Heart of the Mountain


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"What are you doing?" he laughed, more amused than alarmed. It was hard to feel any emotion other than contentment when one was hilted inside a beautiful, eager woman.

"You're so accustomed to setting the pace," she whispered, his heart skipping as her lips pulled back to reveal a set of teeth that more resembled pearly fangs. "Your partners love to be overpowered, they swoon over your chiseled muscles, the mere fact that they have to crane their necks to look you in the eye makes them wet. How would you fare if the tables were turned, I wonder? Will you indulge my curiosity?"

Her face was cast into shadow by her long fringe of hair, but beneath it, he could make out her eyes as they glowed like hot coals. The green had been replaced with a fiery amber, her pupils taking on the vertical slits of a reptile.

He hadn't been imagining things, Isabelle was...changing. Her nails had hurt so much because they had been replaced with black claws, the skin on her fingers cracking, becoming a blue mosaic of tough scales. He watched as it spread up her arm like a scaly rash, stopping just shy of her elbows. Her hands felt larger now, the fingers thicker, her palms padded and soft. The tips of her ears were pointed, taking on a blueish hue, and her stature must have increased by a solid foot since they had gotten into bed together.

From beneath her hair, the beginnings of two gnarled horns were visible, and her previously subtle abdominal muscles had gained enough definition that they cast their own shadows on her flat stomach. They bulged from beneath her wet skin, flexing as she shifted her now considerable weight, her thighs becoming similarly thick and strong. He felt something cool and heavy slap against his leg, and while he couldn't see it, he had to assume that she was sprouting a tail.

Iden should have been afraid, he should have thrown her off him. But by the Gods, her body was a work of art, her loins wringing him like a farmhand milking a cow as she straddled him. He couldn't bring himself to do it, his cock was making the decisions now, as it so often did when it came to the fairer sex.

She began to rock back and forth, stirring him around inside her, clamping down on him with her steely thighs to keep him locked in place. Iden was a strong man, that went without saying, but she was so powerful that she had him completely immobilized. Her strength was disproportionate to her size. Even with her sudden growth, she was still shorter than he was, the width of her arms not even close to his.

He had been with women who wanted to be on top, of course, there was nothing unusual about that. But he had never met one who could overpower him in this way, even the strongest women were still smaller and weaker than him.

Isabelle began to rise and fall on his shaft, lifting herself off him, before letting her considerable weight carry her back down again. She drove him into the sheets, her breasts bouncing with the motion, the strands of her long hair blown by her panting breath as they fell over her face. She was driving him so deep, the hot, slimy flesh of her reaches clinging to him like a second skin. The muscles that flexed and squeezed beyond them grew ever tighter, massaging him as they rolled up and down his length, as though there was a phantom hand reaching beyond the barrier of her flesh to milk him.

Iden was in a daze, his initial shock at being flipped over and mounted had dulled, a pleasant fog falling over his mind as her rutting sent waves of pleasure flooding through his body. Maybe it wasn't so bad to let someone else take the lead for once...

He felt something curling around his legs, smooth, dry scales brushing against his skin. It was such an alien sensation, a jolt of fear disturbing his peace. It was her tail, slithering around his limbs in a lazy spiral like it was preparing to constrict him. The blue scales that coated her body were rough and rigid, almost like armor plating, but the mosaic of small scales on her beige-colored underside were almost flush enough to be mistaken for skin. The appendage was surprisingly chubby and hefty, as thick around as one of her thighs. He couldn't see how long it was from his position, but it was already large enough to encompass his legs almost completely in a cocoon of soft meat.

She tensed suddenly, muscles that felt as hard as tempered steel rising up from beneath the cushion of fat, pressing his legs tightly together. Isabelle didn't apply enough pressure to hurt him, although he got the sense that her tail could have crushed his bones to dust if she had desired it. Instead, she kept him still, binding him so that he couldn't move. Now his arms were pinned, her weight was pressing down on his hips, and his legs were completely immobilized.

