Having Fun with Dycke and Payne Ch. 04


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"I have seen a great many cocks and pussies, young and old, so believe me when I say that your husband is a 'Gold Medal Contender" in the cock department."

Piker's chest puffed out upon hearing this news and his wife, immediately, elbowed him in the side to bring him back down to earth.

Alletta said, "But, you let them use your body as bait?"

"Alletta, did you ever lose anyone close to you in a war or in a terrorist attack?" Fiona asked.

Alletta replied saying "No."

"I have," Fiona said, regretfully.

I was six, when they died. My dad was in the Navy and my oldest brother was in the Royal Marines. They went to the Falklands' because of the invasion by Argentina. My dad died on the Sheffield, when a missile hit it. My brother died while he was scouting Mount Kent, just outside of Stanley. My mom, my younger brother, and I had to grow up without them. It was very hard."

Fiona continued, "My mother was very patriotic before Dad's and Bill's death and afterwards, she became even more so. She flew the flag daily, had troops from dads' former unit and Bill's regiment over the house all the time. She helped organize parades and drives to help the troops, veterans, the wounded, and their families. I knew when I got old enough I was going to do something to protect my country. I graduated secondary school when I was fourteen. I applied for a position with the Service and they set up an appointment for me to see them. My reasoning was simple: First. I was my motivated because of the deaths of my father and brother. Second. I have a photographic memory and that was a trait I knew they could use. Third, I am a woman and they desperately needed more female agents."

"When I walked in to the interview, the panel made a collective sound of disappointment. I asked what the problem was and one panel member said that they thought I had made a mistake on the application for the year of my birth. He commented that I was fourteen.

Fiona recounted, "I told the panel 'thank you Thank you! I am fourteen, until next March 15th. When Caesar dies, I gain a year." The entire panel laughed. Lord Whitbred introduced himself and asked me to step outside for a few moments. He wanted to discuss an option with the panel and see what their opinion would be. A short time later, he asked me to come back in to the room and answer some questions. They knew I was young and naive. What they asked me made me blush, from the soles of my feet to the tips of my hair. My mother had the 'sex talk' with me but it did not include the words and descriptions with which these men filled my head. When the interview was over, even the panel members looked embarrassed. Lord Whitbred told me that another person would be taking me to another room for some addition testing. I told him that it was getting late and that my mother would be worried if I was not home on time. He assured me they would call my mother and she would be advised of my whereabouts and the approximate time of my return. She came to pick me up ten days later."

They tested me, timed me, and tested me again. They kept me up for twenty hours on two consecutive days. Then tested me for three hours and then I was allowed to sleep for one hour. They repeated the process the second day, only I was allowed to sleep for eight hours after that was over. They had me hold, disassemble, assemble, and fire weapons of every type for hours upon end, until, even with ear protectors on I had a splitting headache. Then they tested me again. When they were done, we had one final meeting. I went to the same room as I went to the first day. Lord Whitbred and the same six others were seated and I stood in the same place I had before.

"Lord Whitbred asked me how I felt and I told him I was tired."

He told me that from that day forward, I was in school. I would have very limited days off. I would finish my university studies in two and one half years. I was to get a double major in German and Finance. I would continue on and get a Master's Degree in both. I would be kept in shape by a security officer who will also be my roommate and as far as anyone else is concerned "my girlfriend." When you are not studying, she will train your body and when she is not training your body, she will be teaching you how to use every weapon at our disposal. If you have any time remaining during the day, Lord Whitbred would fire my security officer for dereliction of duty. She was to work me to the point where I had to focus every bit of my energy every day to complete every task assigned to me. I was going to become a field agent at an extremely young age. They thought it would be a tragedy to lose someone as talented and beautiful as me because of some stupid oversight on my part.

Lord Whitbred asked me if I understood the gravity of my commitment.

I replied, "'Yes sir' and he welcome me aboard."

"Five years later" Fiona said, "I was 'sleeping with the enemy' but I was getting priceless information out of them at the same time."

Alletta asked, "Fiona, you worked so hard for so long, what made you leave the service?"

