His Dark Knight Ch. 03


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"I want someone who will submit to me." Even Zander heard the drop of his tone, and the effect it had on Rei tested all of his will power not to push it further. "I want someone who will try their hardest to please me. Someone who will allow me to take care of them, in both life and in their desires. Not only someone who I can nurture and guide, but someone who is beside me. I want someone who will allow me to spoil them, to pleasure them. But also, someone who will let me control them, to hurt them in both good and bad ways."

Rei felt as if he had stopped breathing completely as he watched Zander. His head spun in a whirlwind. Control? Spoil? Please him? Did Zander really want to hurt someone? His eyes remained fixed to the grey and blue ones before him.

"Take a deep breath, Rei." The words were like magic on him. Suddenly, Rei was able to find the air that had previously vanished only moment before. He pulled in a lung full, his constricted chest expanding.

"Good boy, Rei. Take another. Deep breath in, and slow out."

Zander continued to remain relaxed against the back of the couch, watching as the minutes passed and the panic set in Rei's shoulders relaxed. Rei spoke slowly, his voice showing still a hint of the emotions that coursed through him. "I don't think I understand."

Zander nodded once more. "I would be surprised, little one, if you did. There are many titles to what I am, some less clear than others. Rei, I am a Dominant. I look for someone who willing submits themselves to me in both life and the bedroom. My preference is what is referred to as a little. Someone who is of legal consensual age, but still holds an almost childlike view of the world around them."

Rei thought of himself at the toy shop earlier that day. About the joy that filled him watching the toys interact with each other, and the envy of seeing someone else get something he knew he would never have. Or like the times when his stress had become too much to bare, he often time caught himself chewing and suckling the tip of his thumb. His father had caught him one time as he slept. He had shouted out in disgust and left soon after even though he had said he would be home all night. His mother had been furious after that.

Rei shook his head to clear his thoughts. He looked back to Zander who remained as if made of stone. Seeing where his hand lay across the back of the couch, pulled more words from his tightly closed lips. "But what about, you know, what happened..." Rei let his words trail off, not able to complete his sentence.

Zander remained quiet for a moment as he gathered his thoughts. "For that Rei, I need to apologize."

Rei felt as if he had been struck. He barely knew the man yet to hear him apologize was heart-wrenching. Rei could feel the tears pooling in the corner of his eyes.

"Little one, allow me to finish please." Zander spoke quickly in attempts to stop the break down that was evident on the fragile face. "I am sorry about what happened, yes. But not because it happened with you. I'm sorry that I pushed you into doing that by suggesting it in a means of payment. Rei, I will never ask that of you, that I swear. I allowed my urges and craving for you to overshadow my better judgement."

Soft and gentle sniffles came from across the couch. A few tears had slipped down Rei's pale cheek, and Zander had to dig his nails into the back of the couch in order to stop himself from reach over to brush them away. He was a man renowned for his control among his fellow Dominants. The boy beside him though, pushed him to the very edge of that control, his grip on himself threatening to slip at any given moment.

Rei wiped the tears from his own eyes, feeling more than a little pathetic for crying. "Do you think I'm like that? Like what did you call it? A little? You're okay with something like that happening with me, but I'm a guy, Zander. Doesn't that bother you?"

Zander shook his head slowly, "No, Rei. That doesn't matter to me at all. What I care about is who you are on the inside. And yes, I do think you are. If you are willing, I can help you explore this. Or, if not, you don't have to. Rei, you are free at this moment in time to make any decision you want about your own life. I know you haven't been given that opportunity up until now."

Little toes danced against the leather, black nails disappearing as they curled in on themselves. Zander thought Rei's feet were adorable, and the paint only added more evidence to his claim.

Rei tilted his head to the side. "So, you want to be like my parent or something?"

Zander let out a little chuckle while shaking his head. "No, that is a common misconception. I know you are a grown adult, Rei. But I also know that you need to be protected unlike in the past."

