Her Vixen Awakening in Jamaica

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My girlfriend's first vixen experience happens in Jamaica.
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We were so intensely engaged in what she was feeling and experiencing, we had no consciousness of anything but what was going on in our little bubble with Jason.

My girlfriend was sitting on top of the bar that he was tending, facing him with her legs spread wide and her knees pulled up. The wispy white summer dress she was wearing was now wrapped only around her waist. Jason had his face buried between her thighs and, based on her reaction, knew how to stimulate her glistening pussy.

I was sitting on a stool behind her. She was leaning back against me, her head draped over my shoulder and moving from side to side as guttural sounds flowed from her open mouth. My fingertips were gently caressing, pinching and pulling nipples that are so sensitive, they alone can make her orgasm.

Between the stimulation she was feeling from the two of us, she was lost in subspace. When she gets like this, she can feel what people are doing to her body but I don't think she has any sense that others are present, she is so lost in her lust.

I could see Jason sucking her clit in and out of his mouth, masturbating it with his lips like a little erect cock. She lifted her beautiful feet to the sky to spread her legs wider for him, inviting him to thrust his tongue deep into her pussy. He had to hold on tightly to her thighs during her orgasms so that she didn't fall off the bar. Her last orgasm gushed all over his face, the shock of which brought her back to life. She giggled as she saw her juice dripping down his cheeks. She stretched out her legs and held his face in the soles of her feet, as she loved to do with me when I am fucking her.

"Tell him," I said. "Tell him what you want."

"I want your cock inside me, Jason."

He looked at me as if to ask if I was ok with this. I found it slightly odd that he thought he would need my permission after he spent the last twenty minutes with his face buried in her pussy, giving her two immense orgasms.

I just smiled in a way that let him know I was not only ok with it, I was eager for it. What he did next shocked both of us in a way that took our arousal to the next level. He reached out to her, grabbed her by the hair, and firmly pulled her off the bar and onto her knees in front of him. I knew there was nothing he could have done in that moment to turn her on more. With just that act of dominance, we both knew he was making her his bitch and that she was surrendering to him with gusto.

He still had a handful of her hair as she lowered herself to her knees. He tilted her head back so that she was looking up into his eyes. "Take off your dress," he demanded with the quiet calm of a natural Dom. She pulled it over her head eagerly as there are not too many things she loves more than being naked in public. Her beautiful B cups hung loose and her rosy nipples were swollen to bursting.

She reached up to his belt buckle to undo it when he suddenly said, "Stop!" He grabbed her hair and tilted her head back again, and as he looked into her eyes, he said, "Put your hands behind your back." She immediately obeyed him while she gazed up at him.

"Tell your boyfriend what you want."

"I want your cock. I want to taste your hard cock."

"Don't tell me, tell him."

"I want his cock. I want to suck his cock. I want to taste it in my mouth. I want to feel how strong and powerful it feels in my mouth. I want to devour his cock."

I could barely contain myself. It was like I was frozen, immobilized with my gaze fixed on them, my mind going crazy with lust for her and my cock already leaking precum into my shorts (I wasn't wearing any underwear).

"You know what it means if I let you devour my cock, don't you?"

"That you are driving me insane with horniness for you? I don't mind admitting that. I am desperate for sex with you, right now."

"If I let you have sex with me, it means something even naughtier."

"I don't know. What?"

"Very gently rub my cock through my pants and I will tell you. Feel the hardness of my cock. I want your mind filled with desire for my hard cock while I tell you."

Her hands were on his cock in an instant and, in her eagerness, he had to pull back on her hair a bit to slow her down. He knew he was dealing with a mare in heat that wanted to bolt for his cock. He was pulling back on the reins a bit to drive up her arousal even more. I do this to her, too, so I know how desperate it makes her. She becomes an absolute sexual beast when you are constantly keeping just out of her reach what she is so hungry for. How desperate she is for what is coming -- what she wants to come -- is what arouses me, and now Jason, so much. As calm as he was remaining, we could both see how much his cock was straining against his sheer white linen shorts.

"Are you ready for what it means?", he asked her. "But before you answer..."

