Hellacious Hospitality Ch. 05

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Consequence weighs upon the young man's actions.
17.2k words

Part 5 of the 13 part series

Updated 07/16/2023
Created 01/19/2022
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Forward from the author -

If you've not done so, go back and read the other chapters first. You've been warned!

Not a lot to say this time. I'm continually encouraged by the support you've shown me so far. Chapter 3 has already blown into a top Hall of Fame spot for Non-Human fiction, which is just an honor, this early in my writing career.

Please follow me and keep checking in to hear about all the things I've got planned.

And please, give me all the votes and comments you can spare! The more you do, the more you help spread the love!


Benson Lachlann joined his boss, Elena Cushing, in sitting with his back against the cold window of her office. Both were still completely naked, basking in their post-coital bliss. She seemed in a daze, an unfocused look in her eyes as she stared blankly into the shadowy distance of her dark office. Clearly, she had some thoughts to mull over, and he didn't want to interrupt her process. He slipped his arm across her shoulder, propping her head up off the glass. She smiled gently at his attentions, while still idly playing with the slimy mix of fluids that coated her chest.

"Benson?" She finally piped up. Her eyes turned to him, fully regarding him with a concerned expression twisting her pretty features.

"Uh oh. That look can't mean good things. Tell me what you're thinking."

"I was wondering what it means, for a mistake to feel this good."

"Are you having regrets?"

"Yes and no. If I could go back in time to stop myself, I don't think I would. I wouldn't be able to deny myself this pleasure. But still, the fact remains that what we just did is ethically taboo. There could be fallout."

"Hey, my lips are sealed, remember?"

"I thank you for that. But the problem is that now the demon's been let out of her cage, she's not going to go away quietly to be put back in. Maybe we get away with it this time, but who's to say about the future?"

That was an interesting turn of phrase, given his proclivities as of late, but he made no comment to acknowledge that fact. "The future? You can't possibly be thinking about doing this again?"

"Well, maybe not this. Too messy... oh shit, we're going to have to tidy this all up before the cleaning staff comes in the morning. Fuck me in the ass, I really didn't think this through."

"In the ass, Elena? Does your sexual frustration know no bounds?"

His sarcastic quip earned him a playful slap across the chest. She coyly bit her lip at that thought being planted in her head, but she quickly shook her head forcefully to clear it. "Don't encourage me, because it should be abundantly clear that I don't think it does. Just another example in the long list of ways that your 'respectable' boss is totally screwed up. Wait, you said you resented me in the past. But did you at least respect me? Or did I just inadvertently help fuel some repressed revenge fantasy of yours?"

"It doesn't matter what I used to think. I dunno, I barely even knew the 'old' Elena that occupied my head. Just the barest of a hate-sink for leading me into what I felt was a dead-end job. But there were others that took the brunt of that more than the imaginary you. You dealt with the biggest one this morning. So, uh, thanks for that, I guess. I guess we still haven't properly talked about what went down, have we? Care to elaborate?"

"Yes, we do need to talk about that, don't we? But first things first, help me clean up?"

Benson groaned as he stood up, and held his hand out to help Elena to her feet. "So where do we start?"

"I think we should start with us, first. It'll be hard to clean all of this up if we just keep, err, dripping... everywhere." She blushed, sheepishly, which could be only faintly seen in the dimly moonlit corner of the room.

"You don't happen to keep towels in here, do you?"

"Why would I? This is a financial office, not a personal gym. Just another unplanned way my stupid horny self screwed us over. I think we'll just have to make our way down to the shower room, and hope that nobody else decided to wander in after-hours like you did." She opened her desk draw, procuring a box of tissues. "Just do your best to dry yourself with these before we get there."

That task proved particularly daunting. A quarter box of soiled tissues later, and they were nowhere close to being passably clean. The flimsy things practically disintegrated in the presence of that much of their combined slop. So much sweat, a healthy amount of his semen, and Elena's releases had been... enthusiastic."This isn't working. We'll just have to bite the bullet and use our clothes. Maybe our shirts or something? We'll still need to cover up, because they'll definitely be keeping a close watch on the security footage, after this morning's incident."