Fiona said, "Please don't laugh because it still hurts when I say it: Budget Cuts. I was a junior field agent. I was unmarried. Over the objection of Lord Whitbred, I was one of the first they terminated. My friends got me the gig with Mr. Turnquest Schneider, nearly immediately, so I landed on my feet quite happily and very highly paid."

A nurse walked in to the waiting room and told the Temples that the plastic surgeon had finished his work and was now bandaging Payne. She said the doctor would be out shortly to tell them what had taken place.

After the nurse left, Fiona took out the blue syringe and injected Dycke in his left arm. Five minutes later, Dycke started to wake up. He looked across the room and saw the Temples talking with Fiona as if they were old friends. He looked at his watch and saw that it was after 7:00 pm. He had slept the entire afternoon away and remembered counting back from ten. He sat up and said, "Okay, Fiona, what did you give me?

Fiona turned around and said, innocently "Who, me?"

Dycke replied "Thank you, Fiona."

She said "You're welcome, boss."

"How is Payne?" he asked.

Alletta Temple answered saying "The surgery is over. The surgeon will be here to talk with us soon."

About an hour later, Doctor Sage Wolf came into the waiting room. He told the assemble group that Payne had gone through the three separate procedures like a champion. She was going to have a substantial healing period of between six to eight weeks before all the bandages could be removed. In his opinion, he said, she would look as she was supposed to from birth, but only time would tell. If she did not heal properly, a second or possibly third surgery might be required to bring her facial features back to normal.

The Doctor told them that there would be no visiting Payne this evening because of the amount of anesthesia she had received over the twelve hours of surgery and would be in the recovery room until four or five o'clock in the morning; that and they should go get something to eat and get some rest until visiting hours tomorrow morning. With that done, he said goodbye and left.

The Temples were so happy that Payne had come through the procedure, without incident, they cried while holding each other. Dycke just cried. Fiona sat by him and held him like any mother would do and let him cry it out. When all the tears had subsided, the Temples head back to their hotel. Dycke and Fiona returned to theirs. They had dinner in the hotel restaurant, together and retired to their separate rooms, for the night.

Forty minutes later, Dycke opened his door, looked down the hallway to see if anyone was watching him, and went to the stairway and down to the lobby. He walked outside and hailed a taxi. As he reached for the handle, a female voice said, "Going somewhere, boss?"

"Damn it, Fiona! Don't you ever sleep?" Dycke said.

"Yes, I do boss, but I have magical ways of knowing when someone is trying to pull the wool over my eyes." She said.

Dycke said, "You bugged my room."

Fiona said "Boss that would be unethical. You may be taking care of highly classified business, which my contract strictly forbids me to disregard."

"How did you know I left my room?

Fiona said, "Easy, you opened your door."

Dycke said "Shit. I'll never be able to evade you."

She warned Dycke saying, "You really don't want to try your adolescent shit right now. If you want to see Payne, just say so and I will get you there, 'Safely!' You cannot hide a Fifty-Four million euro bank transfer to the U.S. for long. People will know who you are by the end of next week. It will be in the financial papers and in every news outlet after that because some of the companies you own are public companies with reporting obligations. People, bad people will be after you for many reasons, the most obvious one is money. Let us not make it easy on them. Okay?"

Dycke looked at her and understood what she said and apologized. Then he asked. "Fiona, first, how did you know it was Fifty-Four Million Euros? And second, how many more people do you want, and how soon can you get them?"

"Boss" she said "Secretaries draw up every document lawyers need for their bosses to do their jobs. Their boss's keep everything under close guard. The lawyer's secretary, however, can be called away from the desk, and when that occurs, simply covers-up what work was being done, instead of locking it away. I just took advantage of that oversight and peeked at the paperwork! As far as protection is concerned, boss, you do not want a 'rent a cop or a mercenary.' The first is too easy to get past and the second is too easy to bribe. You want the best there is. They are either friends of mine or former colleagues from the U.S. I can contact them and see who is available and at what price. Sir, do you even know how much you pay me?

"Fiona, it's probably not enough. Let's talk about it on our way to the hospital and we will talk about the raise you are going to get because of your advance medical training!"

