Hawke and his Princess Chapter 22

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Lessons and realizations learned. Hawke becomes a target.
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Part 18 of the 18 part series

Updated 05/24/2024
Created 02/18/2024
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Chapter 22: Protecting Family

Early the next morning, he slipped out of bed, letting her sleep. He took one of the white roses from the vase and put it beside her. After getting dressed, he slipped out of their room and made his way downstairs to his family's room, where he found Carver was up and dressed. Hawke looked at him, "thank you, brother, for coming with me. Are you ready?"

Carver grinned at him, he seemed excited about the coming journey. "Am I ready? Of course I am. This is our first mission together, big brother, I hope this won't be the last."

Hawke placed his arm around Carver's shoulder and reassured him, "I'll do my best to make it happen, Carver. If you want, maybe Bryce can assign us to a few smaller patrols together." Carver's face lit up with a wide grin that threatened to split his face. Hawke chuckled, "let's go find Fergus and grab a bite to eat, little brother. I need to make sure we have enough food for our journey, and I've packed some extra potions. Today, I'm counting on you more than anything." He spoke with genuine sincerity as he met Carver's gaze. Carver nodded silently, understanding the unspoken message from Hawke in case things did not go according to plan. They both knew that anything could happen, and they hoped for the Maker's protection.

When they walked out to the dining room, they found that Bryce and Fergus were already there. Hawke went to the kitchen and asked the cook to prepare some food for a midday meal since they wouldn't be back. He then went back out to the dining room and sat down to eat. He needed to make sure his energy was at peak efficiency as he ate more than usual. He looked over at Fergus, "are you ready for this, Fergus?"

"As ready as I'll ever be. I'm glad my sister talked to you. This seemed the best alternative. Are you going to bring your guards because they're going to have issues if you leave them behind. I take it you haven't told them your secret?" Hawke shook his head, he knew that they had left Bryce's employment to join him, and they had earned his trust multiple times, but he didn't know if he could reveal this part of his life.

"You should think about it, Hawke, they are your first guards. They volunteered to leave my services to join you. They trust and respect you." Bryce said.

"I know, sir, and you're right, I keep thinking about it. Maybe I should take them with me today."

After they were done eating, and Hawke's food for the midday meal was delivered, they headed out. At the entrance, he found his guards there. He stopped, looked them over, contemplating. Finally, he made up his mind, "come on, gentlemen, we got a mission to complete today. Hopefully, we won't come across any surprises."

After everyone had a horse, they headed out. Fergus was in the lead until they got to the shore, then Hawke took the lead as Fergus rode beside him. "Hawke, I'm not sure if you've been told, but where we're going is famous for pirates. They've been known to use the shores to disembark along the coast. Fathers tried to clear them out, but there's been rumors of them getting gutsy again lately. I just wanted to let you know, so you're not caught by surprise."

"I appreciate it, Fergus. Elayne said something yesterday about them using the shores, but she didn't mention it was recent."

He felt when Elayne woke, she stretched and rolled over, and smiled upon seeing his rose.

"I love you Hawke, please stay safe," she said quietly to him through their bond.

"I love you too, Elayne. I'll be back as soon as I can. Give the girls a hug and a kiss for me. I look forward to tonight, baby."

Fergus was looking at him, "sorry, your sister just woke up, she was sending her love."

"That sounds like an interesting bond, I've never heard of anything like that, but then there's a lot between you two that's different."

"You're telling me, I've heard stories, my father told me many things that he's come across in his life, but not once did he ever mention anything like what Elayne and I have."

As they continued their conversation, they eventually halted in the late morning. Fergus then gestured towards a sizable rock formation, revealing that the cave was just beyond it. Hawke used his senses to expand his awareness and found nothing amiss. With caution, he instructed his companions to stay back while he approached the cave. Placing his hands on the rocky surface, he extended his senses into the depths of the cave. Similar to the previous one, this cave also extended far into the earth, but instead of descending straight down, it curved downwards at an angle. He delved deeper using a small amount of his power, and he once again detected that same malevolent presence, that same corruption.

