Hiding in My House Pt. 05


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"You make a tedious co-conspirator, Sea." She maneuvered us precisely into the slow lane and then tucked her hair behind her ear like I'd seen her do a million times but never quite enjoyed watching so much. The smooth perfection of her skin and the grace of her profile entranced me. "This is supposed to be a delicious wickedness for us to savor. If you're going to fret so much, we could just as well turn around and go back to my house and ravage one another."


"And ever thereafter," she added, with a cautioning glance, "you would know that your first full carnal enjoyment of my body resulted in part from a failure of boldness."

"I would only know that because you'd be sure to remind me on a regular basis."

"Yes, mercilessly. Possibly every time I have you with your naked body next to mine..." That bit made me swallow. "...which I am thinking will happen far more often than we'll get a chance to surveil your father and sister as they do it in your bed."

I squirmed in my seat. "You need to stop talking like that or I'm going to leak through my shorts and get your upholstery all cunty."

Her shoulders, left bare by the uncharacteristic spaghetti-strap top she'd changed into instead of one of her typical t-shirts, shrugged. "Somehow, I will brave the prospect of your lingering scent as company on my next several trips."

"You're really not fucking around with your whole, 'postponement and anticipation' approach to us doing it, are you?"

"When have you ever known me to 'fuck around' about anything?"

"Pretty much never," I had to admit. That shrug had drawn my attention to her pale and delicate shoulder, and now my eyes wandered the whole expanse of flesh left showing above the black fabric of her top. Seong is a very small-breasted woman, so there was no cleavage to see, just a little hollow between the little swells of her chest. "I, uh..."


"Well, you're just making me super-thirsty right now in multiple ways." Aha! Time to kill two birds with one stone. "When we hit MacArthur, can you pull into the Shell and let me get something to drink?"

"The Shell station on MacArthur that is literally two minutes from your house?"

"Yes. If I wait till we get to the house, I'll have to have water or drink something from the fridge, and if I drink something from the fridge, they may notice it's missing once they're home."

"That sounds over-cautious to me, but fine."

So we stopped debating whether it was right to spy-cam my room, and Seong stopped gratuitously spiking the sexual tension between us, and a few minutes later I dashed into the convenience store, bought a lemonade Gatorade, and chugged about three-quarters of it by the time we wound through the neighborhood to my house.

I think that looks about right, I told myself, eyeing the drink level in the bottle. Now I just have to figure out how to swap it out for the pee one without her noticing.

To be totally honest, the fact that I'd peed in a sports-drink bottle the day before and left it in my room where Seong would a hundred percent see it had been a lot bigger part of my hesitation than whether we really ought to be installing surveillance equipment in my room in hopes of scoring some incest porn.

We parked around the corner from my house, just in case Dad and Kellie had gotten one of those doorbell cameras as part of the new security system. Then we carried the bin of video gear through the side gate into the back yard, where the neighbor dog barked at me through the fence and almost made me drop my end of the box.

As we set it down on the deck, Seong asked, "Why does that dog dislike you so much, Sea?"

"I have no idea," I said, unlocking the back door. "I swear I've never done anything to it. Now wait here while I go through and turn off the system."

She nodded, and I slipped inside and hurried to the front hall to enter the code in the keypad. It beeped appropriately, and I returned the way I'd come at a more relaxed pace. On the way, I thought of something to say to Seong.

"Okay," I said, helping her in with the box. "Would you mind maybe giving me a second to go make sure I didn't leave something really over-the-top slobby in my room for you to shake your head about?"

"No," she responded, "but I will give you a moment to go and clean up whatever you've obviously remembered is there, since it is clearly so over-the-top slobby you don't want me to see it."

"Great. You're the best girlfriend ever."

I took a step toward the stairs, but Seong's hand on my wrist pulled me back. When I turned, she drew me to her. "What..."

Her arms went around me, and her chin hooked over my shoulder. I felt her slim shape against mine, bra-less breasts tipped with nipples firm enough for me to feel through my shirt, taut belly pressed flush with my own.

"I have wanted so long to hear you say something like that, Sea." Her voice lurched helplessly in the middle of it, and her cheek radiated heat into my neck, precious and angelic. "Thank you."

She felt good.

And I felt wonderful from the simple, pure gratitude in her words, the softness of her front against me, the cool smooth curves of her shoulders beneath my hands where I touched her to return the embrace.

"You're... you know, like, super-welcome," I said after a few blissful breaths had gone by. "I really wish Kell had said something to me a couple years ago, so we could have had this the whole time I've known you."

