Harem Country Ch. 04


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"As you wish my lord." he said. Dotan turned to continue walked. "Even the part about your mother? That would entitle you to inherit the kingdom."

"Not a single word...wait, what?" The god jerked his head back around.

"The Kingdom of Altea is Zophiel's property." Seth explained. "She changed the inheritance law to the firstborn child instead of just the firstborn male, but you are her only offspring. In the event of the owner of an estate is either incapable, dead...or missing...the rightful inheritor is given the property. In order of common law: it is the spouse, the children in descending order, then family members based upon how closely related they are. As the child of Zophiel, you are entitled to her estate...which includes the kingdom."

Dotan stared at Seth with the blankest expression he could manage. It was the god's turn to have his brain short out.

"Wha..." he began. "How the hell do you know all that? You've been oblivious to nearly all other things."

"Property law I know." Seth said sheepishly. "It's how my older brother got the farm, the girl I wanted, and why I had to hit the road to find a living."

"I think we can fix that." Dotan replied.

"You damn right we can fix that." Seth replied. The god gave him an odd look. "My lord."

"Yes, you should end every sentence with that." the god said wryly. "Now that I have proven myself I will not tolerate any more disrespect, especially from my high priest, do I make myself clear?"

"Yes sir, absolutely." Seth stated firmly. "You are my lord and king, never have that in doubt."

"You sound more confident in me than before." the god noted.

"I've had a demonstration my lord." Seth said. "I will never doubt you again."

"I imagine not." Dotan stated. "You're smarter than you think Seth. As my high priest you should use your brain more often."

"Um...thank you my lord. I'll try."

"Good." Dotan walked out into the daylight. This time he wasn't slinking around, hiding, and engaging in clandestine actions. He was in broad daylight, in full view of everyone. "Now then, let us prepare for my dear aunt Lyfillia's arrival. I take it my (cousin is it?) cousin Addur has been taken care of?"

"From what I've heard my lord, it was easy."

"They left themselves completely wide open. This will be easier than I could have ever imagined."

"Would you like us to do away with Addur my lord?"

"No, far from it, he will become an integral part of my new army."

"But...my lord, he eagerly agreed to be a part of the elvish and Zophiel alliance. He even praised Malona for being so chaste before their marriage. He's totally the opposite of what you want."

"As you can atest to, I can be very convincing." Dotan said. "Now then, take me to my throne room. I need to begin to remove Zophiel's fishy stench from it."


Dotan set up his new trap. This time he didn't even bother hiding. He obtained curious glances from staff workers, but they didn't stop him or anything. For the moment, the god kept his power low, so people would think he was just some tall worker or something. Seth assisted to the best of his ability as they drew new symbols in a line that cut the throne room in half. Dotan asked for a box from the catacombs of the arena to be brought up to him. Seth managed to do it, and he couldn't help but notice that the arena was perfectly quiet. He wanted to peek it on Zophiel, to see if she had given up, but his lord had told him to completely ignore her for now. After waking up the guards from their late night, Dotan set everything up for his plan...and Seth had a front row seat.


Lyfillia and Malona entered the throne room. Lyfillia looked quite different from her sister. She was taller and had dark hair and brown eyes. Her nose was also long and prominent, but she it still didn't detract from the fact that she was beautiful. Malona, an elven demigoddess, was a very attractive woman as well. She had platinum blonde hair, purple eyes and that perfect light elf face. She was noticeably short, but nowhere near how small dark elves like Roshina were. She also had nice womanly curves, that she didn't attempt to hide with her tight dress despite her championing being chaste. They were casually talking to one another as they passed the doors. They actually traveled a good distance in the long room before Lyfillia finally looked up.

"What? Who are you?" she asked. Casually sitting on the throne that had been her sister's was Dotan. Seth was standing off to the side, looking more relaxed than he had before. Dotan casually crossed his arms.

"How quickly we forget." he said. He reached up with one of his fingers and tapped to the side of his amber eyes. "Remember? Think carefully old woman."

Lyfillia narrowed her eyes at the jab, but also began thinking. After a few moments her eyes perked back up.

"Wait, I remember you!" she shouted. "You were that little boy Zophiel dragged around all those ages ago! You were an annoying little brat, always hanging around and begging for her attention!"

"Well I have fond memories of you as well dear aunt." Dotan replied.

"What!" the goddess replied, outraged. "What nonsense is this! Zophiel would never allow herself...!"