Her eyes bulged. She hadn't even considered that. "I'm glad one of us still has their head squarely on their shoulders. I was just thinking of making a mad dash for it. Somebody out there certainly would've gotten a heaping dose of wet-dream fuel." Her eyes dropped to regard her own shapely body, and she blushed.

She retrieved her blouse from the heap of clothing she had stashed under her desk -- during her bout of self-exploration she'd been engaged in before he'd surprised her -- and used it to towel herself off. Benson did the same with his T-shirt he had doffed, piled at the foot of her desk following her lust-fueled masturbation show. Both dressed hastily in their remaining clothes. She, in her tailored knee-length skirt and sharp business jacket, and he in his running shorts and a windbreaker.

Benson looked up to grab Elena's attention once it sounded like she had finished dressing, and was about to lead the way out the room, when the sight that met his eye gave him pause.

"My god, Elena! That's some look you've got going on, there! If it weren't so necessary to wrap things up, I'd be sorely tempted to throw you on the couch and have my way with you all over again. Just... damn."

She blushed even redder, as she stood there, almost demurely, in stark contrast to the wanton, sex-crazed animal she'd unleashed earlier. There wasn't much different from the way she typically dressed for the office. Except, the cut of her blazer, with cinched-in waist and a single button at the mid-section, was always paired with a sleek red blouse, buttoned all the way up to the neck, topped by her trademark silk scarf. Slightly sexy, to project confidence, but mostly only by virtue of who was wearing the figure-flattering outfit. Otherwise, perfectly conservative and business-like. But now, lacking the shirt, the steep V-cut of her jacket gaped to reveal an obscene amount of her milky, smooth, silicone-enhanced cleavage, with only the lacy edge of her bra interrupting the view.

"Y-you really like how this looks? It's not weird?" How is she this clueless about how well her good looks would be received? Goddamn, her self-esteem is completely off-the-rails wrecked.

"Definitely a bit extreme for your older clientele, not to mention the dirty old men you choose to employ. But hey, if you're really serious about asserting more control, a small step in that direction might not hurt. Maybe it's that 'girlboss' energy you're truly after. Flaunt your sexuality just a little, to get your kicks -- enough to turn heads and command a room, but in the end, wow them with your brains."

The words made sense as he was saying them, but he somewhat wondered if those were simply his own growing tastes speaking for him. That was the image of Caeli that had ultimately settled in his mind. The concierge outfit she had chosen to wear for him was even more scant and provocative than the show he was currently getting from his boss -- more lingerie or fetish-wear than proper business attire. But the confidence she projected while wearing it had an empowering, amplifying effect for her persona. Despite how much of her luscious body she enjoyed displaying for him, he couldn't think of her as just some sex object.

Then there was also the fact that both beautiful ladies looked good in glasses. For Elena, her thick, square-framed red spectacles were a necessity. For Caeli, the sleek, thin frames seemed merely a fashion statement. Either way, they made a smart impression, and highlighted their dazzling eyes well. He'd never considered it before, but if the question was posed of him now, then he could definitively say that he had a type.

"Hrm, I see. You've given me a lot to think about. We may have had a rocky start, but I can honestly say that I'm really happy that I hired you, Benson." She smiled earnestly.

"For all my misgivings, a lot of the good things in my life right now only happened because of the bad. So, while it may not be for reasons you're proud of at the moment, I do owe you some thanks, Elena." He gestured to the door. "So, before we spend all night turning this touching moment into a lovey share-fest, shall we get going? All this reflection and self-improvement won't do us much good if we find ourselves ousted because we couldn't keep it in our pants."

Blushing again, she nodded, and they finally, cautiously exited her office, making sure, beyond all reasonable doubt, that the door was locked shut behind them.


They arrived in the building's utility corridor, outside the shower room without incident. No additional late-night visitors, from what they'd seen. Thankfully, this one particular area wasn't monitored, probably as an extension of the privacy of the shower room itself, so it was unlikely that they'd face a line of questioning about why they'd snuck off to the showers together in the dead of night, after closing time. That could also be compromising.

"After you? You got yourself messier than I did." He offered.

"I thought we'd just go in together. Every minute we spend in the office like this is another risk, after all. And it's not like we've not seen each other naked, or anything."

Benson was still trying to wrap his head around the fact that this was his boss he was talking to, so casually and indiscriminately, but she made a fair enough point. He led the way in, fumbling around in the dark for the light switch.

