Hey, Aren't You....


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People began disbursing, some saying they had to get home early to take care of kids or relieve the babysitter. Dax found Olivia and asked if he could talk to her privately for a moment. "Maybe in the study?" he suggested.

She followed him in and he offered her a seat in a very beautiful leather chair. He sat next to her and said, "I don't even know what to say."

"There's no need to say anything," she told him. "I had no idea what to buy you and this is something I wanted to do. I hope it's okay."

"Okay? Olivia, this is...wonderful. This is just so special. Thank you. Thank you so much. Alyssa is going to love this. Trust me."

"I was hoping she would," Olivia replied with a smile.

"She hasn't had anyone to take to her shopping since her mom was alive. My mom would love to, but now that she lives so far away...."

Olivia saw another tear and was even more touched than before.

"Just let me know when, okay?" she said. "I can't wait to spend a whole day shopping, going to a spa, having mani-pedis." She smiled then said, "I'm so excited I feel like it's my birthday!"

"Well, Alyssa is going to be thrilled, I can promise you."

He looked at her then said, "So did I surprise you into agreeing to go out with me or did you possibly actually want to?"

"Dax, I've only dated a few times since my husband passed away and...well, I've never gone out with someone you know, so much...."

"Younger?" he said with a smile.

"Yes, I believe that's the word," she said smiling back. "I know your age now and maybe you should know mine before you decide you want to go out with me."

"It won't matter," he told her. "I don't care what it is, Olivia. I don't know how many times is 'a few' where your dating is concerned, but I've never gone out with another woman. Ever."

"Never?" she asked not sure she heard him correctly. "I don't understand. Your wife has been gone longer than my husband and well, you're a very good-looking guy, Dax."

"There hasn't been anyone I've wanted to go out with, Olivia. Not...not until I met you, anyway."

She'd been staring into his eyes until he spoke those words. Suddenly she found herself unable to even look at him.

"Dax? I'm...I'm 45 years old. Not 35—45. So even though you said it doesn't matter, I...."

He was sitting directly across from her not three feet away. He stood up, leaned down, and kissed her softly on her lips.

"I'm not a numbers guy," he said quietly. "I'm a people person and as people go you may be the most amazing person I've ever met, Olivia Roberts."

She was once again staring into his eyes and unable to look away this time.

"So...will you go out with me sometime?" He smiled then said, "Soon?"

"Yes," she said very quietly.

Dax's smile grew even bigger as he offered her his hand to help her stand up.

"I need to get Alyssa in bed so we should probably head back to the living room."

"Oh, right. Yes. It is getting late for her, isn't it?" she said her head still reeling from the kiss.

"Are you all right?" he asked genuinely concerned.

"I think I may be in shock, but other than that, yes, I think I'm okay," she told him.

He reached for her hands which she gave him then said, "You are truly beautiful. I honestly can't ever remember feeling like this about anyone before. I loved my wife dearly and...and I always will, but...but this...these feelings I have for you are so...."

Olivia's heart was so full it felt like it might explode if she couldn't let out some of what she was feeling. She put her hand on Dax's chest and kissed him the way he'd kissed her.

"I feel them, too, Dax," she whispered staring into his eyes again when the kiss ended.

"As much as I'd like to kiss you again, my daughter really does need to get ready for bed," he said as he gently touched her cheek.

"Let's not keep her waiting any longer, then," she said.

Alyssa wasn't thrilled about having to leave to go home and go to bed, but she knew that she'd already been allowed to stay up later than normal.

"Do you want to tell her?" Dax said to Olivia.

Alyssa looked confused. "No, you can let her know on the way home."

"Know what?" she asked.

"Olivia has something very special planned for just the two of you," her dad said giving her a hint.

Her eyes lit up and she smiled brightly.

"Really? Just you and me?"

"Uh-huh. A whole day of girl stuff. Just you and me," Olivia said pretty much spilling the beans. She looked at Dax and said, "I just let the cat out of the bag, didn't I?"

Alyssa was doing a kind of happy dance.

"Olivia's taking you shopping, to a spa, and what else?" he asked.

"We're getting our nails done, too," she said.

"Oh, my gosh!" she squealed. She threw her arms around Olivia and said, "I love you so much, Olivia!"

Olivia wrapped her arms around the little girl in return and said, "Well...the feelings are mutual, sweetheart. We are gonna have SO much fun together!"

Alyssa turned to her dad and said, "This is the best birthday ever!"

