Harriet's Story


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She looked out of the window in the direction of the pool. Alex was poised on the edge of the pool about to dive in. His tanned body stretched for the dive was lithe and muscular and then he knifed into the water and with a few powerful strokes he swam to the other end of the pool. Harriet's mind was virtually made up for her. She put on the bikini and cotton housecoat and made her way to the kitchen.

Harold had long been gone to work and Glen had breakfasted. Harriet had no real taste for food but she made herself some toast and a cup of tea. Despite the fact that she had prepared herself to go to the pool, when she finished her frugal breakfast she was still wrestling with her desire to go to the pool and be tormented by Alex's presence, or remain safe in the house.

For all her inner struggle, deep inside herself she knew what she as going to do. Barefoot she left the kitchen and made her way to the pool and temptation. The greeting between Alex and Harriet was almost formal, but Glen laughed and coming to her kissed her and said, "And how is my lovely mother this morning?"

"A bit weary," she replied, "I didn't sleep too well last night." She knew that her lack of sleep was not the only cause of her weariness. Suppressed emotions, especially those concerned with sex, can have a debilitating effect when they are not discharged in the appropriate manner.

Alex was sitting on the edge of the pool, his feet dangling in the water. He was looking at her rather like a hungry puppy begging to be fed. Harriet tried not to look at him, but he had that now familiar erection which she now knew to be for her and her eyes were constantly drawn to him.

She began to tremble and to cover her discomfiture she dived into the pool. Her bikini was such that when wet it tended to take on slight transparency. As she came out of the pool Alex's gaze became even more intense, and Harriet's jumbled emotions even more disturbing. She put her housecoat on and hurried back to the house drying her hair with a towel as she went.

She was very agitated and she tried to calm herself by doing little domestic jobs that in fact did not need doing. She could not remember ever feeling so sexually aroused before, even when in their youth Harold had been at his amorous best.

A church member she may have been but like a lot of church people she was not great on prayer, but that morning she prayed as she never had before, asking to be released from the emotions that seemed to hold her in thrall. It did no good, because as was usually the case, when a suppliant asks something of the deity He/She/It seem to be absent, perhaps gone on vacation or emigrated from the universe.

With trembling hands she made cheese and ham sandwiches and when the boys came in for lunch she could be in no doubt about their emotional state; hard penises were clearly delineated against their scanty swimwear.

While the boys sat and ate Harriet strove to cover her own desperate condition with frantic chatter to which the boys responded monosyllabically. She was thankful for the coat because it covered her saturated genitals and inner thighs and she longed for them to leave so that she could flee to her bedroom and masturbate.

After what seemed hours but in fact was only half an hour they rose and left her. She felt drained by the intense emotions she had experienced and for the moment did not go to her bedroom. At the sink her legs felt as if they could not support her and she leaned against it, her head bowed.

She heard the sound of a car door slamming, an engine started and the car drove away; Alex had left.

She felt a wave of bitter disappointment mixed with anger course through her. Irrationally she silently accused Alex for bringing her to the extreme of sexual arousal and then deserting her. She lifted her head and looked out of the window, but there was no sight of anyone at the pool; perhaps Glen had left with Alex?

She heard a slight sound behind her and half turned expecting to see Glen, but it was Alex. Confused and agitated, her heart beating wildly and a ringing sound in her ears she turned back her hands clutching the edge of the sink.

She felt rather than heard his approach, and then his warm breath caressed the back of her neck and moist lips were pressed against the nape of her neck. She tried to speak but her throat seemed to be constricted and no sound came.

His hands came round her and began to unbutton her coat and she made no resistance as it was removed from her. She felt the hardness of his penis firm against her buttocks and her bra followed the coat to the floor. A hand closed over one of her breasts while the other began to stroke the slight swell of her stomach.

Alex's voice, his lips close to her ear, whispered, "I want you Harriet." She struggled to respond but still she could make no sound. The hand stroking her belly moved down to push aside her last defense and a finger stroked along the cleft of her vulva.

The last of her fragile defenses overcome she leaned back against him as his hands started to remove her bikini. She eased it down herself and kicked it way as Alex removed his swimming briefs. Her back was to him and his hands enfolded her breasts, gently pressing and stroking them, his penis moving along the groove of her vulva.

"No Alex," Harriet pleaded, "Glen, he might..."

"No," Alex gently reassured her, "He'll be gone for at least two hours."

Harriet spoke again, "No darling...no...not here...not like this..."

