Hiking Buddy Pt. 01


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Dan chuckled. "Ibelieveyou've had experience at it. Everyone was impressed by how you faced him down."

"They were? How do you know?"

"I heard the nurses talking about it outside my door. I think the whole hospital has heard about it by now. No one likes him because he's so arrogant. They were all saying how much they admire you for taking him down a few pegs. You're such a celebrity that when a nurse came in today and saw you sleeping, she hurried out and I heard her telling everyone on the floor to be quiet".

He chuckled again before going on: "I have to tell you this too: I heard the nurses saying how cute you are." And he blushed.

Seeing Dan blush as he told me that, I think I blushed too. To cover my embarrassment I blurted out: "I'd throw this magazine at you, but it might hit the ankle".

"That wouldn't hurt it" he countered. "It's in a cast."

So I threw the magazine.

It missed him completely. We both laughed.

"You know," I said, "this is the first time I've heard you laugh since the accident."

"I guess it's the first time I'vefeltlike laughing" he answered. "The surgery is over, andyou'rehere." Then he asked: "Why did you want to stay overnight?"

"So you would know I was nearby if you needed reassurance. And I wanted to see you in the morning before they took you to the operating room so I could remind you that I'd be here when you came out. I'm sorry I overslept and didn't get back in time".

"Hey!" he protested, "With all you've done, you're actually apologizing that it wasn't evenmore? You've been a godsend! I can't begin to tell you how grateful I am. I love ... everything you've done. Please don't think it wasn't enough."

The pause after the word 'love' caused me a pang of, I wasn't sure what. Fear? Hope? Had he been about to say that he lovedme? The possibility was simultaneously intriguing and frightening. If hehadsaid it, how would I have responded? I certainly cared very much about him, but I didn't even want to give thought to the possibility that I might love him.

Again I changed the subject: "So what have you been doing while I've been in dreamland?"

"I was sleeping too, most of the time. I think it's all the stuff they give me for the pain."

Dan told me that he had been served dinner. He insisted that I get something to eat. "I'll be fine."

I went down to the cafeteria but it was closed for the night, and there were no more sandwiches in the vending machine. I went back upstairs.

It was already well past visiting hours, so when the Nursing Supervisor called to me as I passed her desk, I expected to be told that I had to leave. Instead, she said: "You certainly ate fast."

I told her that the sandwich machine was empty, and then I continued to Dan's room.

About ten minutes later a nurse came in with a sandwich and a bottle of juice. I thanked her and asked what I owed. She said there was no charge because the food was excess from the day's supply of patients' meals.

When the nurse was gone, I showed Dan that the sandwich was actually the halves of two different sandwiches, and also pointed out that patients' meals do not consist of sandwiches. "I think that some nurses gave me part of their lunches" I told him.

"That wouldn't surprise me" he said. "They really like you."

That touched me more deeply than I would have expected.

I was allowed to stay another hour, but eventually the Supervisor came in to say that the night shift was coming on and I would have to leave. She said that if Dan's vital signs remained good, he would be released the next afternoon. I told her where I believed the sandwich and the drink had come from, and asked her to express my gratitude to whoever had given up part of their meals. She just smiled and said that she hoped I had enjoyed it.

I looked at Dan. He was smiling too: "Itoldyou they like you" he said. "Now although I love ... having you here, go home and get a good night's sleep. I'll be ok, thanks to you."

Again the pause after 'love'.

At home, I kept thinking about how Dan had acted that day: He had blushed when he told me that the nurses thought I was cute. And he had not said that it was justniceto see me when he woke up, he had said that it waswonderful. "Wonderful" was the word he had used.

I fell into a blissful sleep.

Chapter 6 – Arrangements

The next day was Monday. After a shower and a quick breakfast I called in to work and told them about Dan's accident. I said that he would be staying with me for a while, and that I would be taking a few vacation days to get him set up. Then I spoke to the Human Resources Department and arranged for his medical leave.

When I got to the hospital, I drew up a chair next to the bed and told Dan about the arrangements I had made.

