His Personal Assistant


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"Perfect," he whispered.

Alyssa couldn't look away, couldn't move a muscle. His eyes were darker now, the pupils expanded, and he looked like he would devour her any second. When his eyes released hers to drop to her lips, she shivered. She was shocked when she felt her tongue lick her dry lips in a nervous gesture, but she didn't miss the widening of his eyes as he watched. Her heart pounded as his head lowered, and his lips brushed against hers, feather light.

Graham was almost beyond rational thought, but he knew to keep it soft. She was tense, ready for flight, and he couldn't let her go. He needed her too badly. All the arguments against this that he'd been telling himself all week had no meaning. He tasted her lip gloss, and wanted more. He pressed his lips to hers a little more firmly, and felt her shudder. He opened his eyes to see hers tightly shut, her hands fisted at her sides. "It's just a kiss," he whispered, and her eyes flew open. They held fear, which perplexed him. "Relax, I won't hurt you, I would never hurt you, Alyssa."

She gazed up at him, her beautiful green eyes shimmering, her breath shallow and quick. "I...I know," she whispered back, though she didn't sound so sure.

He smiled, and ran a thumb over her lower lip. "You have such soft, kissable lips," he murmured, watching his thumb. He leaned in to kiss her again, brushing his lips over hers several times before he pressed again. Then he eased off and gently nipped at her full, lower lip. She gasped, and her lips parted. He swooped, his lips nudging as his tongue licked, and her lips opened wider.

"Heaven," he thought, as he finally tasted her. Champagne, and chocolate, and her own unique taste. His body urged him on. His hands moved, one behind her neck to keep her still for his kiss, the other moving lightly up and down her arm. He pulled back and took her hand in his, bringing it up to his lips. He kissed the back, then turned it over and kissed her palm. When his tongue touched her, she gasped. He smiled, and kissed the soft, tender flesh on the inside of her wrist, making her tremble. He turned her hand back over, and kissed a fingertip. As he raised his eyes to her face, he took the finger into his mouth and gently sucked.

Alyssa was staring at his mouth. Her eyes still held fear, but also now fascination. Her pupils had dilated, and he could see her pulse jumping crazily in her throat. He took another finger and gave it the same loving attention. Then he released her hand and leaned in to kiss her again, letting his hand move to caress her hip. His other arm moved behind her shoulders, turning her more to face him. Her full breasts pressed against his chest, and he longed to see them, touch them, taste them. He brought his free hand up and began pulling pins out of her hair. He lightly kissed the outer corner of her mouth, then trailed kisses up to the corner of her eye, then down to her ear. She shuddered.

"Um, Graham, I...oh, um..." Her words trailed off into a garbled sound as he tugged at her earlobe with is teeth.

"Yes?" he whispered, and licked her neck, then blew on it.

She let out an inarticulate sound, then pressed a hand against his chest. "I..don't think..."

"Good," he said, "don't think. Just feel."

"But I don't..." she stammered, and shivered as he gave the same treatment to her ear. His hand moved to her waist, then glided up until it rested on her ribs, just below her right breast.

"I know you don't," he said softly. "If I do anything that hurts or frightens you, just tell me." He kissed her again, and let a little more passion loose, exploring her mouth as his hand squeezed her ribs lightly. "I want to touch you," he said huskily after he pulled back slightly, and then he was kissing her again. His hand moved up to cup her fullness, and his thumb moved slowly around her nipple, not touching it. She whimpered, and he touched her nipple then, thrilling when she shuddered. He rubbed over it again, and felt it harden. He rubbed it harder, then lighter, then harder again, and she squirmed. He lifted his head to look down at her.

"Kiss me back," he ordered in a gentle tone. And when he took her mouth again, he felt her tongue tentatively moving to touch his. He nearly lost control. Fighting the urge to just rip off her clothes and take her, he kissed her, waiting patiently for her to grow more confidant. He felt her hand, ever so lightly resting on his shoulder. He slipped his hand under her dress and felt the lacy edge of her bra. He ran his nail over her nipple, feeling it grow harder under the thin satin covering it. She moaned, and her hand clutched his shoulder. He wished she had a blouse on, so he could unbutton it. The dress was a barrier because it fit her so snugly. It had to go.