She turned and taking his hand led him into the lounge and the divan. For a few moments they stood clinging to each other and Harriet moaned as she rubbed her body over his. She had her arms round him as she returned his kisses. She parted her lips and her tongue slipped out to touch and enter his mouth. She reached down and stoked his belly working her way down until she held and massaged his penis, while Alex's fingers entered her vagina to feel there the soft warm pleasures that awaited him.

He gently laid her on the divan and kneeling beside her started to explore her body with hands, lips and tongue; he lingered long over her breasts and nipples.

"You're so lovely," he murmured as he moved on from her breasts to kiss and massage her mons. Harriet was aroused to a level she had never experienced before, even when Harold had been at his most potent and she wanted this first time with Alex to last, and so she moved and parting her legs and bending them at the knees she exposed her genitals to him, inviting him to enjoy her engorged lips and wet cleft.

For a few moments he ran a finger along her cleft and then inserted it into her tunnel. As she gave a soft whimper he leaned forward and kissed and then began to lick her sweet gateway to paradise.

Feeling his tongue caressing her soft inner lips she whispered, "I love to Alex...I love you...I need you."

She thought he might bring her to orgasm with his tongue, but instead he moved her to lie stretched out on the divan with a cushion under her head and then as she opened her legs to receive him he came over her, his weight balanced on his forearms she guided him into her.

As his penis became immersed in her he thought it felt like warm, wet marshmallow that clung to his penis and seemed to draw him into her depths.

Feeling him deep inside her Harriet smiled and said, "Yes darling...yes...but slowly take a long time.

Alex, a hand fondling one of her breasts, kissed her tenderly and then he whispered, "I always knew it would be beautiful with you."

Harriet smiled up at him tenderly and said, "Enjoy darling...enjoy...don't hurry, just enjoy."

Despite his attempts to restrain his orgasm Alex's kisses became increasingly fervent, the pressure on Harriet's breast firmer as his thrusts became more intense.

"I can't hold back...I'm going to come...I'm going to come," he gasped.

"Let it go darling," Harriet said lovingly. She had been fighting down her own orgasm but now she cried, "Let it go...I want to feel it...deep...deep darling..."

As the first expulsion of his sperm beat into her Harriet's legs wound round his waist. Alex had one hand under her buttocks and the other at the base of her neck, dragging her tightly on to him as he began to fill her tunnel with his warm sperm.

Feeling his repeated ejections Harriet cried out, "Oh Alex...Alex...oh my love...yes...yes...oh my God...." The rest of her words become incoherent as she became delirious with orgasmic ecstasy.

Alex gave a final thrust into her and then began to relax but Harriet continued to thrust up against him begging him not to stop, "Don't stop...don't leave me...oh...oh Alex...Alex..." Harriet sobbed.

They were both breathing heavily as Harriet finished and they gradually calmed, although still locked in an embrace with Alex's penis in her vagina. They were unwilling to separate and wanted to retain the sense of oneness they had just experienced.

"I needed you...I needed you so badly Alex," Harriet sobbed.

Alex kissed her and said, "It was wonderful Harriet, and I do really love you."

Harriet sobbed even more loudly.

* * * * * * * *

Alex took her again and this time they lasted much longer and it gave them a sense of what their love making might become if it was possible for them to be together frequently.

"What are we going to do, Harriet?" Alex asked anxiously.

Harriet didn't answer Alex's question, instead she asked, "Glen, does he know what we've been doing?"

"He knows what I was going to try and do," Alex replied.

"Then what you're going to do right now is leave me," Harriet said, "go before Glen gets back, I want to talk with him without you being present."

"But I don't want to..."

"I know darling, but please do as I ask. Come back tomorrow and I might have persuaded Glen that he's needed elsewhere." She thought but did not say that his divorcee might keep Glen occupied for the day.

Reluctantly Alex left her, picking up and putting on his swimming briefs as he went through the kitchen. Harriet hurried to the shower to remove Alex's sperm from her vagina and wash away any residual smell of their activities.

She dressed in shirt and slacks and went to find Glen sitting in the kitchen once more assaulting the cheese. As she entered Glen looked at her with knowing eyes and said, "So you did it then, and don't pretend you didn't because the evidence is clear."

"What...what evidence?"

Glen gleefully pointed to the floor and Harriet felt her face flush; she had forgotten the coat and her bikini that Alex had removed from her and they still lay where they had fallen.