The thought of being protected by Zander and cared for had his heart pounding against his ribcage. He was terrified, but also incredibly curious. What sort of things did Zander want to do to him. The mention earlier of being hurt came back to his mind. What Zander had done in the car had hurt, but afterwards it had felt so good. He had also called that a punishment because Rei hadn't listened. Is that what he meant by good and bad?

Zander spoke softly, the words derailing all of Rei's spinning thoughts. "Little one, I think it's time to give your mind a rest. I can see the gears spinning a mile a minute in that head of yours. I've given you a lot of information in a short time. Why don't we discuss something else for a little while?"

A slow bob of white hair was the only answer Zander received. They sat in silence, the office too far away from the busy activities of the decorators. Zander laid his head back, his eyes closing for a brief moment. He felt the phantom touch of soft green eyes on him, going across his chest and arms. He parted one eye slowly, noticed that Rei had taken to biting gently on his bottom lip.

The corner of his mouth ticked up. "Would you like to rest against me? We both have had a rather long day."

A soft gasp sounded from across the couch, followed by more silence. The thought of being in Zander's arms once more had Rei's body aching to be touched. Yet at the same time, he was nervous. He fully believed he was attracted to Zander and that Zander was to him, but he didn't know if he could be what Zander wanted him to be. As if reading his mind, Zander answered the question that was burning. "Don't worry, little Rei. I won't touch you like that again until you've had time to think things through and we've had a more in-depth conversation about what I want. I would just like to hold you right now."

That smile of his was all it took to have Rei slowly crawling over to Zander. Hearing the shuffle of weight, Zander moved his position so that he was in a more relaxed one, laying down with his shoulders coming to rest on the arm and both legs stretched out. Rei crawled over the mountain of a man until he was settled over the top of him. It was an awkward place which had Rei fidgeting to get comfortable.

A soft chuckle came from Zander's chest before his hand came to rest on Rei's slender hip. He pushed against him so that Rei twisted himself, his body settling into the crack created by Zander's large form and the back of the couch. His head rested on Zander's shoulder, the place that was quickly becoming his favorite pillow. Zander's arm from the back of the couch slid down, coming to drape against Rei's back and hip while the one that moved him, gently stroked his white hair.

They laid like that for a while, listening to only the breaths of each other. Rei felt his eyes growing heavy with sleep but didn't want to lose any of this stolen time with Zander in this hidden oasis. He wasn't sure at all what was to come, and he wanted to treasure every second he got.

"May I ask you a question?"

Zander's own eyes were closed as Rei looked up into his face, but a gentle nod came in response. "Of course, Rei. Feel free to ask me anything you like."

"I was wondering about the party you are having. What is it for?"

Zander gave Rei a curious look, his head tilting to the side as he watched the little one's face. "It's for Christmas. The holiday isn't until next weekend, but I host a party every year for my employees and their families. I also invite my potential business partners."

Rei remained silent. He knew what Christmas was yes, but didn't remember ever celebrating the holiday. While most went frantic to find the perfect gift, or host the biggest party with the brightest tree, the day was just another day for Rei.

"I can leave for that day if you would like me to. I mean, it sounds like an important event, and I wouldn't want to get in the way."

Zander cut his eyes at Rei, the grip around his waist tightening. "You aren't going anywhere, little one. Yes, it is an important event, but that just makes me want you there that much more."

A soft brush of blood colored Rei's cheeks as he heard Zander's words. He remained quiet after that, his eyes once again growing heavy with sleep. Today had been a day full of chaotic emotions. It had started with terror at waking in an unknown place, the pain from the night before making his body throb, followed by the uncertainty of what this man wanted from him. He had come face to face with his mother and left without a new mark. He had had fun, walking the busy streets with Zander and Martin, shopping for all the new clothes and shoes. Then had felt himself crashing down when meeting Mrs. Locke and the overwhelming shame that came with it. Curiosity had raced around in his mind so much at the thoughts of what Zander wanted from him.

Yet the thing that currently settled in his mind, was the things he had felt in that car. Zander said he didn't want him to repay the money that had been spent on him, but that just sat ill in Rei's gut. Zander had no reason to be as nice as he had been, given that Rei was a complete stranger.