Pulling her with him, he leaned back so he could gain access to her zipper. He tugged at it until it cleared the back strap of her bra, which he unclasped with practiced ease. Then he pulled the material down over her arm, and leaned her back against the couch. Her hands came up to grasp at the falling fabric, but he stopped her. "Let me see you," he whispered. He pulled the dress down, and lifted the bra out of his way.

She was perfect. Her softly rounded breasts were tipped by large rosy centers, and her nipples were tightly beaded. He touched one, letting his fingertips trail lightly over it, and heard her expulsion of breath. "Graham," she gasped.

"Mmmmm," he answered as he leaned in. He took the nipple into his mouth as his hand caressed the other breast. He licked, and then sucked gently. Her back arched and she whimpered again. Her hand rested on the back of his head. He worked at the nipple, tugging lightly, licking, nipping, making her squirm, and he knew she was getting wet. He could smell her arousal.

Alyssa was both aroused and scared. She'd never willingly let another man get this far, and she'd never felt this way before. She'd been aroused, mostly while fantasizing, but never like this. Her whole body was on fire. Her center felt heavy and hot, like she was filled with swirling liquid honey. His hand moved down her side to her thigh, and caressed lightly. She felt herself begin to throb, and was shocked that she wanted him to touch her down there, craved it. When his hand moved to the inside of her knee and slid up, her legs parted, just a little, without conscious effort. His fingertips touched her panties, and she jumped in shock, her cry muffled against his mouth. He rubbed lightly, up and down, side to side, and felt the wetness.

Alyssa was dazed as he leaned her back to lie on the couch, and lay down half on top of her, still kissing her. His hand returned to her center, but now her dress had been hiked up higher and he had better access. He worked his way under the edge of the panties, and rubbed over her folds. She throbbed, and her hips lifted involuntarily. Then his fingers pressed under the folds, and touched her clit. Alyssa cried out and surged upward. She could feel herself get very wet. He smiled against her lips as he continued to slowly caress her. Her eyes were closed, her face flushed. He knew she was ready to come, but he didn't let her, keeping her on edge.

"I want you, Alyssa," he said, his voice deep and raspy.

She looked at him, her eyes unfocused. "No...it's...this..it's wrong," she gasped, even as she strained to come.

"It's not wrong," he soothed. "I can make you feel wonderful things. Let me do that for you, Alyssa."

She shuddered. "Please..."

"Please what?"

"I...oh, oh, please, don't...don't stop..." her voice was strangled and her eyes closed as he slipped a finger up inside her. She was tight and hot, and he wanted to be inside her more than he'd ever wanted a woman before. He moved his finger slowly in and out, as her hips pushed up, and she grasped the edge of the edge of the couch tightly.

"What do you want?" he asked softly, against her ear.

She shuddered. "Please..."

"Tell me."

She didn't answer for a long moment, and then, so softly he could barely hear her, she whispered, "I want to come. Please."

He smiled, and increased his pace. He felt her tighten around his finger in seconds, as he watched her face. She gasped and moaned loudly as her body arched up, quivering as she came, and her juices coated his finger. He was so hard it hurt, but he forced himself to take it slow. He continued to rub her clit, until she squeezed his arm and gasped, "Stop!"

He pulled his hand out, and brushed hair off her sweat beaded forehead, then kissed her. He pressed his groin against her hip, letting her feel his hardness. "I want you," he told her again. "Please, Lyssa, I need you, love."

She looked up at him, shocked by both the endearment, and the tone of his voice, so soft and tender. He tugged at her dress, and without thought she lifted her hips. He slid it down and off her feet. Then he peeled the hose down and removed her shoes. She wore only her panties and bra and the necklace now. He gazed at her, and licked his lips. "You're so beautiful," he whispered.

