Gulf Coast Condo


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"Thank you. And here CUMS Herbert with your oysters!"

We ate like drovers, which we usually do on game-days. There's obviously a connection between our culinary and carnal appetites. Herbert kept a close eye on us, or rather Jennifer! All she had to do was glance in his direction and he was there with the water pitcher, and another cocktail.

I am used to this with waiters. I never have to chase them down if they are males. Jen always flirts with them and she always gets the royal treatment and attentive service. Jenny oou-ed & ah-ed over each course, and, of course, 'forced' Herbert to share one of her clams, which she hand-fed him with her used fork. He liked it!

As Herbert retreated with our last dishes, Jennifer says, "Here's the plan. I'm going to the ladies room for my tête-à-tête with Herbert. You hold the fort here and I'll tell you all about it when I get back."

She wraps the Venice 'little cover' around her shoulders and walks away. But, I notice that she intercepts Herbert along the way, leans close, and quickly whispers to him. Then continues on her way.

I keep an eye out for Herbert, but he disappeared into the kitchen door and I don't see him again. I'm thinking about an Irish coffee, but without a waiter, I'm stuck. Not to worry, in five minutes, Jen's back in her seat and says.

"Okay, Herby is bringing coffee. Now, after I get up and leave, Herby will bring you the check, AND a brandy."


"I try to think of everything, honey. Then, you wait fifteen minutes, isn't that how long you gave me?"

"Take all the time you need."

"Just leave the money on the table, and come out to the car. Any questions?" she swilled the last of her forth cocktail and gave me a radiant smiled.

"I've got a million of them."

"Okay, let'er rip," she slurred just a bit.

"How did you fix this all up?"

"I told Herby to meet me outside the ladies room and gave him his marching orders." She was feeling pretty frisky.

"How about the weed?

"He's gonna give it to me in the car; ho, ho!"

"It's a very small car."

"Oh, we'll manage."

Herby arrives with the coffees, serves, then scoots away, but I see him conferring with the maître d' across the room.

"Herbert is making his plans," I see.

"He's a very articulate young man." She had a hard time getting 'articulate' out.


"AND, he is very motivated! I made sure of that."

"Oh, how did you do that?"

"I'll tell you later. Now give me a hundred for the ganja."

"Later, huh?

She gave me a smoldering look.

"Tell you what, Jenny, my love. I think you should ---rely on his MOTIVATION! Surely you can do that?

Jennifer leaned back, giving me another sultry look. She reached up behind her head with both hands, pulled a few pins, and her black curly hair came cascading down around her shoulders.

"Okay, BIG BOY, you're on!"

With that, she wrapped the Venice lace around her shoulders, rose to her feet, swayed a tad, and promenaded across the room and out the door.

No sooner is she is out of sight than ole Herb sets a large double brandy snifter and the check in front of me, and with a "good evening, sir;" he's gone.

Well, I didn't want the brandy to go to waste, like Jenny's coffee, so I took a large gulp and looked at my watch. It was 9:44. I had fifteen minutes, but my dribbling 'second best' friend was already impatient. I hit the men's room for a quick pit stop, came back to the table, hit the snifter again, and looked at my watch. 9:51. I took another shot of brandy and gazed out at the moon-lit Gulf for awhile. Then took another shot and looked at my watch, 9:52.

Hell with this, I thought as I plunked two Ben Franklins on the table, finished the brandy and headed for the door. I sped past the maître d' before he could inquire as to my dinner, but I did give pause to wonder if I had stiffed Herbert on the tip. I hadn't even looked at the bill, but then I reflected that 'Herby' was probably getting stiffed right now, and plunged into the cool night air.

The breeze sobered me a bit as I stared across the street at the darkened parking lot. The attendant was gone as were most of the cars. Our little Miata, which we kept at the Condo for our weekend getaways, was parked in the back near an ancient oak draped with Spanish moss. I hadn't planned it, but it was secluded and almost lost in the night.

If I was stealthy, I figured that I could sneak up on them without being detected. Christ, I could probably lead a brass band right up to the windshield and they wouldn't notice, if I knew Jennifer---and I do! Nevertheless, I walked diagonally across the street and took a long circuitous route to the far side of the gravel lot, ending up behind the tree, perhaps ten feet from the car.

