Guest Satisfaction Ch. 03

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A mature woman fully submits to her desire for a young cock.
10.6k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 08/26/2023
Created 05/26/2023
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Author's Note - Hello everyone! This chapter concludes my original story arc for Victoria. It was extremely fun writing this series and I hope everyone enjoys the conclusion! As always, I don't want to say I will never return to this series, but I'm pleased with how I ended it. Enjoy!


"Let's! Go! Wheaton! Woo!" I heard a group of cheerleaders scream from the sidelines of a basketball court.

The basketball game was more thrilling and intense than I thought it would be. When Ryan invited me to watch his match, I was a little hesitant to go since I didn't care or know much about sports. Now that I was here though, I was heavily engrossed and excited. Then again, a large part of my exhilaration was simply watching my lover move around the court. He was fast, strong, and apparently very good. Even though I was high in the stands, seeing his sleeveless arms flex aroused me more than I thought they would.

I wasn't sure if he would see me in the stands with so many other people here watching, but I made sure to dress to impress if he did. However, this was a public event, which meant I couldn't dress too provocatively. Even so, my outfit and petite, athletic body definitely drew some glances and stares from the men in the stands.

My top was a short sleeve shirt that tightly clung to my body and had a deep v-neck that showed a fair amount of my large, perky, D-cup breasts. I paired it with some denim shorts that clung to my curves and just barely covered my large, toned ass, showing off the smooth skin of my legs. It was kind of chilly wearing something like this out, but I hoped the reward of Ryan's lustful gaze would be worth it.

After every timeout or pause in the game, I eagerly looked to see if he would notice me, but he seemed to be fully concentrated on the game. I was a little disappointed, but I guess I could understand that his focus was elsewhere at the moment. Even so, I desperately wanted to watch his eyes stare at me and for him to flash that charming smirk of his. I felt like a love-sick teenager again, but I didn't care.

Eventually, the game reached halftime and I was surprised by how quickly time flew by. The players left the court and the cheerleaders took over. I didn't really care about their performance, but I couldn't help but watch them and wonder which one of them might have a crush on Ryan. Part of me wondered how many of them he might have fucked too, which caused me to get surprisingly jealous.

Halftime was now almost over and when the players started to return to the court, I anxiously searched for my lover. I was disheartened when I didn't see him and wondered where he was. Suddenly, I heard a commotion below me over by the stairs. When I looked over I saw a player in a jersey trying to move up the stands as quickly as he could. Oh my god, was that Ryan? As he got closer to me, I stood up and felt my heart begin to pound in my chest. Did he actually notice me after all?

"Victoria!" I heard him say loudly once he got closer to me.

"Hi, I can't beli--" I started to say but was cut off when he kissed me after rushing over to me.

His lips tasted so wonderful and it felt like fireworks were going off in my brain. His arms wrapped around my body, pulling me into him and I reached my arms up to wrap around his neck. For a moment, I completely forgot where I was. My entire world seemed to shrink to just me and him, and our passionate kiss.

When our kiss finally broke, he leaned his head back and said, "I'm so happy you came! I've been dying to kiss you since I saw you up here when the game first started."

"You noticed me that early? Really?" I said surprised.

"Of course!" he said brightly but then leaned forward and softly whispered to me, "How could I not notice the sexiest girl in the arena?"

His comment made me blush and I was sure I started to turn red. I don't know what was so special about him, but his compliments about me always caught me so off-guard. I knew that I should say something sweet back to him, but the more that I looked at him, the more my mind became completely blank, and I got lost staring into his eyes.

"I gotta get back, but I'll see you after the game, ok?" he said brightly.

I nodded and was able to make out an enthusiastic, "Okay!"

He flashed me that irresistible charming smile of his that I so desperately wanted to see and I swore I felt butterflies in my stomach. Our arms fell away from each other and he started to briskly descend the stands back onto the court. I was so overwhelmed with emotions that I honestly felt a little dizzy and had to sit back down to steady myself.

