Hand Me Downs


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Over the next hour as I just drove around Heather called me 18 times. I deleted them all. There was nothing she could say that I wanted to hear.

I had been home for about 15 minutes when someone knocked on my door. I looked out and didn't see anyone. Then someone stuck a Groucho Marx mask up near the peephole. I opened the door and let her in.

Amy was crying, and I didn't know why. "What's wrong squirt?" I hugged her as I asked her.

"I'm sorry about the bracelet. That was thoughtless of me. I'd forgotten that I told you about it. I'll buy you something else. You deserve it for opening up my eyes," I said.

"You idiot," she said. "I'm used to taking Heather's hand me downs. I love the bracelet, but the one thing I want her to hand me down you don't have to pay for."

"What's that?" I asked.

"What have I wanted that Heather's had since I was 15?" she asked.

"Is it her car?" I asked slowly.

"Forget it," she said. "Men are so thick. Do you want to see what Heather is so upset about, and why she wants you back so badly?" Amy was practically bouncing with excitement. As she bounced those boobs did too. She caught me looking and smiled. "You pervert," she said. But again she didn't seem upset, if anything she bounced more.

She went over to my TV and plugged a cord she pulled from her purse into the AV jacks in the rear of the set. Then she plugged her iPhone into that. She stuck a disc in the DVD player and turned on the TV.

The first one, I had to pay for. I flirted with the guy who shot the video and gave him 50 bucks for a copy of it.

She started the DVD player and I saw a jittery scene from inside a plane. Heather was getting ready to Skydive. I also saw Luke Skyjumper from the club. I almost didn't recognize him without his hand under Heather's skirt.

"Okay baby, are you ready to do this?" he yelled over the roar of the plane's engines. Heather nodded her head. "Take off your clothes," he shouted.

"We're not out there yet," she said.

"The only way to fuck while skydiving is to put it inside of you while we're still in the plane. If we try to link up while we're falling something might get bitten off or injured." They were both yelling so their words were very clear on the DVD.

Heather didn't even flinch. She took off all of her clothes and then he strapped them together in a dual harness that had been modified for what they wanted to do. It was a lot like the harnesses they use for first timers except that they were facing each other instead of her being strapped facing the same way he was.

"Kind of small isn't it," said Amy, as we watched Luke Skyjumper whip out his penis. He and Heather got close to the open door gingerly trying to walk with his dick inside her. The bizarre thing was that neither one of them seemed to be enjoying it, or getting any kind of pleasure from it. Then they just fell out of the plane together and the cameraman followed them down. Heather wrapped her legs around him in an attempt to make sure they didn't come apart but the harness wouldn't have let them move too far apart anyway.

It was pure torture watching the woman I had loved for so long being fucked by another man, if you could even call what they were doing fucking. So, I was looking away from the screen, and Amy stopped the video, and rubbed my shoulder. "Sorry," she said. "The second part is better, I swear."

She pushed a button on her iPhone and another video filled my screen.

It was shot from inside a building. Heather walked in and went into what looked like a dressing room. While she was gone Luke Skyjumper talked to another man.

"Hey dude, can you believe that skank?" said Luke.

"No way man, you said she was a whore, but I can't believe she did that. She even took all of her fucking clothes off in the plane, in front of me. What are you going to have her do next? Maybe you should have her run a train," said the other guy.

"I told you all of those rich little suburban girls are whores at heart. You want to fuck her?" asked Luke.

"Hell no, Dude. You're my friend but didn't you just give your wife the clap. I'm not touching anything after you've been there," said the other guy.

All of a sudden, Heather ran back into the room screaming and crying.

"You asshole," she screamed at Luke.

"Calm down bitch, you knew the game when you found me. You were always bragging about stepping out on your old man for a little fun, so now you've had it," said Luke. "I guess you expected me to fall in love with you because you gave me some of that gold plated pussy huh? Well to tell you the truth, it wasn't even good. I was just looking for someone sleazy enough and crazy enough to fuck me in the air. We both got what we wanted so we're done. Don't go away mad, just go away."

Amy seemed to enjoy the video. She was laughing and repeating it after it stopped. "Don't go away mad, just go away," she laughed.