He pulled out one of the most beautiful semi-hard cocks either of us had ever seen live. Still holding her head back, he rested his dangling balls on her chin, and draped his spongy cock across her lips, nose and cheek. He held her still like that while he looked down at her. All she could do was feel and smell the cock and balls that were smothering her face, and wait for what he had to say. We all felt it was such a powerful expression of his dominance, and her complete and utter surrender to his masculine energy.

She inhaled deeply and answered, "Yesssssssss, I'm ready for whatever you want."

"It means you want to cheat on your boyfriend. And because my cock and balls are now resting on your face, you don't just want to cheat on him, you are now a cheater because you are having sex with another man, aren't you."

"Yes," she said, gasping the word out of her mouth.

I know being called a cheater rocked her world in that moment as much as it did mine. Her eyes popped open wide and we both watched her body experience a palpable convulsion. His words went straight to my cock and I heard myself grunt softly. I couldn't resist any longer and had to start gently fondling myself as I continued to be entranced by his seduction of her.

"Do you want to taste my cock?"

"Yes," I answered, but only with my inside voice.

"Oh my god yes please, please please," she said with her outside voice.

"You have to do something to earn my cock."

"Anything," she cried, sounding like she was on the verge of losing control. I couldn't wait until she passed the tipping point. I could tell by how Jason skillfully was controlling her that he knew she was close as well.

He looked at me, pointed to a spot close to them and said, "Come over here." I felt a little sheepish as I walked behind the bar because the incredible stiffness of my erection was obvious from the rigid protrusion in my loose shorts. At that moment, I was as hard as I get. It felt like the entrance to my ass was being sucked in through my body toward my hard cock because of the sheer force with which it was extending itself. I was worried I was going to cum from my swollen head rubbing against my shorts as I walked just the few steps around the bar. I could feel the growing wetness on the front of my shorts as I teased my head with my fingertips.

"Tell him you want to cheat on him. Tell him you want to have sex with me. Say, 'I want to cheat on you. I want to have sex with Jason'".

He turned her head to face me with the fist full of her hair that he continued to grip firmly. She gazed deep into my eyes with his half erect cock still draped across her face.

"I want to cheat on you."

"I want to have sex with Jason."

"Do you want to feel Jason's cock engorging your pussy?", I asked her.

"I really do."

"You want him to be the man who fucks you tonight?"


"You're aching to be intimate with him, aren't you?"

"I want to feel Jason's naked body on top of me. I want to feel his hard cock inside me. I want Jason inside my body. I want him to take me."

"You want to give your most intimate self to him?"

"I want Jason to own me."

I was jealous but I felt like it was all being channeled into my cock. I wasn't angry and I wasn't hurt. I was just drunk with lust for my girlfriend as we were both being used by Jason for everyone's intense, erotic pleasure. The only thing I wanted to do more than fuck her was watch him fuck her.

When he said, "Good girl," I thought she was going to pass out from all the blood rushing out of her head into the orgasm that came out of nowhere. This was not unusual for her as she can be triggered to orgasm with just words and a light touch. With all of the sexual tension that had been building over the last hour, the smell and feeling of his cock on her face combined with hearing "good girl", she was now shaking like a leaf and moaning at Jason's feet. We both watched her naked body silently convulse on and off for about ten minutes, slowly subsiding into gentle heaves as she tried to reorient herself to where she was.

This might be a good time to explain how we got to my girlfriend quivering in a puddle of sexual bliss at the feet of a man she met only a couple of hours ago. Then I will tell you about the rest of the evening in Part 2.

We had gotten to the point in our relationship where we were starting to explore our kinkier fantasies. With the help of an excellent couples coach, we were able to reveal to each other, for the first time, the desires we harbored that we were too embarrassed to share. Will she think I'm a pervert, I feared. Will I think she's a slut, she feared. Well, when we got it all out, we realized that we should have done it years ago. Not surprisingly, because we were still so in love with each other, the hidden desires we shared mostly fit hand in glove.

