Haunting of Palmer Mansion Pt. 01


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"Just sore from all that moving." Daniel flipped his red tie over his shoulder to keep it away from any wayward syrup.

"Do you even lift, bro?" Brad laughed at his own joke and looked at his wife.

Penelope was torn between supporting her husband and not wanting to further humiliate poor Daniel. She chose the former and chuckled, but didn't make eye contact with either of them.

Both Daniel's sister and sister-in-law were already in their church dresses. Daniel's eyes took in the swell of their breasts under the conservative cut. Penelope certainly had more in the boob department, but she was in her twenties. Daniel supposed Brittney would grow bigger. Then he realized he was thinking about his sister's tits and his mouth turned down in revulsion.

"What's wrong now?" Brittney's sharp features were accentuated by the inquisitive look on her face.

"Nothing. Just a bad taste in my mouth." Daniel tried to keep his thoughts about Brittney clean, but all sorts of torrid images burst into his brain. Did she shave her pussy? What did her butt look like? Sure, he'd seen her in a bathing suit dozens of times, but he'd never really looked. Much to his dismay, his new freak-of-a-dick started pushing at his underwear as it swelled with blood. He needed to think of something else. "How'd you sleep up in your tower?" Shit, now he was thinking about her laying naked in bed. The world was going topsy-turvy.

"I slept like a log." Brittney cocked her head at him. "What's wrong with you today?"

"Nothing, nothing." Daniel shook his head.

"I think he's finally hit puberty," Brad said.

"Enough with that, Brad." George walked into the room with his jacket and tie on. "Okay, Andersons. Let's get this show on the road."

Everyone but Daniel got up from the table and took their dishes into the kitchen. Daniel sat there for ten minutes and slowly ate his pancakes until his dick finally deflated. Maybe he was hitting puberty way late. Maybe that's all this was. Then he thought of Mrs. Palmer and a chill ran down his spine. No, something else was happening.

Eventually, Julie came to get him. "We're out the door, Danny. Come on."

"Coming, Mom." Daniel got to his feet and followed her out of the house. He needed to talk to somebody. The pastor? No way. His dad? That would be weird. His sister? No. His mom? Butterflies rose in his stomach as he contemplated confiding in her. He wasn't sure why, but it would have to be her.


On Sunday afternoon, Julie sat on the floor in the middle of the library unpacking and organizing books. The jeans and t-shirt she had on were dusty from the day's labors. Her hands stopped when she pulled the book First Love by Ivan Turgenev out of its temporary carboard home. She remembered reading it when she was in college. A love story between a teenage man and an older woman. As she recalled, the woman was capricious and the man overcome by infatuation. She opened the book and read a random passage. "I burnt as in a fire in her presence ... but what did I care to know what the fire was in which I burned and melted--it was enough that it was sweet to burn and melt."

Seamlessly, Julie felt that she had moved into dream. A pregnant woman in a bustled dress stood over her, looking down at the book. "I read that book on its first American printing." The woman's copper hair fell around her face. "It's a rather scandalous and scorching tale."

Julie looked up at the woman and a sense of calm spread over her. "Who are you?"

"My name's Mrs. Eloise Palmer. How do you do?" Eloise held her hand out.

"I'm Julie Anderson." Julie reached out for the hand, but it was offered in such a way that she knew she wasn't supposed to shake it. She was supposed to kiss it. Did women greet each other this way all those years ago? Julie didn't think so, but she took the hand and delicately placed her lips on Eloise's knuckles. The woman's skin was icy on Julie's warm lips. She released the hand and looked down at the book.

"Go on," Eloise said. "Read another passage."

"Sure." Julie felt that the whole world had gone foggy. She flipped pages and read. "Beware of the love of women; beware of that ecstasy - that slow poison."

Eloise laughed. It was a pretty, tinkling sound. She held her swollen belly. "I'm glad my Thomas never read that book. We wouldn't want to warn our boys, now would we? I do believe he turned eighteen the year I read this."

"What year was that?" Julie looked back up into those beguiling green eyes.

"It was 1897, of course." Eloise smiled.

"Of course." Julie nodded.

"Now, Mrs. Anderson, would you like to know the pleasures I found with my Thomas?" Eloise's smile grew and her freckled face radiated happiness.

"I don't understand." Julie shook her head, trying to clear the cobwebs from her brain.

"The bond, the pact, the contract made," Eloise said. "We paid and received and the Devil took his due. All we need from you is your approbation, sweet Julie."