"Uh...is there a reason that you-"

His question was cut off as she came down especially hard on him, driving a grunt from his throat, her pace relentless. It felt like his hips were starting to bruise under her merciless hammering, but the familiar ache and urgency of a climax was already looming. He usually lasted much longer than this, they couldn't have been going at it for more than ten minutes. Under normal circumstances, he would simply slow the pace, or switch positions so that he might have time to cool off. But now he had no control over the speed or the severity of their lovemaking. Isabelle could wring his orgasm out of him by sheer force if she wanted to. With his limbs bound, he would have no way to stop her.

"How do you like it?" she whispered, her face still obscured beneath her long hair. "How does it feel to be on the receiving end of such treatment? You don't have to answer if your pride won't allow it, I can tell exactly what you're feeling from the way that your cheeks are flushed pink, the way that your manhood is jumping inside me. Oh Iden...you're so cute when you're flustered."

Her words only made him blush more, his face burning as she chuckled wryly. People didn't refer to him as cute, there was nothing cute about a mercenary whose skin was a patchwork of faded scars, whose sheer stature struck fear into his opponents on the field of battle.

His train of thought was shattered as she began to gyrate her wide hips, making a lazy circle that drove his member into her pillowy walls in new and exciting ways. He couldn't take much more of this treatment, he was sliding towards a quick and confusing orgasm. Why did he feel this way? Why did he have butterflies in his stomach, why did her thrusting seem to drain the strength from his body? He felt so relaxed, despite his uncertainty.

Iden bucked, trying to rise off the sheets in an attempt to seek out more stimulation, but Isabelle did not allow it. She was too heavy to lift, his frustration making him writhe beneath her. She seemed to enjoy that, her glowing eyes playing over his body, admiring his muscles as they flexed beneath his skin, his sweat making him shine in the ever-intensifying firelight.

"I love it when you struggle," she cooed, her thighs clenching around him. "You move so beautifully, you're hitting me in all the right places. Gods, it's been too long since I've been able to enjoy a man in this way..."

"You have to slow down," he panted, his facade of control slipping as he felt his exposed glans grind against her luxuriant flesh. He could hardly focus his eyes, his mind ceding control to his base urges. "I can't keep this up for much longer."

"Nonsense," she chuckled, delighting in his pleading. "You're as strong as they come, and you've never explored your limits, have you? Aren't you curious to see how far I can take you? What peaks of ecstasy you might reach? I can do things that a mortal woman couldn't even conceive of."

She never gave him an opportunity to reply, leaning down closer to him, her long hair tickling his skin. Her puffy lips found his neck, mouthing and kissing, sending appreciative shivers sliding down his spine like icy fingers. Her breasts were larger now, somehow heavier. They had been perfect handfuls at first, but now they looked as if they would overflow from his palms, their weight resting on his as they sagged across his chest.

He flinched as he felt her teeth prick his neck, Isabelle biting him gently, teasing him with her sharp fangs.

"Oh!" she giggled, "did you like that? Is your neck sensitive?"

Her tongue dragged across his throat, velvet-soft and twice the length of a human's now, leaving a warm smear of saliva in its wake. She planted sucking kisses, burying her face in the nape of his neck, nibbling and pinching. He didn't know why, but something about having her bite him there made him feel oddly...vulnerable. Her teeth were so sharp, she was so dangerous, he just had to trust that she wouldn't tear into his jugular like a ravenous wolf. It wasn't a bad feeling, far from it. It made him feel like he was melting into a puddle, confusing his senses.

Isabelle sat up, Iden's eyes drawn to the swaying of her ample breasts, droplets of sweat catching the light as they slid slowly down her toned midriff. They quivered with every labored breath that she took, as big as cantaloupes now. She pinned his arms above his head with one hand, now large enough to encompass both of his wrists, bringing the second to her boobs. She cupped one, weighing it, letting its fat spill between her fingers. She showed no signs of discomfort despite her rough scales and her pointed talons, the blue of her reptilian hide contrasting with the porcelain of her human skin. She pressed a pink nipple between her thumb and forefinger, shuddering contentedly at the sensation.

"You can't tear your gaze from my chest, can you?" she asked with a grin that revealed her sharp fangs. "Do they really hypnotize you so?"

