Halloween Ch. 03

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Corporate intrigue and sex.
4.7k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/17/2021
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Halloween Ch. 3

I have been working as Assistant In-House Counsel to Abdel for several months and the extent of the issues that Abdel originally perceived were coming into focus. Clearly, to me at least, information about the internal workings of the business was leaking into the marketplace in a way that would eventually cripple our operations. Other firms seemed to be one step ahead of us in securing lucrative shipping deals and this was slowly cutting into profits and also affecting our standing among peers in the global market. Whoever was managing this clandestine operation was subtle and selective since I had yet to develop a pattern of leaks that could point in a specific direction. These observations helped me conclude that I was either being fed erroneous information to start with or I was directing my attention to the wrong places.

One evening as I was having a quiet end of day meeting with Abdel, I told him of my concerns and asked for his support in some drastic actions on my part that I hoped would force this person to make a mistake. Naturally he wanted me to elaborate my thoughts before giving the green light to anything too disruptive since coming back from any scorched earth operation would be costly and time consuming with no guarantee of success. I understood his reluctance and expected no less from him, so I was prepared to explain.

"It would appear that the company advantage is being undermined in several key markets, namely Western Europe, the Far East and South America," I began. "These normally profitable areas have taken a hit when contracts were lost to competitors who always managed to undercut our pricing by slight margins. We lost out on lucrative deals by mere pennies on the dollar, pointing towards inside pricing information being leaked at inopportune times. Large sums of money left on the table could be attributed to coincidence and good fortune on the part of the competition, but such slight marginal differences indicate knowledge of our pricing structure going in."

"What you say makes sense," Abdel said and waited for more detail from me.

"I have checked computer records and bank account information, including the bank accounts of those responsible for the affected areas, but there doesn't appear to be any correlation. The lack of information started me thinking about evidence hiding in plain sight, the areas so far unaffected. I made some quiet inquiries into the Middle Eastern and North American operations and there is something curious here."

Abdel stared at me and adjusted himself in his chair before speaking. "I handle the Middle East region personally and I know everyone involved...intimately," he said smiling.

"I understand that and fully appreciate your sensitivity. However, there is one person that you might be overlooking and, while I am not in a position to point fingers at the moment, I want you to keep an open mind."

Abdel understood and quietly said, "Agreed."

Abdel sat in silence for a minute and then said, "Rachelle, be a dear and get us a couple of drinks. It's been a long day and I need to relax a bit before you continue."

"Of course, sir," I responded and rose from my chair to walk to the bar.

Knowing that I had a meeting with Abdel tonight I had prepared and that involved more than business. I wore a nice, dark green dress with black stockings and black heels. I removed my panties before entering his office since Abdel had a modus operandi that accompanied his end of day meetings that I adjusted to fairly quickly. I knew what to expect and obviously so did Abdel since he watched me walk to the bar very intently and I'm guessing that he liked what he saw.

"God, you're sexy, Rachelle," he commented.

Looking back, I said, "Thank you, sir."

After putting bourbon and an ice cube in two glasses I walked back to his desk, leaned over and placing my stomach flat on the desk, stretched my body to put his glass right in front of him from the opposite side. He looked into my eyes and rose from his chair, a pronounced bulge in his pants. He walked around the desk to stand behind me and lifted my dress to my waist. Seeing my bare bottom exposed elicited a sweet comment, "What a pleasant surprise you sexy bitch."

I spread my legs and replied, "All for you."

Abdel inserted one finger followed by a second and both slipped in easily since I inserted some cream when I removed my panties. He liked the feeling and whispered, "Hmm, yes."

I heard him unzip his pants and then I felt the head of his cock probe the rim of my anus. He moaned as he slowly pushed it in, withdrawing it slightly before pushing it all the way into my ass. I put my forehead on the desk and sighed with pleasure, enjoying the feeling of his stiff cock so deep in my ass. My sphincter muscles contracted and throbbed around his dick and he moaned in delight at the sensation.