Fiona got into the taxi laughing and Dycke asked her to expedite her plans to protect his mom and dad plus both his sisters and their families. In addition, Piker, Alletta, and Steve Temple will need to be protected. When he mentioned Steve, he laughed and Fiona wanted to know what was so funny?

Dycke said, "I can just imagine Steve trying to get laid with his bodyguard standing over his left shoulder."

Fiona responded, "Maybe I should get him a woman agent, like me?"

"Perfect" Dycke said, "Make sure she is as beautiful as you are, Fiona. He'll never get laid, again!"

23. Reveille

Payne started moaning and moving her head at a little before 4 a.m. but it took another half hour before her eyes fluttered open. The lights in her room were on very low and the face above her was extremely blurry, so she tried to rub her eyes to clear them. She realized, instantly, that her hands and arms were restrained and began to panic until she heard a familiar voice say "Good morning my love." Payne tried to smile but her face hurt too much to do it. As her mind started working, she realized why and said in a very soft and raspy voice, "It's over?"

Dycke replied, "Yes Payne, it's over and everything went beautifully. No one will know the outcome until the bandages come off in six weeks or so. You are alive and healthy and that was all that mattered to me. Anything else is icing on the cake!"

"Thank you, Dycke. Can I have some water, please?" she asked.

Fiona left the room, went to the nurse's station to inquire, and returned with a nurse in tow. The nurse gave Payne a sip of water and then checked her vital signs and IV bags. She still could not understand how these two people had gotten permission to be with her patient at these hours, but she liked her job. She was 'not' going to argue with the hospitals' administrator. Payne wanted to know why her hands and arms were tied down and the nurse told her that it was a precautionary measure. An unconscious patient could easily reach up to touch or even try to rip of the bandages on their faces and inadvertently destroy all the work the doctors had done during the operation. Her hands would be freed as soon as the anesthesia was out of her system, but would be put back in restraints every time she went to sleep or was alone.

Dycke smiled at Payne and said, "Well, my love, you will not be in restraints any longer because you will never be alone. Your private duty nurses start today. They will take care for your every need. Fiona and I will be here much of the time and when we are not here, your parents will be here.

"Dycke, who is Fiona?" she asked, while looking at the very good-looking woman standing by the entrance to the room.

Dycke called Fiona into the room and introduced the women to each other. Then he explained to Payne the current and future relationship he was going to have with Fiona and more importantly, the reason. He was not sure how Payne was going to take this news in her current state and was very pleased by her response.

"Fiona," Payne asked, "Is it in your job description to make sure that my irresponsible fiancé does not make an idiot out of himself at college and in the business?"

Fiona said, "Payne if you want that to be added to my contract I can add it easily and I can take two percent off my pay because I will enjoy doing that so much!"

Payne said, "Please do it for me but don't cut your pay, please, because he does that at least once every day!"

Dycke said, "Can I get a break from any woman on this planet? Are you all on a hate Dycke kick? I thought not getting a date was bad, but ever since I started dating you, Payne, women have been snapping at my heels and hitting me, every time I turn around."

Payne smiled. However, Fiona was quick to say, "Boss, have you ever tried not turning around?"

With that, Payne tried to laugh, but her face hurt too much and she said "Ouch!"

Fiona said to Payne "I am sorry about that Payne, but the opening he left was just too good to leave alone."

Payne nodded and asked Fiona "Do you have any special torments in mind for him when he screws up?"

Dycke said "Oh shit."

Fiona replied "Not really."

Payne tried to laugh but was unsuccessful. She said to Fiona "Dycke just said 'Oh Shit.' If his father were here, he would have slapped him, hard on the back of his head. Would that be okay with you?"

Fiona said "Sure, why not!"

Dycke said, while throwing up his hands at both woman "Oh shit" at which time he receive his first slap on his head from Fiona and instead of saying "Sorry," he yelled "OUCH!"

Payne giggled in delight.

A nurse walked in and berated Dycke. She told him to keep the noise down because patients were still sleeping. Dycke could not catch a break with a woman, coming or going. He sat in a chair, folded his arms across his chest, and refused to talk.