Before his eyes, her bust began to grow. Her breasts became heavier, their weight pressing them together more tightly, as though someone was slowly filling two sacks with grain. They became less firm as they expanded in size, changing shape, growing rounder and fuller as they slumped from her chest. This new change was accompanied by more scales, these ones of the beige variety. They sprouted from her skin in proximity to her chest, spreading across her clavicle and down between her boobs in a kind of T shape, tapering off just above her six-pack. It seemed that any increase in her size went hand in hand with the appearance of more draconic features. In naught but a few moments, her breasts were nearly as large as his head, Isabelle seeming unconcerned by their new weight.

She lifted one of them, Iden watching as her flesh cascaded over her hand like melting wax, her fingers sinking up to the knuckle. They were downright bountiful, the largest that he had ever seen on a woman, every slight movement making them wobble.

"How about now?" she chuckled, batting her long lashes as she felt him throb inside of her. She let her breast fall, the heavy globe of fat bouncing softly, then she brought her free hand down to his face.

Her claws were sharp, like black hooks, but she kept them clear of his skin as she cradled his cheek. The same rough, blue scales were present on the back of her hand, trailing up her forearm, but her palm was far softer than he would have guessed. Just like the underside of her tail, it was smooth and silky, made up of a mosaic of almost imperceptibly small scales. Her hand was weirdly chubby, padded with doughy flesh, giving her an inhumanly soft touch. As a dragon, she walked on all fours, and so perhaps it was cushioned for that purpose.

Iden flinched as her fingers wandered downwards, Isabelle pressing the talon on her index finger against his throat. She drew a trail down to his chest, her touch as light as a feather. It made him freeze up like a statue, he was afraid to even breathe lest her claw puncture his skin.

"That's right," she cooed, giving him a little shake of her hips as if to reward him for his obedience. "Trust in me, let me show you what your body can really do..."

He shivered as she dragged her claws across his chest, leaving stinging welts, but never drawing blood. The sensation excited him, seeming to amplify his senses, Isabelle wetting her lips with her pointed tongue as she felt him writhe between her thighs.

"For all of your strength, you can't move a muscle," she whispered. She dragged her tongue up his neck, pausing to chew his ear between her pointed fangs. He bucked, squirming as the lurid sounds of her nibbling and licking filled his head, but she was right. As much as he strained, as much as his muscles bulged, he had no hope of breaking free. "Relax, and let me have you. You'll enjoy it, trust me..."

He had always been the strongest, the largest, ever since he was a child. At age fifteen, he had already been six feet tall, dwarfing the other boys. At age eighteen, he'd had enough strength to beat any of his peers in an arm wrestling contest or a fist fight. By twenty, he was already taking coin for protection and guard work. Yet now, all of that had been robbed from him, none of it meant anything to the dragon.

She began to move again, rocking slowly back and forth, rather than rising up and down. She teased him with sudden, staccato thrusts, before sinking back into a lazy rhythm that kept him perpetually on the edge. It was like she was dancing on top of him, her exaggerated breasts shaking with her movements, her abdominal muscles shifting beneath her skin. She kept a tight hold on him all the while, his frustration at not being able to break free somehow making him all the more excited. Did he enjoy being bound like this?

Isabelle took his face in her soft hand, angling it towards her so that she could watch his every expression. She threw her head back, whipping her hair out of her face, and Iden was finally able to get a good look at her. She didn't look too different from the way that she had before her sudden transformation, save for a patch of blue scales that had grown across her forehead and down the bridge of her nose. Her eyes were yellow and fiery, her ears pointed and tinted blue.

He couldn't help but nuzzle her doughy palm as she moved atop him, he was losing himself in the pleasure, he couldn't think straight anymore. Every time that he tried to concentrate on something, his thoughts slipped through his fingers like grains of sand. She had found a delightfully slow and punishing tempo that kept taking him to the brink of orgasm, without ever quite sending him over that precipice.

No woman had ever made him feel this way before. The pleasure was duller than what he was accustomed to, coming not in harsh bursts, but radiating through him in euphoric waves. It wasn't concentrated solely in his loins, his entire body felt like the head of a penis, it was completely different from how sex usually felt for him.

