Her Hidden Kink

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Wife has a hidden kink.
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Rebecca acted as though she was asleep. She was known as Becky to her friends and loved ones. She felt her husband start by touching her feet and ankles. Soon, her husband Nelson was removing her pajama bottoms. She no longer pretended to sleep and opened her eyes. They smiled at one another. She helped him remove her pajama bottoms and panties. Like he had done so many times before; he started to kiss his way from her inner ankle to her womanhood. This caused her to become moist.

She was a thirty-five year old mother of two and was a devoted wife of nine years. She: had long straight dark hair, a higher forehead, shiny brown eyes, well maintain eyebrows, light freckles marked her inverted shaped face, her nose was long and skinny, she had luscious lower lips, a skinny upper lip, a very pointed chin, and a very noticeable smile. She always maintained her noticeable straight teeth. She was five foot eleven, had small round A-cup breasts with dot like perky nipples, she was in shape, and wider hips due to giving birth. What her husband Nelson adored was her legs and backside.

Nelson recently turned forty-one, was five five, wore glasses, was a runner but didn't run as much as he used to, he ate well so he was in great shape for someone forty-one, when erect his cock was four and a half inches long, and his once dark hair was turning gray around the edges. She would gently tease him about his graying hair.

She never considered herself to be gorgeous but was wise enough to know she was noticed by men of all ages. Even though she was aware of this, she was loyal to Nelson, unless Nelson proved he wasn't loyal to her. Even if he cheated; she would divorce him before sleeping with another man.

* * *

She met Nelson at the age of twenty-four when she was an assistant to a prosecuting attorney in a rural county of Wisconsin. Nelson was the prosecuting attorney in the neighboring county. A famous Wisconsin murder case brought them together.

A woman in her mid-thirties started the day by preparing to spend the day with her three girls at a popular State Park. Once she was finished she placed her three children into the car. She told the oldest, who was nine, to watch the seven and four year old. She gave strict orders they were to stay in the car no matter what happened. These girls knew to never disagree with their mother. The mother went back into the house and casually walked down into the basement. As she walked down the stairs she grabbed a hammer that was laying on one of the basement steps. While her husband was bent over his workbench she hit him in the back of the head. This blow immediately knocked him out. She proceeded to crush his skull and face. She left the bloody hammer next to the body. She heard her mother in the kitchen. She grabbed a clear plastic bag they stored in the basement. She went upstairs. This woman in her mid-thirties looked into the kitchen. She spotted her mother walking toward the back door. She caught her Mother from behind, she dropped the plants she was carrying, and sophisticated to death. Dirt and plants surrounding the woman's body. The Mid-thirties Woman never bothered to remove the plastic bag from her Mother's head. After murdering her Mother and Husband she took a quick shower and changed her clothes. She took lipstick and wrote on the bathroom mirror: This is the best day of my life. You'll never catch me. She went back downstairs and grabbed everything she prepared for the day at the State Park. An activity all three of her daughters were looking forward too.

This Wisconsin State Park was forty-five minutes from the Mid-thirties Woman's house and was in the county Rebecca had been an assistant district attorney. Many people testified they Witnessed the four of them at the beach and swimming in the lake. Others testified they spotted the four of them eating at a secluded picnic table. After lunch they were again spotted enjoying the beach and swimming. Late afternoon, people spotted all four wearing: the same green colored cargo shorts, blue camping style shirts, and the same hiking shoes. They were headed to a trail not used very often, it was longer and more secluded than the main trail that went around the lake. This secluded trail was five miles long, it was an oblong shape, went around a pond, but it headed back to the lake. After dinner a few people Witnessed this Mid-thirties Woman stepping into her car without her daughters.

A woman near this trail was a key Witness for the prosecution. She spotted the Mid-thirties Woman and her three daughters headed to this secluded trail. The reason this woman spotted them was because her family and her sisters family were all enjoying the day together at a picnic table with direct line of site to this less used trail. The reason this key Witness remembered them was due to the fact all four dressed alike. The Witness felt there was something wrong. She disliked the mother a great deal. The Witness would never forget when the youngest stopped, turned around, and waved at the Witness. The Mid-thirties Woman scolded this girl. The girl quickly turned around and rushed to her Mother. The Witness and her sister stayed behind has the two families went hiking on the most popular trails. This gave the two sisters a chance to clean up after dinner and prepare to head back to their campsites. The Witness spotted the Mid-thirties Woman step out from this trail by herself. This Witness felt something terrible happened. She believed she caught a vision of the little girl standing at the edge of the trail looking at this Mid-thirties Woman. The girl pointed to the trail and disappeared.

The Witness immediately told her sister. They discussed it. The Witness reluctantly called her husband. Her Husband and the Son took a faster pace back to the picnic table. The Witness's Husband insisted on going with his Wife to the rangers station. At the rangers station the Husband defended his Wife. A ranger agreed to go with the husband and wife down the trail.