Without any delay, he cleared his mind and used his power to close off the entrance, feeling a strong shockwave below him. He noticed his mana diminishing and promptly drank a potion to restore it. He then expanded his awareness once more, double-checking for any other possible routes in or out. Once he was satisfied, he turned around and headed back to join the rest of the team. His guards greeted him with nods as he mounted Midnight again. 'Interesting,' he thought to himself as they journeyed towards the last cave.

In the late morning, as he was eating a sandwich from the group's shared container provided by the cook, he looked out at the approaching waves and noticed a ship far off in the distance. He attempted to use his powers, but the ship was too far away, and he didn't want to push his power too far. He passed the container to his companions and motioned to Fergus.

"Fergus, how much further do we have to go?" Hawke asked as he looked back out at the rock formation in the water. He stopped Midnight, putting up his hand to halt the others.

"A little less than an hour," Fergus looked over to where Hawke was staring. "Bloody hell, that's a ship, and it looks like they might be at the cave already."

"What is our plan of action? I must seal off that cave, but our knowledge of the number of pirates is limited. Give me a moment," he said quietly. Hawke shut his eyes and extended his senses, detecting at least four individuals stationed nearby. He also sensed ten more gathered around a bonfire in front of the cave, bringing the total count to fourteen visible to him without expending too much of his magical energy, which he would need to collapse the cave. He spotted a cluster of trees above their location and silently directed the group towards them before dismounting and instructing them to remain hidden. Using the trees as a barrier, he cautiously approached the hill with the cave and noticed a lack of guards behind the cave entrance. 'Amateurs,' he thought in disgust.

While keeping the hill in his line of sight, he cautiously approached as close as he dared, stopping at the edge of the trees just above the cave. With his hand on the ground, he reached out towards the cave. And felt that the cave sloped downwards, similar to the last one. Hawke braved the depths of the cave but couldn't shake off a feeling of unease and darkness. As he remained undetected, he pondered his choices. He could use his magic to collapse the cave, but that would require him to act quickly. He checked his bag and found three more potions, and his swords were still charged with power. If he decided to go through with this plan, he would need to move swiftly.

He knew he had to close this off if what Bryce said was true. He needed to make sure that nothing could come out. Lives were at stake, most importantly his families, especially Elayne's. Before giving it another thought, he drank one of his potions, pulled the power from both his swords, and put his hands back in the soil. With all his might, he pulled down the cave. There was fear, panic, and screaming from below him as the pirates ran towards the water, escaping to their boats.

His mana dropped drastically, his head started spinning, his vision got cloudy. He heard screaming in his head, someone was pulling him deeper into the trees, he felt something at his lips, liquid running down his throat. He drank from the bottle, his body starving for the sweet potion. Finally, he became aware of his surroundings again, Carver, Fergus, and his men who were standing guard in front of him, and they all were wearing the same expression.

He felt Elayne in his head screaming. He reached out to her, "Elayne, I'm okay. Please baby, quit crying. I'm okay, love." He wrapped her up with his love. "Come on princess, please quit, I'm okay. I love you Elayne and I know I was stupid putting myself at risk, please forgive me Elayne. We'll talk about this more when I come home, but please quit crying, angel."

"You were stupid, you ass, and we will be talking about this when you get home," she said with anger in her voice. She shut herself off from him, and he winced, his heart breaking.

He looked up at Fergus. "We have to get back." He saw the anger and hurt in the others eyes. "Look, guys, I'm sorry, it was the only way I could see of doing this without putting you all in danger. We didn't know how many people were down there, I was trying to protect you."

"So instead you put yourself in danger as usual without thinking about the consequences. What would have happened if we wouldn't have followed you, brother?" He winced at the angry tone in Carver's voice.

He stood up, his legs still weak. He firmed up his resolve and forced his legs to obey him. He took his last potion from Fergus and drank it. He turned around and looked at everyone staring at him. "Let's get away from here before the pirates decide to get some nerve and come back." He turned away from them, and they made it over to the horses before he looked back to the men again.

"Look, guys, I know I was stupid for doing what I did, I put everything I care about and love at risk, even though my intentions were good. I apologize for what I did, I'm glad you guys didn't listen to me this time. I'm forever grateful to you all."

He turned to his guards, they along with Carver and Fergus, were not happy with him. But that's not what Hawke's mind was focused on at the moment. They hadn't even balked at what had happened, at what they had seen, at his potion usage. "How long have you known?"