Before she knew it, he had the bra and panties off. This was his fantasy come to life. Alyssa, naked, wearing only the necklace. The bed was too far away to worry about. He sat up and pulled his shirt off, watching her as she watched him. He saw the doubt, the fear, under the desire, but she didn't stop him. He unbuttoned his pants and lifted himself to slide them off, kicking off his shoes, and then his socks. His underwear did little to hide the bulge, and Alyssa stared at it in fascination.

"Touch me," he ordered gruffly. When she didn't move, he took her hand and placed it on him. It shook, but she began to move her hand, tracing the shape through his underwear. When she traced the tip, he shuddered, closing his eyes. Alyssa grew bolder at his reaction. She circled the tip, pressing more firmly, and was rewarded when his member jerked under her hand. He used his thumbs under the waistband to lower the underwear, freeing himself. She jerked her hand away with a nervous laugh.

"Don't be afraid," he said. "Touch me." He leaned back on his hands and waited.

Alyssa reached out slowly, fighting with herself. She knew where this was leading, knew she should stop it right now. But she wanted to know what he felt like. She smiled when her fingers felt the warm, soft flesh over the rigidness. Her hand explored, feeling all the bumps and ridges, learning the warmth and softness of his sac, then the sponginess of the tip. A small bead of fluid emerged, and she ran her finger over it. He moaned, and she smiled again. She circled his shaft with her hand and moved it up and down, watching his face. His eyes closed, and his face took on a rapturous look. After a couple of minutes, his eyes opened and he sat up and stopped her.

"Enough," he said hoarsely, and leaned her back, following her down to kiss her as he settled his weight over her. He kissed her, deeply, as he pressed his hardness against her mound, rocking his body up and down. They both shuddered, and her arms went around him, holding him tight. He continued his motions, until he felt her hips thrusting up to meet him, and her legs gripped him. She was close. He moved down her torso, planting kisses on her breasts, then her stomach, then her hip. When he moved to her center, she gasped. He licked, then pulled her folds open so he could touch her with his tongue. She moaned, and he took her into his mouth, sucking strongly. With a strangled cry, she came, heat pulsing through her. He stopped sucking, and licked gently, causing her to jerk with aftershocks, and then he slid up to kiss her.

She tasted herself on his tongue, something she'd never experienced before. It was strangely erotic. He rocked against her again, and she was so sensitive now she felt another orgasm building. Without warning, he pulled back until he was poised at her opening for just a moment, and thrust deeply.

Alyssa went rigid with shock. He did too. He stared down at her. A virgin? He couldn't quite process it. She was what, 26, 27? She was clenching him tightly, a hot fist, and it felt so good. He wanted to just thrust as hard and as fast as he could, but he held himself still.

"I'm sorry," he whispered. "I didn't know."

She blinked tears, and gave him a tentative smile. "I'm...okay now."

He nodded, but remained still for several more moments. Then he eased back until he almost pulled out, then back in again, slowly. She sighed, and her body relaxed. The worst was over. He let his weight rest back down on her, and began a slow, easy rhythm. Pressing firmly against her clit with his body, he quickly brought her back to readiness, and increased his pace until she was meeting him thrust for thrust. He was covered in sweat as he fought his own release, willing her to come. Finally, he felt her contract around him and she cried out. Her body held him so tightly as he let go. Coming had never felt so good. He came for a long time, feeling the hot fluids jetting out deep inside her, as pleasure continued to throb. When he was spent, he collapsed, breathing hard.

After several minutes, his breathing eased, and his brain resumed thinking. He'd just had sex with Alyssa, after fantasizing about her for months. And she'd been a virgin. He marveled at this until it sank in that he hadn't used protection. He doubted she was on the pill, being a virgin. So...he closed his eyes. She could be pregnant. Something he'd always made sure wouldn't happen. What if she was? What if she left him now?

He pondered it as he eased off her, pulling her against him to snuggle. He pulled the throw off the back of the couch and covered them. She lay with her eyes closed, a sleepy, satisfied look on her face. She looked so peaceful, so lovely. Amazed, he felt desire surge through him again. He shook his head, and thought it through. He needed her in his business. He greatly admired her brains and abilities, and couldn't afford to lose her. He wanted her in his bed, more than he'd ever wanted another woman. He'd had her, and already he wanted her again. He knew he'd want her for a long time. So...