Then she looked at me. Those big innocent blue eyes narrowed and she started talking again.

"Dalton, I know that you've loved my sister for a long time. You should know by now that she is never going to love you the way you deserve. So I have a question for you." Amy was standing right in front of me, so close that her breasts were touching my stomach.

"Do you want to get her back, or do you want to get back at her?" she asked, still smiling, but it was not a pretty smile.

Heather called me constantly over the next week. Her tone went from demanding, to pleasant, to pleading but I ignored them all. Then over the next few weeks she started hearing the rumors from her friends. Dalton was at a dance club, dancing with some hot babe. Dalton took a moonlight cruise with some dark haired babe. Heather was told all of this and more by the grapevine that Amy and I set up. I told Steve what to tell Kelly who was still Heather's best friend.

With each new revelation Heather got angrier. Finally we set up one of our crowning achievements. Steve took Kelly out to a nice restaurant on the river front. Heather went along too. As they were eating they watched the ships go by through binoculars provided by the restaurant. "Holy shit," yelled Steve. He put down the binoculars and told Heather not to look. She picked up the binoculars and looked into them. As we'd arranged I was facing the shore and Amy was facing away from the shore. Heather only saw her from the back, but then she saw Amy and I kiss and we kept it up until long after we'd passed the restaurant and headed back out into the river. "Hey that was Dalton," said Kelly.

Heather called me the same night and begged me to take her back. She apologized for all of the games she'd played on me over the years and said she was ready to settle down and get married. Amy was there as I played the message back and she just looked at me. "Well you got her back, and you got back at her. If you want to marry her, she's all yours." She looked really sad as she said it.

"Squirt, it looks like I'm getting married," I said.

"I won't be there, you fucking imbecile," she said.

"Yes you will," I said, smiling at her. "In fact, I'm sure of it."

"Dalton, why do you think I did all of this shit? Do you think I did it because I was jealous of Heather for being the older and prettier sister? Or maybe I did it because I'm tired of being in her shadow? Maybe you think I'm tired of always getting Heather's hand me downs? I know men are dumb, but God Damn. So you go on and marry my pretty blond bitch of a sister and ruin your life, but I won't watch it."

"Squirt," I laughed. "Who said anything about me, marrying Heather? I was asking you."

"Oh, Dalton, this is so sudden," she laughed, with a mock theatrical flair. "Don't you want to road test me before you ask me something that serious though?"

She leaned into me and kissed me before I could do anything about it. She wrapped her arms around me and pushed those incredible breasts into my stomach. My dick shot up so fast that I got stretch marks on it.

"Uhm Amy, don't you think that we should talk to your parents before we do this? This could possibly become an awkward situation," I said.

"Unh uh," she said softly. "Heather did have one thing right, though. You do worry about my parent's approval far too often. You're not marrying them, you're marrying me. I'm more than old enough to make that decision myself," she said as she undid my belt.

"And Dalton there are a few things we need to get clear, she began. "I'm not like them."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Dalton, my mom has affairs every once in a while. My dad has a string of other women that he fucks. They have some kind of unspoken agreement about it, but they stay together for God knows what reason. That's probably why Heather acts the way she does. When we get married, there will be only one man in my life, ever. No affairs, no lovers. I'd never do that to you, but I need to expect the same from you. Can you agree to that?"

She looked at me with those big innocent eyes. I nodded my head, and she smiled.

"Then I'm yours, Dalton, finally," she said. She went from smiling to slurping on my dick so fast that my knees buckled. While she was attending to my little soldier, my phone rang. My phone was set so I could hear incoming voicemail messages and pick up if I wanted. It was Heather leaving another desperate message about how much she loved me. Amy and I both laughed as Heather poured out her heart until she ran out of time for the message and then called back to finish what she wanted to say.

Sex with Amy was a completely different experience than it was with Heather. Like I said before Heather and I both had plenty of mileage on us when we got together. Amy though not a virgin, had next to no experience. She'd learned everything she knew about sex from getting drunk and watching porno movies with her sorority sisters. I highly recommend that. She tried so hard to please me that she left me awestruck. There was nothing she wouldn't try. We left a few things for our honeymoon, but it was clear that I was making the right choice.