I looked at my watch: 9:57. The huge gnarled old tree was bent low and misshapen from a couple centuries of the sea breeze that was quickly drying the sweat on my face. I peered over a curved black low hanging limb and had a clear view of the driver's door and windshield. Rats, the windows were completely fogged up.

I looked at my watch: 9:58. What were they doing in there, right now? The moonlight gave me an excellent command of the scene, but I was cloaked in darkness under the crown of the tree. The Spanish moss hung almost to the ground in places, a mass of curls. They would need a big flashlight shooting a powerful beam to detect my presence, hidden by the thick dark trunk that felt rough and hard to my palm. I listened for the slightest sound, but the soft wind and distant surf were the only things to hear.

I looked at my watch: 9:59! Was the car rocking, just a little?

No, I couldn't detect the slightest vibration. Were there shadows moving, in there? No, the glass was completely opaque with moisture. The salty smell of the ocean filled my nostrils as I took a deep breath, trembling with nervous anticipation. I could still taste the brandy in my mouth. Then thought of Jennifer, the flavor of her mouth; minutes from now; what would she taste like? I felt my prick crawling in my shorts as I visualized what she was doing in there, right now; with her mouth; her tongue; seeing her naked breasts being exposed to Herbert, to his mouth; to his tongue! What was he doing; tasting; in there; right now? I could smell her, right now, the fragrance of that musty perfume; her salty cunt; was he tasting her; there; right now?

I looked at my watch; 10:00! Okay, that's it, sixteen minutes, time-out, games over, oh Jesus! What the fuck, she said "fifteen minutes!"

Then you said, "Take all the time you need." You asshole, why did you have to say that? "Obedient, loving wife," you dumb ass, why did you give her permission for an 'overtime' (her words)? "I do exactly what you tell me to do!" Dickhead, what exactly did you tell her to do?

"I want you to suck Herbert's cock, and when he cums in your mouth, I want you to swallow every drop of his semen!" Christ!

I looked at my watch: 10:01. Holy shit! She's got me by the balls.

What the fuck can I do? I can't just go open the door. What the hell would I say? Crap, he'll think I'm some kind of madman, or pervert, or; why I do I give a shit? Who cares? I do. Oh Jesus, What now?

I looked at my watch: 10:02. I peeked over the big, thick, black, long tree limb between me and the car. I didn't want him to see me when -- hell - IF he got out of the car. What's up with that, I thought? What are they doing in there?

Because she's 27 years younger than you? What's that got to do with anything? Because he's maybe 25? Shit! Because he's black, what the hell am I doing?

I looked at my watch: 10:03. I moved behind the tree and leaned against the big round trunk feeling the rough hard bark bite into my back. I fished Mr. Woodson out of my trousers, wishing Jennifer were here to do it for me. It seemed to vibrate like a tuning fork and I felt like it was going to explode. My stomach was doing flip-flops, my mouth was dry, my knees were shaking, and my throat was so constricted I didn't think I could swallow. I felt the sweat pouring down my ribs from my arm pits and:

I heard the electric motor from the Miata window! The sound of Jenny's low laughter. Voices, then Jen's giggling; louder, in a higher pitch. I knew that sound, it was her 'cat that swallowed the canary' laugh!

I peeped around the trunk and over the limb to see! The driver's window was down. Smoke was drifting into the night air as the breeze blew the strong aroma of the pot over me. I could see the red cherry of the joint in the center of the driver's space. As he pulled on it the brighter flare illuminated the outline of his face enough for me to make out the shimmering dreadlocks. His wet skin reflected and shined in the glowing light.

"I love to have to have a beautiful white lady sucking my cock," he said in his sing-song Jamaican accent.

Faintly, from in the car, I heard Jenny's voice, "And I bet that happens to you all the time, right Big Boy?"

Hey, that's MY name, 'Big Boy', I thought.

"Oh no, not like this, Herbert never had it like this," again in that accent.

"That's too bad, Herby, because that is a very fine cock, you have."

"Thank you kind lady, it has been with me all my life."

"It's too beautiful to stay in your pants all the time." She giggled.

"Oh, Herbert's cock gets around, pretty lady, but not in the mouth of a beautiful white woman like you."

I saw something stirring, then Jenny's white shoulder appeared, framed by the car window and illuminated by the moonlight. She had moved over from the shotgun seat and I could see her face-to- face with Herbert. He put the joint in her mouth, inches from his face and as she sucked in the smoke, I could see them both dimly in the light.