They both looked at him in stony silence. Larry shrugged, not looking ashamed.

"How long have you known I have power, and why haven't you told anyone?" Carver and Fergus looked over to the guards, suspicion in their eyes, their hands near their swords.

Larry met Hawke's gaze and spoke directly. "We've had our suspicions for some time now. You've done an impressive job of concealing your magic, but there were a few things that didn't quite add up. As far as we know, we are the only ones who even suspected what you might be. When you saved Lord Fergus and Lady Elayne, that was our first clue. We overheard parts of the discussion about how severe Lady Elayne's injury was. But it wasn't just that incident that heightened our suspicion. The night of the raid on your farm, before the battle began, you had all the women gathered in the house and were adamant that no one would be able to get inside. I must admit, I doubted you and even tried to check by placing my hand on the door. However, I encountered an invisible barrier. Your determination to keep them safe and my encounter with that barrier confirmed our suspicions."

Hawke was taken aback, "Why did you make a promise to me despite knowing who and what I am? The Circle Tower considers me an apostate, an abomination - I'm a dangerous presence. So why would you continue to support me when the Templars wouldn't think twice about capturing or killing me on the spot?"

"Would an abomination show concern for others? Would a rebel dare to put their own life and freedom at risk in order to save someone who was near death? You have taken daring actions that could potentially jeopardize your freedom. We were witnesses to your first encounter with those two little girls. I was the one who went to fetch the soup you requested. I saw the pain in your eyes as you carried them to the Inn and the fury and indignation when you learned of their family's tragedy. Your decision to take responsibility for them and offer them shelter did not go unnoticed." He looked at Hawke with respect and awe and something else. "The apostate mages we have heard of would not demonstrate such selflessness as you have. Even today, you have placed your own life in danger to protect others. While your actions may have been reckless, it is clear that you are a good person, mage or not. It is an honor to serve under your command."

Hawke swallowed the lump in his throat. He looked over at Mark, "And you, why do you follow me?"

Mark also met Hawke's gaze directly, conveying a deeper meaning. "I feel the same way, Lord Hawke, but even more strongly." Hawke raised an eyebrow in response as Mark continued to look at him with a troubled expression. "My sister was sent to the Tower because her magical abilities were revealed when she tried to save a drowning kitten. When others discovered this, they reacted with fear, and my sister was taken away from me. I have only been able to visit her a handful of times, and the last time I saw her, she was not herself. The Harrowing ritual had failed and she was turned tranquil. She was my older sister, my closest companion, and they took her away from me. I was allowed a few visits, but the last one ended with my sister being taken away permanently. She was all I had left of my family." Seeing tears in his eyes reminded Hawke of why he hated the circle.

Hawke remembered what his father had taught him about the Harrowing, and along with his readings on the subject he was aware of what was involved with the ritual.

The Harrowing ritual itself was quite straightforward. Initially, the trainee is brought to a Harrowing Chamber, where a group of experienced spellcasters and templars await. The Knight-Commander recites a passage from the Chant of Light. Next, the apprentice dips their hands into a bowl of Lyrium in order to project their consciousness into the Fade. In this realm, they must confront and defeat a demon intent on possessing their body and entering the mortal world. This involves navigating through various challenges and seeing through any deceptions the demon may present. The demon is summoned by mages from the Circle to the same area in the Fade where the apprentice travels, drawn by the prospect of a living host. The Harrowing is less a test of magical prowess and more a trial of determination, common sense, and resistance to temptation. In the Tower, for those that failed the Harrowing had to undergo the Right of Tranquility

The Right of Tranquility. The Tranquil are a group of magic users who have undergone the Rite of Tranquility and are members of the Formari within the Circle. The Rite severs their ties to the Fade, preventing them from dreaming or using its power for magic. This also causes them to lose their emotions, making them unappealing vessels for possession by demons.

Mark gazed up at Hawke, with a mix of fury and anguish evident in his eyes. "The reason I stand by you is because you possess admirable qualities, Lord Hawke. Your compassion for others and your dedication to helping those in need make you a truly good person. To confine you away in that, that Tower would be a sin, you can do so much good for the people being free then having you locked up and than risk what happened to my sister.