Where Heather was so sure of both herself and her beauty, she treated me like someone whom she'd picked out as being suitable for herself. I realized that her feelings, though I'd gotten used to them were simply not what I considered love.

Amy on the other hand loved me with all of her heart and soul. I could feel it every time she looked at me, even from across a room. And I felt the same way about her.

We arranged to tell her parents together. We met them in a restaurant, a few nights later.

Their Dad, Dave started talking about how miserable Heather was, and suddenly I realized how shitty life had been for Amy. Here we were in a restaurant trying to tell them that we were getting married, and the first thing on his mind was how Heather felt.

"Dad, take a look at this," said Amy. She showed her parents the video of Heather's skydiving fuck on her iPhone. She also broke the news to them that Heather had contracted an STD from her little fling. She explained to them that Heather constantly broke up with me so she could have her little flings.

"Well, if you guys were broken up at the time, isn't it okay?" asked her mother.

"No mom, it's not," snapped Amy. "If you love someone for real, it's never okay to sleep with anyone else. Even if it's just a fling or a one-night stand." Amy spoke to her mother as if she was talking to a retarded child.

"Haven't you complained about what was taking Heather and Dalton so long to get married? Remember only last week, while they were broken up, you said, "You wished they'd get their shit together so you could be a grandma while you were still hot."

"Well the reason they haven't gotten together is because Heather is stupid. She wants to keep him on a string until she's all fucked out," said Amy.

"Well maybe that's a good thing," began her Dad. "That way when they do get married, she'll have that out of her system. Then she could be faithful to him. God knows a man really wants a faithful wife." Amy's mother looked down when he said that.

"They aren't getting married, ever," Amy snapped. "That's why we're here today. Dalton is going to marry me. I'm not stupid enough to play any of those games and let him get away."

Her Parent's eyes got huge. They were obviously shocked. "But Amy," sputtered her Dad. "You're..."

"A full grown woman who doesn't need to ask anyone's permission," she said softly. "Dad we didn't come here to ask you. We came here to tell you."

"We're probably going to have to get married anyway, because Dalton's been fucking the shit out of me ever since he asked me, and I'm not on the pill," she smirked. "Anyway we came here as adults, to talk to you and tell you what we're doing. If you want to be a part of our lives, you need to do something for us," she said.

Amy outlined what we wanted, and her parents agreed, if somewhat reluctantly. Amy's threat of just leaving them out of our lives and the lives of their possible grandchildren was too big a threat, for something so small.

Her mom and Dad helped plan our wedding and even demanded to pay for it. Our only request was that they not tell Heather who Amy was marrying. All during the month long process of planning and executing the wedding. I avoided going over to their house if Heather was there. I was deleting all of her messages every night without listening to them. I was over and done with Heather, and she deserved the shock that was coming to her. Whenever she asked who Amy was marrying, her parents just told her that it was a guy Amy had known for a while.

A few weeks later Heather and her mom and Dad were sitting in the church watching a wedding. Heather was still miserable. But like a lot of women, she wasn't about to pass up the chance to dress up and look her best.

When the ceremony started, and she saw me standing beside the preacher, she thought that I was the best man not the groom. Her eyes narrowed, and then she started crying. She cried loudly and pitifully, it was pretty damned embarrassing.

Amy was an absolutely beautiful bride. Her dress was pure silk, and white lace, with a long following tail or whatever they call those things. When she lifted her veil to say our vows Heather got a look at her face and all hell broke loose.

"What is this, some kind of fucking joke? Where's the groom?" she screamed as she headed towards us. "Dalton, what the hell are you doing? You can't marry her. She's only my dumb kid sister. You don't even love her, you love me."

"If I'm so dumb, then why am I the one he's marrying?" asked Amy. "I'm smart enough not to be a fucking whore. And I'm smart enough to take him away from you and I'll treat him way better. From the very first day you brought Dalton home I wanted him, and unlike you I'm not going play any kind of games and I'll be faithful to him."

"He was mine first," screamed Heather.