He took the joint out of her mouth and she planted a wet French kiss on him. The moon came out from behind a cloud and I watched her in near daylight working her tongue into his mouth. She licked his lips and I saw his tongue sliding into her mouth, then her cheeks billowing in and out as he fucked her mouth with his tongue.

I could clearly see down to her shoulder, back and neck. The Milan silk blouse that tied back there was nowhere to be seen. She was nude from the waist up! Was she totally naked? She settled back, out of sight, into the passenger side.

"I can taste my juices in your mouth," he laughed.

"Oh, can you? Do you like tasting your own juices in my mouth, Herby?"

"Oh yes, Herbert likes everything about you, woman. I want to lick you all over, eat your pussy, French kiss your ass, and feel my black prick in your pussy. Herbert will come everywhere you got a place for me to fuck."

"Oh, Herby, you are such a romantic," she giggled, and I saw her sit up to give him a long lingering kiss. She broke off from his mouth and I saw her head lowering down, out of sight, into Herbert's lap. His head leaned back as he toked on the joint. He appeared to be in bliss.

"So, when your husband flies home tomorrow, are you going to give Herbert your pussy?"

Jen's head popped up and she gave him another long, deep, French kiss. "That's a very big cock you have, Herby, will you promise not to hurt me with it?"

"Oh, lady, I will be very gentle. At first, I will be very gentle, but when you beg me to be rough, then Herbert will be very rough."

"Okay, Herby, I'll think about that. Now my husband will be coming out soon, so you better run along. Don't you have a job to do?"

"Fucking you is the only job I want to do," he cackled, opening the door.

The dome light came on as the door swung open. Herbert appeared to be buck-naked. The only thing he had on, that I could see, was a gold necklace. His long black cock was sticking up from his lap shining in the light from above. Jenny was leaning towards him with her beautiful breasts dangling over the console between the two of them.

She put her right hand around the gearshift and her left hand on Herbert's shoulder. I watched as she lowered her mouth down onto the head of his prick. They were both completely still and I knew she was swishing her tongue around the crown. He started humming some reggae tune and she began bobbing up and down on his prick in time to his song. He began to speed up the tune and she kept pace with his music, faster and faster. Herbert put his hand on the back of her neck and she shifted her right hand from the gearshift to his shaft. He started to babble something in his language to the same tune as his hips moved in time to Jennifer's face bobbing up and down on his shiny black prick. With a soft, high-pitched howl, I saw him bucking up and holding Jenny's head with his hand as he shot his semen into her month. She kept sucking and slobbering on his enormous erection as he collapsed back into his seat.

Jenny continued to lick and kiss his shrinking cock until it softened and she laid it along his thigh. She sat up in the bright light on the passenger side of the car and stretched, arching her back so that Herbert got a perfect view of her magnificent tits.

"Now, shew, Herbert, go on now. I'll come see you at the bar here tomorrow night." She was licking her lips with her titties poking out and her hand running back through her curly black hair.

Herbert leaned over and kissed her right breast. She put her hand on the back of his neck and brought his face over to her left breast and he continued to suck. She threw her head back and held him with both her hands as he switched over, again, to her other breast.

"Okay, now. You'll get me in trouble". She took his face in her hands and gave him a long lingering kiss, then pushed him away and flopped back into her seat.

Herbert gave her tits another squeeze, both of them, then swung his legs and feet out of the car. He bent over and pulled his pants up from around his ankles, then buckled his belt. Reaching back into the car for his shirt, I watched as he stretched across the car and gobbled on Jenny again. I could see her hands on his back and neck and thought I could almost hear the sound of their mouths and tongues slobbering into each other.

She pushed away, saying "Run along now." He pulled out of the car, closed the door, slipped on his shirt. and walked back toward the street. I looked at my watch: 10:19.

I stayed in the shadows until Herbert disappeared into the restaurant. Sure that he was gone, I scurried over to the car and opened the driver's door and the light came on.

I was stunned by the scene! Jenny lay in the reclining passenger seat, naked from the waist up. Her black leather mini skirt was drawn up around her waist, her knees splayed open, white cotton panties around her ankles.

