Guinea Pig

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Volunteers are exposed to a new chemical weapon.
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"I'm sure you're aware of the attack last year at Moynihan," the dark haired man who's name tag declared him to be Dr Alcorn said while picking up a remote and turning on the flatscreen TV mounted to the wall.

"Yea," Amelia replied and looked up to see what was obviously CCTV footage of dozens of people strolling through a train station with bright daylight streaming in through a glass ceiling.

It was an image she had seen plastered all over the news, the open atrium with the vaulted support beams and blue Moynihan Train Hall sign. The people looked completely normal, the hustle and bustle of commuters focused on their own morning routines with very little attention to spare to anyone around them. Amelia picked out one man sitting on a three legged stool next to one of the triangular pillars with a 13/14 printed at the peak. A glass partition separated him from the escalator going down, a violin case open on the ground in front of him. Amelia watched him intently while he played to all the indifferent people passing by.

"I... I don't understand," Amelia said after a moment and swiped her fingers through her bangs dyed a bright green this week, "How does this have..."

"Just a moment and I hope it will start to make since," Dr Alcorn cut in.

"We already know that the attacks are delivered through an aerosol, and we know... well, what they do," he continued.

Amelia couldn't take her eyes away from the recorded footage playing out on the TV, people walking along completely oblivious to what was about to happen.

"I'm sure you've already heard that there is little lasting physical harm done by these attacks, a few people have had heart attacks, a few broken bones and contusions, even some incidents of STD transmission," Dr Alcorn said while consulting a clipboard in his hand, "The true harm tends to be psychological and emotional as well as the secondary hand harm that has been inflicted on people's personal relationships."

"But I heard that nearly sixty women were killed in the attack in.... ummm, I think it was called Jedi Station... like in Star Wars?" Amelia said while still watching the TV.

"Ahh, Jeddah, yes," Dr Alcorn said with a nod, "But the attack itself didn't cause those deaths, but the... the aftermath afterwards."

"You mean they were beaten to death for doing nothing wrong?" Amelia said with a hint of anger.

"Well, um, what we are trying to learn more about is the mental state and physiological effects that happen just before and during an attack," the doctor said by way of changing the subject.

Amelia caught a hint of something happening on the TV screen, but it took her a moment to realize what it was. People were suddenly stopping in their tracks, the motion seeming to spread like a ripple across a pond from the right hand of the screen to the left until all the movement had come to a stop. Amelia picked out the violin player again, his bow frozen in midair while still held up against the strings of his instrument. Amelia tried to hide a shiver at the thought of that hall being full of mannequins and not real human beings.

"We've never released this part of the footage to the general public for obvious reasons," the doctor said while watching the TV, "We have over a hundred volunteers including you for a blind study of human sexuality, fifty men and fifty women. You've all been screened for STD's, all signed wavers for a sexual behavior study and have had medical transducers attached."

Amelia reached up unconsciously to rub at the small round skin toned patch that had been attached to the back of her neck. The patch was sealed in place with some sort of glue so that there wasn't even a seam for her fingernails to catch at and there were similar patches attached to her stomach and inner thigh.

"The transducers will be monitoring blood pressure, heart rate, skin temperature, sweat response as well as physiological indications of arousal such as vaginal secretions for women and erections for men," Dr Alcorn continued, "The only difference is that you and five others will have foreknowledge of what is about to happen."

Amelia was watching the TV as a second ripple swept across the floor of the station. Starting on the right and quickly spreading to the left people began to rub their arms, faces and chests before suddenly beginning to strip. Clothes were ripped off and tossed about while people continued to rub at their exposed skin. Amelia's eyes widened when people suddenly began to pair off and in some cases with multiple men surrounding and then coupling with a single woman. She tried to find her violin player in the mass of skin toned flesh but was only able to find his overturned stool next to a forgotten violin case.

"I still don't understand," Amelia said breathlessly while watching the mass of humans writing on the floor of the train station, "I know about the King's Cross and Romini Termini attacks, but how do you know where the next one will be for us to get... exposed?"

