Haven's Wood Ch. 07


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"What is all this?" Natasha asked.

"Clothes." James replied, unhelpfully.

Natasha simply scowled at him in response to his flippant remark.

"You didn't seem to have much in your bag so I asked Sophia to make sure you had plenty of choice. We always have spare clothes around but I thought you might like to have some of your own."

"I did have some of my own!" Natasha replied feeling inexplicably annoyed, and stormed out of the closet away from James.

James followed Natasha and gently grabbed her shoulder, turning her, so that she was facing him.

"I've upset you." James said with confusion laced through his voice. "I didn't mean too. I know that women like clothes so I thought that you would like to have more of them, we have plenty, and you said you'd be staying for a while." He paused. "Tell me what I've done wrong, please."

Natasha looked at him feeling bewildered. She grasped for the words to explain why she was so upset about clothes.

"You didn't ask. You must have done this before I even told you that I would stay. It's nice that you thought about it, but you should have asked. It's like you're trying to decide everything for me."

"I'm an alpha wolf." James said as if this was an explanation.

Seeing Natasha's blank expression he tried to explain.

"It's in my nature to control things, to take charge. It's my role in the pack to make the decisions."

"Well I'm not a wolf!" Natasha responded with some heat. "I can make my own decisions."

"You're right." James replied evenly. "I can't promise I'm going to get this right all the time, but I will try and involve you in making decisions when I can. When it affects the pack though I will do what I think is right."

"So you'll let me make a decision when you decide that it's ok? That such a cop out, James!"

"Can we discuss this later? We're supposed to be meeting my mother soon and I'd rather we not be fighting when we do." James responded, wondering how the morning had gotten so out of hand.

"Fine" Natasha tersely responded, before heading into the closet to pick out some clothes.

Natasha heard the sound of a shaver from the bathroom as she started looking for clothes she recognised as her own. As she pulled out some jeans and her favourite top she tried to calm her temper. She told herself that James had the best intentions and it was just a misunderstanding, but she couldn't push aside the nagging doubt that she wasn't going to have the same control over her life that she had become used to.

As she pulled on her clothes she realised that she was probably reacting more harshly than normal because she was terrified about meeting his mother. Nothing he had said had made her feel as though this was going to be an easy meeting. He'd told her that the pack would accept her unconditionally, but somehow she had the impression that that statement did not include his mother.

When she came into the main room James was waiting, she could see the lines of tension in his body that she'd not noticed before. She smiled to herself as she realised that they were both feeling the pressure.

James took her hand and pulled her into his arms. He said nothing for a moment; he simply breathed in her scent and took comfort from her presence. He let her go sooner than he wished to and took a seat on the sofa indicating that she should join him.

"I had hoped I would have more time to prepare you for meeting my mother, but fate had another plan." James began trying not to sounds as worried as he felt.

"My Mother is a difficult woman." He said simply. "I love her dearly and I know she loves me and Katie and the pack, she just doesn't always show it like other people do. She led the pack on her own for a time after Father died and that made her hard, packs are best served by an alpha pair not one on their own."

Natasha listened watching his face closely.

"She has been worried about my lack of mate and has been trying to introduce me to every female wolf in the country in the hopes of finding my mate. She even started flying them in from all over the world!"

Natasha couldn't help but smile at the idea that even werewolves could have overbearing mothers.

"Won't she be happy then?" Natahsa asked. "Since you've found ... me." She couldn't quite bring herself to refer to herself as his mate, it still felt too strange and almost presumptuous.

James glanced at his watch before continuing.

"I wish I could explain this properly but I guess I'll have to give you the cliff notes version. She hates tardiness and it would just make a hard situation harder to be late.

Basically mother is 'old fashioned'. She doesn't believe in mixing between humans and weres. We don't often find mates who are humans, which doesn't help matters. She's going to be against us, and it has nothing to do with you it's just the way she is."

"She thinks I'm not good enough for you." Natasha said softly.