"To lay down with a dirty, filthy man?" Dotan finished. "Oh, it gets better. She didn't lay down with just any man, but a mortal, a human."

"You're insane!" Lyfillia replied.

"That's what Zophiel said before I dealt with her!" he replied. "And now where is she? Strange, I don't see her!"

"What...what did you do with my sister!?"

"She is...indisposed. I guess that makes me her heir doesn't it?"

"As if I would let a filthy pig assume my throne!" Lyfillia swung her arm around. A blast of energy, similar to Zophiel's, erupted out of her hand. It went halfway across the throne room before hitting a barrier and cancelling out.

"Just to be clear," Dotan began, not fazed in the slightest. "Am I a filthy pig because I'm your nephew or because I have a penis?"

"Why you...!" Lyfillia took a few steps forward. Malona abruptly grabbed the goddess's arm. Lyfillia jerked her head around to see Malona's worried expression.

"We should leave!" the demigoddess said. "We need to tell the people!"

Lyfillia growled, but seemed to begrudgingly agree. They both turned to dash out of the room, but the door was shut tight. The guards had apparently sealed it behind them. There was another barrier, over the door this time. Malona looked as if she were terrified. Lyfillia looked even more angry. She whirled back around to Dotan.

"You think these shields can hold me?" she shouted.

"Funny, Zophiel said the the same thing." Dotan replied. He glanced around the room. "Strange, I still don't see her."

"You think a mere mortal could...!" Lyfillia began to say. Her words were cut short. Dotan's wings exploded out of his back. His red halo exploded to life above his head. Lyfillia was instantly taken aback. Dotan was not only a god, but a dark god.

"Impossible!" Lyfillia shouted.

"You are so much like my mother it's shocking." Dotan replied. "Well this has been fun, but I think it's time to get down to business huh?" Dotan opened the box Seth had brought. He lifted up two objects out. They dangled from chains in his hands. They were two collars, made from some sort of silver-like metal. "You two are going to put these around your neck, and you will submit to me."

"You are a special kind of madman." Lyfillia said hatefully. "I will never submit to some egotistical man!"

"You don't care that I'm a dark god, only a man?" Dotan asked as if the answer was obvious. "No matter. You don't have to put them on."

"We...don't?" Malona asked. She was looking increasingly panicked. She was a demigoddess sandwiched between two gods.

"No! Of course not!" Dotan said, his voice clearly artificial. His motioned towards Seth. His high priest then walked over to a door behind the throne. It was hidden behind a curtain and was a convenient exit for Zophiel. Once the door was open two guards dragged in a man tied to a chair and with a bag over his head. They placed him in front of the throne. The guards then casually left the room. Dotan approached the man in the chair. He jerked off the bag. Despite being blindfolded and gagged...it was unmistakably Addur. He was now dressed in only regular clothing.

"Addur!" Malona shouted She now looked distraught. Addur didn't respond. Apparently they had plugged his ears with something. Dotan ignored her. He suddenly pulled a large knife out of his waist. He put it to Addur's chest, causing the demigod to jump.

"Put on the collars or I will flay this man alive." Dotan said casually.

"You wouldn't dare!" Malona cried desperately. Dotan lifted the knife off of Addur, held his arms open, and had a genuinely confused expression on his face.

"Why wouldn't I?" the dark god asked. "I don't know him. Why would I care?"

Malona abruptly looked a little pale. Dotan smiled and brought the knife back to Addur's chest. He pushed the sharp end of the blade through the shirt and into his skin. Addur screamed against the gag as Dotan carved a huge gash across his chest.

"No! Stop! Stop it!" Malona screamed desperately. Dotan actually listened. He held up the bloody knife with a smile.

"Hm?" Dotan asked. "Had a change of heart have we?"

"Please! Don't hurt my holy husband anymore!" Malona cried.

"Well, if you don't want your holy...holy hus...wait...what the...what the fuck..." Dotan stammered for a few moments before jerking his head towards Seth. "What the fuck is a holy husband?"

Seth made an unpleasant face before speaking.

"It's um..." the mortal began. "It's a um...a husband who swears to forgo any sex unless it's for reproductive purposes only. He also swears not to have any impure thoughts, even about his wife."

"Wha...?" Dotan looked genuinely baffled. "Why the fuck would anyone agree to...oh never mind!" The god finally turned back to the Malona, except now he looked annoyed.