"The 'next one' as you say will be right here," the doctor continued, "We've been able to get samples of and duplicate the chemical compound in the aerosol that was used and as soon as we brief you and the other participants that are to be forewarned you'll be taken down to an auditorium where the experiment will begin."

"Do you mean I'm going to be exposed to the 'Make Love, Not War' drug?" Amelia asked in shock.

In the days before each attack there had been hundreds, maybe even thousands of flyers scattered around each of the cities that had been hit. Bright yellow slips of paper printed with 'Make Love, Not War' on one side with a list of demands on the opposite ranging from getting rid of all nuclear weapons, disarming all soldiers the world over to even the forced reeducation of all men to curb their violent patriarchal tendencies.

"Exactly," Dr Alcorn replied with a smile, "We want a control group, a limited number of individuals who can monitor their mental state before as well as during the exposure and then report back to us in detail.

"If you're still willing to participate then all we ask is that you pay particular attention to what you are thinking, what you are feeling and to tell us in detail what those thoughts and feelings were after the experiment."

Amelia could feel the palms of her hands sweating and looked up at the TV screen and all the different couples that were still... well, not making love, what those people were doing was too primal, to animalistic to be anything other than fucking.

Amelia found that she was panting while watching all of those naked bodies. She had always had a fantasy about having multiple lovers at once, but this?

"I don't know," Amelia said hesitantly, "I don't know if I can do... that."

"If you decide to proceed I'm positive you wont have any issues at all 'doing that'," Dr Alcorn replied, "There hasn't been a single individual past puberty who was able to resist the effects of the drug in the moment."

"I don't know," Amelia said again, her heart racing while she continued to stare at the TV.

"I'm sorry, but I need you to decide now so that if it is a no we can bring up one of the alternatives and get them briefed in," the doctor said and began to flip rapidly through the pages on his clipboard.

Amelia couldn't take her eyes off the TV. She found one group of five people close to one of railing to the escalators, four men and a single woman. From what Amelia could tell the woman was riding on top of one man, a second man taking her from behind while she gave head to yet a third. What drew her eye was the fact that the fourth man denied an available hole with the woman was taking the man on top of her from behind.

Amelia watched the amalgamation of arms, legs and torsos and wondered if the woman had ever had DP before that moment.

Amelia licked her lips while wondering if the woman was getting to experience DVP.

"I... I'll do it," Amelia finally said breathlessly.

"Perfect!" Dr Alcorn beamed and flipped back to the first page to begin scribbling notes, "I'll have you escorted down to the auditorium immediately.

"But please, the purpose of telling you what is about to happen is that we need you to pay particular attention to what you are thinking and experiencing before the release of the drug as well as during the actual exposure!

"Only you and a handful of others will know, so don't let slip to anyone else by word or deed what is about to happen."

Amelia gave a jerky nod while she tried to stand only to fall back onto the chair she had been sitting in. An attendant quickly stepped forward to offer a helping hand in standing up.

"Jake here will now take you down stairs to the auditorium," Dr Alcorn said and without another word turned away.

"If you'll follow me," a waiting attendant said while still helping Amelia to stand on her rather shaky legs.

Amelia nodded, her head spinning as the attendant led her out and then down a flight of stairs.

"Do I... do I need to change?" Amelia asked nervously with a glance down at the blue jeans, button up blouse and flip flops she had thrown on this morning.

"I don't think it will matter much what you're wearing," the attendant replied sympathetically, "And we'll be providing sweatpants and pullovers for everyone for... after."

"Oh..." Amelia replied while remembering how everyone's clothes had been scattered randomly around the floor of the train station after having in many cases been literally torn and ripped off by the former owners.

"Will it... will it hurt?" Amelia asked hesitantly.

"For some reason I very much doubt that it hurts," the attendant said with a smile, "Here we are.

"Please remember, try to pay attention to what you are thinking and feeling and don't tell anyone what's about to happen."

"Yes... yea... Ok," Amelia stammered.