"Oh, I hadn't really thought of that. This would be our first time with the lights on..." her voice wavered.

"Second thoughts? I can wait for you outside if you'd prefer."

"No, it's fine. If I want to be more confident in myself, I can't let a little thing like lights stop me." She shrugged, as she walked over to a locker and dialed a combination to the built-in lock. Clearly where she kept her running gear. "It doesn't look like you've brought your gear this time. Luckily, I keep spare towels so I don't have to keep coming back and forth with laundry every time. Here, you can have one of mine." She said, throwing one at him, before beginning to disrobe again.

He watched, entranced, as she did so. She bent over, and her shapely rear slid into view as she shimmied her tight skirt off her hips. Off came her jacket as well, and both garments were folded neatly and placed neatly on the bench in the locker area. Her weighty breasts didn't droop much as she bent over and unsnapped and unhooked her lacy black bra -- semi-sheer, he noted, in the full light, erect nipples jutting hard against the thin material. She looked up at him, as he fumbled distractedly with the zipper on his jacket, his eyes saucer-wide in surprise. "What, is there something wrong with the way I look?" She covered herself with her arms, reflexively.

Finally finding the wherewithal to work his zipper properly, he undid his light jacket to reveal his bare chest. "No, it's not that. It's just.. you weren't wearing any underwear."

"Oh, that," Elena giggled lightly. "I never do. Not anymore. Another tidbit to add to your list of 'ways my boss is totally fucked in the head'. Weirdly enough, it's something I started doing to keep myself sane. I'm so bored with myself, day-in and day-out. Nobody complies with my own ideas and initiatives to get things done, so I'm left by my lonesome to do all of nothing. I read and sign all the paperwork, but that just makes me a glorified rubber stamp in patent leather pumps. Somewhere along the line, I took to being secretly a bit risqué, just to put that edge of excitement in my life. That worked for a surprisingly long time. I was too scared to do any further, but today, with everything happening at once and wrestling for attention, I think I finally hit my breaking point. That's how you found me. At home, though, hoo boy, entirely different story. That shit's a one-way trip of internet porn, cheap wine, and 'personal massagers' straight to party town, all before bed. I really am the worst."

"Elena, I wish you'd stop doing that. You dismiss your quirks as fuck-ups, and that's probably why you're unable to be at ease with yourself, because you keep dwelling on how 'wrong' you are. Maybe don't keep everything so bottled-up," he said, continuing to strip down.

"That's what you honed in on? I think most guys' brains would've stopped working at 'my sexy young boss is a closeted exhibitionist nympho slut'. You really are something else, Benson."

He dodged her self-deprecating attitude for the time being. "Seriously, no boyfriend? You've got looks, brains, money. The total package. You could've had any guy you wanted, and they'd gladly have helped you ease those tensions of yours."

"Ah, but what good are any of those qualities against the crippling self-doubt of a girl who's spent most of her formative years in social isolation? If it were that easy, I would've been banging all the hot young studs I could sink my teeth into. You're right, that wouldn't have been difficult to find someone, if it were anyone else occupying my shoes. But that's not who I am. Please, can we drop that subject for now? My love life, or lack thereof, is... complicated. Leave it at that. C'mon, let's just shower up. We've still got a mess to clean up, after all."

To that point, he acquiesced. They stepped into the shower area, just a single wide space with a floor-to-ceiling pipe column in the center, with four separate shower heads projecting from it. A setup that worked in the context of a public swimming pool or such, with gender-exclusive facilities. Much less a common meeting ground for a young woman CEO, and her similarly young, male employee. If any of this got out, especially in light of the firing incident earlier in the day that both bore some small part in, there would be ethics questions abound.

But none of those difficult thoughts occupied their minds at the moment. Both simply luxuriated in the pounding streams of hot water that cleansed their filthy bodies, while simultaneously enjoying the erotic sight of each other's glistening, wet skin. Elena in particular concentrated just a bit too much on her nether regions, fingers running through her neatly-trimmed patch of fine blonde pubic hair, and up into her moistened crevice."Elena, get a hold of yourself!" He admonished her, even while his own genitals began to stiffen again with arousal at her lurid audacity.