"You're going to hurt yourself."

He looked down at her, startled. "What?"

"Thinking so hard." She was smiling.

He laughed, and she laughed too, then touched her fingers to his face. "Thank you for making my first time so wonderful."

His heart constricted. He felt a wild surge of pride that he'd been able to do that for her. Emotions welled, something he wasn't used to at all. He couldn't speak for a moment, as his mind whirled, and something shifted within him. He changed, forever, and knew that he wanted, no needed, to keep her with him, forever. Finally, he whispered, "I think I've fallen in love with you."

Tears filled her beautiful eyes, and she touched his face again, then smiled. "I love you too."

He kissed her tenderly, and murmured words of love. When he pulled back, he regarded her seriously. "Alyssa, will you marry me?"

Her eyes went wide, her body completely still, for long, terrifying moments, before she smiled as tears gathered. She realized she'd loved this man for a long time, and now she knew for sure he loved her too. Suddenly what had started out so wrong, felt completely right. "Yes," she said, clearly and firmly.

He smiled. "I want you again."

She grinned. "I know. Either that or there's a flashlight against my hip."

He chuckled, and leaned down to kiss her again. "You might be pregnant," he said.

She went still, then looked up at him with wide eyes. He'd always said he'd never have children, didn't want them, and made damn sure it wouldn't happen by accident. Would this possibility make him turn away from her, even now? Trying to keep the panic from taking over, she said lightly, "Well, if I'm not, then having me again would probably do the trick."

"I don't like having doubts. Let's make sure," he whispered huskily, before he kissed her passionately and moved over her to take her again. Alyssa's heart swelled with joy as she kissed him back.

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BabalooieBabalooie5 months ago

I liked it. Five stars.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

200 year old scotch

Rancher46Rancher46over 2 years ago

Nice buildup, great ending.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Ending was a savior

Came here for romance and got a nonconsent, where she repeatedly says no and fears since it is her first time both of which is obviously doesnt care. He clearly used her as a vessel to be gentle and confuse her to use her to fulfill his months long desire, and worse she is a non-participant, which makes it more like masturbation session for the guy.

The abrupt ending however was a little savior.

The_PedantThe_Pedantalmost 6 years ago
Not too much romance here!

A couple of love " you"" after a good shag does romance not make!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

all you have to do to win the heart of a shallow man is be prettier than the last girl. i've seen this type of boy many times. i used to envy them till i saw their lives fall apart everytime because they were at heart always shallow...

near1111near1111over 8 years ago

i am from Germany and have to admit that english is the best language to write and read such great love stories. i read a lot of stuff here and this love Scene was one of the very best Scenes i ever saw here. the escalation , his and her doubts and the outcome...simply amazing and worth much more then the 5 stars i give to this Story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Sweet romantic story!

kuroukiphoenyxkuroukiphoenyxabout 11 years ago

Ok story but i feel like there a middle missing... not really a lot of Back story but good beginning and hea ending.

kuroukiphoenyxkuroukiphoenyxabout 11 years ago

Ok story but i feel like there a middle missing... not really a lot of Back story but good beginning and hea ending.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Nicely written

But, he is not the sharpest tool in the box, huh?

Mostera1Mostera1over 12 years ago

Graham hopefully is no longer a prick. He seemed so nasty. The change in him was almost to sudden. Yet love can do wonderful things. Alysa is a sweet girl, hopefully she won't get burned. I enjoyed your story, highly erotic, and pleasurable. I like your style.

Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Graham is a prick

Run away Alyssa, he raped you once and he has more darkness inside. It just won't go away.

oldwayneoldwayneover 12 years ago
This is true erotica!

Thank you for a beautiful story that was full of passion and not some base attempt at writing a stroke story. I hope to see many more of your submissions. This was definitely worth the Five Stars I gave it!

peethreepeethreeover 12 years ago

Enjoyed very much. Like the way you took your time with the story.

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