Heaven Only Knows Ch. 01


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Emma shot a glance at her husband displaying her anger and was about to continue when she was interrupted by the a loud voice, booming over the speakers.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the Horizon's proudly presents, Montego Bay's own, Beef Jerky Dancers."

The crowd erupted with thunderous applause and many of the patrons jumped to their feet and raced towards the dance floor. The lights went off and all that could be seen was the six women running about the room shaking and gyrating their bodies at the audience. Suddenly several torches were lit and the restaurant without warning began to have a jungle like atmosphere. The woman were athletically gifted and sent the crowd into frenzy as they flipped, split and pumped their tight well-endowed bodies.

Emma, who was wearing her silky long blonde hair to one side of her face, stole glances at her husband, whose eyes were firmly trained on the young hot dancers. Just then a powerful roar began building in the audience as more dancers enter the room.

The women nearly dropped their wine glasses, spotting the male dancers, this held especially true for Emma who actually dropped her glass upon seeing who was among them.

"Oh no, it can't be." She cried out.

"Huh, what do you mean honey?" William asked for the first time paying attention to his wife.

"Oh nothing dear, nothing at all," She lied.

With his body bathed in stage lighting and glistening oils, he pumped and gyrated his lower body with total control.

His body was even more beautiful to her than it appeared earlier today on the beach. He masculinely strode over, lifting one of the female dancers off her feet, pulled her close, just as she wrapped her legs around his waist, as well as her arms around his shoulders and together they began bagging their body's into each other.

Emma cleverly spied her husband's intense stare before snatching the bottle of wine; pouring and downing another glass full.

Once again the crowd roared as another female dancer launched herself in the air landing on the powerful ma's back, wrapping her legs around his waist, her arms around his shoulders and began pumping him from behind. Although it was clearly an act designed sexually stimulate the audience, it was a thoroughly convincing one. The exotic dancers moved and pumped their bodies with an urgent like passion and energy that clearly connected with the crowd of onlookers. When the two females dislodged themselves from their human riding post. The extremely well built man faced the audience and beagn flexing his muscles and thrusting his pelvis out while subtly rotating his hips as he sunk to his knees.

Emma's eyes grew wide with excitation at the sight of his long thick cloth covered cock flapping up and down, slapping against his stomach and the flapping down between his legs. She gave no thoughts to the fact that her hand had slipped between her own legs and was now massaging her clit. Her body shivered and her breath became short as she felt the sexually energy of her hand on her own flesh. He turned around and climbed into a front leaning rest position, as if he were about to perform a push up. Instead he began pumping his body down as if riding on top of someone. Up until this point the blond woman never realized that the man wore his hair in long dreadlocks that pulled back and tied together by a gold band of some kind.

William took one look at his wife, and forgot all about his own excitement, exclaiming, "Oh my sweet Lord, what kind of place have we come to, but his wife ignored his comment as she gazed on in enchantment.

"Emma, I've seen enough lets go."

Grabbing his wife's hand he pulled her to her feet and was about to leave when the sexy dancer struts over to the table beside them placed his long cock on a plate allowing the woman at the table to fondle it.

Emma locked her eyes on brown skin warrior while fighting the urge to join the other women as they stroked and choked the massive tool. The poor woman groaned as she saw the man stick his long tongue out at her, flicking it like a cobra.

"Emma Jean, let's go!" William said snatching her away from the table and out of the restaurant.

The walk back to the room was a quiet one, but that all changed the second their suite door closed behind them.

"You see Emma, that's exactly what I'm talking about, if that wasn't the most disgusting display of fornication I've ever seen then, I shutter to think what might be worst."

"Oh please, William for God's sake, it was just a tease. Those people weren't having sex."

"Remember, sinful thoughts leads to sinful behavior my dear. Why the nerve of those people, I got a good mind to bring a lawsuit against them, that'll teach them."

"I'm sure it was all in fun Will, try not to get too upset about it." Emma stated as she exited the room.

"Upset, upset, Emma I feel like Lot after he just escaped Sodom and Gomorrah. My God did you see the size of that black beast up there shaking that giant snake between his legs?'