"There you are proof positive," Glen grinned, "just as well I came home before dad, or you might have been in trouble. Was Alex any good?"

"It's none of your business," Harriet replied, "I don't ask you if Marion is any good."

"No, but in the case of you and Alex I do have a stake, after all, I brought you together, and in case you're curious, Marion is terrific."

"Good," Harriet replied tartly, "and Alex is fantastic."

"Then you'll want to have more time together?" Glen said.

Harriet gave an inner sigh of relief because she wouldn't have to raise the matter of having time with Alex.

"Darling, tomorrow, I'd like to..."

"You'd like to spend the day with Alex," Glen grinned. "That's okay, have as many days as you like with him, I know where I'm not wanted."

"Thank you darling," Harriet said thankfully, and then smiling said, "I think I know where you are wanted."

For the first time Harriet felt that she understood the relationship between Glen and Marion and she silently gave thanks for Marion being in Glen's life.

* * * * * * * *

Glen was as good as his word and over the following days Harriet and Alex were left on their own to express and explore their love for each other. There was a depth to their sexual activity that Harriet had never known before. It was something that went beyond lust, and despite the covert and illicit nature of there relationship Harriet felt at one with Alex that was not only physical, but what she dared to think of as spiritual.

Put in raw physical terms Alex was amazingly potent and Harriet nigh on insatiable and their ultimate paradise was for Alex's penis to be in her vagina.

But the days went by and the new academic year drew close, and that meant less opportunity for them to be together.

Alex begged Harriet to leave Harold and live with him, but the very joy of her relationship with Alex had given rise to an increasing pity for Harold. She felt that he would be devastated if she left him. He still showed no interest in her sexually, and for this she was now thankful.

She was also thankful that Harold, on the grounds of business spent less time at home.

Once more Harriet was in a cleft stick. In Alex she believed she had found the love of her life, and if she had obeyed her instincts she would have left Harold and gone to live with Alex. But there was this pity she felt for Harold that was no doubt mingled with guilt that she was, as people say, "Cheating on him." That suggests that she was taking away from Harold something belonging to him and that he wanted, but looked at logically this was not true.

It was Glen who this time all unknowingly once more resolved the dilemma Harriet felt herself to be in.

One evening when they were alone Glen said, "Mum, I've got something to tell you."

Harriet who was writing out her shopping list for the next day looked up, "Mmm?"

"It's about Marion."

"Oh Glen, you're not splitting up are you, I thought that you and she were..."

"No mum, it's not like that, you see, Marion's pregnant."

"Oh Glen, didn't you use any means of contraception?" "Well we did mum, but then Marion said she wanted to have a baby, you see her ex wouldn't agree to make her pregnant, and that's what broke them up."

"So what happens now?"

"We get married."

"But Glen, she's older then you and..."

"And your older than Alex," Glen reminded her.

Harriet was going to say that she and Alex had discussed their age difference and had decided it made no difference to their love for each other," but she changed her mind because Glen might point out that she was married and he and Marion weren't.

"You'll have to tell your father," she said, "and God knows what he'll say."

Glen shrugged and said, "He'll say what he'll say but it won't change anything."

* * * * * * * *

Harold took Glen's news with surprising calm, and in an odd way almost with relief. Harriet was puzzled by his equanimity until Harold, as it were, took the lid off things.

Since revelations seemed the order of the day he said to her, "You've been having an affair haven't you?"

Harriet was dumbfounded, she thought that she and Alex had been so careful. She glanced at Glen accusingly but he shook his head.

Harold took from his pocket a wrist watch and said, "Alex was very careless, I found this on the dressing table two weeks ago."

Alex had got into the habit of taking off his watch before they made love but on just one occasion he had left it behind and had been unnoticed by Harriet. The next day Alex had asked her if she had seen it and she had replied in the negative. They had hunted for it not only in the bedroom but around the house, with obviously no result. They finally concluded that he must have lost it elsewhere, although Alex swore he had put it on the dressing table.

"How...how do you know it's Alex?" Harriet asked, waiting for the explosion.

Harold held the watch up close to her showing her the back of the watch. Inscribed on it were the words, "To Alex from his mother."

At such critical moments revelations seem to follow revelations. To use a metaphor, it is rather like a boil that has been lanced, it all comes out.

"I think this is the time when we'd better have all our cards up on the table," Harold said. "I'm leaving you Harriet, you see, I've been having an affair as well, and we're very much in love."