"Agree to put on the collars and submit!" he demanded. "Otherwise I will slowly kill this man, ripping his flesh off piece by piece!"

Malona appeared distraught. She turned to Lyfillia, who looked incredibly infuriated.

"We have to!" Malona cried.

"I will never submit to the likes of this god!" Lyfillia replied.

"The word you're looking for is "man!"" Dotan interjected. He was ignored.

"If we don't do as he says he'll kill Addur!" Malona reasoned. "He's your nephew and vital for our people's alliance! We've already made promises of purity with each other!"

"Who the fuck would agree...!" Dotan tried to interject again. He was still ignored.

"The marriage process has already started! Zophiel will never forgive us if we let him die!"

Lyfillia snarled and looked at the wall. She was fighting between her pride and what she thought was right. Malona leaned in close and began whispering.

"It's just a collar and some words." she said quietly. "We can take them off and deny what we said later. He's just trying to get a rise out of us. Come on, please, for Zophiel and Addur?"

Lyfillia let out one more growl before stomping her foot on the floor.

"Fine!" the goddess cried. No sooner had those words left her lips than the collars landed in front of them. They both jumped and glanced up at Dotan, who looked incredibly pleased.

"On the count of three! Put them on!" Dotan declared happily. Malona looked fearful and Lyfillia looked enraged, but they both picked up the collars. They collar worked on a hinge and had a hooking mechanism where it was supposed to be closed. With distaste, they put the devices around their necks.

"Ready? One...two...THREE!" he cried. They both snapped the collars shut. "You...dumb bitches."

Both Malona and Lyfillia instantly felt as if their breath had been drained out of them. All of their limbs felt heavy. They both collapsed onto the ground. They could feel their magic fading into nothing, as if it were sucked away from them. After a few moments of gasping Lyfillia jerked her head back up to see a grinning Dotan.

"What...did you do?" she demanded.

"Did you honestly think I would just take your word for it?" he asked. "Those aren't normal collars you idiots. They are enchanted mithrazite collars."

"What?" Lyfillia said weakly.

"Ah, you actually know what that is do you? There were a few rocks of mithrazite at the bottom of the arena. It is a mineral which holds magic rather than eventually letting it dissipate. Soooooo...if a dark god was to enchant mithrazite collars with magic suppression and had certain dumb bitches close the circuit around their body...well...they might find themselves as weak as common mortals."

Dotan chuckled to himself. He motioned towards Seth again, who called in the guards to take Addur away. Then, as if it were terribly easy, Dotan waved his glowing hand. The shields around the room instantly dropped. He reached into his pocket and extracted what appeared to be two metal hooks. He began slowly walking towards the two women in the center of the room. They both tried to scramble backwards, but they seemed to be completely lacking any strength.

"Do you remember what you said to me the last time we saw each other?" the god asked.

"Wha...what?" Lyfillia asked weakly.

"You told Zophiel "either get rid of that brat or cut his penis off."" Dotan said flatly. ""I don't want any of his filth around me."" Abruptly, Dotan moved in a blur of speed, barely visible to the eye. He bolted directly in front of Lyfillia. He took the hook in his hand and jammed it into the stone floor. He then phased directly in front of Lyfillia and seized the chain attached to her collar. He jerked her back, causing her to shriek and briefly fly into the air before slamming onto the floor again. Dotan took the end of the chain and connected it to the hook. Then, with his bare hands, he closed the metal hook around the chain, trapping her. Lyfillia found herself in an unfamiliar position. She was on the ground, trying to recover from her impact. Without the immense magic coursing through her body, she was as frail as a human. Malona began to stumble backwards, attempting to escape. Dotan smiled and gazed towards her. Her blood started to turn cold.

"Going somewhere?" the god asked. Malona gulped, sweat coming down her face. Then she turned to try and run. Dotan darted across the room. He seized the demigoddess's collar and jerked her forward. In the blink of an eye, the elf was against the wall. Dotan easily shoved another hook into the marble behind her, and bent it closed with her chain in the loop. Now Malona was trapped. Dotan stepped back, looking amused. Malona hadn't hit the wall quite so hard, so she still had her wits. She was pulling on the chain and hook, completely in vain. Dotan turned his back to her.

"You can relax." the god said bluntly.

"H-huh?" Malona asked in a weak voice.