"You're amazing!" he said. "You think of everything! Thank you."

"No thanks necessary" I told him.

He fell silent for a minute. I studied his face and asked: "What's wrong? What's troubling you?"

He grinned and shook his head. "So I'm that transparent, at least to you. Well ... there's something I've been wanting to tell you, but I don't know what you'll think".

"There's one way to find out" I urged.

"Okay" he said, and began, somewhat hesitantly: "When I was very young, from time to time I'd think my mother was getting fat. Then she'd leave for a day or two and come back with a little baby. Some of my friends had big brothers, but I only had sisters, so not understanding about birth order I hoped that at least once instead of a baby my mother would bring home a big brother for me. I even asked her for one. She said that it wasn't possible, and when I asked why, she just said I'd understand when I was older.

"By the time I was grown, I had forgotten all about that wish. OrthoughtI had. You see, I've been pretty much satisfied with my life except for one thing: It always felt as if there was an empty place inside me, and I couldn't figure out why. Thenyoubefriended me. You spent time with me, you invited me to go places with you. Any time I need advice, I can always come to you. You teach me things. You stick up for me. And I don't know how I could have gotten through these past few days if not for you".

I started to point out that if I had not taken him on that hike, he wouldn't have had to go through the pain and anguish of those past few days.

Before I had spoken the first few words, he put up a hand to stop me. "Last night, as I was thinking about how I can never thank you enough for all you've done, it dawned on me that the empty feeling is gone. I don't think it's been there since you took up with me."

His gaze was adoring as he said "There was an empty place because I was still wishing for that big brother, and now it's gone because I've found a big brother in you. Anyway, that's how I see you. I hope you don't mind".

"Mind? Oh Dan" I said, "Ilovethat you think of me as a big brother. And stop thanking me; I like doing things for you."

Hearing that, he grew radiant. "I know you're not out for thanks, but it's my way of saying that I don't take you or anything you do for granted".

I stayed with Dan the rest of the day. They released him late that afternoon, and while he was signing papers and reading post-surgery instructions I got my car from the Visitors' parking lot.

They brought him out in a wheelchair (hospital policy). Lying across the arms of the chair was a pair of crutches.

I helped Dan into the car, made sure he was buckled up, put the crutches in the trunk, and we started out.

When he saw that I had passed his street, he said "You missed the turn."

"I didn't miss it."

"We just went by my street."

"I know."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Dan turn a puzzled face toward me as he asked: "Where are we going?"

"I'm taking you tomyplace. Until the cast is off, you won't be able to do much without help. You can stay with me until then."

His eyes lit up. "That'll be great!" he practically shouted. "I promise I won't be much trouble."

"Don't worry about that" I said. "Your job is to get plenty of rest and concentrate on letting the ankle heal."

We rode in silence for a few minutes, and then he declared: "I can help out around the apartment. I'll clean and straighten up while you're at work."

"I'm not bringing you home as a live-in housekeeper" I told him, "and I don't want you to reinjure that ankle. Remember what they said about staying off it."

"I'll be careful" he promised.

"Amazing" I remarked. "I thought I knew you well, but I've just learned something Ididn'tknow. You may be a grown man, but on the inside you're a stubborn little boy." I smiled and adventurously gave his thigh a quick squeeze as I jokingly warned him: "If you don't behave, your big brother will have to put you over his knee and give you a spanking."

"What?" he asked, "No consideration for my poor, injured ankle?" His eyes were wide in seeming alarm, but he was grinning.

"Oh your ankle will be safe" I informed him. "That's not what I'll spank."

I had expected that when I threatened to spank him I would get a retort such as: "You and what army", but his reply had been submissive rather than combative. I wasn't sure what that might mean.


If there's sufficient interest, I'll post Part Two, the conclusion to the story.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Love (❤) it! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 (5.0). The story is erotic, realistic, & romantic, all in one!

This story has so far got 38 favorites (faves) out of 47,303 views which is 0.8 faves per 1K views (an excellent faves-to-views ratio!)