After I calmed down a bit, I couldn't help but overhear some whispers and soft-spoken comments about what just happened from the other attendees. I was ready to glare and yell at them, but was surprised that the comments were all positive. Most mentioned how sweet it was for him to quickly see his girlfriend or was about how attractive he looked. The one I appreciated the most was about how we looked like a really cute couple. No one seemed to notice how much older I was, and I smiled to myself that a mature woman like me could pass as someone in their 20's.

The game started again and just like the first half, the second half flew by. The Wheaton team was in the lead the entire half and it was no surprise that they won when the final buzzer sounded. Many in the crowd stood up and cheered for their win, and of course, I was one of them. After some minor team celebrations, they walked off the court and were probably headed to the locker rooms. Many in the stands started to leave, but I stayed put wondering if Ryan was going to come see me again.

A few minutes later, I heard my phone chime and I saw it was a text message from him that said, 'Hey babe, the coaches are going to review the game with us and are then going to take us out to celebrate, so I don't think I'll be able to see you for a hot second.'

I was extremely disappointed, but I knew he had to spend time with his team and replied, 'It's alright! I'm not working today, so just let me know when you're free.'

I put on my jacket, grabbed my purse, and started to walk down the stands with a heavy sigh. I had no idea what I was going to do to kill time until he was free. Going home felt so boring and it bothered me how empty and alone it felt.

When I almost reached the exit to the arena, I heard my phone chime again and read another text from him that said, 'Actually, some of the team and the cheerleaders are thinking of having a pool party later tonight at the hotel. Do you wanna go?'

I stopped walking and a smile appeared on my face while I quickly typed back, 'Yeah! I'd love to!'

'Great! I'll text you the time later. Can't wait to see you and that sexy body of yours again.'

His last text made me blush again and my body felt light and full of energy. Walking out of the arena, I couldn't have been more excited for later tonight. The thought of seeing him topless in only swim trunks sent a shiver down my spine. I couldn't stop thinking about how that hot, muscular body of his would look like in a pool. God, I was so hopelessly addicted to him.

I drove home in a great mood and was restless waiting for later tonight. However, a few hours later, it finally hit me that I needed a swimsuit for tonight. Not just any swimsuit, but something sexy enough to wear for Ryan. Shit, do I even own anything like that? Getting off the couch, I walked upstairs to my bedroom and immediately went to my closet. I pulled out the two swimsuits that I knew I owned and when I held them up to look at them, I was crestfallen. Goddammit.

I was sure the swimsuits would still fit me, and while flattering, I knew they were not sexy enough at all. They were both one-pieces that not only covered my entire ass but hid most of my large breasts as well. I could only imagine the disappointment on his face if he saw me walk in wearing something like this. I looked over at the clock and thought that I should have enough time to go to the mall and buy a new swimsuit.

Tossing my old swimsuits on the bed, I quickly left my bedroom to grab my coat, keys, and purse. A few minutes later, I was out the door and in my car. Fortunately, the mall wasn't too far away and it wasn't long before I pulled into the parking lot. I walked into my favorite department store and immediately headed for the swim section.

I thought I would easily be able to pick out a few different pieces to try on, but I was dismayed at how plain everything looked. Some of the pieces were cute, but none of them seemed sexy enough. I couldn't believe I wasn't able to find what I was looking for here. This was my favorite store where I bought most of my clothes. Did he change my tastes so much that everything here now looked so frumpy?

Frustrated, I left the store and decided to head further into the mall. I should be able to find a specialty swim store that would hopefully have some sexier options. After walking around almost the entire mall, I finally found one of those stores and walked in. Oh wow. Yes, this was much more what I was looking for. Their selection was surprisingly wide and I could immediately eye a few pieces that were much sexier, but probably geared to younger girls. I didn't mind since I knew I had the body of someone almost half my age anyways.

Browsing the selection, I tried to find something that was sexy, but not too revealing. I was instantly drawn to some of the skimpier bikinis, but I had to remind myself that this was for a pool party and not something I was only wearing for Ryan in a hot tub. I figured most of the girls there would wear something slightly more modest and I didn't want to stick out like a slut or something.

I picked out a few different outfits and brought them to the changing room to try on. I was extremely picky, so I quickly said no to many of them, even though they looked very flattering on my thin, athletic body. Putting on one of my last options, I found myself admiring how I looked. Yes, this one would be perfect.