"And now he's mine," said Amy calmly. "Heather, I've lived my whole life with your hand me downs. You've finally handed me down something I wanted, and I'm not giving him back, ever."

Heather took a swing at Amy and knocked the veil off Amy's head which wasn't a total loss because I hated it anyway. I wanted her to just let all of that pretty black hair show, and now it did. Heather swung at Amy again and this time Amy ducked and Heather caught the preacher square on the jaw and knocked him silly. Heather's Dad ran up and restrained her. It wasn't easy, Steve had to help him. Heather was screaming and cursing and flailing her arms. She kicked out with her legs at anyone in range and even spat on people. The preacher got up and completed the ceremony. Amy and I were now married.

When we got back from our honeymoon we found out that Heather was pregnant. She tried to claim that it was my child, but we both knew that baby was probably going to be born with a mullet. She begged me to give her one more chance, but I told her that it was too late. I loved Amy far more than I'd ever loved her.

"Besides Sis," smirked Amy. "I'm pretty sure that I'm pregnant too, and we know that our baby is Dalton's." I could tell that Amy was just trying to piss Heather off after years of playing second fiddle to her. "I think we're about even too, sis," she began. "I think Dalton fucked me more times on our two week honeymoon cruise, than he fucked you in your whole 5 years together, and he says he likes it more with me. I think it's because I have bigger tits, a better ass, and my pussy hasn't been used by as many scumbags." Heather was getting angrier by the second. "Look sis," said Amy finally. "Dalton and I have things to do, so in the words of your Baby's Daddy, "Don't go away mad...Just go away!"

While he was redecorating Amy's room her Dad found the DVD of Heather's skydiving experience and its aftermath and had a long talk with her. He'd already seen most of it at our meeting but seeing it again just brought home what kind of woman his daughter had become. They tried to track down Luke Skyjumper, but he had moved on without leaving a trace.

Amy and I are very happy and expecting our first child now. She's due on Valentine's Day. No matter how many kids we have, we swear none of them will ever get anyone's hand me downs.

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LechemanLecheman10 days ago

Loved reading it....again!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

The way this author's describe the woman in his stories.. I'm quite uncomfortable and concern with it. The author seem to actually body shame a lot of women aside from the heroine.

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbos4 months ago

Stang making the heroine actually be a younger woman instead of a granny??? Lol, how did that happen?

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

5 Stars on a Great story . Yes i got my oldest sister's hand me downs. But my mom made a blouse into a shirt. I loved that shirt

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

SS06 definitely has an obsession with huge breasts and butts. Not my thing. i much prefer smaller, firmer breasts and tight,round, athletic asses. Also petite women preferably under 5'3.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Got too zany at the end. Tossing in Heathrr getting pregnant at the end for her tryst with Luke Skyjumper (lolz) was unnecessary. As usual no woman who cheats in a SS06 story ever uses contraception. Good to see Amy had nothing in common with her cheating parents and her psycho sister Heather. Btw wouldn't be together 5 years and breaking up and making back up together like a dozen times or more not trigger his fight or flight response?

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Short and sweet. Heather was a slut raised by parental slut units.

oldtwitoldtwitabout 1 year ago

I liked the plot but you made it too silly, it could have been a good story, it had all the ingredients but you made it a joke read, and it didn’t make the grade

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago
Loved it!

Ah, I loved it! A great read! Thanks! DerMTMan sn

rbloch66rbloch66about 1 year ago

“We were on a break!!!” Awesome. I love little sister stories and happy endings. The almost cat-fight was just gravy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Slut Heather got off easily

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I enjoyed it, and the best woman won. It was a true "Loving Wives" story.

As for the question of how he could love her in such a short time, in the story he'd loved her like a sister for the last 5 years, and she loved him from the first time she saw him. It didn't take much time after that for them to fall in love with each other. I gave it 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Good story, but given the wedding setup, NOT a great story. 4

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

The wedding should have been a happy and SOLEMN occasion (NOT SOMBRE, - that's what a funeral is!). Also find PURPOSEFULLY used instead of PURPOSELY and ABJECT instead of ADAMANT. Just sayin'. :-)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

i really enjoyed this one .

thanks .

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