The attendant smiled and opened a pair of double doors for Amelia who stepped through into a large conference hall. The chairs had been removed so that the room was crowded with people standing and walking around.

"And... enjoy," the attendant said with a grin as he closed the doors behind her.

Amelia jumped at the sound of the door closing and looked around in a near panic. She remembered that the doctor had said that there were one hundred people in the experiment, but the room didn't seem nearly large enough for half that. People were milling about and talking together in small groups while Amelia glanced from face to face wondering who else in the crowd knew what was about to happen.

"Hi," a tall blond man in his mid twenties said cheerfully when Amelia made eye contact with him, "Pretty weird having this many volunteers at the same time, right.

"What do you think the mad scientists are planning to do with all of us?"

"Oh, ah... no idea," Amelia stammered and then turned to hurry off into the crowd.

After loosing herself in the crowd she glanced down at the floor which had a soft, spongy feel with every step.

"They padded it!" Amelia said with a nervous giggle while staring at the tumbling mats that had been placed edge to edge to cover the entire floor.

Amelia remembered what Dr Alcorn and the attendant had said, that they wanted her to really pay attention to what she was feeling. She came to a stop in an eddy of people and took a deep breath before looking around once more.

She could already feel her body responding in anticipation, could feel her hard nipples pressed against the fabric of her top, could feel the uncomfortable wet tackiness of her panties and had to bite her lip to stifle a soft moan. A dozen men and women milled around her all within arms reach, a mix of young and old as well as a range of ethnicities and skin tones.

"How long do you think we have to wait here until they call for us?" a petite, thin woman with long raven black hair asked when the ebb and flow of the crowd brought her close to Amelia.

"What?" Amelia asked in surprise.

"I was just wondering how long this is going to take," the woman replied, "I have to go to work at five and wanted to run some errands beforehand, if they call each of us one at a time for whatever they're planning it's going to take forever!"

"Oh... ah... I don't think it will take that long," Amelia replied while remembering the train station and the invisible wave that had frozen everyone in their tracks.

"I really hope not," the raven haired woman said with a shake of her head, "I wouldn't have volunteered no mater how much money they were offering if I knew it was going to take a...."

The woman's voice trailed off in mid sentence as her eyes grew wide in astonishment. Amelia could certainly understand since the arousal she had been feeling from the moment she had stepped into the room had suddenly turned into a burning heat concentrated on her areolas and vulva. Every part of her body seemed suddenly warm and even her eyes felt hot inside her head. Amelia was barely aware of the fact that the soft murmur of conversation that had filled the room had suddenly stopped or that everyone around her was standing perfectly still while staring off into nothing with amazed expressions on their faces.

Amelia swallowed and managed to raise her head to stare up at the ceiling while wondering where exactly the magical mist had been sprayed into the room. The burning pleasure only built while Amelia panted and tried to remember what she was feeling, the heat spreading and radiating out until even the soft touch of cloth against her skin was an unbearable fiery brand against her flesh.

Without even consciously thinking Amelia suddenly realized that she was struggling to unbutton her shirt after already having kicked off her sandals and shoved off her jeans and panties to be forgotten on the floor. Finally with an animal grunt she simply ripped the shirt open to send buttons flying in every direction before tossing the ripped fabric aside quickly followed by her sports bra.

Amelia felt a burning brand against her back and spun to shrug away from the touch only to find a man reaching out to grab her by the arm.

Every part of Amelia seemed to be on fire, screaming for her attention from her toes and feet, the palms of her hands and fingers all the way to her scalp, but one thing centered between her thighs burned hotter and brighter than all others.

Amelia suddenly found herself on her back laying on the padded floor with the man who had grabbed her on top of her. She wasn't sure if she had stumbled and fallen backwards, had been shoved bodily down, or had pulled the man down on top of her when she had collapsed and never for a second thought to even care.