"Did I" She whispers, knowing the prospects of her getting some loving tonight hinged on how quickly she could keep his focus. Quickly changing into a red-laced bra and panty set, she then slipped on some see through heels she bought just for this occasion and reentered the room.

"I'll tell you what Emma these people are lost. All they think about is shooting their seeds all over the place, giving no thought to fathering the children they bring into this world. That's why they need preaching to, th..." His voice came to an abrupt halt at the sight of his wife, body glowing in the candlelit room.

"Emma, you...you look so beautiful."

"You really think so?" She asked innocently.

"Why...why yes of course."

"Then show me." She demanded, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and thrusting her open mouth on his. Emma took her time making sure not to become overly aggressive, knowing this would quickly turn her husband off. After several minutes she reached down felt his hard cock straining the fabric of his pants. She loosened and removed his necktie and shirt. As she slowly sank to her knees, with one hand she helped him remove his sock and shoes and with the other hand she continued to stroke the bulge in his pants. Smiling up at him she undid his zipper pulled his pants down. The smell of his genitals filled her nostrils and caused her to groan loudly. Losing herself in the moment she pulled out his hard cock and slid it right into her mouth.

William allowed his wife to slobber about his love organ for a minute or two before forcefully pushing her away. "No, Emma no, this isn't right. Come over here."

"But I want to Will." She cried.

"No baby that behavior's beneath us." He stated laying her down on the bed.

He hovered over her, grabbed and spread her legs wide open.

"Will you at least eat me?" She pleaded.

"No, that behavior's behind us, don't worry, I'll be good to you." He reassured pushing his thick mushroom head of his dick inside her tight pussy.

"Oh no Will, I'm too tight, I'm not ready."

"Don't worry, just let me get inside and I'll get you ready."

"Nooo...nooo, sssss, I don't mean that way I need, ahhhhh!" She screamed as she felt his forceful entry.

Totally obvious to his act of brutality, he continued plowing deep inside her love canal.

"Oh, oh no Will, oh Will it hurts, it hurts!" She shouted.

"Yeah, that's right, I know it feels good to you, ah yes my dear, oooh yeah it feels good."

Emma tried desperately to warm up to the pounding she was receiving, but the more she tried the more she felt as though this was a one-way sexual encounter for her husband's enjoyment.

"William I love you so much." She whispered in his ear and then tried to kiss him. But her show of affection dashed when he turned his head to one side and went on his way pounding and slamming into her.

Discouraged and frustrated she was about to push him off her, when the image appeared to her. At first she felt guilt, but with just the simple thought, her juices began flowing and her body came to life. Within seconds she went from sadness to exhilaration as her body push back giving in to her fantasy.

"Yes, oooh yes, fuck me, fuck me, do it, it oh don't stop yessss!" unfortunately just as she began enjoying herself.

"Oh Christ, oh God, oh, oh I'm coming Ooooh!" William cried out, firing his copious load deep within her hot pussy.

The second he finished William climb off the bed and headed for the bathroom. "See my dear, I knew you'd enjoy it." He stated arrogantly.

"William" She softly called.

"Yes my love?"

"Could you just...I know you're tired but I'm still so hot, could you eat me till I cum?"

"Now Emma, let's not get greedy. It was great, even wonderful, don't you think you've already had enough orgasms for one night?"

"I didn't cum at all Will."

"Nonsense, I've been with you long enough to know, you had a goodtime and I'm tired, besides I think it's time we abstain from deviant sexual practices."

"You make it sound like it's a crime to lick and suck each other." She charged.

"And perhaps it is. Listen Emma, we're two middle-aged people, who've spend the better part of our lives getting closer to the Lord. We should be spending more of our time reading and understanding the Word, not licking and sniffing over each other like two horny teenagers."

"William Joseph Callaway, do you even realize that you practically rapped me. No warm up or foreplay, just get it hard, ram it in and cum."

"Emma listen to yourself, you sound like some whore, you're the wife of a reverend, a man of God, and for God's sake woman get the devil out of your mind. These lusty thoughts of yours can only lead to damnation. Now I'm going to take a shower and we'll have no more of this disgusting conversation."