"I have no intention of doing anything to you." Dotan said, glancing back at her.

"Wh...why?" the elf asked.

"You want me to change my mind?" the god asked.

"No! No...I...um..." Malona was struggling with words. "You just...weakened me...and..."

"I didn't weaken you, I crippled you." Dotan's tone was similar to a teacher correcting a student. "You are very fortunate in one aspect however. The elves never did anything to particularly offend me. Only ever spoke to one of them, and although he was rude..." Dotan's amber eyes slowly turned towards his aunt, who was beginning to get back on her feet. "He was nowhere near as rude as the others."

Lyfillia glared and spat in his direction.

"My, my. You and Zophiel are exactly alike." Dotan said. "Well, except for one thing." The god darted across the room again. He was suddenly right in front of Lyfillia. He grabbed her by the throat above her collar and, despite her elevated height, lifted her up off the ground. The goddess attempted to struggle, grabbing at his hand and kicking, but it was to no avail. She was as weak as any mortal.

"Let's take a look..." Dotan said. He reached up with his free hand and seized onto his aunt's dress. He easily ripped the entire lower half of it off. Lyfillia shrieked and desperately kicked Dotan, but it was like hitting a rock. With a gleeful expression, the god reached out and dug his hand into her folds. The goddess shrieked again, gyrating and kicking. After a few moments, however, Dotan frowned. He then roughly dropped his aunt onto the ground. She crumpled into a heap and desperately covered herself up.

"You hypocritical little bitch..." Dotan said.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Lyfillia shrieked. The god squatted so he was on her level and glared directly into her brown eyes.

"You're not a virgin. You've fucked a man just like Zophiel has." Dotan said flatly. Lyfillia's face suddenly turned deep red. She narrowed her eyes and grit her teeth angrily.

"What do you know about it!" she shrieked like a banshee. "I prefer the civil company of women next to the debauched idiots that are men! That doesn't mean I don't know what lying down with your disgusting kind is like!"

Dotan merely grunted. He leaned even closer, causing Lyfillia to lean backwards.

"Why do you hate men so much?" he asked. "It's not just men like me. You hate them all, even ones like that holy husband, emasculated Addur."

"I don't have to explain myself to you!"

"Is it because you aren't as pretty as Zophiel?"

Dotan didn't think it was possible, but Lyfillia looked even angrier.

"YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ME!" Lyfillia screamed at the top of her lungs. Dotan laughed loudly at her outburst.

"So that's what it is." the god stated. "You're beautiful, to be certain, but no one compares to Zophiel, the goddess of beauty. So, the men all lined up for Zophiel, but ignored her dumpy little sister. You couldn't hate Zophiel, she ruled half of the nation. You needed to be in her good graces. So instead, you turned your anger towards an entire gender. You're incredibly petty."

"That has nothing to do with it! You're talking out of your ass!"



"Zophiel's ass. She's the one who told me that."

Lyfillia stopped. Her face fell and she appeared bewildered.

"There...she wouldn't say...when?" she stammered.

"When I was sitting in her lap, crying." Dotan explained casually. "It was after you said that "penis chopping" thing to me. My mother comforted me by telling me why she thought you were such a bitch."

Lyfillia apparently had enough. She shrieked and lunged forward. She seized Dotan's shirt and brought her face right up to his. He didn't react.

"You know nothing about my sister!" the goddess screamed. "She believed the same things I did! She would never let a filthy, male mortal touch her! You're just a fraud, and nothing you do to me will make me submit to you!" A hand seized the goddess's forehead. Lyfillia let out a little squeaking noise in surprise.

"We'll see about that." Dotan said flatly. He wasn't smiling anymore. "I've had enough of your wailing. It's time to give you what you deserve."

"Oooooooh fuck, not again!" Seth shouted from across the room. He knew what his god was about to do. The last two times he ended up with two slaves...and an incredibly sore dick. He probably couldn't keep three women like that happy! Dotan wasn't listening. His palm lit up. Lyfillia screamed as she felt him pierce into her brain. His magic felt like fingers poking through her mind, rearranging things inside of her. For several moments she screamed helplessly. Then he pulled his hand off. Lyfillia was still sitting up, looking bewildered. A magic symbol briefly appeared on her forehead. Dotan stood up, gazing down at her.

"What...did you do?" she asked weakly. Dotan grinned from ear to ear, like a predator that finally caught it's prey.