"No." Julie dropped the book and ran her hands through her long brown hair. "No, this is wrong."

"Mom, are you in here?" Daniel poked his head into the doorway.

Julie found herself lying on the floor in the middle of all those books. She sat up and looked around the room wildly. Mrs. Palmer was gone. Had Julie drifted off to sleep while unpacking? What a strange dream. It had been a trying few days. She looked back to her son who had a worry line etched into his forehead. "What's wrong, pumpkin?"

"I think I need to see a doctor." Daniel stepped into the library and closed the door behind him. The door could lock from inside. That was an odd feature for a library. He locked it. "I'm going through some ... changes." He looked down at his mother. The outline of her bra straps under her old t-shirt fascinated him. He'd never really noticed what wonderfully round, full boobs she had. He tried not to stare at how her breasts warped the logo on her shirt.

"No insurance, remember? Hopefully we can avoid the doctor." Julie stood up and brushed herself off, shaking the last clinging remnants of that dream away. "Tell me what the problem is."

"Last night I had a strange dream about a pregnant lady, and then this happened." Daniel unbuttoned his pants.

"Wait, Danny. Did this woman have ...?" Julie gasped and lost her train of thought as Daniel lowered his pants and underwear and she got a good look at what hung between his legs.

"See. That's why I need a doctor." He looked away from his mother.

"Is that real?" Julie tentatively walked toward her son. It looked real enough, just ridiculously exaggerated. The skin tone was right for Daniel. It swayed a little like she'd expect such a large hunk of meat to sway as Daniel shifted his weight from one foot to the other.

"I'm not messing with you, Mom." Daniel spared a glance as she approached. Her eyes were narrow, and she moved almost like a cat on the hunt. It was disconcerting.

"I'll need to touch it." Julie drew near to him and reached her left hand down to the soft appendage. "Just to check." She brushed her fingertips down the top and the thing jerked and grew a little. "Oh, I see. It's real." She took a deep breath. "It's real, alright." In her head she heard Eloise's voice. Julie needed only to pay the price and she could possess everything before her.

"Mom ... uh ... you better stop now."

"Just a sec, pumpkin." Julie slowly wrapped her fingers around the thing's monstrous girth and squeezed, pressing her wedding ring into the spongy flesh. Some part of her brain flashed warning lights and repeated to her a passage from church earlier that day. Corinthians 7:5, Do not deprive each other except perhaps by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control. Julie let go of her son's hardening thing.

"I'm sorry, it just did that on its own." Daniel looked down. His dick was now almost fully hard, head purple and veins bulging.

"Go take a cold shower, Danny, and we'll talk about his later." She gave him a shove toward the door. "And for heaven's sake pull your pants up."

Daniel turned, pulled up his pants, and rushed for the door. Tears welled in his eyes. He was so confused. Base urges and conscience pulled in far flung directions. He didn't think the cold shower would help, but at least it was the perfect place to fap. He opened the door and rushed down the hall.

Julia's chest heaved and she shook her head. Her mind vacillated between thinking the whole thing was the product of a fevered mind beset by a tempestuous few days, to focusing back to the reality of Daniel's strange penis as she held it in her hand. They'd need to get the wi-fi working, because Julie needed to do some research on how quickly the teenage penis was supposed to grow. She was pretty sure it wasn't that fast. Good Lord, he was now twice the size of his father.


Sunday evening rolled around and Julie found Daniel in his room. He was laying on his bed messing around on his phone. Goodness gracious, she could see the bulge of his soft penis in his shorts. "Get up, Danny. Let's have another look at it. I Googled your condition and didn't find anything. I think if it looks healthy, we'll just call this an unusual growth spurt."

"Okay, Mom." Daniel got off the bed, stood on the hardwood in his bare feet, and dropped his shorts. His breathing quickened. Did he like showing off his dick to his mom? Was that the reason he'd picked her to help him with this problem? Daniel was glad he hadn't tried his father. That would have been nothing but embarrassment.

"Wow, sweetie. That really is some growth spurt." Julie's eyes widened as her gaze roved over the great hanging thing. "Okay, George," Julie called over her shoulder. "I do think you need to see it." She hadn't wanted to bring in her husband. Maybe she'd exaggerated the memory of Daniel's penis from earlier in the day. After all, she had been groggy from that dream about the pregnant woman. But clearly, it was just as big as she remembered it. She needed a man's opinion.

"What?" Daniel looked at the door in a sudden panic.