James grabbed Natasha's hands and pulled her towards him.

"Don't you ever think that, not for a moment. It's not as simple as that. I told you I'm missing a lot out. Please, just, don't let her get to you. "

James paused a moment to be sure he had her full attention before continuing.

"I love you. You are all that I have ever wanted, and more than I could have hoped for. I need you to believe that."

Natasha looked into James's eyes and for a moment all her doubts were washed away. It felt as though she could feel his love for her, as if it were tangible. She let the feeling wash over her.

Without thinking she leant forward, so her face was by his neck. His shirt was open at the collar, and she could just see the seam of his neck where it met his shoulder. Pushing aside his collar a little she lent in. Her lips pressed against his skin, followed by her tongue and, a moment later her teeth brushed against his skin. She softly squeezed his flesh with her teeth and mouth.

The feeling suddenly vanished, Natasha realised at the same moment that James was holding himself rigidly still, he was barely breathing, but at the same time she could feel him murring with more intensity than she'd felt before.

"I'm sorry, I don't know why I did that!" She muttered, as she pulled away.

James grabbed her not letting her pull away from him. She glanced up into his face afraid of what she might see. She wasn't sure how a wolf would respond to being bitten, but she didn't think it was going to be good.

She was therefore rather surprised to see that he was smiling at her, he looked happier than she'd ever seen.

"You felt it." He said softly almost reverently. "You felt our bond."

Natasha looked at him with confusion; it seemed to be her default mode for the morning!

"I'll explain later, I promise." James said, before kissing her soundly. "We really have to go though."


James led Natasha into a large room that sat in the heart of the manor house. Natasha paused a moment at the threshold to look around the room before James gently tugged her hand to indicate they should go in.

The room was immaculately decorated, everything felt like it belonged in that room, as if it had all been chosen with a singular purpose and intent. The room was clearly designed to be inviting while also creating a clear impression of power and strength. There was a lot of wood in the room and rich earthy tones giving it a very masculine feel. There were many well used tomes on the bookcases lining the walls and there was a magnificent mahogany desk at the head of the room.

There were several chairs and small sofas arranged by the fire giving a more informal area. It was here that the family were waiting. Katie and Dean were sat on a small loveseat that was facing the door and they stood as soon as Natasha and James entered the room. Katie gave them a warm smile and Dean simply looked relieved.

The other occupant of the room remained sitting. She was positioned with her back to the door and didn't even look to see who had entered. Natasha didn't need to be introduced to know that this must be James's mother. She was making her feelings known without having to say a word.

James gave Natasha a reassuring smile before leading her over to his mother.

"Mother, this is Natasha my mate. Natasha this is my mother Emily Haven."

Emily rose from her seat and turned to look at the couple stood before her. Her eyes raked over the pair of them, lingering pointedly at their entwined fingers. Natasha could almost feel the pressure of her gaze and felt like she had been caught doing something far more intimate than holding hands.

When it became clear that James was not going to relinquish his hold on Natasha's hand, Emily turned her gaze to Natasha and spoke.

"I was beginning to think that you two were never going to arrive."

Natasha glanced towards the clock on the mantle to see how late they were she had thought that they were on time. It was about two minutes past the hour.

"I suppose it's understandable," Emily continued, "that you would be dragging your heels on the way here. It must be daunting to walk through a house full of wolves."

Natasha couldn't miss the implied criticism if she wanted to, but decided not to broach the topic directly.

"I'm sorry if we kept you waiting, I was admiring the painting hanging in the main hall. James says it's one of your favourites. I believe it's a Cézanne isn't it?"

Emily seemed a little surprised by the comment; not that she let much show on her face. James looked at Natasha a little confused as they had come straight down from their room. He had pointed out the painting the previous day when he'd been taking her to meet her pups though.

"The children's father and I bought that painting over a hundred years ago. Jack complained about the price at the time but it really is a stunning piece of work." Emily explained looking quite pleased with herself.