I broke the ice by telling her I would fantasize about her having sex with other men while I was fucking her. In fact, it was often thinking of another man's bare cock inside her pussy that pushed me over the edge to orgasm. As I was telling her this, her eyes were getting bigger and her face was forming into a look of horror. I thought she was about to tell me she thinks I am a pervert and she wants to divorce me. Instead, she blurted out, "I want to be an insatiable slut."


I know now that, at the time, she thought the silence meant I was thinking she was a pervert and I wanted to divorce her. But it was my mind exploding with the erotic implications of what she just said. She wants to be an insatiable slut and I want her to be so insatiable, no one man can satisfy her. Hand in glove! The inevitable conclusion from this epiphany is that she needs the freedom to have sex with other men.

We decided that we wanted to have our first experience away from home so that we were anonymous. We could be whoever we wanted to be and do whatever we wanted to do. Hence, our vacation to the Caribbean. Our intention was to find a bull, black or white, on a sex app while we were down there. But the stars were aligned on our second night there. We went for a late night walk on the beach and, at around midnight, came upon what was not more than a hut on the beach that passed for a bar. As we approached, we could see someone behind the bar but there were no customers.

As we got closer, we could see there was a tall, wiry guy with curly hair tending bar. He had a swimmer's smooth build, which we could both see clearly because he was wearing his shirt completely unbuttoned. As we pulled up to the bar, we were both turned on by different things about his chest and belly: she loved his muscles and I loved that he was smooth. As soon as we were close enough to get a clear view of his face in the bad light, my girlfriend grabbed my hand and squeezed it. This was a signal that we had set up months before when we decided to open up our relationship to others. If she saw somebody who aroused her, she was to let me know by squeezing my hand. As soon as she did it that night, a jolt of electricity surged to my cock. It might get real tonight! I squeezed back to let her know that I was in full agreement that the game was on.

His name was Jason and he had an absolutely adorable New Zealand accent. The moment he spoke, she squeezed my hand five times. He said he was happy to stay open until we were finished drinking so we decided to have a party of three. She was sitting on one of the stools on our side of the bar and he was standing opposite to her on his side. As there were no backs on the stools, I decided to stand behind her, gently leaning my body against her.

One shared joint and a couple of drinks each into our party, and I decided to start gently rubbing my body against her back, and slowly slide my hands around her ass and thighs. I did nothing to hide what I was doing from Jason and when she would gently wiggle her hips from side to side in response to my caressing, it was entirely apparent to him!

I decided to get a little more brazen by sliding the shoulders of her light summer dress part way down her arms. It didn't expose anything but her shoulders, but she loved it and his eyes were riveted to what I was doing to her. We are both exhibitionists so we both really got off on putting on this show for him.

I slid my hands around to her belly, which made her inhale deeply. I teased her by sliding my fingertips to the inside of her thighs, which made her stop talking to him mid-sentence, drop her head and exhale deeply. As she sat quietly hunched over with her head almost on the bar, I parted the front of her dress and just barely touched her labia with the tip of my finger. The shock of the sensation made jerk upright in her chair and cover her mouth to conceal her squeal. She turned beet red in embarrassment as she came back to "consciousness", realizing where she was and what she just did.

I looked at Jason as I wrapped my arms around her from behind to comfort her. As my hands slid to her front, I made sure to slip them inside the top of her dress to push it farther down, exposing her breasts. "Oh!," she said in surprise but didn't stop me. I knew that her pussy was gushing now that her tits were exposed to a stranger. Jason couldn't take his eyes off her nipples, which are dark and full against her pale white breasts.

"Do you like what you see?", I asked Jason.

"Fuck yeh", he said in that clipped, sexy Kiwi accent.

"If you touch her nipples very gently but consistently, you will make her cum. Would you like to make her cum?"


"It has to be gentle but consistent."


He leaned over the bar and carefully took each nipple between his fingertips. I could tell he was kneading them perfectly because my girlfriend's head slumped again and she started whimpering uncontrollably. The huge smile that spread across his face showed that Jason was as aroused by her whimpering as I was.

I now had a fingertip on either of the hood of her clit, gently stroking it like I was masturbating a small penis. It almost sounded like she was crying with the sensations from her two nipples and her clit radiating intensely throughout her entire body. As she started to orgasm, her body shook like she was one of those religious people who dances wildly and speaks in tongues. She was making sounds but they were so guttural, they sounded more like she was swallowing her tongue than speaking words.