Her right hand was jiggling at her clit while her left was squeezing her breast. She was startled and gave me a deer-in-the-headlights look without pausing in her masturbation.

"HONEY, where have you been," she pleaded with me? "I need you RIGHT NOW!"

Wide eyed and desperate sounding, she kept frigging her cunt and blurted out, "Get in here and fuck me, right now!"

I scrambled in stretching across the console with my knees in the drivers seat. I glued my mouth to Jenny's, thrusting my tongue down her throat. She sucked it; reached and grabbed my greasy prick (which I had never packed away), all the while frantically stroking her pussy. Sparring with our tongues, she was gasping for breath, whimpering, making little high pitched squeaks and groans, then squealed; "Can you taste his semen in my mouth?"

"Oh, god, yes," I moaned.

"Stick your dick in me, right now," she shrieked!

I scrambled across the console, somehow getting one leg out of my trousers, as she kicked her cotton panties off.

"Come on, come on, come on, I want it right now," she pleaded.

My knees on the floor mat, my prick oozing pre-cum inches from her pussy lips, I demanded; "What did you do, Jenny?"

She gasped out, "I sucked his cock, baby, I sucked him off twice! He came in my mouth both times and I swallowed all of it I could."

I jammed my prick into her slick cunt as she grunted in a low moan, "Oh yes, yes, yes, that's it baby, fuck me honey, give me your cock, give it, give it, give it. --- fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!!

Her feet were on the floor mat squeezing my knees. Her thighs were clamped on my hips as I pistoned into her seething pussy. I had my hands on the back of her seat, holding myself above her so I could see her wild eyes and straining facial gyrations.

She stared up into my eyes and hissed, "Can I fuck him, baby, can I fuck Herbert? He wants to do this to me, baby, he wants to fuck me just like this. Let me fuck him honey, let me fuck him, baby, I want to fuck him just like you're fucking me RIGHT NOW!

As she was panting those words right into my face, she raised her knees up, exposing just her pussy on the edge of the seat, as my prick plunged in and out of her. Her tits were jouncing wildly as she arched her back so only her ass and head were touching the seat, her feet jiggling and shaking in the air, then clamping her legs around me.

She grabbed my face with both hands and glared at me with a crazed look on her face, demanding; "Tell me to fuck him, tell me to fuck him baby, tell me you want me to fuck Herbert!"

"Fuck him, Jenny, I want you fuck him, fuck him just like this, fuck him hard and give him your pussy, fuck him just like this, Right Now!

"Yes, yes, yes," she exploded, jacking her pelvis up and down on the seat as her orgasm smashed into her. I felt her pussy spasm around my cock as she pulled my mouth to hers and shot her tongue down my throat; then, "oh, yes, yes, oh yes," she purred as the waves washed over her and she collapsed back into the seat.

Jennifer dropped her feet back on the floor and stretched out under me with a beatific smile on her face, her frantic humping morphing into gentle undulations as her voice gently cooed, looking coyly into my eyes.

"You're so good to me, honey, you're too good for me, baby. I love you, sweetie. I can't live without you, darling, you make me so happy and I love you with all my heart and soul. You make me whole, honey, you are the kindest lover, the best husband, the goodliest man in the world. I live for you always. Now come for me darling, come in Jennifer, let me feel you splash in my pussy and feel you stiffen and shoot ---- oh, yes, yes, that's it, that's it, I feel you, oh, good, yes, now, right now, yes come in my pussy--- right now!!"

We gently kissed, and kissed again, and again, as Mr. Woodson plopped out and my semen dribbled out of Jennifer, pooling on the leather seat.

"I love you, Jake."

"I love you, Jennifer."

"Can we go to Captain Morgan's now?"

"Sure, anything you say, Jen."

"I wanna dance with Captain Kidd."

"I want to see you dance with Captain Kidd."

"You're very good to me, Jake."

"You're very good to me, Jennifer."

"Will you always love me, Jake?"

"Always, Jennifer."

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IFAFILHGIFAFILHGover 3 years ago

If he doesn't put some rules in place he will soon be living alone

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

He shares his whore with any one she fancies and wants to be a slut with.

Personally I wouldn't touch her with a barge pole in case I caught something nasty.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

I hope all your dreams will be as wet as this one ??

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Entertaining as hell

though a touch too clever!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

I can see why your single.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

Really, really, well-written and hot. More please!!

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