As the three were stepping out of the station two college aged women rushed into the rangers station saying they believed they spotted a dead girl by a tree. Their boyfriends stayed behind on the trail. This was the seven year old. The Mid-thirties Woman had placed her lifeless body in a sitting position at the bottom of a tree. The reason the girl was spotted was because the group had stopped to eat near the body. It was obvious she was strangled. It took the rangers and volunteers a day and half to find the bodies of the other girls. The authorities believed the first one murdered was the eleven year old, then the seven year old, and the last was the four year old. Authorities believed they were all murdered within a half hour of one another. All were found at different spots along the trail. All were found sitting up against trees, while still being hidden from plain view, and all were facing the pond.

Authorities caught up with the Mid-Thirties Woman in a small Canadian town near Lake Huron. Everyone involved in the case was overjoyed when this woman was flown back to Wisconsin to face trial. Rebecca and a US Marshal's were the two people who escorted her from Toronto back to Wisconsin. This was the longest day and half of Rebecca's life. The worst was the five hour drive from the Milwaukee Airport back to her rural county.

Both counties agreed to work together on the case. The trial would be held in the county where the husband was murdered. At the time Nelson: wore round glasses, was trying to train to run his third marathon (this case was putting a damper to these plans), had curly dark hair, dark eyes, wore suits, wore bow ties, and was very proper.

Becky adored his attitude of being proper. Other traits she admired: his confidence, his intelligence, appreciated how compassionate he was to the victims families, was always a gentleman to every woman he worked with, and was never phased by the publicity of the trial. As the trial progressed it was obvious he was attracted to her. It was equally obvious anytime she wore a dress that highlighted her legs or her backside he would glance. These glances were only for a few milliseconds; Becky appreciated he never stared.

She'd would never forget a particular Saturday meeting. Both groups of lawyers (lawyers from both counties) agreed to meet on a Saturday morning to hash out some differences. It was mutually agreed upon both the attorneys and detectives would dress casual. She worn a nice pair of jeans, a light green multi-colored thin striped blouse, a multi-colored green homemade beaded necklace with matching earrings, she wore very little makeup, and her hair was in an appealing pony tail. She was unsure of what the weather would be like in the bordering county so she brought extra clothes and a spring jacket.

When she left her house on that spring day it was warm and sunny. By the time she reached the bordering county's courthouse it was raining heavily. She became soaked grabbing everything from her back seat and running into the building. Just as she was stepping into the building Nelson opened the door for her. Because she never zippered up the jacket her buttoned blouse stuck to her chest. Nelson could see the outline of her bra, her round breasts, and her wet perky nipples. Her jeans clung to her body. What impressed her, was Nelson acted very proper, and tried to look her in the eyes. This was difficult because of their height difference; his eyes were just above her breasts. What intrigued her was the fact he was fascinated with her breasts. Men usually ignored them. It was obvious he liked her soaked jeans on her long legs. This was the only time while working together where it was obvious he was excited. He quickly placed a file over his member. She zippered up her jacket and excused herself. She stepped into an office they were letting her use. She closed the door and locked it; something she never did. As soon as she was out of her wet clothes she masturbated in this office. She imagined laying on the desk, her legs up in the air, his hands on her hard nipples, and Nelson performing oral sex on her.

After overhearing a conversation with ladies who worked at the courthouse, she used her best female charms; it was more than implying but less than a full out seduction. He stopped her. He told her, he never dated associates or anyone he worked with. His refusal was exciting. She found a guy who could say no. If he said no to her, there was a high possibility he'd say no to someone else if they were a couple. That night she masturbated twice.

The conversation she overheard was at a local restaurant. In the back part of the restaurant were high booths so the three administrators never spotted the hostess seating Becky in front of them. They were discussion how his small cock was a main reason his fiancee broke the engagement off. The rumor was she found a guy on the internet with an eight inch cock and moved to Milwaukee to be with him. One of these administrators mentioned how it was well known he was smaller. She knew this because her sister's friend had dated him. This led to a discussion on what was their ideal size.

Becky felt this portion of the conversation was childish. Since being sexually active she experienced both small and large men. She found both sizes to have their positives and negatives. However; she could understand a woman breaking up with a guy if he lacked communication skills and was in denial about his size. She experienced this with a guy with a small cock. The first irritation was how he kept insisting he had a large cock. What compounded Becky's frustration was he never let her touch it and only did it missionary style. She also experienced denial with a guy who was large. He believed because he was large it automatically made him an excellent lover. She quickly grew tired of him trying to jam his large cock inside of her. In contrast; she experienced a great lover who was small and a great lover who was large. What they had in common was understanding the positives and negatives of their size. At the time, she felt her best lover was average sized. The reason she felt he was her best lover was how passionate he was about foreplay.

As Becky received her meal one of the administrators started confessed something she never told anyone. When she first starting working at the office she was an administrator to a female district attorney. Nelson had just started working there as the lowest prosecuting attorney. Nelson and the District Attorney ended up working together. The administrator figured out they were having a passionate fling. The District Attorney, when she figured out this administrator knew about the fling, confessed how great Nelson was at oral sex. The administrator went on to explain this fling ended when The District Attorney took a professor position at the University of Madison. Nelson was crushed when she didn't think twice about leaving him. This administrator felt so sorry for him she seduced him. She confirmed he was smaller but it was the greatest head she ever received. They were "friends" for about a year before the friendship fizzled out. This assistant went on to say, after their friendship ended he hadn't had a fling in the office, had two long term relationships; one of those was the fiancee.