"Wer-what, her-who is she?" Harriet stuttered.

"Not she, Harriet, he."


"When some time ago you rather crudely suggested that I bugger the office manager you were speaking post-prophetically, we had been, as it were, buggering each other for some time."

"But when we first met and then got married you..."

"Yes, and perhaps I'm bi-sexual with a leaning towards being gay, but when Lance told me he loved me I knew I'd found what I'd always been looking for and never known it. So now you know."

"Mid-life crisis," Glen muttered.

"What...what was that?" Harold said sharply.

"Oh...er...I said a mild crisis."

"Yes," Harold said suspiciously.

With surprising calm Harriet said, "Not exactly mild, we've got a lot of sorting out to do. You say you're leaving Harold, and I take it you will also be clearing out Glen to live with Marion?"

Glen nodded, maybe thinking that silence was his best option.

Harold said he would be moving in with Lance, and it became a matter of exactly when, and who would get what.

Harriet appeared to be in unseemly haste to be rid of her two men, but of course she was anticipating Alex moving in.

* * * * * * * *

Since all three of them were keen to be united and in residence with their inamoratas the change over went reasonably expeditiously, and without too much acrimonious debate.

Among the guests at the wedding of Glen and Marion were Alex and Harriet, Harold and Lance. The bride was showing obvious signs of being great with child.

Had the wedding been a couple of months later then Harriet would also have shown signs of pregnancy and with it went her impending marriage to Alex.

Like most worthwhile relationships Harriet's marriage is still a work in progress, and although it might suit the more romantic to say that they maintain the same ardent passion that they began with, it would not be strictly true. They can now be in each other's presence for as long as a whole day without having sexual intercourse, but not for much longer than a day.

Oh yes, I should also mention that Harold and Lance quite happily l discuss office matters over the evening meal without the slightest sign of boredom.

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chytownchytownalmost 6 years ago
Fun Story*****

Full of twists and turns. Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
And they all lived happily ever after?

Rainbows and unicorns float in the air. It is never cloudy. It's a damn fairy tale that's too far out to be believable. Bah!

Really decent start to the story but then you copped out and wrote that fairy tale bullshit. Do better next time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
re: anonymous-5+

Reminds me of an idiot without brain matter. Get over yourself. The world doesn't revolve around you. You're a nobody with mental issues.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
what a fucked up slut whore she is...

the sort of woman you despise for being like this....a total slag....

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
a bit of a tangled mess

did she become a fuck slut whore or deep down knew her hubby was a closet fudge packer and then the son getting his girl pregnant and then her getting pregnant too .... a bit too mixed up - but then that is what whores do....

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Enjoyed It

The great thing about stories, they can work out any way you want, thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

what a bunch of crap, harold so lucky he got a wife and son who couldn't give a shit about him, she critizes when he talks about his work, all she thinks about his screwing her son friend. then you really go off the deep end harold is gay and leave her, her son knocks up and marry a woman older then his slut mother, and his mother and son friend are in love after her gay husband didn't want her.The only thing that this idiot author forgot was the family pets a ctwo year pussy ran off with the thefamily dog a 13 year old cocker spaniel.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

what a bunch of crap, harold so lucky he got a wife and son who couldn't give a shit about him, she critizes when he talks about his work, all she thinks about his screwing her son friend. then you really go off the deep end harold is gay and leave her, her son knocks up and marry a woman older then his slut mother, and his mother and son friend are in love after her gay husband didn't want her.The only thing that this idiot author forgot was the family pets a ctwo year pussy ran off with the thefamily dog a 13 year old cocker spaniel.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

what a bunch of crap, harold so lucky he got a wife and son who couldn't give a shit about him, she critizes when he talks about his work, all she thinks about his screwing her son friend. then you really go off the deep end harold is gay and leave her, her son knocks up and marry a woman older then his slut mother, and his mother and son friend are in love after her gay husband didn't want her.The only thing that this idiot author forgot was the family pets a ctwo year pussy ran off with the thefamily dog a 13 year old cocker spaniel.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

what a bunch of crap, harold so lucky he got a wife and son who couldn't give a shit about him, she critizes when he talks about his work, all she thinks about his screwing her son friend. then you really go off the deep end harold is gay and leave her, her son knocks up and marry a woman older then his slut mother, and his mother and son friend are in love after her gay husband didn't want her.The only thing that this idiot author forgot was the family pets a ctwo year pussy ran off with the thefamily dog a 13 year old cocker spaniel.

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