Even with that thought, here they were, cuddled together like lovers on a winter's afternoon. Rei felt himself slipping into a relaxed state with each gentle brush of Zander's hand through his hair, his run-away thoughts seeming to be pulled away from his mind with each pass of those strong and sure fingers.

The loud and hard knock at the door snapped reality back into place around the duo. Glenn walked in, his eyes going wide as he spotted the two in their embrace. Rei began to struggle against what had been moments before the most comfortable place he had ever been. Zander didn't hold onto Rei, sensing the fright that was coursing through him and let him jump away, sitting up and grabbing his shoes where they had fallen on the floor.

Glenn caught himself and blanked out his expression. "I'm sorry, Sir. I didn't think you would have anyone in here right now. I just came to give you updates about our current situation."

While Glenn spoke, Rei had quickly gotten up and all but ran across the room to the door. As he turned the knob that lead to his freedom where he could suffer his embarrassment in much needed solitude, he heard Zander call out his name. Part of him wanted to ignore the thickly accented voice. But a small part of him had him looking over his shoulder.

"I'll come find you a little later for dinner. Layna is making her specialty tonight that I'm sure you will enjoy."

Rei slowly nodded before darting out the room to hide away with his thoughts as his only companion.

Zander, however, turned to Glenn, his eyebrow raised. "Is there a reason you couldn't have called me?"

Glenn just cleared his throat, knowing from the years he had spent working for Mr. Clarke that he was on a tightrope. "I'm sorry, Sir. But I needed to speak to you about the meeting you missed. The associates were not happy at all about your absence."

Zander only rolled his eyes. He didn't care that a bunch of money grubby asshole were now angry with him. They could just join the rest. He was in control of this partnership, and they would follow his way or else they wouldn't get what they were wanting. That was how he had gained so much with such little experience. He moved to sit behind his desk, his chair accepting his weight without a sound. "So, what is it that you wanted to discuss? Should it matter to me if they are angry? They are the ones who need me, not the other way around."

"That is true, Sir. But there is something that you must understand. These clients are still important to the overall standing of your company. You have been looking for the connection that they provide for the last year. Losing it now would set you back more than would be advisable."

With a heavy sigh, Zander laid his head back against the thick padding. "What do you propose be done in order to make it up to them, then?"

Glenn pushed up his glass with just his index finger. "I suggest you not put off this meeting until after the holidays. If need be, why not use your annual party to act as both a get together and a meeting. That way you can celebrate your new partnership afterwards."

"Fine," Zander's voice was heavy with sarcasm, his hand waving as if to dismiss his assistant. "Make sure they get the invite. Would hate to have a relaxing time in my own home."

Usually he found delight in these mundane things that came with being a businessman. However, Glenn had interrupted a critical moment for Rei and him. He had seen the shame crossing over Rei's face at having been caught by someone else in their intimate embrace. He could only hope that too much damage hadn't been done to fragile bond that had slowly started to form between himself and his little one.

Zander had thought Glenn would leave as soon as he got his way, but he noticed that the man remained rooted in his spot. It was clear from just the look on his face that there was more that he wished to say but was hesitant. Zander let his irritation through with his voice.

"Spit it out, Glenn. What else is going on?"

Glenn jumped, once again fumbling with his glasses but took a deep breath. "Forgive me for saying this Sir. But was spending $200,000 on that boy the best idea? What exactly do you know of him?"

With a low growl, Zander sat up straighter in his chair as he glared at the man who had been his assistant for the last 9 years. He watched as the man visibly shrunk back against his stare. Glenn was by no means a coward of a man, but he had played witness several times to the rage that burned inside Zander. He had stood by and watched as the wrong man crossed Zander and ended up penniless. Glenn wondered if that was soon to be his fate as well.

"If you value your job at all, I would suggest, you consider your next words very carefully."

Glenn quickly cleared his throat. "It all seems so sudden, Sir. While in truth, the spending didn't hurt you any, you aren't a man to make rash decisions. You are usually far more calculated and make sure to check all possible risks, especially with," Glenn took a moment to clear his throat once more. "Your chosen partners. Your behavior as of late, has just been rather off and quite frankly, concerning."