The administrator mentioned, she sometimes wondered what would have happened if they decided to date. She went on to say she was very happy with her current husband and wouldn't think of leaving him. The other two administrators now understood why she choose her husband. Her husband owned a small computer store in town and had a similar appearance as to Nelson. This assistant went on to say with complete sincerity, "George and I have a wonderful sex life."

Becky smirked. It was painfully obvious they were enjoying whatever they were into. Becky wanted to be with a guy who was into foreplay and more kinky types of sex, while being able to commit to a life long relationship, that led to marriage. She knew first hand sleeping with a guy didn't make a relationship long term and having sex didn't lead to love. She embraced this fact during the summer before her last year of law school. She now wished she would have came to this realization much earlier in her life.

After the court case was over all of the attorneys went out to celebrate the conviction. At the end of this celebration Nelson asked Becky out on an official date. She made him wait until their wedding night to have intercourse. This didn't stop them from engaging in heavy petting and giving one another oral relief. As a woman who felt foreplay and overall performance was more important than size he was perfect for her. Nelson found a woman who didn't care about size, appreciated what a giving partner he was, and truly loved him. Their open and honest communication added to their love making. What she liked best was never feeling she needed to fake an orgasm. An added bonus was never having to pretend his penis was bigger. Overall, she felt he was a confident lover without being arrogant.

She adored the fact he often brought her to an orgasm after he had one. More important; he cared about how she felt sexually. One of the reasons she felt he was a great lover was the attention he paid to her tiny tits. She would never forget the first time he brought her to a breast orgasm. It wasn't the most powerful orgasm in her life but it was very exhilarating. What made him the best lover she ever had was his oral sex skills. The drawback to having sex with Nelson was loosing the full feeling. Yet; because of the way he touched her while having sex she often times experienced an orgasm while being penetrated. At the beginning of their marriage this didn't happen often. As they grew in love and experience this was happening a quarter of the time. Based upon her sexual experience before Nelson she would greedily take this.

She adored their variety. One time their sexual experience would be romantic and loving. Other times she felt their love making was wild. She considered wild sex when they would get one another off quickly; for them this was either by hand or oral. What she felt was adventurous was when he would reach down and finger her in a semi-public places. Her favorite was when he gave her oral in a theater. She returned the favor by giving him oral in a changing booth (this was in a neighboring state while they were on vacation). A favorite of hers, was when they would spend the day taking turns getting one another off with their hands or oral, until they made love at the end of the day (since having children this didn't happen very often). She admired him for never being threatened by the toys she brought into the bedroom. She would never forget the time they tried food play. They ended up laughing more than it being erotic. They never tried it again. She appreciated the fact he was willing to try it.

A growing moment for her was when he first asked her to masturbate in front of him. This caught her off guard. She never considered masturbating in front of someone else before. Her immediate reaction was abrasive. Later she felt terrible about her reaction and believed should have handled the whole conversation better. It took her a few weeks to gain the courage but she fulfilled his request. What once felt awkward was now a favorite thing for her. Often times when it was just the two of them she would cuddle up to him and finger herself as if she was by herself.

She was the one who encouraged their kinky play. This involved: sexy outfits, deep massages, costumes, roleplay, toys, feathers, handcuffs, body paint, and roleplay. It always stopped short of pain and full out discipline. Neither one could hurt the other and neither one found it a turn on to demean the other. What they liked most of all was sensual play, playful light hearted roleplay, and long foreplay sessions.

* * *

Becky encouraged her husband by opening her legs and signaling with her tongue she wanted him to give her oral.

She loved his horny smile.

He had five techniques. Three he used most often. Because it was a Saturday he was using all five techniques. This meant he was bringing her to the point of orgasm then stopping. He had done this three times now. If she didn't say any thing he'd do it again. She couldn't take another time.

She said loudly but just short of a yell, "Finish this time."

He said with a smile, "I thought you liked to be teased?"

Her eyes became wide and she said, "That's enough."

She was overjoyed when he grabbed her clit with his lips and sucked on it. This sent her over the edge. This time she slammed her legs on his face, she somehow found the ability to restrain her loud outburst, she shuttered violently, her chest was flush, her nipples were hard, and she had to shut her eyes.

She spread her legs and told him, "Make love to me."

Before he'd suggest more foreplay, she stated, "The girls will be up soon."

He asked, "Will this be fast, medium, or slow?"

Since having children they categorized their positions by how long it would take.

She said, "Medium and I don't care if I cum."

"How about Nirvana?"

She nodded her head. There was a chance she would orgasm this way. With the intense orgasm she just experienced she honestly didn't care if she had another one. It was their plan to have a long session the following day. On this day; Nelson was helping his Father repair a section of fence and didn't expect to be home until eight. His Mother agreed to watch their children and volunteered to have them over night. Becky quickly agreed. This gave her time to get caught up on some chores and she could finally finish a closet she was remodeling. She would be happy this was finished. She was well aware there were many more projects they needed to finish before this farmhouse was the home they wanted it to be.