Harem Days


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One evening, all five of us were sent for. We were led not to Hafiz's bed chamber, but to a large dining hall, where he was entertaining several richly dressed men. He told them "My wives will entertain you as you please, my honored guests." First, while they ate, he had us dance -- I said a silent prayer of thanks that Hayfa had taught me, as I whirled around the table, jiggling my hips, brushing my long hair across the diners' shoulders, shaking my breasts shamelessly in their faces. Then Hafiz, with a huge grin, took Hayfa by the hand and led her away. The remaining men ignored Fakhriyya, two of them taking a giggling Muna and Salha between them, the other two closing in on me. As one of them eased me out of my clothes the other undressed. Then he pulled me down onto a group of cushions while his companion stripped and joined us.

Hayfa had said something about entertaining Our Lord's friends, but until that moment the reality of what she meant had not hit me. I lay unresisting while one of the men fucked me as the other one guzzled my boobies. The one screwing me had a tiny cock compared to My Lord, and I almost wasn't aware of him inside me. The other one was much younger -- I suspected he was the first one's son -- and I stroked his rather larger dick with my hand. After the first one had come inside me they both caressed and licked me until he was hard again. Then they moved me onto all fours. The younger one moved behind me, but I was shocked when, instead of entering my pussy, he rammed his dick into my ass. The other one pulled my mouth open with his hands and slid his little cock into my mouth.

When Hayfa or her mother put their fingers -- or their tongues -- deep into my anal passage it felt heavenly, but this young bully was stabbing me so painfully I felt tears spring into my eyes. The one in my mouth, despite having already shot off once, lasted only seconds. He made no move to withdraw, however, so I simply held my position with his flagging dick between my lips as I winced with pain from the harsh treatment of my backside by his companion. I did try to arouse the other one again with my tongue, if only to distract myself, but it was like sucking a dead worm. Eventually the cur at my rear end released his jism, and the two of them pawed at me some more, the old one pushing his short, pudgy fingers into my cunt and ramming them hard against me while I stroked both their cocks. After a while, each having spunked again, they returned to their clothes, laughing and slapping each other on the backs as if they were really proud of themselves. Aamina was then allowed to lead me away.

It was quiet when I returned to the harem room, with only Fakhriyya there, drowsing on her pallet. Feeling dazed I quietly went and washed out my backside, finding not only the young pig's sperm but also traces of my own blood. Then I lay on my own pallet, curled into a ball, and wept silently. Fakhriyya came over and tried to kiss and caress me, but I pushed her away; I was beyond solace that night. I didn't think My Lord could heap any deeper humiliation on me. If only I'd known.

The next afternoon, as I sprawled on a chaise longue, still feeling traumatised, Aamina came over to me, looking quite agitated, and indicated with hand gestures that I was required. Sighing, I made my way to the door, where a guard stood to lead me to My Lord. He didn't, though; he took me to a room I'd never seen before, where a number of Hafiz's lieutenants sprawled about on pillows, guzzling chicken. As I entered, the door slammed closed behind me, and I whirled round to see Abdullah blocking the exit, grinning at me. As I looked back to the others, I saw they were rising to their feet, wiping their greasy fingers and beards and, to a man, stirpping off their clothes!

There were about a dozen of them, and they slowly closed in on me, encircling me, the revolting Abdullah among them. I trembled as I realised what they planned. Turning to face Abdullah, I screamed into his face, "Don't touch me you pig! My Lord will have your heads on a plate for this."

Abdullah shook his head, grinning even more widely. "Not at all, Farrah - you are our Lord's gift to us." I made a desperate lunge for a small gap in the circle, but it closed and they fell on me. Within seconds my clothes had been ripped from me, their fingers gouging me, tearing long rakes in my skin. For several hours they did as they wished with me. They either ignored my sobs and screams or, if they became too irritated with me, slapped my face to quiet me.

I was fucked in the mouth, the cunt, the ass, and at least at one point all three orifices were filled simultaneously by sweating, grunting men thrusting at me. Towards the end I mercifully lost consciousness; my last clear memory was of Abdullah slamming into me from behind, his fingers digging deep into my hips, growling "Like this, you fucking whore."

When I'd been half-carried, half-dragged back to the harem, I sat very still on my pallet for a while. Hayfa and her mother both asked if I was okay but, as if in a trance, I ignored them. Then, very slowly, I walked to the lavatory, knelt over it, and threw up, over and over, until I was dry heaving, stomach acid burning my throat. Finally I was too weak the puke any more, and I collapsed on the floor in hysterical, screaming tears.