"It is very good." Natasha agreed enthusiastically. "It's one of the best reproductions I've seen."

Natasha paused a moment to observe this comment sink in. She was interested to note that Emily seemed annoyed rather than surprised; she had obviously known it wasn't an authentic painting but had been happy to pass it off as one.

"I'm so pleased you like it" Emily replied with ice in her tone, before sitting back down.

The three younger wolves all looked at Natasha with new eyes, they hadn't expected that she would give as good as she got, and not in such an unexpected way either. After a moment's pause they all found seats. Katie and Dean returned to their previous positions and James and Natasha took the other sofa facing them.

For the next hour Emily took control of the conversation, she didn't directly address Natasha again; she simply asked questions about the pack. She asked how the new Betas were settling into their roles, if the situation with the training rota had been settled, how the various wolves were coping with a myriad of issues.

Natasha saw what Emily was doing. She was highlighting how little Natasha knew about James and what it meant to be part of a pack. She was telling her that she didn't belong. James was too caught up in talking about the pack to notice that Natasha was being side lined.

"Well James, you and Dean had better be off you don't want to be late twice in one day." Emily suddenly declared. When he didn't make a move she continued

"It is time for the pack run isn't it? You do still lead it don't you? You know how important it is for the pack."

James sighed.

"They will understand if I'm not with them this one time." James told his mother calmly, glancing in Natasha's direction as he did so.

Despite his calm words Natasha had noticed that James had become a little tense as a result of his mother's comments. She didn't want to be the reason he didn't do what he needed to.

"James," Natahsa said softy, squeezing his arm to get his full attention. "If you need to go, go. I'll be fine."

"There you are, James," Emily leapt in before he could respond. "Even Natasha knows that you can't shirk your responsibilities. Katie and I will keep her company while you're gone."

James shot his mother a withering glare that demanded her silence. He turned back to Natasha and searched her face.

"I don't have to go Natasha, the pack would understand."

"It's fine James, really. I'm a big girl you don't need to look after me every minute of the day." She smiled as she said this, hiding the slight anxiety she felt at being left with his mother.

James lent in and kissed her softly, conveying his love and admiration for her, in that simple gesture.

"Thank you. I won't be long." He stood and said. "Dean, go and get them ready I'll be there in few moments. I'd a like a quick word with you before I leave Mother."

Emily nodded her acquiescence and followed him to the door. The moment the door shut behind the three of them Katie asked.

"How did you know about the painting? I didn't even know, it's always been Mother's pride to have that painting. She shows it to everyone that visits the house."

"My uncle owned the original." Natasha explained simply. Before Katie could ask more questions, Natasha went on to say. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course!" Katie replied

"If a wolf ... What does it mean ...." Natasha was struggling to find the words, to ask about what she had done to James's neck.

"Does biting mean something special to werewolves?" She finally got out, going bright red in the process.

Katie paused, a look of concern flicking across her face.

"Did James bite you?" She asked.

"No!" Natasha quickly replied, turning an even deeper shade of red.

Katie's reaction to the question worried her. She was getting the impression that it would be bad if James had bitten her, so what did that say about her biting him.

At that moment the door opened and Emily walked back in, effectively ending the conversation.

Emily stood at the door, regarding Natasha with calculating eyes. To Natasha she looked like a gardener with a pair of shears deciding how best to prune a tree. Natasha made a decision in that moment, she was sick of the games that Emily was playing, and she was going to end it. Natasha stood, then with more confidence than she was feeling spoke.

"Emily, it's clear that you have something you want to say to me, so now that James is gone why don't you just say it."

Emily looked a little surprised, as if she hadn't expected Natasha to cut straight to the point. She then raised her chin and replied.

"You should leave. Now. Before you break his heart."

This was not quite what Natasha had expected to hear.

"If you're worried about James's feelings then why do you want me to leave? I can't think of anything that would hurt him more. I care about him I'd never do anything to hurt him."