There was no foreplay, no hesitation as she spread her legs and the unnamed man climbed on top of her body to thrust into her, only the fiery burning pleasure of her vulva being stretched open, of the burning brand of his dick slipping deep into her. Amelia screamed without knowing, the burning pleasure only seeming to intensify with every instant the man's length moved inside of her.

Screams and cries filled the conference hall and Amelia found herself lost in the animalistic sounds of pleasure while adding her own to the cacophony, her body being rocked forward inches at a time with every thrust of the man on top of her. Screams, grunts, and the wet slapping of willing flesh against flesh filled her ears with her own only adding to the den.

Suddenly Amelia could see a pair of balls covered in dark hair swinging madly back and forth a foot or two over her forehead as the thrusting, jerky motion of being pushed across the floor brought her between the legs of a man. Her eyes were drawn up to the vision of his length penetrating a woman from behind, long clear drops of liquid dangling from the woman's parted lips before splattering across the man's thighs.

Amelia reached up to grab the man's legs and pull herself farther beneath him until she could feel those clear drops splashing across her forehead, nose and cheeks every time he thrust into the woman's body.

While still panting with her own legs wrapped tightly around her own lover thrusting into her Amelia pulled herself up to lick at the woman's large, wet labia wile the man's balls slapped her beneath the chin time after time.

The musky flavor was the sweetest of ambrosia on Amelia's tongue, her arms shaking to hold her head up to lap at the man's wet shaft as well as the pink ring of the woman's vulva stretched tightly around his girth.

Suddenly Amelia cried out as the man's length thrusting into her was jerked away, the burning void between her legs crying out to be filled. Hands grabbed her roughly by the waist and ankles while Amelia struggled to hold on, to keep her face pressed against the woman and man making love above her until finally she was dragged backwards away from the two lovers she had been devouring.

The moment she was free of the entangling legs she glared up in a rage to try and see the culprit who had separated her only to find three men struggling and fighting above her. Without a word one man shoved a second and then reached down to pull Amelia towards him only to overbalance and fall backwards. Even as he fell he still held onto Amelia's wrists so that she was pulled towards him, the motion pulling her forward and onto him as he fell back on the floor. In seconds Amelia straddled him and forced his hard length inside of her as another man seized her head before roughly shoving his dick down her throat. Both men were thrusting furiously while Amelia could only gag and gasp for breath before she felt another hard phallus pressing against her anus.

If she had been mentally aware of what was happening it would have been too much, the mad, frenetic thrusting of two men with a third trying to penetrate her ass, but the only thing that mattered was the intense fiery burning pleasure still radiating out from her vulva and areolas to burn like liquid fire through her entire body.

There was a moment of pressure as the second man behind her tried to press his way into her ass then a moment of respite before the man found his way just a little lower than her puckered asshole and pushed into her already filled pussy. Amelia could only choke around the dick thrusting into her mouth, her saliva running freely down her chin while she suddenly had two men fucking her stretched pussy.

Minutes passed until the man in her mouth pulled out moments before she felt warm, thick cum splash across her eyes, open mouth and nose and she didn't care. A second man took his place to fuck her mouth and then a third with each adding his own contribution to the cum matting her hair and dripping and dripping from her face and she didn't care. She felt the warmth of cum running down her inner thighs and ass cheeks where as soon as one man would finish taking her from behind another would take his place, and she didn't care.

Positions changed while men moved and threw her about like a rag doll so that she was on her back in missionary, laying on top of a man sucking his dick while he devoured her pussy and yet another fucked her at the same time, even being held up with her back pressed against a wall and her legs wrapped around a man's waist until she again found herself on her hands and knees while someone took her from behind.

Slowly in flashes of realization of what was happening Amelia became aware of the cum dripping from her hair, coating her breasts and stomach, running off her back and even covering her arms and legs. The burning pleasure still there but with now with an awareness of what was occurring, of knowing... of remembering who she was.

As she was rocked forward by the man's thrusts from behind she was able to look around the room and recognize what she was seeing. Many of the men and even some of the women were simply collapsed on the ground in exhaustion, but there were at least a dozen couples still passionately engaged in every conceivable position.