"Alright, pal, let's see what all the fuss is about." George stepped in from the hall where he'd been waiting. He got one look at his son with his shorts around the ankles and stopped in his tracks. "Well that does look out of place, doesn't it?" George took another step and stood next to his wife. "You should check it, Jules. Make sure it's ... I don't know ... normal."

"We can see it's not normal, honey." Julie frowned at her husband. "I don't want to touch it." In her mind, she added again. But she couldn't have George know she'd already held the thing.

"I'm right here, Mom." Daniel's cheeks flushed and he looked away. He expected his dick to shrivel up and disappear. That's what his old dick would have done. But this monster just hung there. At least he didn't have an erection. That would be a real nightmare.

"Sorry, Danny." George looked back at Daniel. "You are as God created you and you have nothing to be ashamed of."

Daniel didn't think that was right. It was Mrs. Palmer that did this and Daniel was pretty sure she wasn't working with God. "There was a lady last night --"

"Hold on, Danny. One thing at a time." Julie didn't mean to be cross, but she wanted to focus on the issue at hand. "We need to deal with this now."

"Well, it looks healthy enough." George leaned a little forward as he tried to assess his son's dick without getting too close. "Does it hurt?"

"No, it's okay," Daniel said. "But I really have to tell you about --"

"There you are. What's everybody doing in ..." Brad walked into the room and stopped in his tracks. "Holy shit. What the hell, Mom and Dad?"

"Language, Bradly." Julie turned and shook a finger at Brad. "We're just trying to see if your brother needs any medical attention."

"I bet he does." Brad shook his head like he was deep in thought. "He's a freak." Brad didn't like any of this. His stupid little brother was swinging some serious pipe. He'd never tell Penelope about this.

Daniel wanted to crawl into a hole and die. Instead he just stood there with his dick out in the breeze.

"That's not helpful, Bradly." Julie scowled at her eldest.

"Well, now." George sighed. He looked away from Daniel and offered a wan smile to his wife. His youngest son suddenly made him very uneasy. "It seems healthy enough. If it doesn't bother him, there's no need for a doctor."

"This house is so big. It took forever for us to find ..." Penelope walked into the room and her jaw dropped. Brittney walked in next to her and her hand went to her mouth. Both women quickly had very rosy cheeks. All four eyes fixed themselves on Daniel's dick.

"What ... what happened to Danny?" Brittney couldn't look away from the horrible thing between his legs.

"It's perfectly natural." George moved toward the door and tried to shepherd his family back into the hall. "We come in all shapes and sizes."

"But that's not Danny's thing, Dad." Brittney let herself be pushed out of the room.

"Of course it is, Britt." George cleared out everyone but Julie, and their voices faded down the hall.

"You can put that away now." Julie watched him pull up his shorts and underwear, he struggled to tuck his thing into his clothes. "So, it's decided. If it hurts or changes in any way, you let me know. Otherwise, this will be the last we talk about it. Okay?"

"Sure, Mom." Daniel looked at the floor.

Julie turned and walked to the door and a sudden thought entered her mind. She looked back at Daniel still standing there. "Cheer up. It would have been so much worse if they saw the little thing you used to have. I think the men were jealous. Don't you?" Julie smiled her warm, caring smile but it occurred to her that was a very odd thing for her to say.

"Thanks, Mom." Daniel looked up and smiled back. "Yeah, sure."

"Good. That's all settled then." Julie slipped out the door and closed it behind her.


Dreams slipped past Daniel as he slept. There was no room as the house whispered into his mind. Over and over again, Daniel heard that he'd paid the price and now it was time to take what was his. Daniel woke with a sudden start and sat up in bed. Moonlight fell through his bedroom window. Again, the damned window hung open and the curtains billowed. What was going on? He was sure he closed it this time. Daniel took a deep breath. He was about to get out of bed and rectify the situation when he noticed a shadow looming by the fireplace.

The shadow took a step toward the bed. Daniel's blood ran cold. It took another slow step. The form was a woman in a Victorian dress with long flowing hair cascading over her shoulders.

"Hello?" Daniel's voice croaked weakly.

"You paid the price, now take what you will." Eloise Palmer stepped into the moonlight and looked down at Daniel in his bed. Her pale skin almost glowed as she dropped her dress to the ground and moved closer. She stood over him completely naked. "Did you see the doubt in their eyes? They all know what will come."

"Who?" Daniel looked up at her swollen freckled breasts. Her nipples were dark and her areolas expansive. His gaze trailed down over her round belly to the red triangle of hair between her slender legs.