He smiled at her then at Olivia and said, "Yeah, and just wait until your birthday, honey!"

They wished one another goodnight and Dax whispered, "I wish I could kiss you again."

"That might create quite a stir," she said as their fingers touched briefly.

"Oh, right. Can't have that," he said very seriously. Olivia laughed then Dax said, "I don't want to say goodbye so how about, 'See you at the house tomorrow'?"

"I may start spending more time there from now on," she told him.

"You won't hear any complaints from me and...I'm the boss, so it's all good, right?"

Olivia laughed with him and wished him and his daughter a good night one more time before quickly exchanging phone numbers.

"Bye, Olivia! I love you!" Alyssa said with a big smile.

"You too, sweetheart!" she called back.

Faith strolled up and said, "Ahem!"

Olivia was daydreaming and was startled.

"Um...Mom? You and Dax seemed to um...hit it off rather well tonight or was it just my imagination?"

"Yes, we did," her mom replied with a smile.

"So....?" Faith said trying to draw out more information.

Her mom looked at her and said, "He may have...kissed me tonight."

Faith drew in a loud breath. "Get out of here! He did what?"

Her mom smiled then said, "Once or twice maybe."

Olivia knew her daughter could keep a secret like no one else and she had to tell someone.

"Don't say a word to Katie, okay?" Katie, unlike her sister, couldn't keep anything to herself. She was an open book and a sieve. Information in, information out.

"My lips are sealed!" she said doing the 'throw away the key' thing. "So...are you going out with him?"

"Um...maybe," she said coyly.

"Uh-huh. You so are! I can tell." She hugged her mom then said, "I'm so happy for you, Mom!"

"You don't think it's a little...odd? With him being 30 and me being...over 30?"

Faith laughed and said, "Not anymore. Younger guys date older women—and vice versa—all the time now."

"Really? All the time?" her mother asked not believing a word of it.

"Well, that's what I hear anyway so let's just pretend it's true and go with that," Faith suggested.

"Hmmm. I think I can live with that," her mom replied before both of them laughed.

"Mom? I really am happy for you. All I've ever wanted since Dad died is for you to find someone you love." She smiled then said, "Okay, I'm a tiny bit jealous that it's Captain Cutie, but I'm still happy for you."

"Thank you, Faith. I'm not sure yet, but I think I'm happy, too."

Olivia went upstairs to get ready for bed and just after laying down her phone buzzed. It was a text from Dax. "Hi, beautiful. This was perhaps the best birthday I ever had. I haven't seen Alyssa so happy since her mom died. Then again, I haven't been this happy since then, either. :-) I know I said I'd meet you at the house tomorrow, but I was hoping maybe the three of us could go to the Woodland Park Zoo instead. I could get a sitter if you'd prefer. Just let me know. Sweet dreams, beautiful lady. Dax."

Olivia smiled as she read it before reading it a second time then replying. "Hi, handsome! I'm so glad you and your beautiful daughter had a good time. In case you couldn't tell, I did, too. And for the record, I haven't been this happy since losing my husband, either. As to the zoo, I would LOVE to go but only if Alyssa can come, too. She is such a wonderful girl, I would love to spend more time with her. What time shall I be ready?" She sat there for nearly a minute debating, then typed, "Love, Olivia."

She set her phone down, turned out the light, and heard it buzz again. She picked up the phone and read his reply. "I was pretty sure you'd like to have Alyssa come with us and I'm so happy you said so. How does 10am sound for me to pick you up? I can't wait to see you. Love, Dax."

As she finished reading his words, she was aware her body was tingling. It was a kind of combination adrenaline and endorphin rush flowing through her. "I can't wait, either. Sweet dreams to you, too, Dax. Love, Olivia."

This time, she reached for something other than the phone after setting it back down. She found her new best friend then pulled the covers up as she dreamed of that first kiss again. The vibration sent a different kind of rush through her and when she allowed herself to imagine him even just shirtless for the briefest of moments, her body went tight before waves of pleasure emanated from the tiny, swollen mound of flesh that was the source of all such pleasure.

She quietly placed it back in the drawer then fell into a deep, relaxing sleep feeling not only happy but peaceful and content.

It was a little after 8am and Olivia was in that dreamy state between being asleep and being awake when a loud shriek not only woke her up but scared her. She jumped up, grabbed her robe, and almost ran downstairs as the noise continued.

"What it the world is going on down here?" she said as she entered the kitchen.

She saw Faith first and then Katie.