I lay awake on my pallet that night, my knees drawn up towards my chest, sucking my thumb, seriously contemplating killing myself. Then I heard Hayfa whisper urgently, "Farrah, look, something is happening." Struggling to raise the slightest interest in anything, I stood and drifted over to stand behind her at the window. At first I saw nothing. Just as I was about to return to my bed, I heard a cry. Was that a human screaming, or just some wild animal? A few moments later I saw two or three small lights, torch beams I thought, flash briefly through the night. Then they disappeared and nothing more happened. I thought I must have been mistaken, that they were no more than fire flies. I went back to my pallet and continued to consider whether I had, or wanted, a future on the planet.

It was probably five minutes later that I heard a thump outside the door to the harem. It opened and, in the light from the corridor, I saw a large figure slump through the gap to the floor. The eunuch who had been on duty. Several shadowy figures flitted into the room. An oil lamp was lit, then another. I stared in disbelief at Captain David McHugh, dressed from head to toe in black, his face smudged with black boot polish, a dagger clutched in his hand. Behind him stood two similarly clad figures, one with a stubby machine gun slung over his shoulder, the other holding a short straight dagger to the throat of a terrified Arab guard, hand clamped over the captive's mouth. I opened my mouth but David put a finger to his lips, silencing me. Then Aamina appeared at my side. She took one look at the men, then drew breath, clearly intending to scream. Without even thinking, I rammed my elbow into her stomach. Her eyes bulged and she doubled over with an explosion of breath. In moments David had leapt across the room, gagged her and tied her hands and feet. I pointed to the bath area and he carried her, kicking and gasping for breath, back there.

All the other women were staring in astonishment. Hayfa was still by the window, Fakhriyya was sitting up on her pallet, Salha stood at a distance watching the scene with eyes as big as bowling balls, and Muna lay on her pallet crying softly and trembling with fear. David assessed the way I was dressed in a glance then took a pair of canvas sneakers from a small pack on his back. I slipped them on my feet and he took my hand and began to lead me away. I turned back. "Hayfa, some with us. Get away while you have the chance. Tell your mother, too."

Hayfa shook her head. Her voice tiny, she said, ""We cannot. I am scared. Where would we go, what would we do? My Lord is kind to us, and this is all we know."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. David hissed at me, "Come on Miss Buchanan, we have to leave."

Ignoring him, I reached out a hand. "Hayfa, please, I can't just leave you here."

She stared at me silently shaking her head, tears forming in her eyes. David, sounding furious, wrenched at my arm and growled, "Emily, NOW!" I cast one last glance back at Hayfa, then allowed him to pull me through the door.

On the way out of the building I counted four dead Arabs, plus the eunuch. I didn't know what had happened to the captive guard, I didn't see him again. Within minutes we were outside, and I saw two dark military personnel carriers, with various dark figures moving around them. Hands dragged me into one of the vehicles and a rather prickly olive great coat was draped around my shoulders. Then, slowly at first, the small convoy moved off. When we were maybe a mile from Hafiz's palace the drivers gunned the engines, and we made all possible speed across the border into Aden, and the safety of British protection.

Dawn was breaking when we pulled to the side of a road and David came to see how I was. The tension finally broken, I fell sobbing into his arms. "I'd given up on being rescued. I thought I'd be there for ever."

He stroked my hair. "I know. I'm sorry it's taken us nearly three weeks. First I had to convince my colonel Hafiz really had you, then we had to get permission from London...anyway, you're safe now, and you'll soon be home." I couldn't believe it had been such a short time. Sniffling, I asked David where Gerald was. A grim look flashed across his face, but he said my fiancé -- the term he used -- was in the city. Due to the extreme secrecy of the mission, he hadn't been aware of it, so my arrival would be a surprise.

They took me first to see a doctor, who gave me a thorough check over and said I needed a few weeks of complete rest. When the examination finished David presented me with a khaki shirt and a pair of army pants, saying it was all they could manage at short notice. The shirt sagged on me, and the pants were a couple of inches too short and baggy at the waist, but I was so relieved to get out of that goddamn harem suit. Then David took me to the Imperial Hotel, where Gerald was staying. As we arrived I rushed up the front steps, barely noticing the army sergeant who gave David a small shake of his head. David grabbed my arm and said hurriedly, "Don't go up there just yet Emily, I'll go and get Gerald for you." I couldn't understand David's attitude. I wondered for a moment if he was displaying jealousy. I was forever grateful for his efforts at rescuing me of course, but...Breaking free I rushed to the desk clerk, asked for Doctor Crichton's room number, and raced up the wide staircase to the first floor.