Zander couldn't disagree with the man because all he spoke was the truth. It was his usual practice to only find boys who understood what they were getting into with him.

Even more so, those boys were thoroughly screened not only for any diseases they

might carry, but also their backgrounds. People used him he knew, and to a point he was okay with that. It was the way their world worked. In order to get ahead, you had to use those that would help. Zander had done as much himself. Though, there was a limit to what he would allow. Those who would extort or cause him unnecessary damage had to be dealt with or screened out entirely.

With Rei however, the only things he knew about the boy was what Rei himself had told him. He knew that the boy had come with what seemed like a terrible past, but Zander had met many talent actors over the years. Some even going so far as to altering their background and forming new identities in order to get what they wanted from him. They would spend their last cent in order to become someone new, knowing that Zander would make it worth the loss. His previous boy had been one such as that and was the reason Zander had stayed away from relationships for some time. Zander put the tips of his fingers to his temple, feeling the slow pulse that signaled an impending migraine. He could feel Glenn's eyes watching him, curious about his own outcome.

"I understand your concern, Glenn. This isn't something I can explain though. That little boy, there is something special about him."

"Special enough to throw caution to the wind? To possibly risk everything that you have built up?"

"Yes." Zander's answer was quick, and he realized as it rung in the air, that it had been the complete and simple truth. Rei was worth that and so much more. No, he couldn't explain why he felt as though he needed Rei in his life. Or why it felt like his heart had left the room when Rei had ran away in embarrassment at being seen with him. He wasn't even sure how they had ended up in the situation with Rei being in his life. But something had told him to stop his car. To get out and walk into that construction site. To pick up the shivering little thing as he bled on the ground. To take him home and care for him as if his life depended on it.

Zander wasn't the type to usually get overly attached or sentimental. While he always encouraged the little side of his boys and treated them accordingly, he had never once felt this way about one of them.

Glenn only nodded. "I will head back to the office and let the clients know that they are welcomed this weekend. Please, let me know if you need anything else."

Without a word of acknowledgement, Glenn walked out the same door Rei had run from. Pinching the bridge of his nose, Zander let out a loud sigh. He had a feeling things would only get more complicated from here. He quickly pushed those thoughts from his mind and turned to his computer, fighting against his urge to go and find Rei, in order to actually get some work done.

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Manhattan_At_ArmsManhattan_At_Armsover 3 years ago

Oh I am so glad I continued this story! I'm thrilled that Zander apologized to Rei! I love both of them so much so I'm happy Zander isn't toxic or problematic! Adding to favorites!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
I have to agree with the last comment

The way you reveal Rei's personal thoughts through the toy in the shop is such a pleasure to read. We get to understand him at a deeper level. But his physical reactions are off-putting. I can't help but imagine a 5 year old when you describe his physical attachment to the toy. Zander wants someone who has a childlike view of the world around them, but Rei quite literally acts like a child. It's a bit strange. I love the series so far and am excited to see it progress. The character building you do is well thought out and worth the wait - I hope you don't feel rushed to finish the story and find short cuts for character development. 5 stars!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

I find the pacing good; you take time building the characters. I am having a little trouble with Rei's innocence. The scene outside the toy store was disconcerting. Rei, giggling and waving at the stuffed fox, was more mentally challenged than child like.

The little one tag is wearing thin. Maybe if it was just Zander's thoughts and not what he called Rei. He's starting to sound like a ghoul in a 40s B movie or Golem, my precious.

I'm a little surprised Zander spells out what he's looking for so fully. That was too much telling. We know what he wants; you don't have to tell us again, and there is nothing to be gained by telling Rei.

At the end of it all, I'm intrigued.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Well worth the short wait between chapters. You expertly explained some of the questions from the last chapter and dealt with Zander's behavior in the car. Well done. Looking forward to the next chapter. 5 stars!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Loving it

Again some more incredible work from you :) is there going to be another chapter?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Incredible as always, great work yukki. Chapter 4 soon I hope?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Love it

Please keep it going this is a good story.

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