"Katie? What's going on? Is everything okay?" Olivia asked her eyes adjusting to the bright light.

Faith grabbed Katie's left hand and held up. "Mom! Look! Katie's engaged!"

Olivia took her younger daughter's hand and saw the huge diamond on her finger and inhaled sharply.

"Oh, my goodness! Honey, it's gorgeous!" She threw her arms around her daughter and said, "Congratulations! When? Where? How? Talk!"

Katie smiled and said, "Last night after the party. We went to this little coffee shop where we went on our first date. Troy told me how much he loves me then...." She started tearing up. "He got down on one knee and asked me to marry him!"

Faith and her mom both hugged her again.

"That is SO romantic!" Olivia said. "Oh, Katie. I'm so, so happy for you. Any idea on when yet?"

"Summer, for sure. We want to have an outdoor wedding and that means July or August."

"Oh, right," her mother said. "June can be very iffy. Well, whatever you two decide, just let us know."

"I can't wait to help you plan your wedding!" Faith said. "This is gonna be SO much fun!"

There was a third round of hugs and shrieks before David finally walked in looking bleary-eyed and disheveled.

"Hey, sleepy head," Faith said. "Guess what?"

Her husband's reaction was typically male and much more subdued but still very genuine. He congratulated Katie, gave her a hug then said, "Is there any coffee left?"

The three women laughed as David stood there wondering what the hell could be so funny so early in the morning.

Katie was still there when Dax drove up. She saw his car and said, "David? Dax is here."

Faith smiled and told her, "I don't think he's here for David."

Olivia had been upstairs getting ready and just walked back in when Katie looked over at her. "Oh, is Dax taking Mom to the house today?" Katie asked. Her mom always looked nice, but she looked a little too nice to be watching the crew work. She was wearing a very pretty, white turtleneck sweater that fit rather snugly and that appeared to be slightly cropped and a pair of high-waisted jeans which just touched the bottom of the sweater. Her hair, nails, and makeup were also done and she was wearing jewelry. Just a simple gold chain and earrings but still....

"What's going on here?" Katie said looking at her mom then at Faith.

Just then, Alyssa burst into the house and ran straight to Olivia.

"We're going to the zoo today!" she called out just before hugging her new best friend.

"I know! I can't wait!" Olivia said hugging her back. She pulled back then said, "Wow! Don't you look nice this morning."

"You, too," she said. "You're very pretty."

"No, you are very pretty," she said touching her nose. Alyssa laughed then took Olivia's hand just as Dax walked in.

"Um...is someone going to talk to me?" Katie said. Faith was smiling but not talking. Her mom was holding Alyssa's hand and evidently going to the zoo and now Dax was coming in.

"Morning, ladies," he said pleasantly as he walked in. "And congratulations....sis," he said to Katie.

"You knew, didn't you?" Katie asked.

"Oh, yeah. I knew. But I can keep a secret," Dax said.

"Unlike someone else who's initials are Katie Roberts," Faith said.

"I can keep a secret!" she said defensively.

The other three adults looked at one another then burst out laughing.

"What? I can!" she insisted. Katie looked around again then said, "So...is someone gonna tell me what's going on around here?"

"I'm going to the zoo with Alyssa," Olivia said.

"O-kaaay," Katie said. "Then what is Dax doing here?"

He looked at Olivia who smiled and nodded then said, "I'm going to the zoo with Olivia."

Everyone else, to include Alyssa, was smiling. Several seconds later, the light came on.

"No. Oh, no. Don't tell me. Mom? You're not.... Dax? Are you...."

Olivia was now standing right next to Dax and slipped her free hand into his.

"Am I what?" she said barely able to keep from laughing.

"Oh...my...God!" She looked down at them holding hands then up at their faces. "No. No way."

Olivia looked at Dax then said, "Um...yes. Way."

Dax put her arm around Olivia then said, "You ready to go?"

"I am," she said. "Or I will be as soon as I get my coat. How cold is it out there?"

"Not bad," Dax said. "It's maybe 58 or so."

Olivia went to grab her coat and Katie was still sitting there in stunned silence.

"Olivia's going to take me out for a whole day of girl stuff real soon, too!" Alyssa said reaching for her dad's hand. "Just the two of us. We're going shopping, to a spa, then mani-pedis. And we're all going to the zoo today, too!"

Olivia walked back in and said, "So...we'll see you all later." She stopped and hugged her daughter again and told her congratulations.