Hawke stood there watching them both, his thoughts racing. He looked over at Fergus and Carver who both nodded to him. Elayne's presence in his head bringing him comfort, he felt her embracing him with her love. He walked over to Midnight, before getting on him, he turned back to the men, feeling himself getting emotional, "thank you for your acceptance and support, but most of all thank you for your trust and loyalty. I'll cherish it forever."

He took a deep breath, "I sincerely apologize for my actions today, I thought I was doing the right thing by keeping you all safe. I'm so used to doing things on my own that I sometimes forget the valuable input of those around me. From this moment on, I will try and make an effort to listen to your advice before putting myself at risk. I hold each of you in high esteem and appreciate your support. Thank you for standing beside me."

Not wanting to break down in front of them, he jumped on Midnight and turned towards home, "now come on, we have a festival to celebrate."

When they finally made it home the sun was just starting to go down. Everybody got off their horses and Hawke led Midnight in the corral. They all went inside the Castle and his men took up positions with the other guards. Hawke knew it would be futile to ask them to go enjoy themselves for the night, so he didn't bother. When he, Carver, and Fergus made their way into the private family residence, Elayne hurried over to him. She grabbed his face, gazing into his eyes as if searching for something, before embracing him tightly. Then suddenly, she slapped him hard across the cheek while tears streamed down her face.

"Don't you ever do that again, Arik Hawke. You could have died and left me and those that love you all alone, you selfish bastard." She went to slap him again, but he blocked her hand and pulled her into a tight hug, her fists hitting against his chest as she wept.

He looked out at everyone ashamed, "I'm sorry everyone, I didn't know, didn't mean for this to happen." He looked back down at Elayne, feeling as though his heart was being ripped from his chest as he witnessed her crying and heard her agony. He gently lifted her into his arms and made his way upstairs to their bedroom.

Once in their room, he carried her to the couch and sat down with her still cradled in his arms. He let her cry as she clung to him. After a while, her crying started subsiding, and he bent his head down, whispering, "I'm so sorry, baby, I didn't think, I didn't realize. I know I have no right to ask for this, but I'm so, so sorry, can you please forgive me. I didn't mean to hurt you, Elayne. I'm sorry, my love." He sat there, his head on hers waiting. He wrapped his arms around her in his mind and sent waves of love to her. "I love you, baby," he said in her head.

Finally, she raised her head to gaze at him, her cheeks still damp from crying. He gently brushed his thumb across her face, wiping away the tears. He then leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. "I'm so sorry baby, Te amo puella (I love you sweetheart,") he whispered against her temple, feeling his heart ache. He closed his eyes, overcome with emotion. She leaned in closer, and their lips met. When he opened his eyes and saw her face, he whispered her name, "Elayne." The pain was still evident in her eyes, but so was the love she had for him. He wanted to weep.

His lips descended once again onto hers, his tongue gliding across her mouth and tasting the saltiness of her tears. She let out a gasp and used her hand to pull him closer. Their kiss grew more intense, as they poured all their emotions - the sadness and hurt from the day, as well as their love - into it. Through his kiss and his thoughts, he expressed his remorse and exposed his heart to her. "I'm so sorry, baby," he said in her mind while holding onto her tightly, their kiss becoming even more passionate.

He felt her hand in his shirt rubbing his chest. Her hand sent heat through his body. He adjusted her against him and carried her over to the bed.


Elayne had been terrified when she had felt his energy leaving him, his life force draining from him as he collapsed. He had used too much, she could feel its effects on him, she screamed at him, trying to keep him with her while begging the Maker to help. She wrapped herself around him in his mind, sending waves of love. She felt someone bring a bottle to his lips. She felt when the liquid hit Hawke's mouth, and saw the way his body responded to it. His eyes shot open, she saw the panic on Carver's face as Hawke grabbed the bottle from Carver and drained it. She felt him when he tried standing up, forcing his mind to obey him. He downed the other bottle Fergus handed him. His body somewhat replenished, he reached out to her, apologizing. Once she knew that he was okay, her anger came rushing out. He pleaded with her, tried to reassure her he was okay. She knew he felt her anger, he was right when he said they were going to talk when he got home. She hissed at him, letting him know her anger before she shut her mind off from him.