As the door slammed shut, Emma couldn't help but realize that it was a symbolic of another door being closed on her life. She listened intently to the running water from the shower as she slid her hand between her legs. With the vision clear and unobstructed in her mind she quickly had a powerful orgasm that told her that although one door was closing on her life, another was about to open.


The next morning the couple had breakfast at Cohoba's a local restaurant that specialized in some of the finest signature coffees. Emma wore a shinny electric blue bikini outfit with a matching robe, while her husband wore his pinstripe suit. Both outfits disapproved by the other's opinion. It seems from the moment they woke up they were arguing and even after a hearty breakfast neither party was ready to back down. Emma ordered a cup of rum coffee, which was also against her husband's approval, little did he realized that she now took pleasure in annoying him.

William stared out into the parking lot and watched the rows of palm-trees swaying in the morning breeze. But with a beautiful tropical morning staring him in the face, all he could think about was his anger towards his rebellious wife.

"Emma close your robe, your breast are showing again." He growled.

"Oh come on Willie, everyone here has either got them or seen them before."

"Good then you don't have to put yours on display, and stop calling me Willie."

"I thought we came here to relax, and celebrate our love, after all, it is our wedding anniversary, we're in Jamaica, beaches, palm trees a beautiful sunshine and a great big ole ocean, and you walk out here with a three piece suit looking like a dude."

"I told you, I'm going to the morning sermon at the local church and I suggest you come with me. Lord knows you are in dire need of the Word of God. You and all the rest of these darkies around here, after last night, I would've thought you'd understand that by now."

"Your sermons can't mean much, especially when you look down on the very people you claim to be helping." She countered sipping her beverage.

"Very well, but I must say that I am terribly disappointed in you Emma, had I known that you would behave like this, being down here with...these people, I would never have agreed to come here."

"And had I known you had become a bigoted, narrow minded, racist, know-it-all prudish, amoral preacher, I wouldn't have requested we come either." She fired back.

"Emma Jean Callaway, what in God's name is wrong with you?" Has the devil stolen your mind for you to speak to me this way? I'll tell you what then. Since you've chosen the wicked and sinfully lust filled ways of Jezebel, I'm going to the sermon this morning and don't look for me to come back this afternoon either. You can spend the rest of the day with your dirty, nasty, lustful disgusting thoughts. Perhaps I'll return for dinner and if I do, we'll order in our room. And I'm warning you woman, if you chose to continue with this blasphemously decadent behavior, I will cancel this trip and we will go back home." He tossed his napkin to the table and stormed out of the restaurant without so much as a wave goodbye.

The green-eyed blond continued to sip her coffee, and stared out at the ocean waves as they gently rolled back and forth along the shoreline. The tranquilly of the moment along with the heavily caffeinated beverage soothed her and allowed her mind to drift back to her late teenage years, in the months before she met her husband.

It was the summer of 1975. Although most to all the schools were integrated by now, Blacks and Whites were still unsure or uncomfortable in a state of propinquity. She'd just turned eighteen and was truly the southern bell of the town and she wore her mantle proudly. Her father own one of the largest farms in the area just outside of town. After bickering back and forth with her mother Contessa to get the house painted. He finally agreed to hire someone to do the job. Forever the cheapskate, her father decided to hire John Brown a janitor from her school to do the job. Emma was shocked and surprised to discover when he showed up that his son was the star player on her high school basketball team. Jefferson Brown was six-foot two inches tall and extremely well built. Late one afternoon as the two men painted the outside of the house, Emma peeked out the window and saw the shirtless young African American man painting right outside her window. His hard muscular body was drenched in sweat. His light brown eyes and bright smile caught her by surprise. She watched him many times on the basketball court but there was something about seeing him at this moment that made her curious about him. His reputation as a womanizer was well known, but his confidence made her nervous, because unlike his father and most of the older Blacks in town, he had a self-assurance and an almost arrogance as if he was God's gift to women. For reasons she didn't fully understand at that moment she decided to open her window and deliberately antagonize him.

"Hey boy, you better be careful. I'd hate to see you fall off that ladder and break your neck."