She sighed and pulled back, wiping one eye with a knuckle. "You would not have been ready. And the waiting has made it so much sweeter for me." Then she popped my upper arm with the back of her hand. "Now go conceal the evidence of your abominable housekeeping so we can return to our skullduggery."

# # #

So I hurried upstairs, switched the Lemonade flavor Gatorade bottle for the Pee Surprise flavor Gatorade bottle, poured the nasty one quietly into the toilet, hid the empty in the back corner of the cabinet under the sink, and then returned to help her with the bin.

"Really, you could just let me carry this myself, Sea. It's large and awkward, but the weight is manageable."

"Girls who skulldug together, lug together," I said, making her laugh.

When we got it to my room and opened it up, the sheer number and variety of gadgets in the box surprised me almost as much as when she'd shown me back at her house. Mrs. Song had apparently given Phil a crazy budget. There were pen cameras, cameras inside working USB power bricks, cameras inside smoke detectors, cameras as small as a button, teddy-bear cams, boom-box cams, you name it. Way more than we needed, and a lot of them useless to us anyway -- I haven't kept any stuffed animals in my room since seventh grade, and I for damn sure wasn't getting up on a ladder to try replacing the smoke detector.

Seong dug through it and picked out the ones that would draw the least notice in my room, and then we set them up using wi-fi and a dedicated laptop that was in the bin with the rest of the stuff.

"Now we just have to fine-tune the angles," she said, once everything had been connected.

"Seriously?" I asked. "We can't just point them at the bed and be done already?"

"Of course we can," she said. "I certainly don't want my obsession with details to bore you, Sea."

"Really? I mean, great. I mean, not that you're ever boring..." Come on, Chelse, don't get all klutzy tongue-tied just because she's your girlfriend now. Sit back and take the win. "So we can pack the rest up now and get back to your place?"

"Yes," she said.

"Awesome. I am so --"

"That is, since you don't want to get in bed and pretend that we're your father and sister in a wide variety of sexual positions just to make sure the cameras are ideally situated."


"Um... I guess we... wouldn't want them to be doing something really hot, only the camera angles didn't catch it right."

"Surely an excessive concern? We've put up so many cameras. There must be at least one for every possible contingency."

"Right, but, you know, no harm in checking?"

She gave me a smile, not one of those Seong-barely-moves-her-lips-and-the-sun-shines smiles but a barn-burner of smoky, triumphant lust with her eyes hooded and undressing me. It went on for just a second or two but it also went on forever, and my panties felt like they were full of microwaved butter when she finally ran her tongue across her upper lip and answered me.

"Good." She took a step closer to the bed. "I will be Kellie. You be your father."

"Sure," I said, following with my tongue pretty much hanging out. "Why do you get to be Kell?"

"Because she and I are both much nastier than you. I'm not certain you understand that yet, but you will be learning very quickly."

"Great." I put a hand to the top of my head. "Learning cap on."

Standing one-footed to untie her sneakers, she shook her head and said, "Take that thing off and put your Dad cap on." Then, with a gesture at the center of the mattress, she added, "Shoes off, stand there."

"Er... now, Kell --" I heard myself trying to pretend to be Dad and kind of winced at how lame I sounded, so I stepped out of my shoes and tried again, lowering my voice as far as it would go. "Now, Kell, is that any way to talk to your father?"

Flawlessly, Seong moved her lips, and the words came out in her voice but with my sister's cadence and inflection.

"It is if Daddy wants his dick-hungry daughterlady to deep-throat him in a second here."

"Holy shit, S -- I mean, See -- I mean, Kell..."

She just put her hands on her hips and cocked them absolute Kellie-style. I scrambled up to the center of the bed and stood there.

"So, uh, are we going to get naked?"

Pantherlike, she prowled up onto the sheets on all fours.

"You look pretty naked to me already, Pops." She reached me and set the heel of one hand at my crotch to air-grab an invisible cock there. "Did you not notice this thing sticking out like a broom-handle?"

"Oh, shit," I said, setting my feet a little wider and tipping my pelvis to push my mound against the empty grip of her hand. She looked up at me with those expressive lips scrunched to one side and a movie critic's sardonic gaze in her eyes, which made me realize I'd gone back to my own voice. I tried again, deeper: "It's, uh, pretty dirty here in m- Chelse's room. I guess as long as you've got hold of the broom handle, you should get to cleaning things, right?"

I think I almost made her laugh there -- her smile went tight and wobbly like it was trying to hold something in. Then she recovered and said, "Sure. I'll get right to work."