Isabelle slipped a thumb into his mouth, and he dodged her sharp claw with his tongue, his draconic partner seeming to enjoy the sensation. He gave in, sucking it obediently, noting the variance of texture between the different types of scale. She looked down her nose at him in a way that was somehow more covetous than condescending, radiating a kind of supreme confidence that made his belly flutter when her glowing eyes met his. She had him completely bewitched, he felt as if his very heartbeat was tied to her rhythm.

"I could keep you trapped like this for as long as I pleased," she said, biting her lip in her sharp teeth at the prospect. "But that might be a little cruel for your first time."

First time? He had been with dozens of women, why was she treating him like some kind of virgin, as though this was his first experience of lovemaking? She noticed his frown, covering her mouth with her hand as she laughed at him.

"You're adorable when you get angry," she cooed, "just look at your red face. Alright, let's finish up, and then I'll set you loose."

She said it so casually, tightening her hold on him, her grip almost becoming painful. She let all of her weight rest on him, crushing him against the sheets, her hand squeezing his wrists together as her tail flexed around his legs. He gritted his teeth as she closed her fingers around his neck, letting her hand rest there, rather than applying pressure to choke him. The threat alone gave him that oddly alluring feeling of vulnerability again, knowing that she could hurt him, but trusting that she wouldn't.

She began to breathe more heavily as her pace increased, pushing him towards a crescendo, every thrust sending points of colorful light dancing before his eyes. He felt like his brain was being fried in his skull, the cave around them seeming to fade away until all that he could focus on was Isabelle. She was radiant, her smooth skin dripping with sweat, her iridescent scales shifting hue in the firelight as she moved. The soft meat of her breasts rippled, her abs flexing beneath her glistening skin, her mane of auburn hair falling about her shoulders like a red waterfall.

Iden gasped as his orgasm welled, it was another brand new sensation that took him by surprise. He was used to dictating the pace, going faster and harder as his climax drew nearer, finishing at the perfect moment. But now, it was Isabelle who was in control. It was so strange to have to fight back his pleasure, to have someone else impose ecstasy upon him, to make him come.

"Just...lie back...and enjoy it," she panted, noticing his renewed struggling. She leaned down closer, her face little more than an inch from his own, watching him intently as she pushed him higher and higher. Embarrassed, he turned away from her, but he soon felt her padded fingers on his red cheeks as she forced him to look her in the eye. It all became too much for him, his muscles seizing up as the beginnings of an orgasm surged through him.

Isabelle grinned as she felt him buck beneath her, apparently surprised by his vigor, having to tighten her hold on him and readjust her position lest he succeed in escaping her control. The campfire beside their makeshift bed flared into a roaring blaze, almost as if a jet of fire was shooting from the cave floor, the orange flames taking on a blueish hue as they grew hotter.

A throb of pleasure wracked his body, intense enough to make his head spin, his member flexing inside her as her pulsating walls drew out his emission with their cruel massage. She stopped moving as she felt the thick ropes of his seed splash against her tender reaches, bubbling up inside her, filling every wrinkle and crevice with their warmth. Her thighs threatened to squeeze the life out of him as her eyelids fluttered, her sharp teeth bared, a plume of dark smoke rising from her nostrils as she exhaled a comely sigh. She began to tremble, joining him in his bliss, the surging flames starting to sputter and waver along with her. Her loins grew ever tighter, her maddening contractions coming stronger and faster, the walls of muscle not affording Iden a moment of respite.

Wave after wave of pleasure crashed over him, every muscle in his body tingling, aching with the effort. He was exhausted in the most satisfying of ways, his consciousness ebbing as he relaxed into the damp sheets, only to be jolted back awake as a fresh spasm made him its plaything. Isabelle gasped and crooned as her velvety passage wrung him like a wet towel, intent on extracting everything that she could get from him, their heaving bodies joined as they bucked and wrestled in the light of the fire.

When it was finally over, they collapsed together onto their nest of fabric, panting and squirming as the fading embers of their shared climax tickled them with aftershocks. Isabelle still hadn't released him, she kept her thighs and her tail tightly wrapped around him, hugging him against her body. Their sweat and fluids mingled, making their touch slippery and wet, her breasts squashing up against his chest as she clung to him almost desperately.