"Fuck me hard," I cried. "I want to feel you deep in my bowels."

Abdel did as instructed and before long I felt the sensation of my orgasm and my cum spilling onto the desk. Abdel didn't last much longer before I felt him tense his stomach muscles and push deep inside me as he shot his hot semen into my ass. We remained coupled for a long minute before he slowly pulled out and sighed a loud sigh of relief. I straightened up and grabbed some tissues to clean the semen from his desk and a few drops from my dress, and then I wiped down his dick.

"Thank you, my dear, you are a treasure," he said.

"I'm glad that you're pleased as that makes me happy," I replied. "Let me get your drink."

Abdel took a long pull on the bourbon and I did the same before excusing myself to use the toilet and adjust myself. Once satisfied that I looked presentable again, I returned to my chair and was pleased to see that Abdel had topped off our glasses, a small thank you but not unnoticed.

Abdel walked over to my chair, leaned over and kissed me tenderly on the lips. "You are very special, Rachelle, and I'm glad that we managed to get together," he said.

"I am very happy to be here with you Abdel, you know that. You are special to me as well and I want to please you more than anything else."

Abdel smiled and kissed me again.

I sipped my drink and asked if I should continue with my analysis or if he preferred that I come back in the morning. He laughed and said that it goes without saying that he would like me to come back in the morning, but we would probably not get much work done if I did. I laughed as well and agreed with him.

"Okay then I shall continue.

"We are back to the unaffected areas of North American and Middle Eastern operations, both showing negligent income decline, something easily attributed to market fluctuation. This struck me a curious since other areas seemed to fare far worse, uniformly. Why? My guess is that someone doesn't want to draw attention to those areas.

"As you said, the Middle East is yours and North America has been a good profit center so why would anyone want to disrupt cash flow to a large extent by manipulating business in that region? Even if business was getting chopped in other global areas, you need a good source of cash flow to put life back in the body when the time comes."

Abdel looked a bit skeptical but knew where I was going. "Okay, say I agree with your hypothesis, where do we go with it? Right now you have conjecture and no proof. What do you suggest?"

"We have to shake the tree a bit to see what happens," I said. "I believe that the logical move would be to use the loss of business in Indonesia as cover to make some changes to management, starting with Danielle."

"If she is removed, I assume that you would put Adriana in her place, correct?' he said.

"No. Adriana is the logical choice of course but it would send the wrong message and not help us. We need a dramatic change that makes things unbalanced. We need some anxiety and uncertainty. People know that I am looking around the company at your request but no one is 100% certain why or what you have figured out. We send a message by getting rid of the head of an underperforming operation and bypassing the logical choice for a successor with the rationale being that it would be more of the same. Danielle will be upset, Adriana will be upset, the person selected to replace Danielle will be confused and off their balance, and the person pulling the strings will have to start trying to figure out how to maintain their scam with the old crew dissolved. They will be in chaos and prone to get sloppy."

Abdel stared at me intently and finally said, "It is complex, has quite a few pitfalls and worthy of a movie plot but I must admit that it sounds logical. What happens if the culprit is not smoked out by this ruse?"

"Well, we will have to rebuild some parts of the business but it will be no worse than having to rebuild after the carnage if things are allowed to continue."

"And Adriana? She is a valued and trusted person and I don't want to lose her so how do you ensure that she doesn't go rogue? She has a temper you know," Abdel queried.

"I propose that we include her in our discussions so that she understands fully that this is not a personal vendetta," I said.

"And you're not using this to get back at her?"

"No," I said, "she can be trusted; I trust her, and I want her to know that you have the same level of trust and confidence in her that I do. It is important."

"Okay," Abdel said, "Let's move forward. Tell me what you need from me and I will make it happen."

I rose from my chair, leaned over and kissed him. "You give me everything that I need but I will let you know what you can do to help me with the shakeup." Abdel smiled a warm smile that said a lot.