Katie thanked her, glanced at Dax then at Faith then said very weakly, "Um...you, too?"

Dax was the last one out and when he said goodbye, he heard Katie say to Faith, "Mom and...Dax? For real???"

Faith smiled and said, "Don't ask me. Ask Mom." She smiled at Dax who was waving then added, "Or Dax."

After having lunch at the zoo, they were walking around again, holding hands as they had been all morning when the first person stared and said, "Hey, isn't that that the woman from Fox News?"

Olivia saw Dax smiling and couldn't help but laugh before saying, "I don't know who's having a better time—Alyssa or me."

Alyssa was up ahead checking out the giraffe looking down at her when Dax turned to Olivia and said, "I'm pretty sure that would be me," before kissing her softly for just a second or so.

"Oh, no. It's definitely me," she said before kissing him back.

"I saw that!" Alyssa called out. She looked just as happy as they were and the new couple began laughing as they walked toward her.

By three o'clock it had warmed all the way up 60 degrees. Dax bought Olivia and himself a cup of coffee and some hot chocolate for his daughter. Another couple bought a cup of coffee then turned and did a double take. The woman walked right up to Olivia and said, "Aren't you on TV?"

"No, I've never been on television," Olivia told her.

"I'd swear you look exactly like someone I've seen," she said before her husband pulled away mouthing the words, "So sorry!" prompting more laughter.

"I had no idea I was dating a celebrity," Dax said playfully.

"Dad? This is the best day ever!" she said, another big smile on her face.

"You know what, kiddo?" he said smiling at her then at Olivia. "It might just be."

They stayed until five o'clock and Dax still didn't want their time to end. In fact, none of them did even though no one said so in so many words.

Dax turned to Olivia and said, "Would you maybe like to have dinner with us tonight?"

Before she could answer, Alyssa, who was holding her hand said, "Please???"

Olivia didn't need any encouragement. Without hesitation she said, "I would love to."

"Great!" Dax said. "What's your pleasure? Chinese? Mexican? Italian? Thai?"

"What do you like, honey?" Olivia asked Alyssa.

"Anything but Indian food." She made a face letting both adults know what she thought.

"I love Chinese," she said.

A half hour later they were seated in a very nice place called Chef Liao sipping hot tea and waiting for food. For the next hour, Olivia had a chance to get better acquainted with Alyssa as she asked her about school, friends, music, and what other things she liked.

Dax was happy to sit and listen to the girls talk. He chimed in occasionally with a comment but was enjoying seeing his daughter really happy for a change.

"So...do you have a boyfriend yet?" she asked with a big smile pretending to be quiet.

She looked at her dad who made a stern face in a silly way as if to say, "You better not say 'yes'!"

"Well...kind of," she said with a giggle and a touch of red in her cheeks.

"Oh, I see," Olivia said. She glanced at Dax who was smiling before asking, "So...is he cute?"

Alyssa looked at her dad again then said, "Yes."

"What?" Dax said feigning anger. "Why, who is that boy! I'll tear him from limb to limb, I will!" said like the Cowardly Lion in The Wizard of Oz. He made a kind of a pirate face combined with Popeye which made Alyssa laugh.

"Well, he is cute, Dad," she said as she laughed.

"Of course he is," Olivia said. "A girl as pretty as you is definitely going to have a handsome boyfriend, right?"

Alyssa looked playfully at her dad then said, "Uh-huh. Just like you and my dad."

"Oh, I don't know about that, honey," Olivia said.

Dax ignored her and asked Alyssa, "Would you mind if Olivia was my girlfriend?"

"No," she said honestly. "I would like that very much."

"You know what?" her father said while looking at Olivia. "So would I."

"So...are you?" Alyssa asked Olivia hopefully.

"Well, your dad is very cute," she said smiling at Dax.

"He's the handsomest man ever and you're the most beautiful girl ever." She paused then added, "You and my mom, I mean."

"Ohhh! That was the sweetest thing, honey," Olivia told her. "Well, I guess I could be your dad's girlfriend even though I'm not exactly a girl anymore."

"Yes, you are!" Alyssa informed her. To everyone's total surprise Alyssa said, "You have boobs so you have to be a girl."

"Oh, my," Dax said shaking his head. "Kids really do say the darndest things."

That's when Olivia realized Alyssa was at that age, and she didn't have a mother to handle such things. Her heart went out to this young girl and she made a mental note to talk to her father about possibly buying her her first bra when they went shopping. For now, she just reached out and touched her face.