What happened next was definitely Seong playing it in character -- her mouth opened as wide as it could go, much wider than Kellie's could (though I for sure wasn't going to criticize that part of the performance), and her tongue came out, mobile and narrowed to a point. She flicked wetly at some rounded curve hidden in the open air several inches in front of her tight-gripping hand. Then she made a 'U' of it to guide that invisible bulb through the gaping portal of her lips and the teeth they were stretched tightly over.

Forward and forward and forward, she leaned, tongue still out and cradling the underside of the cock she pretended to swallow. Those eyes of hers stayed on mine the whole time, luminous and full of hot joy. Holy fuck, I wish I had a dick right now, I thought. No fucking wonder guys love having this done to them.

The tongue retracted as her lips hit her encircling index finger and thumb, and then she sealed her mouth to that ring and tilted her head side to side before bobbing, fast, three times up and down the phantom shaft in her grasp.

"Dayumm, baby, you look good doing that," I said, doing my best to sound manly. A little sound from Seong's throat made me think she was trying to keep from laughing. "Fuck! Yes! Go deeper!"

The hand disappeared from my crotch as she lunged forward and up and latched tight to the swollen mound in my shorts.

I couldn't help gasping in my own voice. "Ah! Nggh..."

She got both hands on my ass and clutched me to her face, burrowing into my groin with her lips still in a suckling 'O' as though wrapped tight around the root of my dad's engorged shaft. "Yes -- oh god, yes!"

Then her face dropped away, mouth still rounded until she got about half a foot back, where she brought her lips together and made a little pop!

"I'm so wet for you, Daddy," she said, falling all the way to the mattress and stretching her legs out between mine. "I need your fat prong up inside me."

Scissoring wider until I had to step over her left knee and then her right, Seong raised her arms toward me, grasping needfully with both hands.

Oh my god, this is so fucking hot.

I put one hand on my waist and used the other to take hold of my supposed hard-on and waggle it.

"You want this, hmm?"

"Yes, Daddy. Get down here and stick it in my honey-hole."

As I put one knee to the sheets and then the other, Seong pulled her legs back toward her, bending her knees and widening them still further. The pose stretched her denim shorts tight against the flesh they held, and I found myself with an eyeful of camel-toe and a coal furnace in my belly.

"It's so pretty, Kells," I breathed, dropping to all fours and then going lower still until my nose almost touched down on the Y between her thighs. She smelled hot and savory with arousal, and it kind of paralyzed me -- having my head filled with another woman's lust and realizing how much I wanted her for her, not just this incredibly wild fantasy.

Her hands caught me by the ears before I got too carried away with emotion. "Hey, buster! Don't go all distracted on me -- we're supposed to be getting your junk in my cunt, remember?"

"Uh-huh," I sighed, letting myself be tugged forward in her grasp. Her eyes held me as firmly as her hands, and I kept moving into place above her even though I wanted to pause at her breasts and nibble the little peaks that jutted there.

But once she had me where she wanted me, her eyes scanned my face in a way that didn't seem at all Kellie-ish and made me think we were about a second away from leaving pretend-land. So I thought of something to whisper that could be me-me or Dad-me and would maybe help her choose.

With my lips very close to hers, I said, "I'm ready to do whatever you want me to. All you have to do is tell me."

A tremor went through her, and then she grinned.

"So get it in there, mister. We don't have all day."

I smiled back at her and lowered my crotch to hers, hand pretending to encircle and guide a swollen penis just like hers had done -- except that I let my thumb stick up, so it landed right in her sweet spot and then rode up along the tight denim, feeling the curves of her womanhood pass beneath it.

"Oh god, Daddy," she said, eyes wide and all hers even though her voice had Kellie's down pat. "It feels so nice going in me."

"Uh-huh," I replied as my hand moved away and our fully clothed vulvas ground together. Her legs curled up and around me, snugging us tight and setting fireworks off in my head. "That's... oh, damn, it's good."

You know how sometimes, pretending something is better than the thing itself? Like, I've had boyfriends who weren't nearly as good in bed as the orgasms I'd given myself fantasizing about them before we hooked up for real. Well, obviously I would never find out how good it felt to actually be my dad fucking my sister -- and no way was dry-humping Seong as good as wet-humping her with our clothes off would have been. Only it turns out that if I put pretend sex between my dad and sister together with pretend sex between me and this amazing person who was suddenly my girlfriend, all that pretending practically made me come as soon as I felt the first bump of her mound against my clit.