"Shit, if I fell off this ladder I'd land on my feet like a cat."

"Bullshit, you must really think you're something special."

"That's because I am, baby."

"Watch your mouth Black boy, and remember your place."

"Oh yeah and exactly what place is that?"

"You're talking to a White woman."


"And you know what happens to boys like you who get fresh with White girls."

"Yeah, we turn your ass out." He arrogantly replied.

"What...what did you say to me?"

"I think you heard me the first time."

Struggling to find a good comeback line she shouted.

"If my daddy heard you say that, he'd have your Black ass hanging from the highest tree."

"And because I'm hung, when I'm finished with you, you'd be calling me daddy."

Emma's mouth flung open as she stared at this strong, confident brown skinned man.

"How dare you speak to me this way? Nobody speaks to me that way."

"Then maybe it's time someone did. Shit I've seen those punks you hangout with. Always kissing your ass and catering to you like you're some kind of princess. Man, they act more like boys than men, that's probably why ain't none of them fucked you."

"Why you foul mouth bastard. I'll have you know that every one of those guys I spend time with, will go on to be big time men, while all you'll ever be is a janitor or some fucking shoe shine boy."

"You're probably right, only because those same guys won't level the playing field, but that's beside the point, cause I got something none of them punks can give you."

"And what's that black boy, a shoe shine?"

"No baby, I got a big black dick and I'll fuck the living shit out of you."

Emma had never had anyone speak to her so forward and with so much confidence. She stared into his eyes for what seemed like several minutes. Her legs were shaking as she leaned against the window panel to gain support.

"You ain't gonna ever get this Black boy."

The strappingly strong youth grabbed the large bulge in his pants, showing off his virility.

"Well that's a shame, cause the way I see it, then you ain't gonna ever get this."

Jefferson could feel the electricity between them and climbed to the top of the ladder, which placed him inches from her thick, quivering legs.

"Are you cold?" He asked.

"Of course not, it's 88 degrees."

"Then why are you shaking?" He asked staring directly between her legs.

"Cause I know what you want, I know what all you boys want"

"Forget about what I want. What do you want? Better yet, what do you need?"

The young woman bit her bottom lip to keep from moaning. "Ssss, stop looking down there like that."

"Would you prefer if I touched it." He asked extending his hand out and gently making contact right between the crouch of her daisy duke shorts.

"Oooh don't do that." She whispered.

"Shit, I could do a lot more than that."

Emma's eyes nearly jumped out her head as she witness the boy's head extending and his tongue about to lick her."

"Jefferson!" A loud booming voice called out. "Jefferson, get down here now boy!"

The young man was so engrossed in his encounter that he totally forgot he was on a ladder and as he jerked around in response the ladder fell back and sent he falling to the ground. Thankfully the bushes of the front yard broke his fall.

His father quickly ran over and once he was sure the boy was okay, he immediately launched in a harsh scolding. Emma didn't have to guest what it was about.

"I thought you said you'd land on your feet?" Emma laughed closing the window.

Although it appeared she'd had the last laugh, her panties and shorts were soaking wet. It embarrassed her to think that this uppity Negro boy had had his way with her. She decided then and there to get even with him.

It took her two weeks but her plan was cleverly thought out. She knew that Saturday evenings after working Mr. Brown and her father would sit out on the porch and drink blackberry brandy, while her mother finished cooking dinner. During this time Jefferson would steal a nap in the old shed behind the house. And that's when she made her move. Creeping to the back of the house and making sure she wasn't seen, she opened the shed door wearing the tightest daisy dukes she could fit into. Her thick legs glisten in the late afternoon sun, she tied a yellow shirt into a bow just beneath her firm grapefruit sized breast. As she closed the door behind her, her heart began beating more rapidly with each and every step she took deeper inside. Small beams of sunlight eerily pierced through the wooden boards illuminating the shed. Squinting her eyes she tried to find the young man but was shocked when she realized he wasn't where she had expected him to be. Suddenly fear took hold of her and she started to wonder if this was a good idea after all. She retraced her path back to the doorway and was about to open the door, when someone touched her hand.