"You know who, Danny." Eloise pulled his blanket and sheet slowly off the bed. Her green eyes narrowed at the sight of his manhood barely contained by his pajamas. "You're ready for me. Good boy." She bent down and grabbed the cuffs of his bottoms. The twin diamonds on her wedding ring caught the moonlight. With a swoop of her arms she pulled the bottoms off Daniel and his dick sprung free. "What a fine bludgeon you now have."

"I'm ... a virgin ... Mrs. Palmer." Daniel gripped the sheet in either hand as she climbed into bed with him.

"Not for long, darling." Eloise straddled him and reached below her to grasp his cock. "Soon, you'll find yourself surrounded in acquiescent quim. Anyone you want, Danny. Anytime you want her."

"Your skin is so cold." Daniel shivered as she dropped her hips and he slid into her. Her insides were as chilly as her exterior.

"Warm me up then." Eloise groaned and took long, slow bounces up and down. Her boobs and belly shook with every thrust. "That's a good lad." She cupped her boobs in her hands and leaned her head back. Eloise rolled her eyes and her pretty lips parted. "So ... goooooood."

"Am ... I ... uh ... uh ... uh ... dreaming?" This was so far beyond any fantasy Daniel could conjure up.

"Noooooo." Eloise switched to gyrating her hips and placed her cold hands on his meager chest. "It's time ... Danny ... for la petite mort." Her hips stopped and she trembled all over. Her dangling boobs shook just above Daniel's face. When she'd recovered from her orgasm, she went back to long, bouncing strokes again. This time with both hands on her pregnant belly. "Very good, Danny. Now it's your turn."

The sounds of Daniel's soft grunts, Eloise's more animalistic ones, and the slapping of frigid skin on warm skin filled the large, dark bedroom. She rode him for a long time.

"Mrs. Palmer ... it's happening ..." Daniel shut his eyes tight. "Ooooohhhhhhhhh." He came and came inside this strange woman. Nothing in his life had prepared him for the ecstasy of that moment.

When Daniel opened his eyes, golden morning light streamed through his open window and his mother was knocking on his door. Eloise was nowhere to be seen.

"Time for breakfast, Danny." Julie had the good sense not to barge in on her growing boy after the incidents the day before. She wanted no more to do with his enormous thing. "School bus will be here in thirty."

"Okay, Mom." Daniel called back through the door. What a strange night that had been. He looked down at his rigid marvel of a dick and wondered if he had time for a fap in the shower before breakfast.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

A fun story. I look forward to the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Great chapter, sorry for the question, but does anyone know the name of the author of The Pendent, or where I can find it to read? the story looks similar.

mrdata9770mrdata9770over 3 years ago

This narrative is very popular on the wed. I believe this is the fourth or maybe fifth site I've found it on. A sexy horror story with the right blend of more sexy than horror. Reminds me of the soap "Dark Shadows" from the 70s. I'm a fan and I'm happy to see that you have been able to submit a chapter once a month on average. This is a great read. Oh, and I'm also happy to now find that this is not the only narrative you have written. As I said, I'm a fan. Please keep up the great work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

You are a crafty storyteller , this is a masterpiece ! You’re the epitome of horror/erotica , like a Stephen King of porn literature ! ( And I mean that in a good way ) I have read up to the 21st chapter , as it’s the last one submitted so far , and it has me waiting in impatient anticipation of its final chapters . Your talent is incomparable ! Ironically , the birthing of this perfect brainchild should make you parent of the year ! Lol

YourMommysDaddyYourMommysDaddyalmost 4 years ago
We're off to the races!

Great start. Nice details. Let's go!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
I found your comics in pictures amazing

search with Jdseal comics and fuck they are amazing man,

LateStageInfernalismLateStageInfernalismalmost 5 years ago
Great Start!

I really enjoy the premise and the characters so far. You've done a great job of building the setting and getting that delicious internal conflict going. I'm looking forward to reading more!

ghostless9pmghostless9pmalmost 5 years ago
Great Stories!

Hey I think you're one of the best writers here. The SITW series is my favortite. Just wanted to say thanks and keep up the good work!

rawlyrawlsrawlyrawlsalmost 5 years agoAuthor
Thank you

Thank you all for the great feedback. I'm glad you're all enjoying reading this story.

To answer a question, the next Something in the Water chapter is in the review process right now. Sometimes it takes them a few days to review and publish a chapter, sometimes it takes over a week.

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