Payne and Fiona looked at him and laughed. Fiona thought that this would be a priceless photo for Payne. She secreted out her cell phone and took several shots of Dycke as he sulked in the corner of the room. She brought her phone for Payne to see the picture and Payne started crying because the pain in her face became intolerable, after laughing at sulky Dycke.

Fiona took the phone away, apologized for causing her so much discomfort, and asked if Payne wanted her to get the nurse. Payne said "No, but please don't make me laugh anymore."

Fiona said, "It's not my fault! Your fiancé makes it so easy. God could not resist zinging him.

Payne was going to laugh, again, but Fiona grabbed her and said, "I'm sorry! I'll have to try to stop, at least until you can laugh without pain."

Payne's eyes sparkled up at her and she knew that she and Fiona were going to be good friends.

24. Doctors on Parade

At 7:50 a.m., Payne's cranial surgeon walked into the room, followed by a group of surgical residents. One of the residents read the surgical report and the surgeon started asking questions about the surgery.

Dycke was pissed. He stood up and said to the doctor, "Do you treat all human beings like inanimate objects. You are talking about my future wife lying there and you have not even had the common courteously of saying "good morning." You may have the finest pair of surgical hands in the world but as a human being, you suck. Get out of this room now, and do not come back until you have changed your attitude towards your patients or have resigned from this hospital."

The doctor looked at the young boy and said, "Do you know who you are talking to sonny? I am Doctor Wyeth Summitt. I am one of the top cranial reconstructive surgeons in the world and you think you could get me fired from this hospital?"

Dycke said "Not only this one doctor, but I can make sure that the only place you can make a living as a doctor is in a third world country."

Doctor Summitt took out his cell phone and called the hospital administrator to find out whom this kid was. The residents were standing around, wondering how this kid had the balls to talk to Dr. Summitt with such authority, that Dr. Summitt had back away from the argument for a moment. When the doctor got off the phone, he ordered the residents to leave the room and closed the door. He started to say "Mr. Schneider..." but Dycke stopped him in his tracks.

"I am not your patient, if I was, you would be talking to your lawyer in a few hours about a lawsuit that had been filed against you. Now, talk to your patient."

Dr. Summitt walked over to the bed and said "Miss Temple, how are you this morning?"

Payne replied, "My face hurts a lot, doctor."

"Miss Temple, considering what I had to do to your face to get it into a position for the my colleagues to realign your sinus cavities and form a nose for you, if your face only hurts a lot you are doing wonderfully. If you were in severe pain, I would say you were doing okay. If you would like more pain medication, I can leave an order for more, if you need it. We will be taking a scan of you head today to see how everything looks. It is not to see if we made you pretty, that we will find out when the bandages come off. What I need to know is that all the screws and wires in your face are properly aligned for future bone growth. If not, it is better to know now, rather then, after the growing process has started and we have to start breaking thinks all over again. If everything is aligned properly, in six to eight weeks your bones will have attached themselves permanently to these items and eventually encompass them totally. I will leave the remainder of you prognosis to your other surgeons. Any questions, at all, Payne?" Payne said "No, doctor, thank you very much."

As the doctor stood to leave, he turned to Dycke and said "Thank you. No one has talked to me like that in more than twenty years. It seems, during that time, I forgot about the human element of my operations, focusing totally on the technical side of it. In my eyes, if the patient survived the operation and came away with a good result, that was what I was there to do. As time went on, I became one of the best in the world at doing Cranial Surgery and the accolades and awards made me work harder on my craft but not on the human side of being a doctor. I have been training those young men out there the same way I have been working these last many years. That stops, today; you have my word on it. If I have to retrain each of them how to be a doctor, before they become surgeons, I will do it. Come back in a year and you will be able to see my progress and theirs."

Dycke shook the Doctor Summitt's hand and said, "You will not have to wait a year doctor. I have submitted my paperwork to attend this university in the fall. I do not have the grade point average they want but I am hopeful they will make an exception in my case. My fiancé and I want to go to the same university and to be ecologically sound, by saving gasoline and lowering my human imprint on the planet, it would be best for us to be together."