It was a two-piece swimsuit, and the top looked very much like a spaghetti strap tank top that was super cropped with a plunging deep-v neckline that showed an enticing amount of my breasts. My arms and shoulders were bare except for two thin strings holding the top up, and it was so short that the material only went a few inches below my breasts, showing off most of my toned, flat stomach. As for the bikini bottoms, they were modest but still left half of my large, toned ass bare.

Not only did I think I would fit in with what the other girls would be wearing, I could already imagine the lustful stare that Ryan would give me when he saw me in this. Feeling confident, I took off the suit, switched back to my normal clothes, and left the changing room to purchase it.

Once I was walking out of the store with my shopping bag, I heard my phone chime and saw a text from Ryan. He mentioned that everyone was going to meet up at 9pm, and when I checked the time I was shocked at how late it was already! Shit, I always lost track of time when I went out shopping. I'd have to leave now if I wanted to get to the hotel on time.

Briskly walking through the mall, I exited and headed to my car, tossing the shopping bag on the passenger seat. The entire drive to the hotel I was mentally kicking myself for not keeping a closer eye on the time. It wasn't like there was anything wrong with being late, but I was desperately looking forward to seeing Ryan again. On top of that, I didn't trust that the cheerleaders hanging out with him would leave him alone. The thought of one of those tramps flirting with him in the pool made me grip the steering wheel until my knuckles turned white.

Finally pulling into the hotel's parking lot, I grabbed the bag and briskly walked to the entrance. The moment I saw the front desk, I already knew what my excuse would be if they asked why I was here on my day off. One of the perks of working at the hotel was that I had access to the on-site amenities, such as using the pool. I don't think anyone would raise an eyebrow if I just said I was going to use the pool to do some exercise.

"Oh, Ms. Chan, hello!" one of my friendly front desk staff said when I passed by.

I smiled at her and figured I would keep walking forward to avoid any awkward conversation, but I heard her call out again, "Wait, Ms. Chan, I have something for you."

Quietly sighing to myself, I stopped and turned to walk over to the front desk and politely said, "What is it?"

"One of our guests recently dropped this off and said to give it to you when you came in. I figured I would just wait until after the weekend, but since you're here..." she said and trailed off while she held the bag up.

Since I was already running late, I grabbed it figuring I would look at it later, and said, "Thanks! I'm going to the pool to get some exercise in."

"Oh, ok! Just a heads up though, a bunch of the college kids are hanging out in the pool right now."

"That shouldn't be a problem, but I appreciate the mention."

"Have a good workout, Ms. Chan!"

I was hoping that I would have a good workout tonight, but not the kind she was thinking of. Now holding two shopping bags, I walked through the lobby and down a few different hallways to get to the pool. The closer I got, the faster my heart started to beat and the more excited I became.

Arriving at the door to the pool area, I opened it and stepped inside and was surprised that there weren't as many people here as I thought there would be. Was I not as late as I thought I was? There seemed to be about 6 guys and only 5 girls hanging around the pool. Of course, I immediately noticed Ryan while he splashed one of his friends. I felt a little awkward being here around so many younger college kids, but at least I looked young enough that most thought I was a grad student.

Walking a little further into the pool area, I saw Ryan's head turn and immediately smile at me. That smirk of his caused my heart to start pounding in my chest and I saw him swim over to the edge of the pool. Brushing some of my long black hair behind my ear, I took a few extra steps to stand near the pool edge. Watching his muscular body glide through the water was breathtaking and I started to absentmindedly bite my lip while I stared.

Once he got to the edge, he wiped some water off his face, rested his arms on the ledge, and said, "Hey baby girl!"

Hearing him use that term of endearment made me immediately blush, but I stammered out a response, "Hi...umm, sorry for being a little late."

"Nah, that's cool. A lot of the guys and girls bailed since they were tired, but there's enough of us here to have some fun. Here, let me introduce you to everyone. Hey everyone! Meet Victoria!" he yelled out.