When I got to Gerald's room I burst through the door. I should have knocked first, but, hell, he was my fiancé, and he'd be overwhelmed with joy to see me, obviously. I stopped as if I'd been turned to stone. Gerald was on the floor in the middle of the room -- stark naked apart from his specs, his body curled around that of an Arab slut who he was fucking from behind, his hands locked to her miniscule breasts. She was gazing back at him over her shoulder, eyes rolling and tongue hanging out. She saw me first, and immediately started bucking back at Gerald and moaning and wailing dramatically as he continued to thrust into her. It took maybe three strokes before he became aware of my presence. He froze, stared at me with his mouth open, then gasped, "Em! Oh shit."

Oh shit indeed. I turned and fled. Seconds later I heard Gerald pounding down the corridor behind me, calling my name. Murder in my heart, I stopped, turned on my heel, and snapped, "What Gerald? Let me guess, this isn't what it looks like?"

He was still naked, and his rather small cock reared up at me, glistening with that little whore's juices. "Emily, I'm sorry. You weren't meant to see that, I had no idea they'd gone for you. It's wonderful to see you my darling." He took a step towards me, his arms outstretched, but I stepped back. Dropping his arms, he said, in a rather peevish voice, "Emily, I love you, this doesn't mean anything, she's just a native girl."

I thought of the 'native girls' I'd left behind me, of how they'd been used by Hafiz, just as he'd used me...just as Gerald had been using this girl. I thought also of how he'd taken her from behind, his body wrapped around hers, just as Abdullah had taken me only the previous day. Sarcastically, I snapped, "Gee thanks Gerald, you have no idea how much better that makes me feel." Then, an instinctive reaction, I swung my leg back and aimed my foot at his balls. I was only wearing the soft sneakers, but judging by the way his eyes crossed, and the way he sunk to the floor with a whimper, his hands clutching his crown jewels, they can still hurt. I whirled away from him and, for the second time in a few hours, found myself weeping into David McHugh's chest.

A couple of weeks after I was rescued, David disappeared for couple of days. Shortly afterwards, news spread that Hafiz and his henchman Abdullah had been found with their throats slit, their genitalia cut off and stuffed into their mouths. The official story was that it was the work of local brigands, but I wondered about that. I never found out what happened to Hayfa and Fakhriyya.

It was only two days after I arrived in Aden -- after I learnt of Gerald's betrayal -- that I made love with David McHugh for the first time. He wasn't a great lover, but he was good enough, tender and considerate, and he gave me a warm glow inside. It was while David was gone that I discovered I was pregnant. David immediately asked me to marry him, the full British thing, down on one knee. Only when I was satisfied that it was a sincere request, not a charitable one, did I agree. As I did, I prayed that my baby would be pale and blond with either green or blue eyes, not swarthy with dark hair and flashing black eyes.

David loved me deeply, but I'm not sure that I ever truly loved him; he was a good man though, an extremely kind man, and I grew very fond of him, and very eager to make his life happy. Of course, it was through him that I came into contact with Signor Mussolini's associates in Ethiopia...but that's another story.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Very enjoyable story!

CucumberLemonadeCucumberLemonadeover 2 years ago

Been reading stories here for years and this is by far the most closest thing to reality -feel I have ever read if not mistaking it for a based from real experience. That in itself made it more erotic and sexy 1000x over.

I loved every episode presented and I agree this would be a good novel. Imagining reading every detail of it makes my fret clench to excitement.

I loved the contrast of how the Prince used Farrah/Emily versus the Lesbian acts of her and Hayfah and her mom. It’s like Emily’s getting the best of both fuck worlds —- ravaging and then gentle.

To add, the heroic act of David and the main character setting down with him brings back the realization that you can’t have all the goodness in the world. The sex life at the Harem seems way better but then too much all at the same time.

Bookmarked and will surely get back to reading again.

More please. And congratulations.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Very well written. Interesting story. Main character believable. Should write a novel. Id buy it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

would love to hear more of her adventures ! loved this story

YshtarYshtarabout 15 years ago
Well done!

I enjoyed this story very much. Not only the erotic scenes were well written. Without the pornographic content it would also be a good read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Trememndous Story

I've said it before - your stories just get better and better. I look forward to a chapter 2 of this one. The reader who said he is going to read more of your stories is in for a treat. You are the best writer on this site.

joeygtjoeygtover 16 years ago

Usually don't comment on stories. Making an exception here. What a great story. How have I not seen your work before. I will be busy reading through the rest of your submitted stories.

Rad'lRad'lover 16 years ago
Very, very well done!!!

Fiction, true - but - about as real as it could get. Thank you.

I did spot one small typo; small enough that it didn't detract from the story - which is well!

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