The author ended Part 1 of the story with a cliffhanger.

I will read P. 2 sooner rather than later.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Haha He/ She was right

He did have an answer LMAO. Too good

Good story

RalphyNJRalphyNJalmost 7 years agoAuthor
Sources of Knowledge

I’m the author of ‘Hiking Buddy’, and this is a reply to the reader whose anonymous comment was titled “Know it all”.

Thank you for your interest in my stories.

Like the character Brandon, I have a layman’s interest in medicine and pharmacology, which has prompted me to gather some knowledge in those fields. Secondly, the ability to recognize fractures in X-rays is the result of doctors’ guidance through X-rays of my own fractures.

As to the signs and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and survivor’s guilt, they are well known to many who have had close contact with sufferers from those conditions. (The same applies to symptoms of brain concussion.)

Last, your comment indicates that you have not limited your reading to just one of my stories. Apparently they have held your interest. I hope you enjoyed them.


AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

really enjoying this read jonathan

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Know it all..

I have read different stories by the author and the main always is so full of fun facts...I listed drugs by chemical name but I'm not a pharmacist. I gave him drugs understanding how the dose will affect his blood level and memory, while reading the xray films to the doctor, but I'm not a doctor either. You know your suffering from PTSD mixed in with survivors guilt and youll die but for the great and knowledgeable me! Oh and I'm not a psychiatrist or therapist either. (Only 16 more guesses) I can only imagine what this guy is like in real life... I'll bet he has all the answers all the time.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Nice build up

Great start to a many chaptered story. Keep it up (no pun intended) please


RalphyNJRalphyNJabout 9 years agoAuthor
Response to anonymous comment regarding "what's the opposite of selfish?"

I’m the author of ‘Hiking Buddy’, responding to the extensive comment posted anonymously in January of this year:

Thank you for the comment, which caused a discussion at home and also made me go back and review the place in the story where Brandon asks “What’s the opposite of selfish?”

He was not expressing an ignorance of simple English, he was making a point that he felt would be best made by means of a rhetorical question.

I hope you enjoy(ed) Part Two.


AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

I did get a giggle that the man who knows "autodidact" and can rattle of a list of medications by their generic name rather than brand name actually asked this: "What's the word for the opposite of selfish?" when chatting with Dan. It would surprise me if he didn't know the opposite of selfish is "altruistic", or at least that's the word that first came to my mind. There are others....obviously "unselfish" would be the one many people might first consider, but there's also: "selfless" (which would be another one that comes to many people's minds), "magnanimous", "generous", "considerate", "benevolent", "self-sacrificing", "philanthropic" (although not so much in this sense as it is used more to refer more to the sense of "charitable"), "self-denying", & "ungrudging".

It was a sweet story. And sometimes jerk doctors need to be taken down a peg or two. I've dealt with my fair share of them and it feels good when they have that "god complex" and a patient or patient's loved one proves they are NOT the all-knowing one they think they are. It surprised me that they threw Brandon out after Dan's surgery...patients, especially those who have had surgery and are not totally alert and oriented, ARE allowed to have a loved one at their side regardless of visiting hours. Or that's been my experience in EVERY hospital I've been in, and I've been in more than a few. I once spent 11 months straight in one hospital plus the month and a half prior to that in and out of two others and while I didn't have someone with me 24/7 the whole time, much of the time I did have a family member present. My Mom stayed nearly a month at one point. No one complained....well one dr grumpily said something about how there were always "all these people in [my] room and he had a hard time getting in" which was BS. Generally the only people there were my Mom, hubby and son. And the day he complained was a day I'd had surgery and needed someone I trusted as my advocate there..as is a patient's right. Needless to say the doc who complained caused Mom and I to request that I NOT be seen by that doc again since he did not respect my rights as a patient. Hope to see the rest of the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
this unfinished story

seems like it was written by a chick.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
wheres part two

god i hate it when ive read through a story and its not finished.? it really pisses me off....i hope you finish this story soon before i forget ive read it.? its one of the best ive read

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