I saw everyone pause what they were doing to turn to and look at me while giving me some friendly waves. I waved back and softly said hello to everyone and even recognized a few of them from the club the other day. I was so happy that everyone seemed so friendly and welcoming. He started to share everyone's names, but it was hard to remember them all. When he got to the girls, several of them came closer and my eyes widened when I saw them. Oh my god.

I thought that since this was a pool party in a public space, the girls would be wearing swimsuits that were a little more modest, but I was so very wrong. Their suits were so sexy and incredibly revealing. Every single one of them was wearing some sort of bikini and their fit bodies were on full display. There was a large variety of different bust sizes amongst them, but no matter the size, each one was showing a tantalizing amount of their boobs.

I was totally surprised, but I was a little bit older and from a different generation. It seemed like it was normal to wear a swimsuit so revealing. Once I got over the initial shock, I started to panic. Oh no, shit! My swimsuit was way more modest compared to theirs! I would look like an old adult in comparison if I wore what I bought. I started to imagine the disappointment that his face might give me. Worse, I also imagined him staring at these other girls instead of me. Damn, what could I even do at this point?

"Ok, I think that's everyone! Do you want to go to the locker room and change? Uhh...Victoria?" I heard Ryan say while I was lost in my own thoughts.

"Oh, yes, I'll...I'll go do that now. See you in umm...see you in a bit!" I awkwardly responded.

Turning away from him, I quickly walked to the locker room while desperately trying to think of any options I had. Approaching an empty locker, my mind was going into overdrive. Should I make up some kind of excuse and say that I'll be back later? Wait, most stores aren't open this late. Maybe I could go home and see if my daughter left a bikini at home in her old room? I was going crazy trying to think of different options.

Once I opened the locker, I tossed both shopping bags inside out of frustration. The bag that I received at the front desk fell on its side and I saw what appeared to be a swimsuit partially fall out of it. Wondering if my eyes were playing tricks on me, I reached out to grab the bag and pulled it out. Holy shit, it was a bikini! What the hell? Did Ryan buy me this earlier today and dropped it off at the front desk? I was stunned. When did he have time to do this? It looked sexy and after checking the tag, it appeared to be the right size too. I had to at least try it on.

Stripping off my clothes and underwear, I grabbed the bikini bottom. It looked like a g-string thong with side strings that needed to be tied at my hips. Once finishing the knots, I grabbed the top and was surprised at how little material it seemed to have. Putting it on, I tied the thin strings behind my neck and then behind my back. Once done, I looked around to find a wall mirror. Finding one, I walked over to it and when I saw my reflection, my jaw practically hit the floor. I looked so sexy.

Almost too fucking sexy. The triangles of the bikini top were so small and narrow that half of my breasts were completely bare! The rest of the top was connected by thin strings that did nothing to hide the rest of my upper body. Lowering my eyes, I saw how my lower body was just as exposed.

The bikini thong covered my bald pussy and not much else. I turned around to see how my ass looked and my eyes bulged even wider. My round, tight ass was practically naked. The back of the thong was a thin string that disappeared between my ass cheeks and only a small triangle of material was visible right above my ass. This wasn't quite a micro-bikini, but it was still incredibly revealing. I couldn't believe Ryan picked something like this out for me!

As shocked as I was, I was surprised at how confident I felt in it. My body was in amazing shape so I had no concerns with showing off my flat, toned stomach and athletic legs. Not only that, but my breasts were still perky even at my age, and my ass was incredibly firm and perfectly round. I had no doubt that I'd be the sexiest-looking girl at the pool and I could only imagine the fiery passion in Ryan's eyes when he saw me in this.

Smiling and blushing slightly to myself, I walked back to my locker and shoved everything inside before closing it. Feeling my heart pounding in my chest already, I adjusted the side-tied strings of my bikini thong and pulled them high over my hip. Taking a deep breath in an attempt to calm myself, I walked out of the locker room.

Once I stepped out into the pool area, it wasn't long until everyone's heads turned to stare at me. Everyone, including the girls, looked both shocked and impressed. The boys seemed to quickly recover and started to make some loud compliments about how good I looked. Their words and noises made me smile and blush as I looked away and brushed some of my black hair back behind my ear. As much as I appreciated the compliments from the other guys, I only cared about Ryan's reaction.