If Emily were not the perfect lady she would have snorted in derision at Natasha's words.

"You have no idea little girl. He hasn't told you everything about becoming his mate. That's why he took me outside. He didn't want me to let slip his secret."

"Mother!" Katie hissed warningly

Emily didn't even spare Katie a glance.

"You are not strong enough to be his mate. You won't survive what is to come, and when that happens it will kill my son. Better that you leave now, before it's too late."

Natasha listened not only to Emily's words but to her tone. She was surprised by the lack of venom. Emily didn't seem to bear her any ill will. She was talking as if she was simply stating facts. She was simply acting in what she felt was the best interests of her child, and that shook Natasha far more than if Emily's words had been full of bile and vitriol.

"I'm sure James will tell me the truth when he's ready. I don't blame him for wanting to be cautious, I trust him. Perhaps you should do the same. And perhaps I am stronger than you think."

Frustration and Anger clouded Emily's features. She shook her head disbelievingly at Natasha's words.

"You are a fragile little creature."

Emily began to advance menacingly towards Natasha as she spoke.

"You can't begin to comprehend the gulf between humans and weres. Do you realise that I could snap you neck with one hand?"

As she said this she brought her hand up to Natasha neck as if to demonstrate.

Natasha heard the words and saw the hand, and felt a moment of fear and panic. Then she reacted. She stepped towards Emily, just to the side of her outstretched hand. She took the arm and turned so her back was to Emily's front, drawing Emily's arm forward as she did. The motion caused Emily's weight to come forwards, making her step, but Natasha's leg prevented her from doing so.

Emily however was a werewolf and was able to react fast enough to step to the side, pulling her arm from Natasha's grip, had she not she would have ended up hitting the floor hard.

Katie had been able to do nothing but watch the scene as it unfolded, she knew her mother would not have hurt Natasha she was simply trying to scare her. Natasha's response though had changed things, she'd challenged Emily's control of the situation and Katie had no idea how her mother would now react.


James was in a hurry and had to keep reminding himself to slow down, so that he didn't leave the rest behind. He was in the woods with most of the pack ranged behind him. All the wolves how didn't have other responsibilities had shifted so they could run through their lands together.

James normally loved running with his pack like this, it made him feel free yet connected to the pack at the same time. It was a liberating and bonding experience for the whole pack, which was why he had ultimately decided to come today, even if it meant leaving Natasha for a while. Now that he was out in the woods though all he wanted to do was get back to her.

They were just starting to head back when James felt a rush of emotion through his bond to Natasha. He felt an overwhelming burst of fear wash though him. He tried to reach out to her to find out what was going on, and then cursed the fact that she couldn't hear him. After the rush of fear he felt nothing.

James was afraid. He'd left his mate and something had happened to her. Reason abandoned him and began to sprint back towards the compound. He picked the shortest route and ran so fast his fur flew like a banner behind him in the wind. The other members of the pack felt his worry and tried to follow, but he had soon left them far behind him.

He burst into the manor not bothering to shift until he reached the study door. He ripped the door to the room open and came to a dead stop. The room was empty.

He took a moment to calm himself; running around with no direction was not going to help. He reached out to Natasha again trying to establish if she was ok, and where she was.

He was confused by what he felt. She seemed to be concentrating hard, and he could feel the adrenaline pumping through her still, but the fear and the panic was gone.

Realising that Natasha was unhurt, he was able to think. He grabbed a pair of sports trousers from the cupboard where he kept his spare clothes, then set out following her scent through the manor.

James was surprised to realise that her scent was heading towards the gym. He was more surprised when he realised that practically every wolf that had not been with him in the woods, seemed to be crammed into the entrance way to the gym.

The crowd was so entranced by what they were watching that he had to growl to get their attention. As soon as they realised who it was trying to get through, they quickly moved out of the way.

"Alpha, she's amazing." One of the young female wolves called to him. "I thought humans were soft and weak but she's holding her own."