"Shit, you saw that, huh?"

"How could I not? It's not like you're doing anything to hide it. When a hot young woman starts feeling herself up in front of a guy, he tends to take notice."

"So, you really do think I'm attractive? I dunno, I've been putting words in your mouth all night, and it's kinda weird hearing you come right out and say it. But f-fuck! That just makes it worse. I really thought the pounding you gave me earlier would've helped me settle down, but the floodgates are still wide open. Shit, I was just exaggerating for effect earlier when I called myself an exhibitionist. It was just the small thrills I was going for, I would never have put myself on full display. But you being here with me, enjoying watching me... Fuck, I still want more."

"Goddamn, Elena. You think you're even going to function at work, carrying on like this?"

"I really... really don't know. My body's so needy right now, I can't think straight anymore. Please, can you help me with this?" She pleaded, as she sensually strutted over him, pressing her dripping, naked body into his, already desperately grinding her inflamed, needy cunt against his upper thigh. The light tickle of her fine pubes against his skin in that sensitive area was rapidly eroding his willpower.

"Is this going to become a habit with you? I might have to consider tendering my resignation if all I'm going to be around here is a piece of meat, for you to do with as you please."

"No, please! Don't do that. Don't leave me alone! Not when I've just started to figure myself out. It's all been thanks to you! It's more than just the sex, I promise!" Tears were starting to well in her eyes. He had no defense against that.

"Christ, we're treading on thin ice here. But we need you to settle the fuck down if we're going to figure out a way forward from this, so I guess I've got no choice. We've got to make this quick, as we've still got things to do, remember?"

She nodded absently, her brain still fogged with the immediacy of her desire. "I don't know how you want to do this, but I'm all yours. Just please, don't get my hair wet. That'd just raise unnecessary suspicion." She patted gently at her honey-blonde locks, still coiled relatively neatly in a tight bun. "Oh, and -- god, I'm such a demanding bitch -- I'd like it if you could play with my tits a little? Christ, listen to me. I really am a slut. But I think that maybe, after hating myself for so long, falling for the pressure in getting them done, maybe I'm finally starting like them, after how good you made them feel? If I can feel that way again, maybe that'll put me more at ease?"

Benson sighed, wondering if this woman's appetite was truly satiable. Something else she shared with the succubus. The difference being, for Caeli it was apparently just a healthy part of her existence, and she seemed in total control. For Elena, the complete opposite. Was it wrong to help her fuel that need? That would be a harder question to answer in the long-term. To their immediate ends, however, his only option was to tend to those unquenchable desires.

Still standing, he grabbed hold of her by the shoulders firmly to spin her around, and then pulled her in tightly, so that her head rested upon his collarbone. His cock twitched, nestled firmly in the soft valley between rounded butt cheeks. He didn't seek his own release, especially the fatigue that came after. He just wanted for her to feed off his warmth in all possible ways. Her hips automatically began to shake, stroking the cleft of her supple ass along his erection, which wasn't helping his restraint. He needed to be forceful with her, for her to surrender entirely to his will.

With one hand, he immediately dove into her burning hot pussy, thumbing the rapidly growing nub of her engorged clit and stroking along the sensitive labia. The results were instantaneous, as she ceased shaking her hips on his penis, to begin needily forcing her crotch against his hand, instead. He sharply exhaled in relief, no longer having to contend with his own rapidly heightening pleasure.

His other hand grabbed hold of ample tit flesh, roughly groping and mauling the softly elastic orb, and pinching firmly at the stiffened deep pink peak of her nipple.

Already in a state of heightened receptiveness, her response couldn't have come quicker. Already, she was panting and moaning and bucking her hips in sexual abandon. He'd barely slipped a finger into her tight pussy, before she started crying out loud for more. "Oh god, yes! Fuck! Right there, just like that! Harder!" she screamed, completely lost in her lust. To that end, it only less than five minutes for her to achieve full climax, the strength in her legs giving way as she collapsed forward, onto the ground. Perhaps due to her subconscious mind, she raised her exquisite ass high in the air as she convulsed, presenting him a particularly tempting view of her twitching vagina, lips lightly parted, as her own dew collected upon her them, still tapped out from their previous session for a full-blown gusher as per earlier.