And then her mouth was on mine and her arms were pulling me hard against her, and I was fucking my girlfriend and fucking my daughter and fucking my sister all at once. And somehow, between the tongues-down-each-others'-throats kissing and the pubis-on-pubis grinding and the writhing and the roaming of our hands all over one another's bodies, we managed to stay at least a little bit in character.

"Uh! Uh! Yes, Daddy, bang me!"

"Yes, Kells -- oh, baby, this pussy -- I love this pussy so much --"

"Fuck it! Fuck the pussy, Dad, I want to... nng! uh!... feel... ah... you... sperming in it! Blow it into me, Daddy, blow your fucking load inside me!"

"Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit, I'm going to cum..."

"YESSSSS! I want it in my BELLLLLYYYY --"

That one totally got me there. I came so hard I could feel my balls unloading into her. Like, whatever it feels like for balls to be doing that just rolled through my body in a wave from my clit to my skull, and in that instant I was absolutely convinced I knew what it was like to have a throbbing, jizz-spouting cock attached to my crotch and spilling its creamy seed deep inside the warm, wet flesh of a hungrily clutching vagina.

When I came down from it, Seong lay glowing beneath me, her body still, her lips oh-so-slightly curled in a satisfied smile, her hands caressing my face softly.


That was all I could manage. Seong laughed.

"It's all right, Sea," she said. "I'll forgive you for losing track of what we were supposed to be doing."

I felt my face going red. "No, I... uh... I was totally in the zone there. That was my man-cum. I had balls and everything."

She laughed again. "Oh, dearest girl. No. You had glassy eyes and a mouth that fell open like it had lost itself, and none of that face-clenching or deep-chest groaning that you and I both know men tend to do at the last moment."

"Well, shit. I really thought I'd gotten it right."

She lifted up for a quick kiss, then gave me another smile. "You got it exactly right. Just a different 'it' than your ambitions had targeted."

A flutter of pride ran through my chest. "So, uh, you came too?"

"No," she said. "But I got to see the person I find most deserving of paradise, lifted up to it just by being with me. And I got to make myself a promise that, very soon, you would look upon my face the way I just now saw yours."

"Are you talking a 'when we get back to my place' kind of soon? Or more of an 'as soon as we get these clothes off' kind of soon?"

"Well," she said, "I have an idea about that..."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Gosh, come on back and finish the story. It was way fun with her hiding and hearing the story and how bad they wanted her with them, while her sister and dad screwed in her bed. Clearly, the event keyed both Sea (at the time) and Seeong (upon hearing about the event) up and they need to rape Dad and Sis until everyone collapses in a boneless pile and passes out for a couple of days.

Then face the crisis of three teens screwing old dad into a coma. Searching everywhere for ways to increase his stamina and multiply his and their fun.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This story coukd go anywhere, from here. If Chelsea crosses the line with her family, will it screw up the bond she has with Seong? Tune in tomorrow, same time same station, for another episode of "The Hung and the Breathless."

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Need more

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Chapter 6?

kinkinkkinkinkalmost 2 years agoAuthor


Thanks for the encouragement and concern. Nothing hugely bad is going on (I mean, as long as you don’t look out your window at the world!) … it’s mostly a mixture of work and personal obligations, plus the fact that I currently have about 5 significant works in progress including this one, and I’m just not juggling things well. A little low-key depression too, but that’s fairly normal for me.

I’ll get Chapter 6 done eventually! Thanks for your patience, and I apologize for the delay.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

One thing that works for me is just write ideas. Just snippets that you want in the next chapters. Dad tied to the bed? Sister with a spreader bar? A German Sheppard? Pony? Bulldozer in swimming pool?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Work or writers block? Is it time to make dad and sis’s dream come true? Walk in on them in her bedroom with her co-conspirator dressed in robes and act outraged? I can’t believe your doing this…. In my room,.. on my bed… Finally - without us,!! And drop robes?

Hope you can give us the rest of the story and hope there isn’t anything really bad going on. All your stories were fun to read. I will keep checking.

kinkinkkinkinkabout 2 years agoAuthor

(And sorry about the delay! I appreciate everyone’s patience!)

kinkinkkinkinkabout 2 years agoAuthor


I’ve been in a rut lately, but I got a bit done last weekend! I’m going to try getting back in the habit of writing a little every day instead of waiting for a big chunk of time to accomplish a lot. If I can hold my feet to the fire on that, Part 6 might be done in a few weeks.

Thanks for hanging in there and encouraging me!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Please bring us more as soon as you can. Really fun story.

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