The next morning I arranged a meeting with Adriana in a local coffee shop not far from the office. She was a bit surprised by the early hour invitation but like a professional, she readily agreed to my request. She was there when I arrived, also early for the meeting but not quite as early as Adriana. She rose to meet me and gave me a kiss to say hello.

We slid into the booth and said a few pleasantries to get started but I could tell that she was apprehensive and was wondering if there was a problem that she was unaware of. I touched her hand and told her to relax, everything was fine. I then went on to outline the nature of the issues that the company was facing and gave her a rough idea of the plan that I discussed with Abdel. She clearly was surprised by what was planned for Danielle and had the obvious question: What of me?

I looked into her eyes and held her hands, saying, "You are a valued asset, a professional and a friend." She looked at me strangely as if to ask why I was telling her these things if nothing bad was going to happen to her. I sensed what was running through her mind and tried to get ahead of the questions.

"Adriana, you are a trusted confidant, a true friend when I needed one and I would never let anything happen to you that I could prevent. Never. I am telling you these things, bringing you into our confidence, because you are trusted by the people that count, namely me and, more importantly, Abdel, and it is critical that you understand certain things before wheels are set in motion."

Adriana seemed uncomfortable and I was beginning to wonder why. Did I misjudge her? Could she be wrapped up in this scam to ruin the company? I was growing concerned and somewhat frightened after I vouched for her so highly with Abdel.

"Rachelle, I was in knots when I received your message about a meeting today. I didn't know what to think and I felt that I might have been wrong about you and that you were playing me as a pawn to get to Danielle and Jason. I don't have many friends here and this never bothered me...until I met you. I let my guard down for you, I exposed my inner self to you, and I care about you. If I were to lose your trust and affection...I would be very hurt. I have never felt like this about anyone before and I can't explain it." She squeezed my hands and looked deeply into my eyes, like the first time I saw her but this time it was not with disdain but warmth and love. I saw her eyes start to tear up and she wanted to wipe the tears away out of embarrassment but I would not let her. I held her hands and forced her to look at me, allowing the tears to run down her cheeks. "Okay," she said, "Are you happy now? You made me cry and I hate you for it."

"About as much as I hate you," I responded.

After a few minutes and a cup of coffee, we started talking again. I told her what was going to happen publicly and also what was going on behind the scenes. She clearly felt apprehensive and asked me point blank, "You're telling me the truth, right?"

"Adriana, I have a commitment from Abdel and he feels about you as I do. On my honor and as a friend, if this proves to be anything but the truth or if you get hurt by any of it, we will share the pain. What happens to you will happen to me. If you are thrown to the wolves, I will jump into the pit with you. You will not be alone and I have not lied to you and I will not mislead you."

"Okay...Robert...I will trust you and I never give my trust lightly. Please don't betray me."

"Never," I said and meant it with all my heart.

The news spread through the office like wildfire. Danielle was let go and replaced by Roger, the current Head of North American Operations. Adriana was moved to the position of Assistant Head of North America and Jason was shifted into the slot of Head of North American Operations even though he never held such a position before and knew nothing of the business in that region. He was in shock as was Roger. Chaos reigned and there were many people unable to fathom the point and randomness of the changes but one thing was clear, it was not going to be business as usual anymore.

I called a meeting that afternoon and outlined the order of the day. I told every department head that I wanted to see complete, detailed financial reports on every region including projections for future revenue going out three months. I also instructed the accounting department to hire forensic accountants to tally the books so that the new heads of departments would know the base line financials for their areas and explained that they would be responsible for the revenue stream. We were off the diving board and now I only hoped that there was water in the pool.

I drove to Abdel's house after leaving the office and was greeted warmly by George. He said that Abdel was expecting me and that I should go right in. He then added that he would bring two bourbons.

Abdel was at his desk but rose to meet me when I entered. He kissed me and gave me a warm hug. "I missed you today and was wondering how things were going. The phone was ringing off the hook but I ignored most of the calls, taking it as a sign that things were going as planned."

"You were right about ignoring the calls, I would have liked to disappear myself. Danielle was irate and security had to escort her from the building. It seemed a bit out of character but she must have realized that she lost a lover as well as a job today and that must have struck a nerve."

