older."

"You didn't look at me last night, did you?"

"No, Sir."

I told her to undress me. She nodded, and walked behind me, then reached up to pull my suit jacket from my shoulders. I held my arms back slightly to allow the coat to slide down my arms. She hung up my coat before coming to stand in front of me.

Again reaching up she expertly untied my tie and hung it with my other ties. "Where did you learn about ties," I asked.

"My mother," she responded while undoing my belt, before untucking my shirt.

"She insisted I learn how to tie one," she stated while starting to unbutton my shirt.

"My father never could tie his, and she assumed that whoever I married would have the s ... Wow." Her sentence died on her lips. I had to smile as she lightly reached out and touched my exposed stomach.

"You've been working out!" After almost a minute of staring and running her fingers over my abs, she shook her head, as if coming back into herself. She then placed both hands on my lower ribs, sliding them up over my pecks and across my shoulders causing my shirt to slide off my arms and pool on the floor.

"Oh, Robert." Her focus had shifted from my chest to my right side. Her fingers traced the thin five-inch scar that covered my eighth rib. Leaning forward she kissed along its length, then picked up my shirt and hung it up.

Next, she removed my shoes and socks and put them away.

When she returned to undressing me. Her hands slid along my waist, removing my belt but instead of putting it away in the closet, she placed it on the foot of the bed.

Returning, she unfastened my slacks and lowered my zipper. I was already hard, making it difficult for her to pull it down.

As she was lowering my slacks for me to step out of, I asked. "Why did you lay the belt on the bed instead of putting it away like the rest?"

"I'm sorry Sir, I assumed the test you spoke of involved my spanking. You know, to see if I could handle it and to see if you could keep from hurting me too badly. I only wanted to show you that you could do whatever you wish to me."

"No, Sam. I know you've seen photos, even videos of me erect. Having interviewed most or all of my exes, I'm sure you realize, very few enjoyed being with me because of my size."

Sam had started blushing since I used the word erect, and I was beginning to worry she would pass out soon. Her face was as red as I had ever seen it and getting redder.

"The test was to see if we were sexually compatible. I don't want to hurt you during Penetration."

Her hands shot to her face, as she attempted to cover her blush. She spoke into her palms but this time I could make out what she said. "If that was the test... Then we've already passed it."

"Sam, if we had made love I would have remembered. What do you mean we've already passed it?"

Her hands slowly lowered, but she continued to blush just as hard. "Do you remember Jill?"

"Of course. Very good in bed, but way too aggressive for me. She wanted to dominate me, and even though I tried to please her I just didn't swing that way."

"Um... Well, do you remember when she made a latex copy of your penis?"

"Yes," I replied stretching out the word as my mind tried to grasp what she was telling me.

"Well, she's been selling copies of it online for forty-nine ninety-nine, and I bought one almost three years ago."

I took hold of her chin and forced her to look up at me. She continued to blush but met my eyes. "Are you telling me, that you've been having sex with me for almost three years?"

"Yes, Sir."

"And, did I hurt you?"

"Oh, yes Sir! Most exquisitely!" she admitted, as her blush faded and her smile grew.