I had to grab her firmly around the waist to stop her from falling off the chair. I leaned her back against me so that her head could fall back and rest on my shoulder. When her arms fell to the side, she was totally exposed to Jason from the waist up. Jason and I started talking about her as if she wasn't there, telling him things about how slutty she loves to be right in front of her. I told him that her favourite thing is to have her pussy eaten and asked if he would like to have a taste. "You don't have to ask me twice, mate!"

I motioned for him to come around the bar and help me lift her up on top of it. She was still too groggy from orgasm recovery to do it on her own. Once she was on the bar, I sat on her stool and had her lay back against me with her head using my shoulder as a pillow. Jason went back to his side and stood in front of her. He grabbed her ankles and positioned her legs so that her knees were bent and splayed to each side, and her feet were pushed up together toward her pussy. He slowly slid his hands from her ankles, up her calves to the inside of her thighs. The higher he went, the more he pushed her dress to either side until he finally exposed the most gorgeous, bare pussy I have ever seen.

With his hands loosely gripping the tops of her thighs, he maneuvered the tips of his thumbs to her pussy lips. He started very delicately feathering the tips of his thumbs on her labia. I could see he was careful not to touch the hood of her clit and he was avoiding going inside. This got her moaning into my ear and writhing on the countertop.

He pulled up a chair and sat down in front of her. His face was now comfortably at the same height as her pussy, which was swollen so much that her lips were gaping wide open. You could see the smooth, glistening bright pink skin of her inner labia. Jason leaned in and, just for an instant, barely touched the tip of her clit. She arched her back so violently and screamed so loud, I had to wrap one arm around her waist so she didn't fall off the bar and, simultaneously, cover her mouth with my other hand.

As soon as she settled, Jason went to work. She was out of her mind with pleasure as he alternated btween kissing, nibbling, teasing and sucking her clit, and thrusting his tongue in and out of her vagina like a rigid piston. I had to hold her tight as it seemed as if she had lost control of her body.

While he worked on her pussy, her ass and the inside of her thighs with his lips and tongue, I worked on her head. I wanted to constantly remind her of how slutty she was being:

"You have your legs spread wide open and are totally exposed to a stranger," I taunted.

"You are showing him the most intimate, personal parts of your naked body."

"He can see deep inside your pussy."

She whimpered acknowledgement after every taunt. I love love love making her whimper because it means she is so powerless in the face of her raging sexual hunger. If five more men rolled up at that point, she would beg me to take them all. Knowing Jason and I made her so desperate for sexual attention made my cock continue with its steady leakage of precum.

"Only a whore would give herself so completely to a stranger so quickly. Are you a desperate whore, baby?"

"Oh god yes, baby. I am such a whore. I am such a whore. Thank you, I love you so much. I love feeling like a whore."

"You tell me you love me but you let another man eat your cunt right in front of me. Why is that? Is it because you are such a slutty whore."

"I am a total whore. I have no control with cock. I have no control."

I was calibrating my words with what Jason was doing between her legs. I would modulate my words and tone so that as he got more intense, so did I. And when he was kissing her pussy lips softly, I would be almost whispering into her ear.

You know the rest of the story. Jason licked her to two orgasms as she lay on his bar, the second of which gushed all over his face. I explained to Jason that it was a badge of honor to make her squirt because she doesn't do it very often. After the episode where teasing her face with his cock made her cum again, we all took a break as she lay naked in a puddle at his feet.

When she seemed to be coming back to life, Jason helped her to her feet and immediately enveloped her into his strong arms. As he pulled her close, she wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders and rested the side of her head on his smooth chest. He wrapped one arm around her back to pull her close and slid the other hand down to her ass.

Every time he squeezed her ass with his large, powerful hands, she moaned. When he would slip his fingers between her legs from behind to gently tease the inside of her labia, she would whimper or squeal. Then Jason grabbed a handful of her hair and directed her lips to his. I was shocked by how eagerly, how passionately and how aggressively she kissed him back.