"How did it go with Adriana?," Abdel asked.

"I won't say fine but I will say that she is as loyal as they come. You are a lucky man to have her on your side."

"I am a lucky man for many reasons," replied Abdel.

I went to my chair as George entered with our drinks. I smiled and thanked him and Abdel said that he had no further need for him this evening so he could leave. George reluctantly said goodnight but clearly felt an obligation to remain just in case he was needed.

After George left and closed the door, Abdel walked over to me and kissed me. He said that he wanted to help relieve some of my stress like I do for him after rough days. He helped me stand up from the chair, turned me around and unzipped my dress letting it fall to the floor. He hugged me and kissed me passionately, driving his tongue between my lips. He stepped back to look at me and then, kneeling, proceeded to remove my panties before easing me back into my seat. I was getting very excited and my dick was getting hard and clearly this excited Abdel as well. Abdel wrapped his lips around my smooth cock and moved it in and out of his mouth. I was starting to squirm in the chair and moan loudly as I was building to an orgasm and this was exactly what Abdel desired. He wanted to have me experience the same joy that he felt when he came into my mouth and he succeeded. Within a few minutes my body tensed and I released a load of semen into Abdel's mouth. He held my cock in his mouth until I was completely drained and then he stood up, leaned over and kissed me, allowing all of my semen to flow into my mouth which I swallowed gladly.

Abdel unzipped his pants and took out his rock hard dick, placing it to my lips. Hungrily I sucked it in and with seconds his cock exploded in my mouth sending hot cum splashing against the back of my throat. I greedily slurped it up and swallowed every drop.

Abdel sighed and went back to his chair before taking along drink of bourbon. I did the same and enjoyed the taste of semen mixed with fine bourbon as a nightcap. As we sat in our respective chairs equally drained, we heard the sound of the door opening as George entered the room. I was sitting there completely naked and Abdel was slouched in a very damp shirt, both of us holding empty glasses. George asked quietly, "Can I get you another drink or something else perhaps?"

I laughed quietly and Abdel smiled. "Rachelle, it doesn't seem fair that we are the only ones feeling so good right now when George has worked so hard all day, now does it?"

"You're right," I said, "We're being selfish and I think that George deserves a reward, a 'thank you' for taking such good care of you. Come over here, George," I added.

George was eagerly waiting for such an invitation and walked over to me quickly lest the invitation be withdrawn, stopping in front of my chair. I reached out and felt the bulge in the front of his pants and said, "You were waiting for this weren't you, George?"

"Yes, Ms. Rachelle, I can't lie, I was."

I wrapped my lips around his dick and proceeded to give him a wonderfully wet blowjob. He did not last long and my mouth was soon filled to overflowing with his semen. I looked over to Abdel and opened my mouth slightly so that he could see that it was full. Abdel smiled and said, "It's okay to swallow it, Rachelle." I promptly did as I was told.

"Thank you, Ms. Rachelle, that was wonderful," said George.

"It was my pleasure, George, but you should thank Abdel, he allowed it."

"Of course. Thank you, sir," said George. Abdel only smiled in reply.

Over the next six weeks things were quiet on the business front but quiet in a good way. We won some new contracts and revenues were returning to normal but I still hadn't found the person that I was seeking. I was getting a bit frustrated but I vowed to be patient.

Late one evening I received a call from Adriana who said that she would like to see me in the morning and suggested that we meet in Abdel's home offices so that we are away from prying eyes. I readily agreed and followed her call with one to Abdel to let him know that there will be company in his home the next morning. He said that he would advise George so that he could prepare some things for breakfast and that he would see me after lunch in the main offices.

The next morning I arrived at Abdel's home to find Adriana's car already in the driveway. Clearly she was anxious to meet me and I was very curious to understand why. George opened the door as usual and after greeting me said that Ms. Adriana was waiting in the small dining room, adding in a very quiet voice, "You look especially nice today, Ms. Rachelle."